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Topic subjectYou get a pardon! You get a pardon! And you get a pardon!
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13262077, You get a pardon! You get a pardon! And you get a pardon!
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu May-31-18 11:06 AM
Trump is gonna pardon all of his friends.

Dinesh D'Souza is getting one today

He says he is considering pardoning:
Martha Stewart - was on The Apprentice
Rod Blagojevich - was on The Apprentice

13262079, he wont get one
Posted by houston_hardhead, Thu May-31-18 11:08 AM
13262082, He could pardon himself if it came down to it lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu May-31-18 11:15 AM
Maybe. It's unclear
13262084, its gonna be too much.. state shit, fed shit...NYC shit...
Posted by houston_hardhead, Thu May-31-18 11:16 AM
13262088, okay player
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu May-31-18 11:23 AM
13262098, how long you think Cheeto was doin slimy shit in NYC before Russia??
Posted by houston_hardhead, Thu May-31-18 11:39 AM
SDNY aint fkng around with Cohen for Cohen... the feds aint gon stop
13262096, Except if you’re one of the 4500+ Puerto Ricans who died
Posted by abcdmetrius, Thu May-31-18 11:36 AM
Or the hundreds of thousands disenfranchised and left to fend on your own.
Then you don’t get a pardon.
13262154, yup, typically what happens towards an end of presidency
Posted by Riot, Thu May-31-18 01:13 PM
mcconnell and ryan chilling on the sidelines

we got nothing but scandals and incriminating tweets from now til november
13262161, By COMPLETE COINCIDENCE, the conviction for which D'Souza is being pardoned...
Posted by stravinskian, Thu May-31-18 01:20 PM

also happens to be a charge on which Michael Cohen is currently under investigation.

Funny how this kind of thing happens.
13262241, dude will have like 80 charges when its all said and done
Posted by houston_hardhead, Thu May-31-18 03:33 PM
thats just one of em
13262399, He's sending Cohen a message
Posted by MME, Fri Jun-01-18 09:10 AM
"keep your mouth shut, and soon you'll get pardoned too"
13262444, He's sending everyone a message.
Posted by j0510, Fri Jun-01-18 10:23 AM
>"keep your mouth shut, and soon you'll get pardoned too"

Roger Stone, a longtime Trump associate and his former political strategist, who has come under scrutiny by Mueller’s team, said the president sent a clear message.

“It has to be a signal to Mike Flynn and Paul Manafort and even Robert S. Mueller III: Indict people for crimes that don’t pertain to Russian collusion and this is what could happen,” Stone said. “The special counsel has awesome powers, as you know, but the president has even more awesome powers.”


President Trump’s longtime confidant Roger Stone has told the world he believes special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe is “clearly out to get” him. Now he is sending another message: He won’t flip.

“I will never betray this president,” Stone told ABC News Thursday. “Under no circumstances will I bear false witness against President Trump.”


What Stone wants to make clear: His loyalty.

“I hope he sees me as what I am -- a loyal supporter,” Stone said.

13263032, Trump: I have the absolute right to PARDON myself
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jun-04-18 08:32 AM
13263033, But, I haven’t done anything wrong, so why would I?
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Jun-04-18 08:52 AM
Don’t pre-self-snitch and then tell the world that you would wipe that shit away right before our eyes.
13263992, nobody thinks this is wrong... like A LOT fucking wrong....
Posted by kittyswift, Wed Jun-06-18 11:42 AM
13263490, Now we have wives going to Fox News asking Trump for pardons lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Jun-05-18 09:03 AM
George Papadopoulos' wife Simona Mangiante Papadopoulos: "I trust and hope and ask to President Trump to pardon him." https://t.co/ASYP0RE7Vj

Patricia Blagojevich: "The same people that...went after Mr. D’Souza are the same people that went after my husband, the same people that are going after the @POTUS now." @JudgeJeanine https://t.co/lJ2UByx7s9 https://t.co/ir5a6zXD5U
13263515, the blagojevich pardon is the craziest shit.
Posted by Reeq, Tue Jun-05-18 09:48 AM
you now have republicans supporting a corrupt democratic governor they spent years trashing and tying to obama. and they did it on the drop of a dime. just to defend their leader.

this aint a political party. its a cult.
13263987, Pardons Alice Johnson (aka K. Kardashian's pet project)
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Jun-06-18 11:25 AM
Reports say he has dozens of pardon on deckington


13264861, Her work, along w/ the work of those who were already there,
Posted by Creole, Fri Jun-08-18 08:49 AM
is admirable. Watched, last night, an excerpt of her interview with Van Jones which will air in full this weekend.

She seemed articulate and knowledgeable and definitely willing to continue using her platform to aid others in similar situations. I look forward to seeing this play itself out.
13264856, Says he is considering pardoning Muhammad Ali. For what, I don't know.
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Jun-08-18 08:40 AM
The Supreme Court already overturned his conviction
13264894, dude is really stupid as shit... youre shitting on the NFL players..but
Posted by houston_hardhead, Fri Jun-08-18 09:44 AM
youre going to fake "pardon" the GOAT...for the exact same thing