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Topic subjecta combination of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.
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13261131, a combination of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 11:27 AM

Roseanne Barr Apologizes for Racist 'Bad Joke' About Obama Advisor — Should ABC Scrap Season 11?
TVLine.com Rebecca Iannucci,TVLine.com 35 minutes ago
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Roseanne Barr has apologized for a racist and incendiary tweet she posted Tuesday morning about President Obama’s former advisor Valerie Jarrett, calling the comment a “bad joke.”

VIDEOS Bill Maher to Roseanne: Next Season Should Be About the Conners ‘Being Screwed’ by President Trump
The Roseanne star was contributing to an anti-Obama Twitter thread when she made the offensive statement, in which she called Jarrett — an African-American woman who was born in Iran — a combination of the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes.

wtf.. these folks really feeling froggy
13261134, Black people are primates jokes? Really yo? In 2018?
Posted by flipnile, Tue May-29-18 11:34 AM
That's that old-school, from deep in her upbringing racism that came out in joke form.
13261149, Straight-up! Thas dat well-seasoned 11 herbs n spices racism!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 11:54 AM
She pulled DAT SHIT out da oven!

Shit is wild too 'cus even as a youngin, when her show 1st aired, my racism spidey-sense was off da charts wit her. I KNEW she had it in her...

Thas why I always follow my intuition, it NEVA fails me.

13261237, I just screamed out loud and woke up the dogs.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue May-29-18 12:58 PM
I'm dead.
13261347, lmao. this guy always cracks me up.
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Tue May-29-18 02:34 PM
13261170, Man. From WAY back.
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:07 PM
13261135, fake news trigger libs snowflakes something crooked hillary
Posted by j., Tue May-29-18 11:37 AM
witch hunt maga nra

these kind of remarks are normal now thanks to CNN, MSNBC, Faux, NYT, WaPo, etc etc

13261155, buttery males
Posted by double negative, Tue May-29-18 11:58 AM
13261137, yet Black folks stay clapping for her...smh..
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 11:41 AM
13261139, Wanda Sykes just quit.
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 11:43 AM
she announced it on Twitter
13261142, That's what's up.... props to her.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 11:48 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261233, Good! I hope Sponsors follow
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-29-18 12:56 PM


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins
13261197, Thas whassup!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 12:31 PM
I'm glad Africana is takin firm stands these days. Ninjaz aint goin for da banana inna tailpipe no mo'.

13261204, here's the article:
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:38 PM

13261394, See, if she waited a few more hours and let herself get
Posted by Adwhizz, Tue May-29-18 06:13 PM
fired she'd be collecting some unemployment checks instead...
13261682, who?!
Posted by infin8, Wed May-30-18 10:33 AM
she's always been exactly what she looks like to me. That's definitely a book a didn't mind judging by it's cover.
13261138, if ABC doesn't pull the plug on her after THIS?
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 11:42 AM
13261144, They won't .. BUT if they did
Posted by handle, Tue May-29-18 11:51 AM
She'd get picked up elsewhere. First sitcom on Fox News or some shit.

To be fair to Roseanne - she's really stupid :)
13261148, nah, I don't think that's the answer. I'd rather see things play out
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 11:53 AM
a different way.

Not sure exactly how...
but I don't think deading her show is the most beneficial route for the overall cause.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261171, ^^^Black folks stay defending her ^^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:09 PM
The fuck we need to see play out?

Cancel the show and the end.

Ain’t no other way for this to play out to our benefit. You really can’t help yourself can you?
13261193, Cancel the show = ammo for the folks that claim there's a "liberal agenda"
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 12:29 PM
at play.

Let her shit fizzle out with low ratings and ruin any chance of her reviving her career any further.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261206, I refuse to accept the idea that she should keep her job.
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:38 PM
13261230, those 'people' have never been at a loss for ammo....ever...it's what
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-29-18 12:54 PM
makes them ....them
13261236, they build ammo every day out of imaginary white tears
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:58 PM
like they need this for more ammo
13261246, exactly...a nigga can get shot in the back and they'll ask why didn't he
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-29-18 01:03 PM
13261354, :(
Posted by Dstl1, Tue May-29-18 02:52 PM
13261232, nigga this is America. Fuck their feelings
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:56 PM
13261368, haven't you seen "bamboozled"? haha
Posted by rawsouthpaw, Tue May-29-18 03:31 PM
13261174, I'd rather see her at the bus stop with her stuff in a box.
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:12 PM
There's NO reason to keep her around. Fire her ass.

