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Topic subjectMemba when fools used to keep certain albums/artists to themselves
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13248697, Memba when fools used to keep certain albums/artists to themselves
Posted by sersey, Fri Apr-06-18 01:32 PM
And maybe a select group of friends...

As kids we never even questioned the stupidity of that shit. If your homeboy was bumping some heat in the whip and he wouldn’t spill the beans, it was like okay this artist must be so dope that I’m only worthy to hear it if I can unearth it myself. Game on!

There was no shazamming a song or rummaging through music blogs for the latest underground phenomenon.

I admit, I was stingy as fuck with that first Esthero album.
13248699, The only person I knew who could have done that to me, I bribed him
Posted by c71, Fri Apr-06-18 01:36 PM
with the records I didn't want for him to make me tapes (he made some good tapes for me - Hardcore punk)

13248701, its a different world, we cannot afford to do this anymore.
Posted by double negative, Fri Apr-06-18 01:39 PM
you don't spread the word then your favorite unknown artist aint eatin' or putting out more albums

I keep saying it, but things are fragmented. Its like a broken window, now the genres got genres and there are so many people out there to find
13248703, yeah no doubt
Posted by infin8, Fri Apr-06-18 01:41 PM
For me...that kinda made shit 'special'...it was like 'nah this is speaking to ME...if it were for YOU...then you'd HAVE it..or you'll FIND it'

I was good for just not answering if you asked...or I'd say I didnt know.

I was an asshole.

I still don't give up the goods, sometimes...

"eehh...jus some shit I came across on the internet...' LOL
13248705, Yea this for sure. I felt the same way. Well said.
Posted by Brew, Fri Apr-06-18 01:42 PM
>For me...that kinda made shit 'special'...it was like 'nah
>this is speaking to ME...if it were for YOU...then you'd HAVE
>it..or you'll FIND it'
13248704, Haha I didn't keep artists from anyone but I was certainly protective.
Posted by Brew, Fri Apr-06-18 01:42 PM
Like I'd only *discuss* certain artists and albums with people I deemed worthy of discussing the artists with. So fucking stupid.
13248708, RE: Memba when fools used to keep certain albums/artists to themselves
Posted by sersey, Fri Apr-06-18 01:44 PM
I used to keep cassettes with nothing but remixes to certified hits. I’m talking the 12” remixes for Scenario, Case of the PTA, T.R.O.Y, Shut Em Down, etc...

Waiting for the shock & awe from nearby listeners was how we stunted on people in the 90s.
13248775, RE: Memba when fools used to keep certain albums/artists to themselves
Posted by EAS, Fri Apr-06-18 03:15 PM
Yep.......I have been stunted on many times. But with my crew, they weren't as stingy, they just wanted to be the first. But yeah, finding dope remixes and dope B-sides used to be the shit back in the day. Plus gave me greater appreciation for the artists.
13248709, the fine line between turning folks onto it vs pushing it over the shark
Posted by PG, Fri Apr-06-18 01:46 PM
as much as folks might like to say I knew and liked xyz back in 123 before they got all big and boring type ish it always felt better to me to at least turn my own folks onto the good stuff if not the public in general... eventually though my tastes just outgrew a fair amount of my circles.
13248714, no.. I never did that. I took pride in putting people on
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Apr-06-18 01:50 PM
House DJ's STILL do this shit tho..

I'll ask what a cut is and the DJ will give me some "white label, I think it might be..." bullshit ass line.

Now, when it comes to kicks? DEFINITELY

Where you get those? nope.. not telling.
13248735, House DJ's...yup, we do, lol
Posted by tully_blanchard, Fri Apr-06-18 02:19 PM
There's a couple cats that do edits/remixes that I'd let you sleep with my sister before I tell you who they are. And thats mad counterproductive for them, but...it's house, ya know?

I remember when I first heard Dajae "Keep Pushin'"..my homeboy was playing it and I asked him what it was. He hit me with the "white label" jawn. 3 months later I found it, and kept it on deck for whenever I saw him walk into the spot I was djing at.

Now the durn song is in a commercial, lol..


Fuck aliens


13248759, heard some fire at Soul and dude hit me with the white label
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Apr-06-18 02:52 PM
I knew he was lying

couldn't shazzaam it either

13248891, Is soul on central? How often do they have parties ...
Posted by mikediggz, Sat Apr-07-18 11:20 AM
I roll thru QC from time to time and wouldn’t mind catching a nice house set
13248963, Yup, Central and Pecan..upstairs
Posted by tully_blanchard, Sun Apr-08-18 06:25 AM
They have djs every night, and if they've stayed true to format, Wed-Sat is always house djs.


Fuck aliens


13248968, It’s more of a lounge/sushi restaurant
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Apr-08-18 09:24 AM
It’s not a spot to party and dance but you’ll want to...

The music is usually fire tho... sushi and drink selection is good too.

13249355, preciate the info fellas...i was down there 2wks ago for the wknd...
Posted by mikediggz, Mon Apr-09-18 03:43 PM
next time im in town ima check to see if they got anythg goin on
13248779, House and Disco DJs put a lot of effort into record digging & selecting
Posted by flipnile, Fri Apr-06-18 03:25 PM
There is no "top 40" list of what's currently hot for them. I don't blame them.

I'm not a DJ, but when I'm spinning records at the crib I've get intentionally vague when someone asks me what I'm playing, on some "why don't you just listen and enjoy." As soon as you tell them they are post youtube links on twitter talking about "this my jam... had to DIG for this one!"

