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Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 10:42 AM
all things this week that are not friday...
13287882, MONDAY
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 10:43 AM
13287883, i'm having a very difficult time staying awake right now.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Sep-24-18 10:45 AM
13287907, lol are you even at work?
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 11:26 AM
13287913, lol
Posted by mista k5, Mon Sep-24-18 11:34 AM
13287914, physically present. that about it.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Sep-24-18 11:35 AM
five day work week this week. maybe i'll call out on Friday Haha.
13287884, ok ok
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 10:45 AM
not going to complain about it.. but yeah it's Monday so we all know.

Last weeks productivity had it's moments.. not sure I hit the mark I was really looking for.

that said I was busting my butt yesterday doing the things that need doing so I'm just going to try and keep that energy rolling here.

must go get coffee now... beers are chilling at home so there is a frosty light at the end of the Monday tunnel

Go players go!!!
13287893, no uber for me this week
Posted by mista k5, Mon Sep-24-18 11:07 AM
too tired friday, reunion ended pretty late saturday. not too bothered by it but it would had been good to recoup the costs of the things i bought. need to be on it this weekend.

looking like i might need to replace a tire which i hope doesnt turn into 4. its been slowly deflating faster than the rest for months. in about a month it would be like 5 psi lower than the rest. got the oil changed a couple of weeks ago and let them know, they checked the tired and supposedly fixed two flats. one seems solid but this tire was like 10 psi lower that same night, went back and they seemed to fix it but told me it might not hold and might need a replacement.

feel like they sabotaged it, never get an oil change at a tire shop and have them look at the tires lol. now its losing 10 psi in under a week. gonna take it to a shop after work.

my coworker has been planning a 10 day vacation for months. it starts next wednesday. a month ago she told me that i would need to cover her while shes gone. its a system i dont use and at the time i didnt have solid access to it. got the access fixed within a week that she told me and i let her know. supposedly she was going to put together some instructions and show me what she does and how to do it. still nada. if you can show someone what you do in under a week....

listening to this drogas wave, really digging it. why did i just realize drogas was drugs in spanish, since drogas light i was thinking it was something about dragons lol
13287909, I knew it
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 11:29 AM
knew your reunion was going to put the 6 on that..... dam about the tires... usually a good idea to do at least 2 at once if not all 4.. having a difference in your tires can produce some wonky wear and tear on them imo.. sucks I know but seriously I'd do 2 at a time.
13287912, thats true
Posted by mista k5, Mon Sep-24-18 11:34 AM
last time i only replaced on and it was a used one with similar wear but i was going to trade the car in that week. dont think i want to do that with this car. really hoping this shop can fix the flat and i can push replacing the tires until next year.
13287901, I had a really weird dream this morning...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Sep-24-18 11:18 AM
must be the bad coffee I’m still drinking lol

I was somewhere. trying to escape from the people chasing me.
I was doing well
until one of the guys got close...I felt myself panicking
then I woke up...

The weird part...it had religious undertones
13287906, god is telling you to get some decent coffee.
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 11:26 AM
13287915, lol
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Sep-24-18 11:35 AM
My body is accustomed to Tim Horton.
it’ll be a week or so before I have more

I’m not going to sleep. like. nightmare of elm street steez lol
13287917, last day of the 4 day weekend...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Sep-24-18 11:38 AM
just finished watching Paid in Full (no idea why I never watched it before)...good flick. About to go pick up some BBQ and come back and watch another movie. Life is good (c)Mitch
13287891, Had another observation about dept. vs. dept work culture
Posted by flipnile, Mon Sep-24-18 11:04 AM
I'm an IT dude, but work with the marketing/PR department. I've ounfd that I'm MUCH more comfortable around the IT weirdos than the PR folks. Folks in IT are seriously weird, yet we all make eye contact and speak to each other. Folks seem pretty calm and self-contained. In the IT department, there's the background hum of servers, quiet hushed voices and people having debates about network setup, databases being upgraded and equipment roll-outs. I just want to smack the ground twice and get to work when I'm down here. My mind can wander and open up, and I'm research new languages and frameworks, thinking about concepts, ideas and design patterns.