13261186, fluid woulda stopped Spike from throwing the garbage can
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:25 PM
13261190, LMAO!!!!
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:26 PM
13261194, lmao...smh.. "Aye Spike, don't do that, BLACK folks gonna have to clean
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 12:29 PM
that shit up yo!"

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261255, BRUH! ! !
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 01:11 PM
13261319, lol
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 01:59 PM
13261343, Mook! Chill, B! You gon get glass on your Nikes. Chill!
Posted by Creole, Tue May-29-18 02:29 PM
LMAO... I'll not be abloe to watch that scene again now.
13261348, lmaooo
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Tue May-29-18 02:37 PM
13261326, i do
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Tue May-29-18 02:09 PM
>a different way.
>Not sure exactly how...
>but I don't think deading her show is the most beneficial
>route for the overall cause.
>"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261340, Sheeeeit Cosby losing re-run syndication runs. Roseanne's ass...
Posted by Creole, Tue May-29-18 02:27 PM
gotsta go!

No need to wait for a damned thang! And phuck what the dummies gotta say.

Glad they cancelled her with the quickness.
13261151, Naw, they will at least wait for ratings to dip
Posted by go mack, Tue May-29-18 11:56 AM
think it was highest rated sitcom this year yet, maybe dipped a little the last couple episodes. I think next season will dip a lot tho and then they can pull it if that happens.
13261169, ABC/Disney/ESPN suspended Jemele Hill
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:06 PM
and she used the words "White Supremacist".

This ignorant bitch compared VJ to a monkey. They better come harder than some 'public apology' shit.

13261183, Co-sign this ^^^
Posted by Marbles, Tue May-29-18 12:21 PM

This isn't the same as ESPN not wanting their people to wade to deep into politics. ESPN just doesn't want its talent to even be in the mix.

This garbage that Roseanne Barr pulled is way over the line. She better see some repercussions from this.
13261198, they also shut down the kaepernick/kneeling episode of blackish.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 12:32 PM
13261203, That too.
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 12:36 PM
13261251, damn...with THAT in mind....dead that shit! my bad...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 01:07 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261256, Writing was on the wall
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 01:12 PM

Ratings were already dropping big from the premiere
13261258, yup, but 10 mill wasn't bad
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 01:14 PM
but I def think it was going to keep sliding
13261280, Yeah, people went apeshit over the premiere
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 01:23 PM
But the same thing happened with the Will & Grace revival. Their numbers weren't THAT good, but that's the thing with these reboots. Everyone wants to check them out at first, then interest fades.
13261342, 10 Mil is great today
Posted by go mack, Tue May-29-18 02:28 PM
nothing is getting 30 mil like back in the 90s. You get 10 million viewers its a hit.

Just look at this current Nielsen list:

Roseanne still 2nd broadcast tv ratings. Nobody huddles around watching the same shit anymore, too many cable and streaming options.

Didn't look down yet, lol can't believe they actually did cancel it but good for them. The slide would have been real anyways I'm sure but won't be surprised if it gets picked up by someone else either.
13261361, yeah, ain't no one cancelling a show with those ratings
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 03:13 PM
13261164, Saw dis in my twitter feed and KNEW it would be here.
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 12:03 PM
Aint surprised at dat heffa.

Tryna think of some good getback...

Got it, we need Crisco ta hate-fuck her and cold shoot da club up, give her a Black baby, den when Shorty old enough to comprehend social-dynamics, show'eem da clip. Let dat heffa relive da shame AWALL ova again.

Yo Crisco, ready ta put in dat work?

