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Topic subjectIdiots at work
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13293494, Idiots at work
Posted by handle, Tue Oct-23-18 12:04 PM
Do you work with idiots?

ME TOO!!!!!!!
13293496, not directly, but they are all around me
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Oct-23-18 12:06 PM
13293499, Mine are more like sheepish trolls
Posted by flipnile, Tue Oct-23-18 12:09 PM
They certainly aren't idiots, however almost every day I find myself thinking "why the fuck would you do that?" about a coworker's behaviour in the office.

I think many just need attention, and the job is a bigger high school cafeteria for them.
13293501, oh, certainly.
Posted by infin8, Tue Oct-23-18 12:11 PM
13293503, it's literally my job
Posted by ambient1, Tue Oct-23-18 12:20 PM
13293505, Some idiot microwaved fish yesterday
Posted by bentagain, Tue Oct-23-18 12:24 PM
You could smell it in the conference room

13293573, I’m adding McDonald’s cheese to the list
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Oct-23-18 02:18 PM
Of shit you can’t microwave at work. The microwave and the path that person took back to their desk smelled like ass vomit.
13293506, Not really
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Oct-23-18 12:28 PM
Its mostly just go-getter types who stay doing way too much instead
13293511, ^ this. I worked with idiots my whole career, then 2 years ago ...
Posted by Brew, Tue Oct-23-18 12:43 PM
... moved to a small company as a consultant of sorts. Much more my speed, I have far more autonomy and control ... but yea I see a lot more of what you said now, than I do idiots. Which is preferable by a long shot but still annoying in some ways, at times.
13293569, Not anymore. I work with tech nerds now
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Oct-23-18 02:01 PM
It’s quiet for the most part but the sales team is right next to me. I have music on all day.

New dude is a little simple tho.. definitely a hunt and fish Trumpster.
13293585, constant conflict with direct manager
Posted by double negative, Tue Oct-23-18 02:51 PM
it's weird to work a job where you care about your work because I'm always getting into it with my manager.

we've yelled at each other a ton of times.

it's coming down to language and understanding.

I say "i need to redesign this part here because..."

and he will fly off the handle with a disproportionate response "HOLD UP! We didnt agree to designing the whole thing..THE WHOLE THING?!"

and then we have to talk it through.

I mean, I'm making it better, but still...some days I want to just open up a bottle and politic with dude. we're at odds.
13293646, "What are those?" <-- an idiot
Posted by infin8, Tue Oct-23-18 05:19 PM
I almost bit a hole in my tongue, trying to stop from giving an unprofessional response.

I am a purchasing agent.

I made 2 purchases, one in January and one in June, for a certain unit in my department.

The vendor wants their money. We don't pay unless we have

1) a purchase order
2) info in our system that indicates the items were inventoried
3) a signature of receipt from the end user.

Payment is being held up by 'the idiot'. The idiots name is all over the purchasing requests and the PO's.

I sat a copy of each open order in her chair, and when I asked later if she'd received them she said.


That's all the proof that the shxt went to you!! so where are the signed receipts so we can pay these people?!