Folks in PR? Well, they appear to be normal, but half don't make eye contact or speak to me. There's the grating sounds of the non-stop walkers that drag their feet across the carpet, the dude banging on his keyboard, and loud & boisterous conversations and laughter about everything but work. I just want to leave. I'm in a constant state of reboot when I sit here, as EVERY SINGLE TIME I get the ol' brain booted and loaded with today's tasks, I get blue-screened by a coworker crumbling flip book paper and stapling a new one to the wall right behind my desk. After a while, I can think of nothing but wanting to get the F* away from these people.

The difference for me is literally a day of stress, anxiety and anger vs. a day of relatively-peaceful, quiet productivity. I'm in IT now. The quiet is flowing over me like a warm summer breeze. I'm not going back. Going to force the issue.
13287900, I live in my headphones as much as possible
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 11:16 AM
one reason why I'm always digging crates and picking things up... an album kills a good 45 mins.. 1.5 hrs for a double album.... music is the lifeblood of focus in this environment.
13287898, Going to CA for vacation on Wednesday
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Sep-24-18 11:13 AM
Just gotta get through today and tomorrow and then everyone can smdftb for two weeks.

Going to the Porsche Rennsport Reunion at Laguna Seca for a few days and then SF. If anyone has any recommendations for the Monterey area, I would like to hear them. SF too I guess. I've been there a bunch of times for work but could always use some new spots.
13287911, I liked SF... gotta head back there some time.... enjoy!
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 11:30 AM
13287922, fuck it, i'm that dude thats excited to go to work on monday
Posted by double negative, Mon Sep-24-18 12:00 PM
not all the time

but there are times when I think to myself

"fuck yeah, I get to go do some shit"

got to the office and I've been hit with the bullshit stick so my energy to get stuff done has been taken down a peg but I'm still game to get stuff moving.

Im about to dig into my work finally
13287927, yeah.. it's good when it can be like that
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 12:18 PM
I get close to that at times... it's always somewhat fleeting though... might get through a day or two.. haerd to carry that energy through the whole week... that's what I'm shooting for right now. a week of kicking ass.
13287929, ya know what gets me through the week? clarity.
Posted by double negative, Mon Sep-24-18 12:31 PM
if I know what I did and what I need to do I am good.

if what I did elicits a response either negative or positive then I'm good.

if I know what I'm doing is helping people/the organization then I'm good.

where I lose energy is not know what I'm doing, or not knowing if what I'm doing is needed - like breaking my neck to make a deadline only to get a bunch of silence after being yelled at to make things happen

I love energy and stop giving a fuck when my job is reduced down to "Do this because I say so, ignore the fact that you are taking on a pointless task and that we are burning millions of dollars on a bad solution...just do it and stop asking hard questions"

so, I started trying to act like I'm the pimp and everyone owes me something

be it a "yeah I got it" email

or a "Oh, you're right we do need to talk about that thing you sent out"

or "NO, the answer is NO" - which is fine, tell me a no, just don't fucking pretend like I did not ask you for something

assholes get shit done. I'm far from reaching true asshole levels but its something I am starting to think about
13287984, I like your argument lol
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Sep-24-18 03:14 PM
I honestly can’t imagine working in an office again. I reflected on it while dropping the kids off at school this morning.

watching people on their way to work...

13287937, i started teaching Biology at a community college 2 weeks ago
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Mon Sep-24-18 01:02 PM
first time ever teaching in my life. Going well so far but...

already had a student plagiarize. I gave these motherfuckers an opportunity for extra credit. Shit was due at noon last tuesday. Nigga submitted his shit at 3pm last Tuesday. I read it and it sounded very familiar. I copy and pasted his paragraphs into Google and that shit took me to an abstract where this motherfucka cut and paste that shit word-for-fucking-word.

I took that shit personally. I felt disrespected. Like damn, nigga if you gonna plagiarize at least be slick with it. Switch the sentences around, through in a few of your own words at least. Smh.

13287962, smh.. that kid is rude... make an example
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 02:21 PM
can't let that slide.
13287986, You're gonna give it back with a big red "X" on it, right?
Posted by flipnile, Mon Sep-24-18 03:17 PM
And the printout (or link) to where he copied from?

Dude needs to learn a lesson for that lazy dickhead shit. You might be helping him out in the future, as he thinks that kinda shit is cool, until he gets his card pulled in a more serious situation.
13288058, i gave that nigga a ZERO
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Tue Sep-25-18 08:58 AM
and sent him the link where he copied the shit from..
and i sent him a copy of the schools code of conduct...

im gonna have a talk with him tonight also.

