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Topic subjectHow hard was it to part with your vinyl collection?
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13294852, How hard was it to part with your vinyl collection?
Posted by hip bopper, Mon Oct-29-18 12:37 PM
In making my way abroad and no matter where I decide to move I cannot take my vinyl collection with me. I have close to 2000 vinyl records. This will definitely be the hardest thing to let go of. I’m okay with keeping my music to just digital only, but I will definitely miss that vinyl sound. Downsizing sucks big time, but when you just need to travel and move with your essentials then I need my computer more than my vinyl.
13294854, Damn that sucks....wheres the list?
Posted by tully_blanchard, Mon Oct-29-18 12:43 PM
Not sure if I'd be able to do it fam..

Especially my Prince collection. I worked too hard for too long for what I got. Nobody you could leave them with here, just to hold them for you?

If not...we can work on getting them to Atlanta...


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The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13294856, RE: Damn that sucks....wheres the list?
Posted by hip bopper, Mon Oct-29-18 01:09 PM
>Not sure if I'd be able to do it fam..
Trust and believe I know it’s going to be a painful decision.

>Especially my Prince collection. I worked too hard for too
>long for what I got. Nobody you could leave them with here,
>just to hold them for you?
I have a couple of my old school cats who have been trying to get my collection from me, and have offered me a pretty penny for them. I don’t want to leave them here at my house. My dad is sick and when my nieces and nephew come over they would have a field day with them. I would be coming back a few times a year to check on my dad.

>If not...we can work on getting them to Atlanta...
Thanks for the offer.
13294857, I'm probably around 3.5k, and i'm not parting with mine
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-29-18 01:17 PM
Hopefully I can find a young DJ to give them to when I get old, or else I'll open an online record shop and sell them as a retirement job. Last time I moved and couldn't fit mine I put them in storage for a year.
13294858, So let me ask...
Posted by hip bopper, Mon Oct-29-18 01:19 PM
If you were moving abroad what would you do?
13294862, Nag my parents to let me keep them in the basement
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-29-18 01:29 PM
>If you were moving abroad what would you do?

If that failed, and I had the money available, I'd think about putting them in storage ($65/mo * 12mos = $780).

How long are you planning on staying? If it's more that a year or two then the storage might not be economically feasible.

I'm a homeowner, so best-case scenario for me would be having the means to keep my house while I live overseas for a few. An overseas move without that would really suck for me because I have a bunch of tools, weights, plants and bikes as well. I'm pretty rooted here.
13294928, RE: Nag my parents to let me keep them in the basement
Posted by hip bopper, Mon Oct-29-18 05:43 PM
>>If you were moving abroad what would you do?
>If that failed, and I had the money available, I'd think about
>putting them in storage ($65/mo * 12mos = $780).
>How long are you planning on staying? If it's more that a year
>or two then the storage might not be economically feasible.
>I'm a homeowner, so best-case scenario for me would be having
>the means to keep my house while I live overseas for a few. An
>overseas move without that would really suck for me because I
>have a bunch of tools, weights, plants and bikes as well. I'm
>pretty rooted here.

I am not trying to pay for storage for things that I don’t have the space for. If I don’t have the room then I have to part with them. This is in essence a permanent move. I will be back in the states a few times a year, but my stay will be short. Moving abroad I believe will teach anyone that you only take what you can take and what you don’t have room for you have to do without to some degree. I own my house too, but I can’t leave my vinyl here and I won’t pay for the storage. Different directions in life will take you places that will force you to decide what’s important to YOU!!!!
13294861, You don't have to part with them - and if you do
Posted by handle, Mon Oct-29-18 01:21 PM
I got rid of almost all of my records and CDs.

I sold some for a good price to a few folks (bulk sell) and donated the rest to charity. I really don't miss them at all, but I'm not a DJ and while I like big covers and liner notes I don't fiend for them.

But you could properly box the records and rent a small storage unit for a few hundred a year since you don't need a huge space. 2000 Records is like 2 IKEA Kallax units, those should fit in a small space. The rental is worth it so your friends and family don't let you down. and if paying like $20 a month would reduce anxiety then it's totally worth it, IMHO.

But getting rid of my record and CDs (I kept a few hundred, down for a few thousand) was no big deal. And I could get rid of all the others - with the exception of ones that are autographed or one of a kinds - that would take me down to about 10.

Did the same with a lot of my books too. And clothes.

I don't miss them much - BUT I do have enough money (middle class y'all) where I could replace them if I ever really needed too - if I'd have done this when I was poor it'd feel like getting rid of everything and I'd have felt a little desperate.
13294874, psssh...my shxt are in storage
Posted by infin8, Mon Oct-29-18 02:08 PM
it's hard.

