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Topic subjectWill you push your kids to go to college no matter what?
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13263144, Will you push your kids to go to college no matter what?
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jun-04-18 12:12 PM
A college degree used to be the easy pass ticket to a middle/upper middle class life. And it kind of still is. Average wages for college grads are much higher than high school grads.

But things are changing to where some college degrees aren't that valuable at all.

With the increasing price of higher ed, the cost-benefit analysis isn't as one sided as it used to be.

So what will you (or did you) do? Push kids to go to college regardless of financial outcomes (i.e. college is to learn, not get a job)? Push them to college but only in lucrative majors? Or push them more towards practical skills training outside of college?

13263150, I will push them but I won't force them
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-04-18 12:16 PM
I have 529b's for both kids and they will have to use it for education in some way.

I'm going to diversify in a few years just in case they have other ideas.
13263151, he has the best of both worlds
Posted by tomjohn29, Mon Jun-04-18 12:16 PM
I went the academic route
My wife did not
She makes almost twice than me and we both have six figure salaries

there are pros and cons with each track...
my wife is currently in school now just for shits and giggles and because her job pays for
she is also in school something she loves
I went to school for something I wanted to do since I was 6

if they don't go I wont be disappointed
but they will have our support either way
13263162, no.
Posted by hardware, Mon Jun-04-18 12:25 PM
unless its suddenly free.
13263163, I'll encourage it but the reality is that there are so many other avenues
Posted by mellowboogie, Mon Jun-04-18 12:25 PM
kids can take now. I'm not sure how it works in America apart from crazy debilitating student loans, but in Europe there are plenty of other opportunities and 3rd level isn't necessarily the best choice anymore.
I never got my degree, college wasn't for me. Now I'm doing a few different things that I love and making it work for me.

I just hope my daughter is happy in whatever she chooses.
13263167, I don't even want to think about college cost 16 to 18 years from now
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-04-18 12:30 PM
13263181, yes, pushing towards that.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Jun-04-18 12:42 PM
It fine to not got to college, but it still holds true that a degree is helpful for a more monied future. that could change, but it'll still be harder to get exec level gigs without a degree.

13263183, my son is 16, will be a Junior when school starts back in August...
Posted by Dstl1, Mon Jun-04-18 12:47 PM
he's always told me he wants to go to the same college my daughter went to. I'm good with that, but he just doesn't feel like the college type to me...everyone isn't. I won't push him, but I'll certainly back him if he wants to go that route. Also, if he pivoted, I wouldn't feel a way about it.
13263206, End of the 8th inning for me
Posted by Boogiedwn, Mon Jun-04-18 01:10 PM
Kids about to be a Junior in high school, I really don't think she's ready for college. If anything she would need to go to a JC and figure out some things first.
13263227, It depends on the child
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Mon Jun-04-18 01:35 PM
We have 5. Not all our children need to attend college at least not in the traditional sense. I hoping at least one will want to be an entrepreneur and trade schools are life begging for young people to sign up.
13263247, yeah for me it's either yall go to college or trade school.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Jun-04-18 02:19 PM

>trade schools are life begging for young people to sign up.

and i would fully support trade school as much as college if that's the route they decide. plenty of real good money in trade, and i think you have a great shot at doing something you actually enjoy doing.
13263248, FUCK yeah.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Jun-04-18 02:20 PM
13263269, He/She's getting a GED at 13....
Posted by Kira, Mon Jun-04-18 02:42 PM
dropping out and learning how to program on Udemy, starting their career at 15 and moving forward in life.

College will not be the same by then anyways at the rate this is going. There's no point in going to college 20 years from now.
13263361, the questions.
Posted by naame, Mon Jun-04-18 05:06 PM
I push for skill acquisition and curiosity. I push for good grades and proper behavior and I give information on colleges and universities.
13263372, Nah, pushing them towards their passion. Which may include...
Posted by Walk On, Mon Jun-04-18 05:39 PM
...but not the requirement as it was for me.