13288099, straight embarrassment
Posted by adg87, Tue Sep-25-18 10:50 AM
I would be shook at that meeting if I was dude.
13288155, this is you tonite...THE HUNT IS ON!!!!
Posted by LAbeathustla, Tue Sep-25-18 12:59 PM
13288326, sharif used to get into allllll types a SHIT....
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Wed Sep-26-18 09:59 AM

man, this nigga had the NERVE to ask me if he could do the extra credit assignment.
the shit was DUE yesterday at noon. NIGGA asked me at the END of class. We already went over the shit and everything.

13287957, Created a dope infographic for the gig.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-24-18 02:13 PM
Now I’m working on improving the landing pages. It’s cool and frustrating because I have total freedom but within a rigid template.

Some people hate stock photos but I love them. Well, I love digging they them to find one that works well for me.

Now it’s time to draw some icons.

Kinda weird how much I get paid to do this. Sometimes I get anxious but then I realize I deserve even more than I’m making and my last gig had me all types of fucked up. Can’t believe I stayed at a toxic place for so long but then again, I was trying to get out, I think they hit me with the tea cup.

Wife’s car cost $600 to fix. I’m mad. Every time we get a little paper some bullshit pops up and takes it.
13287961, vehicles can smell cash influx... then they pat your pockets like
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 02:20 PM
"gimme that" they say.. grill all in your face... vehicles stay in our pockets.
13287963, Bro I got rid of my car because I *fear* inspection time
Posted by flipnile, Mon Sep-24-18 02:26 PM
Every time I gotta come out of pocket at least $1k. Every time they "find something that needs to be fix before I can pass inspection"

My lady just copped a new whip, so mine is gone. I prefer the moto anyway because I do all the work (no shop to BS me).
13287994, draw...icons? what black magic are you speaking of?
Posted by double negative, Mon Sep-24-18 04:04 PM
only icons I'm touching are things I've grabbed from the noun project
13287993, I saved an huge Owl, Climbed a Mtn Trail and Washed the wife's car Sat!
Posted by Case_One, Mon Sep-24-18 03:45 PM
Pic of Owl

Vidoe of Owl

Current Favorite Song: https://youtu.be/8v_KFHnPImY

"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins
13287995, yoooooooo!
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 04:05 PM
way to go man! that owl looks cool.. owls kick ass.. and mad props to you for saving that guy... ps I hit you with the request (that's me A.L.)
13288014, !!! that's so cool, man
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Sep-24-18 04:47 PM
big ups to you for that
13288001, i'm such a dumbass lol :-(
Posted by shygurl, Mon Sep-24-18 04:17 PM
Sitting at home, trying to enjoy my last day of a three day weekend, trying to create an ambient and relaxing atmosphere. Sitting on my couch with no pants on, I light a match to light a candle.

The match breaks in half right at the point of ignition. The lit match head proceeds to tumble to my thighs, first singeing the left thigh then as I scramble to grab and extinguish the match singes the right thigh. The still lit match slides between the couch cushion. I hurriedly pull up couch cushion, the match has been extinguished and I haven't set myself or my apartment on fire. I light the candle with an automatic lighter.

I uhm love the feel of lighting matches, but I kinda am scared to use them right now? Maybe in a few months. Smh.
13288002, amazing the stupid things we do in a panic
Posted by mista k5, Mon Sep-24-18 04:23 PM
i know ive had my fair share of moments while attempting to cook
13288004, when I think of all the flammable shit I had around....
Posted by shygurl, Mon Sep-24-18 04:27 PM
Fools and babies smh
13288011, first thing came to mind
Posted by PG, Mon Sep-24-18 04:42 PM
this scene:


lmao... we've all been there. fire is no joke.
13288018, lol. yup! With that same chagrined look at the end.
Posted by shygurl, Mon Sep-24-18 04:58 PM
I don't even remember that scene, I gotta watch The Big Lebowski again soon.
13288195, Reason why I don't smoke bud w/ no clothes on
Posted by flipnile, Tue Sep-25-18 02:25 PM
Cherry always falls off when it's right over the sword & jewels.
13288089, counting down the seconds until my coworker goes on vacation
Posted by mista k5, Tue Sep-25-18 10:33 AM
maybe i can call in sick until then
13288104, TUESDAY
Posted by PG, Tue Sep-25-18 11:10 AM
I wanted to type in wednesday because I actually thought it was for a moment... oop.

a co-worker gave notice yesterday.. not the most recent to the team but the second most recent and the most recent to the organization... if you were taking bets a month or 2 ago she wouldn't have been the one you put money on.. that's be me or my other coworker and not the new guy or the one that did. (that's 4 folks in total it's early for math and I'm rambling)

ok so not wednesday... i guess I got time to get more done.. I'm going to run out of things to do though.. wonder when the next avalanche of work is coming? hmmm .. i'm officially done my 6 month probation at the end of the month.. been no noise about that.. no meeting scheduled or anything... no gnus is good gnus.