13261187, you know me.. if I see it I post it! lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:26 PM
13261200, I aint mad atcha...
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 12:35 PM
13261168, Hmmm, this can't be right
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 12:06 PM
Because as we all know, racism is just the expression of Economic Anxiety, but her show was already renewed for a season 2, so what is she so anxious about? Does it actually come from elsewhere?
13261207, Wanda Sykes quits Roseanne after Barr's Twitter rant (swipe & link)
Posted by Marbles, Tue May-29-18 12:39 PM


Roseanne Barr, one of ABC's biggest stars, apologized after a bizarre, racist Twitter rant Tuesday morning, and then announced she's "now leaving Twitter."
ABC had no immediate comment.

Following the rant, one of the show's consulting producers, Wanda Sykes, said she's done with the show.

"I will not be returning to @RoseanneOnABC," Sykes tweeted.

And Sara Gilbert, who plays Barr's daughter on the ABC sitcom, tweeted that Barr's comments are "abhorrent and do not reflect the beliefs of our cast and crew or anyone associated with our show."

Gilbert added: "This is incredibly sad and difficult for all of us, as we've created a show that we believe in, are proud of, and that audiences love— one that is separate and apart from the opinions and words of one cast member."

Barr is notorious for tweeting about pro-Trump conspiracy theories and other controversial topics. This week she repeatedly attacked prominent Democrats.

In one of the tweets, she wrote, "Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby=vj."

Barr was responding to a comment about Valerie Jarrett, a top former aide to President Obama.

CNN reporter Andrew Kaczynski responded to Roseanne on Twitter about the Jarrett comment, which she replied was "a joke."

Barr later deleted the tweet and tweeted an apology to Jarrett and "all Americans."

"I am truly sorry for making a bad joke about her politics and her looks," Barr tweeted. "I should have known better. Forgive me-my joke was in bad taste." Barr then said she's leaving Twitter.

Jarrett declined to comment.

Social media lit up with criticism of both Barr and ABC, with some demanding a response from the broadcast network. ABC has not replied to CNNMoney's request for comment.

In the past, ABC executives have privately said that they hold their noses when Barr tweets. They know some of her posts have been problematic -- full of pro-Trump conspiracy theories that mislead her fans.

The executives want Barr to focus on her show. But they seem to take the position that there's no controlling Barr, and that's what makes her the successful comic she is.

ABC employees shared these views on condition of anonymity earlier this year, before the current Twitter controversy.

Barr also made comments on Twitter about Chelsea Clinton, tweeting, "Chelsea Soros Clinton." She later replied in the comments that Clinton is "married to Soros nephew." Soros is a billionaire liberal benefactor who has been the subject to many right-wing conspiracy theories over the years.

Clinton responded to Barr shortly after.

"Good morning Roseanne - my given middle name is Victoria. I imagine George Soros's nephews are lovely people. I'm just not married to one," she wrote.

Barr responded back to Clinton saying, "Sorry to have tweeted incorrect info about you! Please forgive me!

She then continued, "By the way, George Soros is a nazi who turned in his fellow Jews 2 be murdered in German concentration camps & stole their wealth-were you aware of that? But, we all make mistakes, right Chelsea?"

This conspiracy theory about Soros has been debunked many times. The fact-checking site Snopes called it "false" back in 2016.

Roseanne's rant is nothing new to those who follow the sitcom star on Twitter. The star bred controversy on the site before.

The premiere of Roseanne's reboot was one of the highest-rated new shows of the season, and Barr is one of the network's biggest stars, if not its biggest.

However, after the huge debut, which brought in more than 18 million live viewers, the show saw its audience come back down to earth. Its finale, which aired last week, nabbed roughly 10 million viewers.

ABC is currently in production on season two of "Roseanne." The next season of the show will kick off in the fall for ABC.

MSNBC's "Morning Joe" host, Joe Scarborough, was critical of ABC on Twitter following the rant.

"Hey @ABC, Roseanne Barr compared Valerie Jarrett to an ape. There is no apology she can make that justifies @ABC turning a blind eye to this bigotry by airing another second of her show," he tweeted. "Even in the Age of Trump, there are red lines that can never be crossed. This is one."

