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Topic subjectdo they still allow corp punishment at school in your state ?
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13295887, do they still allow corp punishment at school in your state ?
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Nov-05-18 03:41 PM
they do in GA.

did you get spanked in school? I did. usually with a ruler to the palm. later, in middle school, a drum stick.

what would you do if your child got spanked in school?
13295888, Don't know many details but Florida still has it.
Posted by Marbles, Mon Nov-05-18 03:44 PM

I doubt that surprises anyone.
13295928, nope, not at all.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 09:05 AM
> I doubt that surprises anyone.

GA is right there too.
13295890, Not that I'm aware of...we got jacked/hemmed/snatched up
Posted by ambient1, Mon Nov-05-18 03:52 PM
or smacked in the back of the head by certain male teachers in middle school...high school... yeah right lol

other than that...nah

I know 3 people who swung on teachers in middle or high school...
and another dude who whipped a bus driver's ass...one on one

>what would you do if your child got spanked in school?
I know my son and would love to know the reason said person decided to lay hands....and after I hear their explanation...I wait for my channel bracelets because I done knocked em str8 out....if it's a lady, his mom's would knock said chic str8 out
13295914, lmaooooooo
Posted by kingjerm78, Tue Nov-06-18 12:18 AM
13295908, Better Question: Does it work?
Posted by rorschach, Mon Nov-05-18 09:06 PM
13295924, the evidence says no.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 08:57 AM
13295915, if my child got spanked for doing something wrong, so be it
Posted by Ray_Snill, Tue Nov-06-18 01:11 AM
when I did something bad enough for a spanking I got spanked and I'm better off for it

13295918, word? you saw the alternate universe where you weren't spanked?
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Nov-06-18 07:00 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13295926, that's that good old school logic.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 09:02 AM
sure, a lot of turned out alright with spankings. however that doesn't mean that we'd be locked up if spanking didn't occur. the lessons can be learned without it.

I'm definitely not gonna allow my child to be punished like that in school. there are a lot more ways to handle things, especially with younger kids.
13295917, I got it once in pre-school. Ruler to the hand
Posted by Jonjuan, Tue Nov-06-18 01:14 AM
I live in Sweden now. Hitting a child in any way is illegal here. Shit is crazy to me but now I'm drinking the kool-aid. I understand spanking but I'm now against it.
13295927, what's the punishment for hitting children?
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 09:05 AM
what alternatives are pushed in lieu of it?
13296149, People don't do it so I don't know the punishment
Posted by Jonjuan, Wed Nov-07-18 01:44 AM
I know an Italian tourist got taken to jail for spanking his kid in a restaurant but I don't know the final penalty. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a fine though. Like weed here is mad demonized but the most you get is a fine. I'll look it up now and get back...
13296150, I found a case where some parents got 9 months in jail
Posted by Jonjuan, Wed Nov-07-18 01:57 AM
Of course they also got a fine of roughly 3k (US).
13296214, thanks for getting back.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Nov-07-18 10:40 AM
I wonder if that would work here. prolly not cuz folks like to beat their kids and the gubment still allows it.
13295930, i was spanked...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Nov-06-18 09:39 AM
A wooden paddle
hurt like hell too but I wouldn’t cry
I earn it...

I think there are levels to it...
you see my child cuss out an elder....pop him in the mouth
doing what that kid did...bust him in the mouth
I’m of the opinion that it takes a village

13295946, takes a village, cool.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 10:32 AM
village hitting my kids? nope.

that kid fighting the teacher was an anomaly. yes it happens, but most kids aren't doing that and don't respond well to getting hit by teachers.
13295983, then control your child...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Nov-06-18 12:38 PM
If your child is that disrespectful there’s something the parent isn’t doing.

speaking in terms of what is abnormal
Not just because the child walked in my grass.

13296011, nah
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 02:31 PM
teachers don't need to engage with children that way. they are already asked to do too much in general.

that's a dangerous path to have teachers bustin kids in the mouth and having some parents agreeing with it. and likely bustin'em in the mouth again once they're home.

hit my kids, we fightin.

13296006, what if your kid told you they smelled alcohol on the teacher's breath
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Nov-06-18 02:04 PM
or you found out that they only hit the black kids in the class

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13296015, let’s not deal with the what if’s...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Nov-06-18 02:46 PM
Im talking about a child being disrespectful to an adult.

Ain’t nobody condoning that kind of behavior in the examples you’re giving lol

13296040, your whole argument is based on a what if
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Nov-06-18 03:50 PM
13296163, the whole conversation is a what if
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Nov-07-18 04:58 AM
are you high right now?

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13295932, I had no clue US schools ever did this let alone still do...
Posted by gumz, Tue Nov-06-18 09:44 AM
I grew up in a 3rd world country so we got straight up whoopings (with rulers, twigs...etc.) at school up until around middle school cause teachers knew at that age the kids would square up on them.
13295947, I don't hear about it so much now.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 10:35 AM
I was kinda surprised it was still legal in some places tho.

we didn't get twigs (we call them switches), but rulers and paddles were pretty common.
13295962, Even if they did thats the green light for me to fight a teacher
Posted by Tw3nty, Tue Nov-06-18 11:48 AM
13295975, correct response
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Nov-06-18 12:13 PM
13296013, I may fight a teacher regardless of gender if they hit my kids
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Nov-06-18 02:39 PM
13296047, I got hit with the paddle in K and 4th grade.
Posted by kingjerm78, Tue Nov-06-18 04:06 PM
that wouldn't fly today tho
13296234, I dont THINK so
Posted by infin8, Wed Nov-07-18 11:00 AM
In Flint, I got a ruler to the palm. I had a pencil in my hand and I thought there was pencil lead stuck in my hand.

I think my momma gave the teacher a high-five.

They also had paddles. I got paddled once by the vice principal for a food fight/fight in the cafeteria. And once by the teacher, I forget why tho.


before there was G-Phi-G, there was Dort Elementary.