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Topic subjectfinally Friday... Weekend plans?
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13250461, finally Friday... Weekend plans?
Posted by PG, Fri Apr-13-18 02:48 PM
man this week was a bit of a killer @ work until some breakthroughs finally happened yesterday... just glad I copped czarface and moosebumps so I had something new and fresh to listen too.. If I hadn't I surely would've perished.

Only one kid coming over this weekend.. which is always good for the fridge and cupboards.. I tell you twin 16 year old boys alone will bankrupt entire nations with the amount of food they can and will pack away.

I'm guessing there'll be stuff to do but what I really need to do is get busy in my music room... things have been disorganized there for too long and I need to get back working on some new and old projects.

man I'm having some Guinness when I get home tonight... I know they're chilling.... 3hrs till quitting time 4 until I get at them.

What're yer plans this time around the weekly bend???

13250488, went for a short walk @ lunch in the pouring rain
Posted by PG, Fri Apr-13-18 03:54 PM
listening to a reggae dancehall and dub playlist/mix I made years ago... it's fun because whenever the dub songs come on I put in all kinds of soundbites from Mr. Rogers Mr. T and Christopher Walken primarily...

It was cold outside... something inherently paradoxical about enjoying Jamaican music in cold rain... man what I wouldn't give to be sitting in bloody bay drinking a dragon stout right now.
13250496, Going to Spurs/Warriors game 1 tomorrow!!
Posted by dustin, Fri Apr-13-18 04:11 PM
Finishing up my taxes besides that lol.