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Topic subjectworking the weekend isnt too bad
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13310152, working the weekend isnt too bad
Posted by rdhull, Tue Jan-29-19 11:43 AM
Mainly because being a skeleton crew, you dont have to deal with the regular workplace bs/workers.

"Why do you think I asked for this shift?"-Colleague

13310232, I'd trade Saturday for Monday, if I could
Posted by flipnile, Tue Jan-29-19 03:05 PM
Come in on Saturday (my new Friday) and NO ONE would be here. Gloriously quiet. And then Monday off?

Would be like 3 days off almost because I like my work, but hate the office nonsense.
13310288, People forget you can still get off at a good time.
Posted by Paps_Smear, Tue Jan-29-19 05:28 PM
Get out of work around 3pm you got the rest of Saturday to do what you want. Then you're off Sunday and Monday.

Those used to be my favorite days off.
13310368, probably depends on the job, but yeah...
Posted by PROMO, Tue Jan-29-19 11:13 PM
i used to work weekends and i loved it.

made better tip money and worked swing shifts so i didn't have to wake up SUPER early and got off early enough to go party.