I need to tighten up my cash tho.. I've been tapping out too much of late and need to get my reserves up.

13288110, the most useless day of the week...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Sep-25-18 11:16 AM
I'm feeling overwhelmed.

I wanna go to Paris. alone
for about a year
I imagine myself walking the streets
eating at outdoor cafes
some days, it rains and I walk barefoot
no destination
no concept of time

This would make me happy...
13288146, yeah that'd be allright
Posted by PG, Tue Sep-25-18 12:23 PM
but I'd take a year in a lot of places over a year of this daily grind.
13288151, Sometimes I think about doing that too
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Sep-25-18 12:34 PM
Just taking a long sabbatical or something. But I'm not sure that I'd be able to return to real life again after its over. It would either be so torturous to return to mundane 9-5 life or I would have a completely different idea of how I wanted to live after that experience. I feel like you'd have to prepare for that possibility up front and not necessarily depend on coming back to your old life/career.
13288158, I don’t envision coming back...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Sep-25-18 01:08 PM
My home is filled with all things Parisian....

During my mother's last visit she goes, “I’m find some money so I can send your ass to Paris”. lol

gotta get a red umbrella too :-)

where would you go?
13288203, Oh you said for a year haha
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Sep-25-18 02:37 PM
Probably Italy. Or Kauai. Paris/France has never really been a draw for me for some reason. I'm sure if I went I would change my mind. Have you been? If you haven't and you like it that much you should make it happen.
13288393, oh yeah, lol
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Sep-26-18 11:20 AM
I’ve never been. I’m planning...
soon as I get my money right :-)

Italy would be my second choice...
13288154, There's nothing good about a Tuesday.
Posted by mrhood75, Tue Sep-25-18 12:40 PM
They don't even release new albums on Tuesday anymore.

I'm pretty much checked out mentally and its just past 10:30. Boss is out of town on business. Boss' boss is on the same business trip. Other person from my team is working from home today. Why the fuck am I even here?

Mostly thinking about the trip to the East Coast coming on Friday. Looking forward to that. Seeing some family and friends I ain't seen in forever.
13288183, you're jumping the gun on the FRIDAY POAST but
Posted by PG, Tue Sep-25-18 02:04 PM
sounds worth it.. a trip like that is worth hyping all week.
13288185, i can't believe it's only Tuesday. FUCK.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-25-18 02:06 PM
although i have done absolutely zero work today. netflix ftw.

shit makes for a very unrewarding professional existence, however.
13288190, lol do sumthin fer cryin out loud!!!
Posted by PG, Tue Sep-25-18 02:13 PM
before they start reading these poasts and send you away foolio... lmao... naw I feel you.. only tuesday.. i'm doing stuff though.. unfortunately trying to find an old email and not having the lucks.
13288235, sloooooooow crawl
Posted by mista k5, Tue Sep-25-18 04:09 PM
13288238, lol I gotta work late too.
Posted by PG, Tue Sep-25-18 04:15 PM
2hrs 45mins left... and that's just Tuesday.
13288240, thats no good
Posted by mista k5, Tue Sep-25-18 04:19 PM
i need to take the car into the tire shop but i also need to go to walmart and might end up having dinner with a vendor so might do neither.

13288220, Weekend was cool...had the grandbaby over!
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue Sep-25-18 02:59 PM
He's so cool...

I took him to Goodwill to pick up a couple of cheap toys (his parents always seem to misplace his stuff...rrriiight), and I really wanted to get him a basketball goal..but he picked up a robot with no head and wouldnt put it down, lol. Got that and a Wile E Coyote that he kept tryna wrestle with.

Did some Uberin' on Saturday...drove 45 minutes to pick this up


Ordered this..


And watched the first episode of "Electric Dreams" on Amazon.

