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Topic subjectBut... HIS emails? Booker Dogg releases the Kavanaugh Emails:
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13284416, But... HIS emails? Booker Dogg releases the Kavanaugh Emails:
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Sep-06-18 11:26 AM

"Booker quoted from a 2002 document that he said showed Kavanaugh as an aide to then-President George W. Bush entertaining the use of racial profiling to combat terrorism after 9/11.

Kavanaugh asked to see the email, but Booker said he wanted to focus on Kavanaugh's views about profiling today, not then. Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah, then objected, saying Booker was citing an email that had been deemed confidential by the committee and it was unfair to question a witness about a document he could not see."

Then Booker was like NOPE, don't care if I get fired and released them
13284417, Holy shit.
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 11:27 AM
13284419, he still getting confirmed tho.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Sep-06-18 11:32 AM
13284420, True.
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 11:33 AM
13284421, ^^
Posted by dillinjah, Thu Sep-06-18 11:34 AM
13284426, depressingly accurate.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Sep-06-18 11:52 AM
fuck our lives.
13284431, I'm praying for American gun violence to run its course somewhere useful
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Sep-06-18 12:00 PM
for once
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 12:04 PM
No more than 5 minutes ago I was watching the Kamala Harris exchange during the hearings and no lie I had a vision of one of those protesters capping this serpent once he walks outside. Be a hero is right. I'm too gutless to do it but someone has to.
13284444, Yeah yall trying to get these boards shut down.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Sep-06-18 12:26 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13284460, They can take this metal middle finger as compensation on the way out.
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Sep-06-18 12:44 PM
But in all seriousness, I don't think procedural methods are going to end this complete derailment into the corporate oligarch state.

Nor, if a random act of violence occurred, and said forces finally decided to confiscate all guns, would that turn people away from this SHIT show.

We saw it with Steve Scalise.
13284432, I’m willing to hedge that he won’t.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 12:02 PM
13284434, Jesus. How.
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 12:04 PM
13284437, In an ideal world, crises of consciences; in this world more email leaks
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 12:09 PM
Leading to waffling Republicans asking for more committee time to protect themselves, leading to a more drawn out process ... running the clock to more Trump items that make bringing this to a vote too damaging for the midterms

That’s my hedge.
Can’t even call it a hope.
13284439, Hahaha got it.
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 12:11 PM
>RE: In an ideal world, crises of consciences; in this world more email leaks
>Leading to waffling Republicans asking for more committee
>time, leading to a more drawn out process ... running the
>clock to more Trump items that make bringing this to a vote
>too damaging for the midterms
>That’s my hedge.
>Can’t even call it a hope.

You nailed it right there at the end so I guess I don't have much to refute but - I just don't see any of this happening but I appreciate your optimism, however minimal.

Won't happen, but any optimistic outlook is welcome always.
13284441, I imagine they’re going to insta poll these hearings
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 12:14 PM
I imagine it’s not going to look pretty.
Dude was already wildly unpopular with very little attention from the news
The email drops will be the biggest news story until something else is
And it’s not going to look better than right now.
13284456, Which senators should we be calling?
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Sep-06-18 12:36 PM


Anyone know?
13284459, No clue. But definitely not Ted Cruz or Mike Lee
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 12:43 PM
They say that Cruz’s aides are ruder than he is
I think you should only call a senator that reps you.
13284489, This is my great frustration.
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 01:23 PM
>I think you should only call a senator that reps you.

I live in Boston so my senators and reps are already on the right team. Which is, of course, good, but I WANNA CALL SOMEONE WHO MATTERS/CAN DO SOMETHING DAMNIT. Haha.
13284492, They still log call volumes.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 01:29 PM
I’m going to start calling tomorrow.
Typing that out makes me aware of how passive I’ve been myself.
13284466, most of the pressure is on susan collins
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-06-18 12:52 PM
since she stated she wouldnt support a judge that will undo ror v wade (she pulled some of the same shit with tax cuts tho).

you shouldnt call any reps/sens that dont represent your area tho. thats highly advised against.
13284584, Why is that?
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Sep-06-18 06:32 PM
>since she stated she wouldnt support a judge that will undo
>ror v wade (she pulled some of the same shit with tax cuts
>you shouldnt call any reps/sens that dont represent your area
>tho. thats highly advised against.

