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Topic subjectany of yall basically work in excel for a living? or any excel pros
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13250288, any of yall basically work in excel for a living? or any excel pros
Posted by dba_BAD, Fri Apr-13-18 09:07 AM
I'm in final consideration for a new gig that I really, really, really want - last step is a sample project that includes building a somewhat involved dashboard in excel.

I regularly work in excel, and zip around using obvious features like basic math functions, sorting data etc - but in this case I know they're particularly assessing my excel chops and I want to pull out all the stops.

If you were building something in excel with specifically showing off an advanced skillset in mind - what special functions would you make sure to include?

I don't know wth a pivot table or a macro is, but I know they're things lol

Give me some suggestions please and thanks!
13250289, You definitely would want to create a macro in VBA
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Apr-13-18 09:12 AM
That demonstrates that you know how to overcome the limitations of base Excel and can use the program efficiently
13250356, ^
Posted by jimi, Fri Apr-13-18 11:03 AM
13250290, Pivot tables/charts definitely learn...asap
Posted by ambient1, Fri Apr-13-18 09:13 AM
it's actually pretty easy once you play around with it

Macro's are a very good tool to have in your bag....i'm sorta 'learning' it now...

Power Pivot-- after you graduate from regular pivot tables....handles larger data sets and cool for showing off

VLookup-- I never learned it...it's not hard...I just haven't taken the time....but VERY useful/helpful

I'll add more if I think of any

13250298, you'll definitely need conditional formatting for dashboards
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Fri Apr-13-18 09:28 AM
You essentially enter logic such that if X is, say, >= Y, make the cell green. If X==Y, cell is yellow. If X<Y, cell is red.

I've also gotten alot of run out of knowing how to name a range of values and then using countif() to find the certain values in that range.

For instance, if I've got 10 values in column A of Sheet1 that I need to find amongst 5000 values in another tab in Sheet 2 of the spreadsheet, I'll name the large range of values "MyRange".

Then in column B of Sheet1, I'll put =countif(MyRange, A1)>0 . The ">0" at the end changes the countif into a True/False statement.

So if A1 is in the range of 5000 values in "MyRange", B1 will be "True". If not, it'll be false.

Autofill that function for all 10 entries and I've quickly determined whether any entry in column A is in "MyRange".

13250330, ^^^^ all of the above.... and if you have time which you won't: VBA
Posted by PG, Fri Apr-13-18 10:22 AM
13250334, vlookups are essential, first thing they ask about at my gig
Posted by T Reynolds, Fri Apr-13-18 10:27 AM
as far as stepping into the next realm of data consumption. and they're easy once you get the hang of them

the level I am looking to get on is VBA where you are getting not only multiple worksheets in Excel, but multiple programs like Access / Outlook working together.

13250342, vlookup was a game changer for me
Posted by Playa_Politician, Fri Apr-13-18 10:34 AM
colleague taught me about it a few years ago after 10 years of manually figuring ways to perform same task. i use it weekly if not daily now.
13250345, ^ THIS ^ 1st priority!!! - I assumed this as already known
Posted by PG, Fri Apr-13-18 10:39 AM
13250373, thanks for all the great suggestions above - Imma do my googles
Posted by dba_BAD, Fri Apr-13-18 11:49 AM
are there any particular online resources you're a fan of?

I'm a seasoned googler and am confident I can find the instructions and info I need - youtube etc, but if there's something dope out there you're already aware of let me know

Thanks all!

And keep any more great ideas coming! This has been super useful so far
13250399, https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkndrGoNpUDV-uia6a9jwVg
Posted by ambient1, Fri Apr-13-18 12:42 PM

13250405, RE: any of yall basically work in excel for a living? or any excel pros
Posted by GNT1986, Fri Apr-13-18 12:54 PM
I work pretty extensively with Excel in my new position.

I wouldn't say I'm an expert, but I'm proficient enough to get a job that sounds like what you're going after.

What's the point of the dashboard? What information are you trying to convey?

What kind of data are you working with?
13250420, I have to assess a set of financials to determine fiscal health
Posted by dba_BAD, Fri Apr-13-18 01:30 PM
and make strategic recommendations

(which is what I already know how to do)

and then make a dashboard for that theoretical organization to use to manage (forecast, allocate, etc) their finances moving forward (which I kinda know how to do, and have done many times in simplified formats, but I never tried to make anything hugely integrated and pretty)

Would love the opportunity to inbox with you or others in this post in more detail, if you're game to advise further. All input is hugely helpful and appreciated!
13250457, RE: I have to assess a set of financials to determine fiscal health
Posted by GNT1986, Fri Apr-13-18 02:43 PM
Feel free to inbox me. I'm at work today and tomorrow reading up on how to design and implement a data governance framework, so if you know anything about that, sharing is caring.

I'm not sure how much help I can be, but yeah, happy to assist however I can.

Is the forecasting straight line linear regression?

The guy who taught me a majority of my excel trickery loved using slicers in dashboards:

13250454, Yep, both of those. Youtube has good free tutorials.
Posted by Cam, Fri Apr-13-18 02:40 PM
Learn pivot tables in 6 minutes:

A more thorough dashboard tutorial:
13250487, you need to holla at THIS dude: ben collins
Posted by poetx, Fri Apr-13-18 03:53 PM

if you go to the top level url, he mostly fux w/ google sheets now (which is what i mostly mess with), but he got some fire on excel, too, at the link i posted.

in particular, he's GREAT at explaining stuff -- one of the best tutorialists (? that a word?) on the 'net, and he always has sample files, etc.

he will have you looking like the excel goat.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13250491, THANKS man I wish I was working in sheets
Posted by dba_BAD, Fri Apr-13-18 04:02 PM
I have dashboards already I could repurpose wholesale lol