Others like civil rights activist DeRay Mckesson called on the network to cancel the show.

".@ABC, how desperate are you to profit from Roseanne's racism? We know racism sells in this country, it always has. But you don't have to participate in it," he tweeted. "This apology is meaningless. Cancel Roseanne."
13261223, She really feeling herself off that little 1st week ratings
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:52 PM
13261219, ABC just canceled the show
Posted by benny, Tue May-29-18 12:50 PM
13261221, Should've just recast Roseanne with Sarah Chalke
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 12:52 PM
13261222, Footage of ABC President Channing Dungey
Posted by Call It Anything, Tue May-29-18 12:52 PM
13261224, nigga!!! I really clicked on the link thinking it was a real feed
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:53 PM
I fucking fell out in the office.

Now they know I'm here

13261225, y'all know Trump is gonna spend half his rally on this tonight
Posted by benny, Tue May-29-18 12:53 PM
13261257, he is gonna turn it into a midterm election issue.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 01:13 PM
thats not even a joke.

theres nothing that riles conservatives up into action like fake victimization. this is perfect.
13261226, play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
Posted by double negative, Tue May-29-18 12:53 PM
what a dickhead.

she just fucked it all up for everyone involved.
13261228, FluidJ's reaction
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 12:54 PM
13261254, lmao..y'all so damn evil....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 01:09 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261261, haha.. nah son, your replies are evil tho... Stop giving them the benefit
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 01:15 PM
13261266, https://imgur.com/fxK8E2M
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 01:19 PM

13261287, lol
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 01:29 PM
FluidJ wanted her to get that paid vacation that the cops get.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue May-29-18 12:58 PM
13261239, that was quick. I cant wait to read the Trump supporters comments
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue May-29-18 12:59 PM
Theyre gonna be livid.
13261249, intolerant left, freedom of speech, identity politics, etc.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 01:07 PM
13261242, 45 Is going to have a fit ... ROTFL
Posted by Case_One, Tue May-29-18 01:00 PM


"I cannot see how nature could have created itself. Only a supernatural force that is outside of space and time could have done that. ~ Francis Collins
13261244, WON'T HE DO IT?!?!?!?
Posted by Shogun, Tue May-29-18 01:01 PM
13261268, lmbao
Posted by Trinity444, Tue May-29-18 01:19 PM
13261301, 😂😂
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue May-29-18 01:39 PM
13261245, lol holy shit. i was not expecting that.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 01:01 PM
13261259, hate is a mother
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Tue May-29-18 01:14 PM
she f*cked everybody up and she had the nerve to get on twitter with that mess. hate.
13261274, Unh-huh©DMX
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 01:21 PM
13261307, Look at God
Posted by tully_blanchard, Tue May-29-18 01:42 PM


Fuck aliens


13261250, Rosanne will always fuck herself with her own stupidity
Posted by mrhood75, Tue May-29-18 01:07 PM
The reason the show cratered the first time around was because she was insufferable and largely impossible to work with. And that was before she outed herself as a racist.

She's got no one to blame but herself.
13261384, I should probably prepare for next seas—FUCK THAT, SINK THE SHIP!
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue May-29-18 04:33 PM
13261252, STARBUCKS IS CLOSED, ROSANNE CANCELLED...Stay safe out there
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue May-29-18 01:08 PM
on the commute home my Brothers and Sister

they gonna be out for BLOOD this evening!

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13261263, no coffee and now dis??
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 01:16 PM
13261260, Couldn't we just kill her off and call the show Dan?
Posted by bigkarma, Tue May-29-18 01:15 PM
Liked the show...hated the star
13261269, the show/characters are her creation right? she'd still be making $$$$$
Posted by Oak27, Tue May-29-18 01:20 PM
13261271, it is kinda fucked up that everyone else is out of a job.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 01:20 PM
13261276, I would rather do that than put the other actors out of work
Posted by Tw3nty, Tue May-29-18 01:22 PM
13261277, Laurie Metcalf desrves her own show
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 01:22 PM
Roseanne died/had to go back to her planet, now Jackie's in charge of everything and somehow married to Dan.
13261279, Did you just drop a Poochie reference?
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Tue May-29-18 01:23 PM
13261305, Would have worked for Roseanne, too
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 01:41 PM
13261281, Horrible for the crew. But the right decision.
Posted by Ryan M, Tue May-29-18 01:24 PM
The other actors are fine.