I mean, I kind of get it- they don’t care what you
think unless you can vote for them.

But shit, can it hurt though?

What bad can come out of us all calling

No snark, I’m genuinely wondering if there’s
something I’m not considering...
13285276, Yo Reeq, what can it hurt?
Posted by Stadiq, Mon Sep-10-18 03:24 PM
>>since she stated she wouldnt support a judge that will undo
>>ror v wade (she pulled some of the same shit with tax cuts
>>you shouldnt call any reps/sens that dont represent your
>>tho. thats highly advised against.
>I mean, I kind of get it- they don’t care what you
>think unless you can vote for them.
>But shit, can it hurt though?
>What bad can come out of us all calling
>No snark, I’m genuinely wondering if there’s
>something I’m not considering...
13286141, damn my bad on the delay playboy.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-13-18 01:23 PM
but basically out of state calls dont get paid much attention to and clog up the line for residents.
13285631, Collins was never not going to vote for Kavanugh.
Posted by j0510, Tue Sep-11-18 07:08 PM
>since she stated she wouldnt support a judge that will undo
>ror v wade (she pulled some of the same shit with tax cuts

Collins, Murkowski signal comfort with Kavanaugh



Collins calls crowdfunding to get her to oppose Kavanaugh a 'bribe'
BY EMILY BIRNBAUM - 09/11/18 10:46 AM EDT

Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine) says she is not swayed by crowdfunding aimed at encouraging her to oppose Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, comparing the effort to a "bribe."

"I consider this quid pro quo fundraising to be the equivalent of an attempt to bribe me to vote against Judge Kavanaugh," Collins told conservative news outlet Newsmax.

Two groups of Maine progressives have pledged to donate up to $1.3 million to Collins's next opponent if the Maine senator votes to confirm Kavanaugh, Newsmax reported. Collins is not up for reelection until 2020.

Donors have been asked to pledge money against Collins, but their credit cards will only be charged if she votes "yes" on Kavanaugh.

“If I vote against him, the money is refunded to the donors," Collins said. "If I vote for him, the money is given to my opponent for the 2020 race."

"This effort will not influence my vote at all,” she added. “I think it demonstrates the new lows to which the judge’s opponents have stooped.”

Maine People's Alliance and Mainers for Accountable Leadership have teamed up to crowdsource the effort. They had received $987,922 from 35,317 pledges as of Tuesday morning with a goal of $1.3 million.

"The people of Maine are asking you to be a hero, Senator Collins," the crowdfunding page states. "Your swing vote could decide whether a rubber stamp for Trump’s anti-healthcare, anti-woman, anti-labor agenda gets confirmed to the Supreme Court–costing millions of Americans their healthcare, their right to choose, and their lives."

The statement warns Collins that the groups intend to "get you out of office" following a "yes" vote.

Though Collins has stated multiple times that efforts by liberal activists will not sway her vote, she has faced a barrage of protests in recent weeks.

Activists have reportedly sent Collins more than 3,000 coat hangers, evoking back-alley abortions, in their efforts to persuade her to vote against Kavanaugh's confirmation.

Collins, a centrist Republican, is seen as a swing vote in Kavanaugh’s confirmation hearing. She has said she wouldn’t vote to confirm a nominee who was hostile to Roe v. Wade.

