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Topic subjectDating/marrying a military officer?
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13313027, Dating/marrying a military officer?
Posted by j., Mon Feb-11-19 05:10 PM
I did my 4 year Navy enlistment and have zero idea about officer life
We used to call them the 1% (this is when occupy wall street jumped off)
got beat over the head about the non-fraternizing rule
they were always cool with us, but all we had to say was yes sir/ma'am

FFWD to 2019, I've been out since 2012
Been with my girl for 6 months now
(I posted about her predilection for hocus pocus shit a few weeks back)
we're good, I'm happy with her, she says she's happy with me
what could go wrong?

Couple of weeks ago she hits me with
"I've talked to an Army recruiter and want to go Officer"
me: Weebay.gif

Background: she just got her M.A. (International Trade and Finance), 29 y/o, has been applying for jobs for the past 4 months and all she's got is "thank you for your interest" e-mails and no interviews/offers

Right now she's temping and hustling (tutoring, kids coaching) and stressed the fuck out over her life going nowhere

I told her it took me 6 months after I got my bachelors to get my current federal job but she's not hearing me
She wants to start a career TODAY
I've helped her out and we were talking moving in together/seeing how that goes and getting engaged at some point
(that was before she dropped the Army bomb)

I immediately flashed back to all the fuckery I saw in the Navy:
Dudes and broads cheating on their S.O./spouses on deployment
marriages falling apart on deployment
boat hoes (both genders) running into their S.O.'s arms when we came back

This is all the enlisted side, I imagine officer life can't be much different

I was single when I enlisted, and did my numbers like everyone else
then I got married and fell back
got through my 2 deployments without a dear john call/letter or divorce papers

So I tell her my boat stories, and ask her if she's 100% sure this is what she wants (yes)
Told her about 10 hot dogs for every bun, and how as soon as she gets out of basic it'll be

I'm not into LDR, did that a couple of times back in the day and it's for the birds

she took the ASVAB today, got a 93, and recruiter told her sky's the limit
Some other score qualifies her for OCS after basic and now she's just training for the PT test

At this point I'm just preparing myself for the inevitable
she's highly motivated and I can already see her as one of those "I love the Army" 20-30 year career types

Like I said, my frame of reference is the enlisted life

13313029, Nope. Not for me, personally.
Posted by flipnile, Mon Feb-11-19 05:14 PM
Ever hear some of the stories from women in the military? Hard pass on relationships with them.
13313031, so i guess the biggest issue would be fidelity to you?
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon Feb-11-19 05:20 PM
13313110, the military isn't built for sustainable healthy relationships
Posted by j., Tue Feb-12-19 10:37 AM
dating, marriage, family, kids
all of that falls behind the needs of (insert branch)
I'm not worried about her stepping out
so much as the environment and the people that are conducive to that behavior
shit my mom was in the AF and married twice to co-workers
both of them did dirt and bounced
that's how I grew up
13313035, Is this the woman who does the pendulum?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Feb-11-19 05:47 PM
13313106, Yeah, wonder what the tarot cards say
Posted by j., Tue Feb-12-19 10:28 AM
no hocus pocus since then
13313037, My mom was a Navy Nurse
Posted by handle, Mon Feb-11-19 05:55 PM
Great move for her, but it wasn't "regular Navy" it's being a Nurse.

No shooting people or being shot at.

No horror stories, other than "politics" can definitely stop your career DEAD in the military.

Now she's set with a good retirements plan, healthcare/etc.

13313045, My brother was an officer in the Navy
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Feb-11-19 07:11 PM
He went to the Naval Academy so he was younger.. but dude has nothing but awesome/terrible man whore stories.
13313047, Oh well, you had fun. It's over though.
Posted by isaaaa, Mon Feb-11-19 07:45 PM

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg
13313049, you already know...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Feb-11-19 08:04 PM
so obvious you like her :-)
but, i think you’re moving too fast...

13313108, She's one of the great ones (c) Sonny
Posted by j., Tue Feb-12-19 10:31 AM
She's saying all the movie cliches
I'm just along for the ride until I drop her off at the airport
it is what it is, she chose the military life over me so
I'll be heartbroken, depressed, time will heal, then I'll be out in these streets again (FML)
13313113, At the airport like: https://thumbs.gfycat.com/LateRaggedKiskadee-size_restricted.gif
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Feb-12-19 10:41 AM
13313101, You already know lol
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Feb-12-19 10:17 AM
13313111, I had to stop and take a breather at "boat ho"...
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Feb-12-19 10:40 AM
13313117, that's some real shit, I was a Marine and we had base hoes lol...
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Feb-12-19 10:48 AM
everything else was exactly like he said the "10 hotdogs for every bun" lol, the rampant infidelity and marriages falling apart. I know all that stuff happens in civilian like but in the military it seems like everything is times 10 lol, like a big ass soap opera. I've got a gang of stories lol.
13313185, What kind of jobs is she looking at?
Posted by Cam, Tue Feb-12-19 01:26 PM
I stumbled upon a specific recruiter, in DC, for Association jobs.
A quick glance, I see a bunch broadly related to International Trade and Finance.
13313313, finance, admin, things like that
Posted by j., Tue Feb-12-19 07:38 PM
but it's the army so still gotta bust guns and whatnot