Meanwhile, they rarely put me on the hot music.
13248781, Well, there are the lists that are on Traxsource and whatnot, soo....
Posted by tully_blanchard, Fri Apr-06-18 03:31 PM
But you're correct, the art is in the digging for deeper stuff...just like a dope hip-hop/rare groove dj.

The absolute worst though??

I've had djs break their necks to get in the booth to look at my Traktor screen to see what I'm playing, then run outside to other dj's on some "Yooo!!!!! He's playing "so-and-so", thats my shiiit!! I used to play that all the time!!"

Had it happen more than once...


Fuck aliens


13248785, Traxsource? *googles*
Posted by flipnile, Fri Apr-06-18 03:48 PM
I'm old, lol. I rip everything from vinyl, as I prefer 24bit .wavs (gives you WAY more headroom from effects/EQ vs. 16bit).

OT, but what kinda controller do you use with Traktor? I run scratch on an old mac (can't go too cutting edge), and I want something inexpensive, but everything inexpensive seems cheap.
13248790, RE: Traxsource? *googles*-LOL!
Posted by tully_blanchard, Fri Apr-06-18 03:57 PM
I bought a Numark 4trak about 5 years ago...looks like a commercial stovetop, but works perfectly with Traktor


I dunno if they even make em anymore, but mine is still kickin..


Fuck aliens


13248788, I get it for DJ’s I guess
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Apr-06-18 03:52 PM
at the same time tho.. a nigga wants to appreciate the music after the party ends.

13248793, I get it, and thats why i really don't mind if folk ask me what I'm playing.
Posted by tully_blanchard, Fri Apr-06-18 03:59 PM
Especially when I played at Soul. It kinda lends itself to that type of interaction.

Me and my wife just had this convo the other night about how dj's shoot themselves in the foot/the problem with the House scene in Charlotte, lol


Fuck aliens


13248801, same here.
Posted by Shogun, Fri Apr-06-18 04:15 PM
I'll tell you what it is and who made it. and then close with "good luck finding it"

13248892, #25
Posted by mikediggz, Sat Apr-07-18 11:22 AM
13248954, These Days They Get Shit So Early Straight From The Artists...
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Sun Apr-08-18 12:03 AM
...and you still can't find the song any damn place cause "they got it straight from the artist" before it's even released.

Back in the day I understood the whole mystery and having covered labels while spinning or never saying who the artist was but I also never understood how an artist plan on making money on releasing a 12" single nobody wants to tell the listeners what the hell the song is.

I was usually a second hand house vinyl digger and always seem to find copies of a dope house record used that use to be owned by one or two other djs who previously owned it 3 months to a year ago, and when they came to see me spin they laugh and say "so you bought my record huh yeah I love this joint I use to spin in all the time, got tired of playing it".

You know what really pisses me off when certain djs would get a hold of a remix that didn't make the retail release or is a UK only pressing just after you waited 1 to 3 months for it to be released just to be let down?

13248716, We never operated like that...
Posted by Marbles, Fri Apr-06-18 01:56 PM

We liked being the 1st to be onto someone dope. Then you put your cats and everyone else on. After that you can claim superior music knowledge by recognizing good acts (jokingly).
13248725, I always shared, but rappity-rap-ass dudes only really listen to rap
Posted by flipnile, Fri Apr-06-18 02:09 PM
Fools are THE MOST limited in terms of what they listen to.
13248744, I remember this being the vibe on the OutKast message boards
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Apr-06-18 02:33 PM
I posted there for years before I heard about OKP, and saw how people treated new/younger fans during the Stankonia and SB/TLB waves. Unnecessary snob shit.
13248756, I've never seen nor heard this
Posted by ambient1, Fri Apr-06-18 02:50 PM
13248969, me either, and the DJ’s resonings dont make sense
Posted by seasoned vet, Sun Apr-08-18 09:25 AM
13248842, You selfish bastards...LOL
Posted by Steelysteel, Fri Apr-06-18 08:21 PM
My dude DVS, came to my crib in the early 00's on some...

DVS: "Yo, you up on that LB?
Me: "huh?! nah man. Who dat?"
DVS: "aww...you ain't up on LB!" *pops in CD*

I took pride in sharing. A lot of my music collection was based on shit that folks here put me onto and shared. Y'all remember the audio galaxy days. Big shout to a bunch of folks here.

13248881, I remember MTV ran an article on J-Live back around All of the Above
Posted by DJR, Sat Apr-07-18 09:40 AM
and cats on The Lesson were all whimsical and shit like “I’m happy for him, but damn now everyone is going to know about my secret” . SMH.

And no, I’ve never known anyone in real life that was like that, lol.
13248955, Before Message Boards, Blogs, Napster, SLSK Locals Were Kept Secret
Posted by Dj Joey Joe, Sun Apr-08-18 12:12 AM
Remember when a friend from another town who always kept up with music would have rap locals from their hometown and sometimes but never shared their tapes or cds cause of how nobody would never give 'em back so you could never get copies of some local rap artist from like ex: NYC, Detroit, Atlanta, Houston, Bay Area, Seattle, Chicago, etc. but you couldn't find anything at your local record store.

This is one of the main reasons why I became a dj, cause I wanted those songs so bad I started to buy vinyl from underground hip-hop artists for b-sides & shit.

With the invention of download share sites, message boards, & etc. people started to share these gems of artists they had their demos and material before an artist got signed to a major.

13248956, I did this with clothes, hats, shoes etc
Posted by SeV, Sun Apr-08-18 12:31 AM
Never with music

That's weird.

Dallas Cavericks LETS GO!!
13248967, cant relate.
Posted by seasoned vet, Sun Apr-08-18 09:08 AM