After a meeting with Kavanaugh last month, she said she was reassured that the nominee believes Roe v. Wade is “settled law.”
13284635, BEN CARDIN
Posted by Castro, Fri Sep-07-18 03:02 AM
The number is 202-224-4524.
13284435, "AROOOO?" ~ Scooby-Doo
Posted by PG, Thu Sep-06-18 12:08 PM
13284469, im edging over to this camp.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-06-18 12:58 PM
there was a reason mcconnell didnt want this dude as the nominee. because of the vast amount of document production and what those documents might expose.

and mcconnell wasnt taking into consideration the dems or even the american people. he was worried about the pressure it might put on some members of his own caucus (which means he knew there was a threat of someone bailing).

trump went ahead with this dude anyway because he looked like the judge most likely to save his ass.
13284479, Dude committed perjury in the past and already has in two days
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 01:08 PM
This is a bad look
13284564, https://i.ytimg.com/vi/_qjXQZ-4jAo/hqdefault.jpg
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Sep-06-18 04:32 PM
13284565, Dweeb
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-06-18 04:39 PM
13284566, I'm more than happy to be wrong here
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Sep-06-18 04:52 PM
13284450, he still needs to be grilled
Posted by makaveli, Thu Sep-06-18 12:30 PM
you never know what could happen.
13284455, Booker just jumped a few levels in my view
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Sep-06-18 12:35 PM

13284471, white progressives better not say shit about him or kamala ever.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-06-18 01:01 PM
cuz right now they got the dems on their back like kobe and shaq.
13284490, Hahaha right.
Posted by Brew, Thu Sep-06-18 01:24 PM
13284514, fam.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-06-18 02:09 PM
13284792, my favorite of such had this today:
Posted by Dr Claw, Fri Sep-07-18 12:34 PM
"Two metrics ideology and savvy. Corey Booker mostly has trash politics but its great to see him being ruthless and savvy in these hearings. If centrists can at least get good at political combat again, it will help in situations like this"


he had similar praise for Kamala Harris.

basically, the difference between these two and say, Chuck Schumer... is that they understand what the GOP is, and act accordingly, even if their politics are booty. Harry Reid was like that as well.

it was possibly the weakest aspect of President Obama. The second "regular" Democrats realize that there's a war going on outside and the GOP will lie, cheat, and steal their way into power, the better we'll be.

unfortunately I wouldn't hold my breath
13284798, I think that's pretty on-target
Posted by Walleye, Fri Sep-07-18 12:44 PM
I don't trust Booker's politics at all, which would be important in some kind of ideological vacuum. However, I trust his political instincts entirely. That guy has about as keen a sense of which way the wind is blowing as anybody in the 2020 field. Except maybe Gillibrand. She also strikes me as potentially without principles but ruthless in the (for now) useful way.

Harris, I want to wait and see on. She seemed to embrace some further-left political objectives earlier than I would have expected, but her previous job is a real problem and it'd be nice to see how much and in what shape she's going to lean on that. We don't need a Cop/President, but if she wants to make that background about, say, putting actual handcuffs on the current administration of kleptocrats then I could get behind it. Two of Obama's biggest failures, to me, were failing to actually prosecute Bush administration officials for their part in encouraging torture and letting the folks behind the 2008 crash skate. Law and order democrats are generally pretty awful, but a commitment to prosecuting white collar crime would go a long way.
13284589, RNC just called Booker "Spartacus of Newark"
Posted by shygurl, Thu Sep-06-18 07:10 PM

13284799, Shit. That’s a dope tag line IMO
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Sep-07-18 12:48 PM
13285030, Spartacus was the hero
Posted by nipsey, Sat Sep-08-18 01:44 PM
Booker should lean into that.
13284858, Newly Released Emails Show Brett Kavanaugh May Have Perjured Himself at Least Four Times
Posted by j0510, Fri Sep-07-18 02:49 PM
Newly Released Emails Show Brett Kavanaugh May Have Perjured Himself at Least Four Times

13286112, the only good this does
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Sep-13-18 12:15 PM
is for his and Kamala's careers unfortunately

that doesn't make it negative btw but i'm not looking forward to the political posturing in the forecast for 2020 at all

it's the type of signalling i like but no longer care about

what good is them having backbone going to do without the rest of dems growing some spines

he'll get confirmed...Repugs get their long-lasting win even if they get mudstomped in the midterms
13286133, some Bork.............
Posted by c71, Thu Sep-13-18 01:05 PM

Democrats send 'information' concerning Kavanaugh nomination to FBI

By Ariane de Vogue and Ted Barrett, CNN

Updated 1:52 PM ET, Thu September 13, 2018

Washington (CNN)Senate Democrats have referred "information concerning the nomination" of Brett Kavanaugh to the FBI, they said Thursday, and called for the Judiciary Committee to delay a vote.

