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Topic subjectA Journalist Has Finally Been Attacked At A Trump Rally
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13313177
13313177, A Journalist Has Finally Been Attacked At A Trump Rally
Posted by Reeq, Tue Feb-12-19 01:08 PM

even a fox news 'real' journalist felt the need to address it:

real violence isnt getting anywhere near the same attention as a rap quote from a muslim congresswoman. but maybe things will change in the next 24 hrs?

will the safety of their journalists supersede the profit motive of media outlets to continue to give this dude a megaphone? (we prolly already know the answer)
13313180, fox was actually the first article i saw showing this
Posted by mista k5, Tue Feb-12-19 01:14 PM
i was pretty sure there have been other journalists attacked at his rallies before. not good.

i have seen clips of trump supporters forcefully removing people and banners of protesters at last night's rally.

dont like it.
13313187, its funny how this type of carnival barking used to get called out
Posted by Reeq, Tue Feb-12-19 01:33 PM
and ridiculed in the past.

now it gets wall to wall coverage and countless headlines.
13313191, Wtf. He looked Mexican
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Feb-12-19 01:41 PM
13313196, a lot of hispanics love trump.
Posted by Reeq, Tue Feb-12-19 01:46 PM
when you look at charlottesville, the proud boys, parkland, etc...you will see last names like cruz, ramos, etc.
13313268, Especially the more whiter ones.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Tue Feb-12-19 04:55 PM
13313193, terrible.
Posted by walihorse, Tue Feb-12-19 01:43 PM
he really is fanning the flames. I mean one journalist has already been killed under his watch. He hasn't tried to stop crazy people like the bomber from last year.

I hope it doesn't happen, but I get the feeling it could.
13313203, the relative soft shoeing and lack of framing by the media
Posted by Reeq, Tue Feb-12-19 01:53 PM
borders on negligence.

*every* extremist murder last year was carried out by right wing culprits.

most of those folks avid trump supporters.

why is this phenomenon not being adequately investigated and covered like the danger to society that it is?
13313259, it's like the media conveniently forgets the trump supporter...
Posted by eclipsedInI, Tue Feb-12-19 04:35 PM
that mailed all those bombs to people on trumps rhetoric list