Even though I'm not goin hard with music, when I'm in my sunken place it's a dope outlet and I don't have one.

AND I got summa my brother's shxt. I know he wants his joints.
13294951, ^^^^^^
Posted by Ray_Snill, Mon Oct-29-18 10:19 PM

13294877, if you rent storage, shop around
Posted by fif, Mon Oct-29-18 02:15 PM
storage outside cities is usually cheaper. basically, look for a storage facility with a location that is inconvenient to the bulk of humanity in the area
13294883, storage!
Posted by , Mon Oct-29-18 02:33 PM
And make sure to put them in plastic storage bins.

Do not store in a basement if you are coastal. Too much humidity and weather change that will leave your cardboard problematic.

IMO, the amount to time it likely took you to buy all of that music, is worth a small storage unit or a safe a place above ground.

13294892, i'm not getting rid of mine
Posted by Johnny, Mon Oct-29-18 03:21 PM
I had mine in storage in for about two years when I moved back to NJ from LA.
Went back and shipped them to me when I got tired of that storage bill
13294929, I had about 6 crates worth get warped once
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-29-18 05:46 PM
leaving them at a friends when I was between places and had nowhere for them.... never again. never.
13294994, In the attic or next to the water heater?
Posted by flipnile, Tue Oct-30-18 09:50 AM
Can't imagine a basement getting hot enough to warp records.

Problem with the basements here in Philly is the moisture. I'd need a dehumidifier on for half the year or the covers would be all fuzzy and green.
13295029, Where did your friends store them?
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 11:19 AM
13295065, well let me tell you
Posted by PG, Tue Oct-30-18 12:45 PM
basically used the crates as shelving for stereo components (heavy ones) facing a south facing window where they sat in direct sun most of the day.

I still have a few of the records that I just couldn't get rid of and the sweep was tolerable or added character (aw crap who am I kidding my heart is still broken over some of those records I've lost.. rare punk I can't find online, a ton of my dads prized gems... muggafuip this story sucks)
13295068, RE: well let me tell you
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 12:49 PM
13295096, https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7iq4iqDW41ql4n3ko6_r1_250.gif
Posted by PG, Tue Oct-30-18 01:46 PM
13294932, Those that say storage, is it really economical to do that?
Posted by hip bopper, Mon Oct-29-18 05:55 PM
I just want to live modest and not be elaborate outside of the US. To just keep things in storage and not really have the room for them, and to get adjusted iwith not living in the states will show you what is important. Not to be connected to material things. Some things are really harder than others to part with, but we are faced with life decisions that makes us have to part with things that are dear to us.
13294944, I get all of that, I really do.
Posted by tully_blanchard, Mon Oct-29-18 09:09 PM
I just don't see myself being able to get rid of my records.

Sounds like you jut need to list them on Discogs and sell them off that way. Or let your friends buy them off you.


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13295028, I never thought that I would see that day either...
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 11:17 AM
but in terms of space I only want room for the essentials. I do have a couple of older cats that want my entire collection.

I have narrowed down a couple of places abroad and there just isn’t any room for my records.
13295093, Well, I can speak for most cats on here
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Oct-30-18 01:40 PM
If you put them up for sale, or even wanted to give them away...theres plenty of collectors on here that would give them a happy home.


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13295699, If anytbing just keep the gems...
Posted by blueeclipse, Fri Nov-02-18 04:05 PM
Hang onto the ones that mean the most to you.....unless its a slippery slope
13294949, Like emotionally or finding a buyer?
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Oct-29-18 10:15 PM
I was at a point where I wasn't really interested in buying vinyl anymore and hardly ever listened to it but it still had a lot of value to me. Took a lot of time and digging to get all that and thus also had a lot of memories and places attached. But I was moving to a new place without a ton of extra space and decided it would be better to let it go. I still get some pangs of regret here and there but overall I'm still okay with my decision.

I listed them on craigslist. Someone local bought all the hip hop, and a guy from Texas had his friend pick up the rest. I basically had to give away my turntables. Apparently people just want cheapo Crosley junk and don't want to pay for quality equipment.