"I have received information from an individual concerning the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court," Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-California, said in a statement. "That individual strongly requested confidentiality, declined to come forward or press the matter further, and I have honored that decision," she said.

"I have, however, referred the matter to federal investigative authorities," she added.

Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin said the referral went to the FBI but also did not say what the information contained.
"No idea what they are going to find," Durbin told CNN. "I think the FBI is the appropriate agency and that's where it was referred."

Durbin also said he does not believe the committee should vote on Kavanaugh "until all the information is before the committee."
The letter is the latest turn in Kavanaugh's contentious nomination. The Judiciary Committee officially scheduled its vote on the nomination for September 20, and Republicans hope to have the full Senate vote on the nomination later this month.
13286134, I sent this to the group text on Friday.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Sep-13-18 01:06 PM
Here’s my terrible statement of the day. I’m surprised nobody has credibly come forward to accuse kavanaugh of rape. He seems like an all around smarmy and terrible person. Like. How does HE not have that in his closet. He probably has a rich people’s murder club.
13286178, fam check reply #48. and give me your lottery numbers.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-13-18 03:05 PM
13286147, repubs absolutely dont give a fuck.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-13-18 01:38 PM
theyd seat him, let him get indicted (if it came to that), then let him rule on some lawsuit challenging some important portion of the case against him without recusing himself.

theres no law/norm they wont destroy to maintain power.
13286138, Are all Dems voting no at least??
Posted by Stadiq, Thu Sep-13-18 01:13 PM

This is a slam dunk, even for the moderates
up for re-election.

Just say “he might very well be qualified, but
they are rushing this through...” etc

Maybe something about having concerns
he won’t commit to recusing himself.

You could cite his low approval.

You can play the middle, and still vote no.

Are they all against?

13286145, the logic is simple imo.
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-13-18 01:34 PM
repubs have the votes to punch it through.

would your constituents in a red state really care if you voted against the nom if it went through anyway (assuming they wanted it to go through).

and if the nom fails...that means some repubs crossed the aisle and tanked it. and that would make your no vote look even more justified since the nom was objected to by someone who actually wants conservatives on the court.

but im not in a red state that voted for trump by double digits plus and continues to give him a net positive favorable rating. one can only guess what them crazy muthafuckas are thinking or how they would react.

13286176, kavanaugh might have some #metoo shit
Posted by Reeq, Thu Sep-13-18 03:03 PM

the fact that the claims were referred to the fbi could mean its something on the worse end of sexual misconduct.

this is the type of shit that made mcconnell wanna stay away from kavanaugh. if the nom does end up falling through...it will be because trump/wh incompetence.
13286344, according to ronan farrow...attempted rape in high school.
Posted by Reeq, Fri Sep-14-18 11:28 AM
13286348, chuck grassley releases letter from 65 women
Posted by Reeq, Fri Sep-14-18 11:35 AM
who knew kavanaugh in high school...vouching for his character.


just had that letter ready to go within minutes/hours of the farrow story. which means they had been working on that for a while and were aware of the sexual misconduct allegations against kavanaugh.

if recent history tells us anything...if theres 1 accuser (especially as far back as high school)...theres prolly more than one.
13286358, Even though his hs was an all boys school at the time
Posted by MEAT, Fri Sep-14-18 11:44 AM
I went to a mixed school of 3000 people. I couldn’t find 65 PEOPLE from that time that would vouch for me today, less than 20 years ago.
13286364, It's still an all-boys school
Posted by Walleye, Fri Sep-14-18 11:56 AM
There are two all-girls Catholic schools within a five minute drive, and another within a fifteen minute drive though. Lot of mixers. The fact that they had this ready to go almost instantly would be funny if it weren't so sad, but I'd guess that probably 3/4 of the women on that list were from Holy Cross or Stone Ridge or Holy Child.

Lot of social overlap in the DC Catholic school ecosystem.