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Topic subjectSo...whats wrong with political correctness?
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13271555, So...whats wrong with political correctness?
Posted by double negative, Mon Jul-02-18 10:16 AM
Change my view on this one.


essentially the internet comments are HAM, folks are pulling out the usual stuff.

"Political Correctness is silencing!"

All I think when I see and read pushback is "ya'll just mad because you can't say "nigger""

I kind-of get some of the other arguments (like, barely) but I think it's a lot like a big time-out. We couldn't get other shit right so essentially everything is canceled until we figure out how to act right.
13271557, is there any worse argument then "If Black folks say it, why can't we?"
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-02-18 10:21 AM
Almost got baited into it on FB with some dude back home who popped up in a friends timeline when discussing race and the police shooting in Pittsburgh

it's the oddest argument in the world. Especially when they start with "I never say it.. BUT WHY"

this is what they spend their time thinking about? How unfair it is that Black folk use it but they can't?

I had to leave it alone.
13271565, Yeah TNC had a great take on that. Why do you care you can't say it?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jul-02-18 10:49 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13271558, "PC culture is ruining _____" is almost always a bad faith argument
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Jul-02-18 10:24 AM
That says more about the people making it.
13271633, ALWAYS
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Mon Jul-02-18 02:44 PM
13271559, what you have the right to say vs what is right to say
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon Jul-02-18 10:34 AM
depends are what side you attach yourself to
morality is always a tricky in public arenas
we get so caught up in our echo chambers..that we are really sensitive to we hear and percieve opposing viewpoints
especially if we are emotionally invested in something
and there has always been political correctness...
13271561, white people didnt have a problem with political correctness
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jul-02-18 10:38 AM
when black comedians were prohibited from performing at upscale comedy clubs for their language. or when black rappers were being kicked out of venues and jailed because their stage show was too raunchy.

2 live crew went on trial when undercover broward country police officers snuck into their show and made an audio tape of their performance lol.

shit not too long ago bill oreilly himself headed up a boycott campaign to get pepsi to drop ludacris over the vulgarity of his lyrics.

the word vulgar itself comes from the latin word for 'common people'. rich/privileged people arbitrarily deemed certain words used by common people to be offensive...even tho they had the exact same meaning as the proper 'less offensive' words. thats pretty much the entire history of profanity in various cultures.

political correctness, civility, decency, etiquette, decorum have always been used as weapons to demonize, subjugate, and persecute an underclass.

it was never a problem until the tables turned and that weapon started being aimed at white men.

13271570, Yeah, there's nothing "politically incorrect" about shitting on
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Jul-02-18 10:58 AM
the marginalized. It's actually one of the most consistent things about this country, and the idea that it's good to do this is just conventional wisdom.
13271642, Marco Rubio was just whining about MSM showing/quoting the word "Fuck"
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jul-02-18 03:28 PM
That journalist in Annapolis who just watched her friends get massacred said something like fuck your thoughts and prayers. Rubio, always focused on what's important, said it was a sign of the times that the word fuck was played and quoted without bleeps or asterisks or calling it "the f word"
13271580, b/w Trump vs. kneeling NFL players
Posted by flipnile, Mon Jul-02-18 11:20 AM

Fuck Trump, and all of his peoples that are on this bullshit. There is no reasoning with the unreasonable.
13271592, the people who bitch the most are the ones most eager to be offended
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jul-02-18 12:51 PM
someone on my fb timeline will post a story about some college campus ridiculousness, and multiple people will jump in all upset and over-dramatic with some.. what are we soviet russia now?? fucking PC sensitive millennial pussies! We can't say anything anymore! Meanwhile, whatever story they just shared about a group of kids whining about microaggression words will more than likely never go beyond being some article on the internet.

nfl kneeling is a bigger widespread example of phony outrage than any pc shit i might find annoying.
13271596, "You won't believe what these loony college kids are doing now" is
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Jul-02-18 01:04 PM
one of the oldest scams in the conservative playbook.

Take one thing that happened at Oberlin or some other elite liberal arts school, blast it all over right wing media, make the story what "colleges are doing to YOUR good white children" and watch it spread. Then you get to bust it out as a pointless false equivalence whenever you want ("well, I don't think throwing toddlers in cages is a great idea, but did you hear what those kids at Sarah Lawrence said about Mark Twain?")
13271602, meanwhile is there a bigger "safe space" than fox news?
Posted by Mynoriti, Mon Jul-02-18 01:17 PM
a place where you don't have to be subjected to ideas that upset you? These motherfuckers are scared of everything.

the 'use the most extreme example' thing is being used for immigration as well. we have to put these kids in cages because, what about MS-13?

13271614, Yeah, everyone else is the snowflake cuck who needs a safe space
Posted by Marauder21, Mon Jul-02-18 02:06 PM
Meanwhile these same folks refuse to set foot within 10 miles of any major city after 5:00 pm.
13271615, they call folks snowflakes and 2 seconds later get offended
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jul-02-18 02:10 PM
when someone calls Trump out of his name.

13271593, MCPB said it best
Posted by handle, Mon Jul-02-18 12:58 PM
Anarchist Bookstore Part 1
(VT is a character in the song "Voice Talent")

But VT was the opposite of TV, he'd never accuse someone of being PC

Because it's so friggin' dumb to say, the term arose on the Columbus Day

Quincentennary when the republic was honest about the conquest

And wouldn't party as they had previously promised

If someone uses a non-offensive vocabulary then that person is considerate, not PC

If someone has a heavy-handed agenda, that person is narrow-minded, not PC

Unless you mean Providence College

PC is as meaningless as the president's apology for slavery

Maybe P.E. should be on the radio

And not just in the African-American Norton Anthology
13271595, People don't like to change their behavior
Posted by hardware, Mon Jul-02-18 01:03 PM
or feel like they're being blamed for something
13271612, that it involves people with power doing things they don't want to.
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Jul-02-18 02:04 PM
that's it.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13271632, ^^^
Posted by ambient1, Mon Jul-02-18 02:40 PM
13271630, People are just mad they are getting pushback on the offensive shit they say
Posted by sectachrome86, Mon Jul-02-18 02:36 PM
They're using to just letting shit fly with no repercussions. And they refuse to take a look inside themselves and recognize that maybe they should stop saying certain things. They don't really want to because they don't give a fuck that they are offensive. They like it. They need it.

In MY day, we always said _______ and no one cared! People are too sensitive and PC these days!

Nah, people are just finally tired of your shit and telling you to stop instead of looking the other way. It's a new day asshole.

They act like youre really taking away something they can't possibly live without.
13271634, ^^^^
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Mon Jul-02-18 02:45 PM
13271635, ^ Aaaaaaall of this
Posted by Pete Burns, Mon Jul-02-18 02:48 PM
They’re upset that their (perceived) freedom to chat fuckery is being challenged.