Got rid of my CDs too. Same thing - lots of sentimental value but otherwise just taking up space.
13295031, Definitely emotional
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 11:21 AM
So I assume that you do digital now correct?
13295069, Yeah, I've been doing the streaming thing for years
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Oct-30-18 12:49 PM
When I started using a streaming service is pretty much when I stopped buying CDs. But I got into vinyl later.
13295071, RE: Yeah, I've been doing the streaming thing for years
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 12:54 PM
I would do vinyl and cassette for a long while. I did get into CD’s very briefly, but when I started getting the older jazz recordings on CD and heard how awful the quality was I stopped buying CD’s. Just have to adjust to streaming only.
13294957, shit I had mine in a climate controlled storage unit for almost 4 years
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Oct-30-18 01:20 AM
when we moved out of a house we were renting into an apartment I didnt have room for them or most of my gear. I had no where to put them and I wasnt gonna get rid of them. So we got a storage unit for my gear and our appliances. It literally had a fridge, washer, dryer, 3 boxes of household stuff. Then all my records, tables, mixer, drum machine, sampler, etc. Lucky my wife never once asked me to get rid of them. She was fine with the cost of storage.
13295033, You’re a good one!!!!
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 11:26 AM
I definitely wouldn’t have keep them in storage that long.
13295149, i mean the goal was always get a house with my own studio
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Oct-30-18 06:32 PM
not gonna get rid of everything right before that happens. Now I got my space for everything. I can go in there to get away from everyone.
13295154, With that in mind I see why you kept the storage.
Posted by hip bopper, Tue Oct-30-18 07:21 PM
As for me I am not trying to start a studio, it’s more for collection and to play the records occasionally.
13295166, I aint recording shit in it.
Posted by RobOne4, Tue Oct-30-18 11:42 PM
its just my fortress of solitude. I can go in there and listen to music and mess around on my tables and gear and not be disturbed.
13295084, I'll help. I'll take things off your hands. You'll know they have a good home
Posted by Hitokiri, Tue Oct-30-18 01:23 PM
home and that i won't abuse or mistreat them
13295089, Digitize and move on
Posted by Sleepy, Tue Oct-30-18 01:33 PM
It's hella hard, but it can be done.

If sell it to someone who you know will take care of it. And then I'd just move on with life as an ex-pat. No one has space for that if it's not part of your income. It's hard, but just let it go.

I've given many of my records to people who could get them played in public. They were just taking up space at my place being spun every once in a while. But I also know the people who I have them to would cherish them like I did.

It's almost like having to get rid of a pet. But you know it's for the best for everyone.
13295181, Will you have the space? (Edit: Saw post #19)
Posted by flipnile, Wed Oct-31-18 08:26 AM
Shipping is also an option. I've heard you can find some not-too-expensive shipping if you're okay with it taking a few weeks to get to you on a ship (as well as the rough handling... pack well). Ever thought about being an DJ wherever you move to?


I've thought about this, and I'd have to leave a lot of stuff behind if I moved abroad. The motorcycles I can get over there, as well as new tools and plants. I'd hate to leave the records tho. Been collecting since I was 16. Almost everything was dug (I rarely buy new vinyl).
13295387, RE: Will you have the space? (Edit: Saw post #19)
Posted by hip bopper, Thu Nov-01-18 02:33 AM
>Ever thought about being an DJ
>wherever you move to?
Nah not really... won’t have the time to any of that. I will be busy with my foundation.

>I've thought about this, and I'd have to leave a lot of stuff
>behind if I moved abroad. The motorcycles I can get over
>there, as well as new tools and plants. I'd hate to leave the
>records tho. Been collecting since I was 16. Almost everything
>was dug (I rarely buy new vinyl).

What it will be tough to have things shipped. A motorcycle would definitely be tough to get shipped.

Space for my records? Nah there won’t be any room for that. Going completely digital will have to suffice. I will still get to hear what I want to a lesser degree.
13295536, What digital streams do you all use?
Posted by hip bopper, Thu Nov-01-18 02:58 PM
13295549, Means too much to me....
Posted by blueeclipse, Thu Nov-01-18 05:22 PM
I'm not sure what you background is as to why you started your collection, but I have a very sentimental attachment to my collection and it would take a lot for me to get rid of it.

My Dad gave me 3 crates of records and his old stereo from college when I was 11. I spent that whole summer listening to all those records and it brought me and my Dad closer cause he didn't expect me to get into the music of the vinyl as much as I did.

My parents got a divorce and I couldn't take them with me so he kept them in a storage for a while in between moves. He got sick and the storage ended up getting auctioned along with all those records.

My Dad passed a few years later.

I went to therapy and I talked a lot about how much I missed listening to records with my Dad or just talking about music in general.

The therapist suggested I go out and try to find some of those records again. So about 10 years ago I started getting every record we'd had in those crates and then I just kept going. It was extremely cathartic and now I don't know what they hell I would do if I couldn't go out every week and look for records. The unknown of if is really exciting and the comfort of seeing a tangible representation of my travels with music and with my memories with my Dad is priceless to me.

If you even have to go back and forth about a storage or trying to put them aside even a little bit then you should probably move on. I just know that I would do whatever it took to make sure I held on to mine.