Sunday, took the grandbaby back home...then the 23 year-old moved out. Moved back to Augusta to be closer to his duty base and be with his on-again girlfriend. Picked this up for the kids upcoming birthday


Watched the Pats game and went to bed


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13288328, Word.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Sep-26-18 10:01 AM
How old is the little one?
13288332, RE: Word.
Posted by tully_blanchard, Wed Sep-26-18 10:10 AM
He'll be three in December.

We got a Disney date next weekend.

Dumbo and Toy Story. I gotta show him what "Pop-Pop" is made of


Fuck aliens





The Greatest Story (N)ever Told (finished)

13288388, lol
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:17 AM

ha! nice!
13288327, i got a crazy crush on Jorja Smith
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Wed Sep-26-18 10:00 AM
got damn...
i have her album downloaded on my phone and NEVER listened to it. But i be all over her IG.
13288390, hmmm
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:18 AM
I suppose that makes sense... didn't know of her until you mentioned it... get back to me when you get around to listening to that album... curious if it changes your opinion or not.
13288808, how can you tell her apart, there's like 8 singers that all look alike
Posted by Ray_Snill, Fri Sep-28-18 06:24 AM

13288352, My man had on a shawl in the office bruh. A HOODIE SHAWL.
Posted by flipnile, Wed Sep-26-18 10:29 AM
The overweight OKP-esque black dude in my office. I saw the hood and noticed I didn't see any sleeves and thought it was just baggy but naw. Shit even had that little triangle point at the back. And naw, he isn't LGBTQ, just a dude trying too hard. I *really* had to hold back being like:

"Aye... where are your sleeves at homey? You gotta hold that shit closed when you go outside? Bruh I saw the cutest murse that would totally go with that!" but I'm not in college anymore, lol.

Found a similar pic: http://id3430.securedata.net/cloaksofireland/pics/shawlscapes/capescrf.jpg

I gotta move on up and out of here. I don't fit into office culture.
13288386, medieval peasant chic?
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:16 AM
I won't lie.. I own a cape but it's for when I need to be heroic.

and before you knock my cape I made it myself out of chinese brocade silk(think fine smoking jacket) and a glow in the dark skull pattern lining.. and frankly that cape is dope AF.. but I'm not wearing it to the office... there'll be no heroics here dammit!!
13288370, WEDNESDAY
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 10:50 AM
and it feels it.


coffee then I'll get at you.
13288375, its hard work to look busy all day
Posted by mista k5, Wed Sep-26-18 10:53 AM
13288391, worst is... time goes by slowly when you're not.
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:19 AM
13288395, yeh
Posted by mista k5, Wed Sep-26-18 11:24 AM
i asked my coworker to send me the instructions she has ready so i can start looking them over. turn into a quick training. the instructions are fairly detailed as in its step by step but not 100% sure what i just did lol
13288399, lol
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Sep-26-18 11:32 AM
you did it too fast
13288402, she was like okay now do this now do that
Posted by mista k5, Wed Sep-26-18 11:37 AM
no, okay so we are going to do ____, which is needed for ____ and so and so will be your input.

we did go over it a couple of times but i like to review things and know what im getting into before just jumping right into it.

if my boss asks me now you know how to do ____ i will be like uuuuh is that what she showed me?? okay then i guess i do.

13288398, hump day...
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Sep-26-18 11:30 AM
today is suppose to be the most productive day of them all...

I’m getting to it
this running a business thing is no joke tho
we missed out on a huge contract because my son’s lead certification expired :-(

last night this guy addressed me as baby.
I was fussing at him about something he was purchasing
he goes, “baby look...”
I liked it, lol

got me thinking how everyone can’t say it...effortlessly
like. I wouldn’t sound good calling someone, “baby” or “honey”
takes style...