The crew are the real casualties here.
13261284, Racist bitch got them fired on her/their day off
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 01:25 PM
13261304, ^^
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Tue May-29-18 01:40 PM
13261859, The crew will be fine too. TV production is very much an in-club/network
Posted by Damali, Wed May-30-18 03:23 PM
everybody knows everybody...they probably already all have jobs elsewhere

13261317, Pass on all this sympathy for the crew and actors
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 01:50 PM
they knew what they were joining. Her crazy was never hidden or a secret and jumping on the Trump bandwagon put her racism out there before they did the first episode. This was always going in one direction, off a cliff.
13261320, f'reals lol....
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-29-18 01:59 PM
13261321, Meh. I feel bad for the grip who wants to come in, do his/her job
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-29-18 02:01 PM
and go home and feed their family.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13261325, RIGHT?! what a privileged opinion
Posted by double negative, Tue May-29-18 02:09 PM
13261328, Nothing wrong with feeding your family
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 02:09 PM
Thinking you got job security with Roseanne


no sympathy
13261329, some of these folks just want to work and get paid and go home
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 02:11 PM
he's acting like these grips and camera men are execs..lol
13261333, Oh it's a shortage of jobs for grips in Hollywood
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 02:22 PM
Nobody else hiring crew's ?
13261335, huh? Who gives a shit. My industry is always hiring but I still would feel
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 02:24 PM
some type of way if my job was lost due to my boss being a bigot.

you came in and found a way to sound wrong as hell...

that's impressive.
13261339, If the Klan is hiring and you sign up, I'm not going to shed a tear
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 02:27 PM
when they go out of business.

You sound like FluidJ, poor boom guy he doesn't get to work for racist Roseanne anymore.
13261362, https://media.giphy.com/media/5SKOXxFo670S4/giphy.gif
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 03:14 PM

13261370, hes in a union..im sure he'll be fine
Posted by houston_hardhead, Tue May-29-18 03:40 PM
13261862, EXACTLY. jobs in TV/film production are PLENTIFUL
Posted by Damali, Wed May-30-18 03:25 PM
once you're in the guild, and if you're good, you'll always work.

13261332, Love to blame the lowest people on the totem pole
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 02:20 PM
for their bosses shitty opinions.
13261336, Who is blaming those people and how ?
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 02:24 PM
13261344, Keep going
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 02:29 PM
There's got to be a caterer or someone we haven't shit on yet.
13261346, Ok
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue May-29-18 02:34 PM
Will the caterer go out of business ? Did someone starve or get evicted because the Rosanne show was canceled ?
13261350, are they employed by the network or the star of the show?
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-29-18 02:42 PM
are they contracted employees or unionized hourly wage employees?

like is a show considered a project? seasonal employment? hourly

I'm not seeing outright how a tv show cancellation would kill the low man's 'career'

if it does/can feel free to elaborate
13261366, not sure but the OP implies they chose this show
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 03:20 PM
most folks just talking about these folks losing a gig who aren't involved in anything but the technical shit.

13261385, They are usually hourly employees, I believe.
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Tue May-29-18 04:33 PM
But, if I understand correctly, their livelihood is about getting on (ideally) long-term projects. A show gets canceled, they're out of work.
13262202, they're employed through a production company
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu May-31-18 02:12 PM
a show like this would be considered ideal, because it was highly rated, so you might feel some sense of job security (relatively) for a while, especially if you are between seasons, on a hit show you know is coming back, and there's really no reason to think that would change, so you'd feel comfortable say, dropping a down payment on a new car, or adding on to the house, knowing you're good for another year at least.

once a show ends, or get cancelled you are essentially fired. i work in post, so i'm not sure exactly how it goes down, but i believe you put your name back out there listing yourself as available, and different productions/production companies will chose you based on your rep, who you know, etc..

a big show like this, much of this crew has probably worked together before, many of them may be fine, but it still really sucks and is something that can throw a huge monkey wrench into your life.