13288404, lol it is a read the room thing babe!
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:42 AM
13288373, holy shit, i actually just did some work!
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Sep-26-18 10:51 AM
i don't like how this day is going. haha
13288392, it snuck right up on you eh?
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:19 AM
13288406, haha literally came in unannounced.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Sep-26-18 11:49 AM
all good, i really don't mind working. i really like working, in fact. i just don't like working here, and who i work for.

did i tell yall that the lady that unjustly let me go from my previous gig (that i abso-fuckin-lutely loved) fucking quit!?! well, she did. i applied for her job. position closes next Friday.
13288412, lol get it!
Posted by PG, Wed Sep-26-18 12:04 PM
good luck.
13288424, i hope you get it :-)
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Sep-26-18 12:37 PM
13288426, i'm still not 100% sure i want it.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Sep-26-18 12:42 PM
but i figured i'd just apply and see how things work out. my biggest concern is i'm not sure how stable the organization is at this point. cutting me out and then the brand new Pres/CEO quits within 10 months? not a good look. i already know that the school system administration is iffy on even having the organization, at best. i don't want to take the helm of a sinking ship and steer while it goes down because of factors out of my control. but we'll see how this process goes and these discussions will be had if it gets to that point.
13288528, Two agave seeds and a few palms I got from CA sprouted
Posted by flipnile, Wed Sep-26-18 09:25 PM
The jade plant leaves I brought back also took root. Pretty excited about the agaves. I got some seeds from a plant in the Hollywood hills, and some canary island date palm seeds from near the beach in Santa Monica. The cactus seeds have also started popping up. Going to focus on growing succulents, mosses, ferns and random tropical and sub-tropical plants this winter.

The palms wouldn't survive the winters here outside, so I'm going to keep them in pots and put a light over them. Bring 'em out in the summer. Something like this: http://palmplantation.com.au/images/com_hikashop/upload/thumbnails/600x500fsO/palm_canary.jpg
13288612, THURSDAY
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-27-18 11:22 AM
well for real now it's Thursday... I've mentioned I like thursdays haven't I? I mean they are no FRIDAY and certainly not even a shadow of a SATYRDAY... but Thursdays are decent fairly unknockable days.
13288647, yeah, at least there's football
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Sep-27-18 12:42 PM
so there's an excuse for beers (not that i really need an excuse, just sayin').

i much prefer my Thursdays be Fridays, but alas, i will be at work tomorrow.

cheers to Friday Jr., PG.
13288653, meh
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-27-18 12:54 PM
might put it on but don't care much about the game tonight.. no fantasy this year so pretty much only following AFC North.

beer is on though. Steak n eggs for dinner.
13288658, should be a good matchup
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Sep-27-18 01:03 PM
the Rams are ballin' so far this year. and i wish nothing but Ls for Kurt Cousins, so there's also that rooting interest for me.
13288654, I worry too much...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Sep-27-18 12:54 PM
Im having trouble relaxing today so I opened a bottle of wine...

13288660, damn wish I could crack a beer right now.
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-27-18 01:05 PM
5 more hrs and then an hour or so of driving to pick Shimmy up from work and then get home but I have a beer/barleywine chilling already.... bought it for christmas and am only now getting around to actually trying it (I'm out of guinness and payday ain't until tomorrow)

what do you have on your mind?

I got stresses but I'm really trying not to let them get me down as I know I can get through them.. and indeed have no real options to not anyway.
13288657, looks like the tire repair worked
Posted by mista k5, Thu Sep-27-18 01:02 PM
hasnt lost any PSI in over 36 hours *knocks on wood*
13288667, right on!
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-27-18 01:10 PM
hope that holds out.

we all need more of those kind of breaks... stuff working out right n all.

think my 2019 mantra might be "Take Less Hits" ... probably would've been good to pull that out at the beginning of 2018 but I think must've been still stunned from the beatdown that was 2017.

I'm not even complaining really... but current affairs alone have been a serious headeffing.
13288738, all you can do is push forward and do your best
Posted by mista k5, Thu Sep-27-18 03:28 PM
hopefully you learn some things that help you as you move forward.

general application.

today was actually a busy day/morning.

im finding that i hate listening to too much new music especially if im not really digging it. i started a radio based on a gift of gab song on google play and it was cool for like an hour. after that i started getting annoyed. partly cause some songs were bleh, partly cause it was all the same exact vibe and partly cause i didnt know what to expect. in theory this was all music that i should like and i didnt strongly dislike anything but i found myself getting really annoyed. had to go back to one of my playlists.
13288763, life is too short to listen to mediocre music.
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-27-18 05:17 PM
13288792, You try that lofi hip hop on YouTube yet?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Sep-27-18 08:04 PM
13288835, nooooo
Posted by mista k5, Fri Sep-28-18 09:16 AM
and now im scared to, i think i dont like other people telling me what to like lol everyone has a lil trin in them huh
13288848, is it any good?
Posted by PG, Fri Sep-28-18 10:12 AM
I've seen it pop up in the suggestions.