13262410, gotcha...thanks...appreciate it
Posted by ambient1, Fri Jun-01-18 09:27 AM
13261331, Cynically, I think this has to do with the George Soros comment.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-29-18 02:19 PM
I think the saavy folks have figured out the best thing to do about spreading crazy conspiracy theories on the internet is to sue for defamation.

I think ABC was scared of facing a defamation lawsuit from George Soros for the Nazi stuff Roseanne tweeted today.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13261334, Nah, she was going to buy ABC
Posted by Dr Claw, Tue May-29-18 02:23 PM
it was all in the plans after the show reached #1
13261338, lol, yall some funny dudes
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 02:25 PM
13261351, this reply is a conspiracy theory itself fam. a soros one at that lol.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 02:43 PM
what really happened is that it is all part of a plot by authoritarian liberal activist david hogg and the deep state to silence powerful free thinkers.

13261363, niggas always gotta reach
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 03:15 PM
when the shit is right there..

13261373, Not a conspiracy theory. ABC has real exposure from one of their
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-29-18 03:42 PM
stars claiming without basis that a Billionaire colloborated with the Nazis. That's gawker exposure. Alex Jones calling Sandy Hook victims crisis actors exposure.

I just think this decision was driven more than just her saying something racist.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13261381, fam its literally just a theory you came up with
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 04:28 PM
that makes sense to you based on absolutely zero evidence that it even occurred lol.

the chick said something racist. there was a massive backlash on social media to the racist comment. her black consulting producer quit. and the black president of abc canceled the show. no mention anywhere by anyone of the soros comments even being a factor.

sometimes your eyes dont deceive you lol. what you see is really whats standing in front of you.

and gawker and alex jones personally/directly engaged in the behavior being litigated. saying abc is in the same realm of exposure for the soros tweets is like saying nbc had exposure for employing a reality tv star who engaged in a public crusade claiming the sitting president wasnt a citizen.
13261671, Yall are more optimistic than me. I have a hard time believing
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-30-18 10:23 AM
that ABC would so quickly cancel one of their top rated shows because of that one racist tweet.

Channing Dungey doesn't have the power to make such a move so quickly. Even Bob Iger would have to seriously consider the consequences of making such a move after the weekend Solo underperformed.

Maybe I am putting too much on Soros but at the very least I am thinking that the keeping Roseanne cost benefit analysis was already being considered well before the tweet.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13261674, its 2018 and yes, ole girl has that power
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-30-18 10:26 AM
who knows how many other shows Wanda Sykes works for or how much stock she had in this new series.

I also think even though 10 mill is good numbers they saw that shit fading to regular rating territory and take the chance to ruin your rep over her bullshit?

13261386, No nigga... just no.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 04:34 PM
One of her bosses is a Black woman

One of her main writers is a Black woman

It’s like you refuse to believe her racism against this woman for her fired.

13261379, She's been tweeting about Soros for well over a year.
Posted by Frank Longo, Tue May-29-18 04:21 PM
13261349, so you making racist comments about Black women?
Posted by houston_hardhead, Tue May-29-18 02:41 PM
when your boss is a Black woman..
13261364, nah, it's Soros..lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 03:16 PM
13261376, Sheeeiittt, when they get *comfortable,....
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 04:05 PM
...,they WILL let dey nutz hang.

Accordingly, when Im around'em, I wear my Blackness on my sleeve out da gate so dey know, "Damn...I can't pull that bullshit with *this one"
13261390, the caudacity tho..when you got a sista writing your shit!!
Posted by houston_hardhead, Tue May-29-18 05:13 PM
13261391, Oh shit! My ninja said, "Caudacity"! ? ? Instantly added to da lexicon!
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue May-29-18 05:37 PM

Its da movement for 2k18

13261380, they should just recast rosanne with
Posted by TR808, Tue May-29-18 04:26 PM
Wanda Sykes....

13261388, conservatives are retaliating by calling on bill maher to be fired lol.
Posted by Reeq, Tue May-29-18 04:59 PM

i love how the right thinks bill maher is some revered champion of the left. if him and roseanne can get taken out by the same stone...i think a lot of liberals would celebrate lol.
13261392, They are trolls. They really don't care about anything
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue May-29-18 05:47 PM
Posted by Rjcc, Tue May-29-18 06:15 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13261402, Oh noes, not Bill. LOL
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-29-18 06:57 PM
13261412, fuck bill maher
Posted by Crash Bandacoot, Tue May-29-18 07:48 PM
one of those zainey batshit fake woke liberals
13261419, Who told them we like Bill Maher?
Posted by Marauder21, Tue May-29-18 08:15 PM
LOL he's been garbage for years.
13261710, meanwhile bill maher would defend her 'right' to be racist. lolololol
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed May-30-18 11:00 AM
13261397, It was a decent show. Sad she had to screw it up
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue May-29-18 06:19 PM
13261481, She'll be on Joe Rogan this week
Posted by handle, Tue May-29-18 11:21 PM
Not to wish it, but all I'm saying is this: If Joe rogan UFC the shit out of her, then he'll be a hero.

But remember - it took Joe Rogan over a decade to accept the fucking moon landing.
13261487, Rogan doesn’t operate like that
Posted by Mgmt, Tue May-29-18 11:48 PM
He will bait you into talking your crazy shit without showing judgement. He will nudge her along

>Not to wish it, but all I'm saying is this: If Joe rogan UFC
>the shit out of her, then he'll be a hero.
>But remember - it took Joe Rogan over a decade to accept the
>fucking moon landing.
13261489, joe rogan is personally responsible for spreading more wingnuttery
Posted by Rjcc, Wed May-30-18 12:05 AM
than anyone short of youtube's algorithm.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13261490, he is also the worst MMA commentator in existence, like it's impossible
Posted by J_Stew, Wed May-30-18 12:11 AM
to cover that sport and be worse than he is, especially considering he actually trains. It dumbfounds me every time.
13261660, his positioning is really confusing...
Posted by double negative, Wed May-30-18 10:15 AM
i mean, I get it in a sense, in todays world theres not much of a ideological spectrum, its very binary

so in someways hes on the side I agree with and in other ways hes in a gray area that I can't begin to understand and so I tend to just stay the fuck away because I don't want to be surprised if he were to one day start nodding in agreement with some insane right wing talking head
13261668, RE: his positioning is really confusing...
Posted by double 0, Wed May-30-18 10:22 AM
It is because he has 50 y.o. white man blind spots..

and lets be real... unless you are a comedian there are no black people on there to talk about anything...

so he only has whitesplaining on there for 3 hrs... he doesnt get any other info
13262206, his show is now mostly just middle aged white dudes
Posted by Reeq, Thu May-31-18 02:26 PM
with declining testosterone whining about the fact other people have begun rejecting the worldview from their formative years.

i cant even watch the mma discussion on there nowadays. it always turns into whining about political correctness and how burdened they are by not being able to offend anyone anymore.

plus joe looks like he hasnt brushed his teeth since comic relief was on hbo.
13262252, coco diaz makes this guy relevant to me..otherwise... hes a nobody
Posted by houston_hardhead, Thu May-31-18 03:48 PM
Posted by Mgmt, Fri Jun-01-18 09:12 AM
13261513, They even pulled her reruns from syndication
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-30-18 07:26 AM
its overrrrr
13261638, she tried to blame Ambien.. peep their response
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-30-18 09:49 AM

People of all races, religions and nationalities work at Sanofi every day to improve the lives of people around the world. While all pharmaceutical treatments have side effects, racism is not a known side effect of any Sanofi medication.
13261785, When pharma gets in on the petty...
Posted by soulpsychodelicyde, Wed May-30-18 12:59 PM
..... you know it's some shit.

That response made my insides tingly.
13261861, right? WE got ALLLL the side effects, except racism
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-30-18 03:24 PM