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Topic subjectMy coworker will. Not. Shut. Thee. Fuck. Up. About her kid and her dogs
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13247972
13247972, My coworker will. Not. Shut. Thee. Fuck. Up. About her kid and her dogs
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Apr-04-18 09:27 PM
She talks about them all day, every day, or at least as often as she is free to talk at a call center.

She shows me videos of her dogs doing.... I dunno. Dog stuff, I guess. Just being dogs. Two minute videos of them simply fucking existing. Wagging their tails an shit. I have to be careful saying anything about my kids because she'll spend five minutes babbling about her fucking dogs and the cutest things they did, like it's remotely similar.

But that's not the worst of it. She talks about her kid constantly. For the first few months next to her, she'd talk about how cute it was when he'd cook for her. She'd say spend five minutes talking about him hurting his finger. She ranted and raved about a $300 phone bill because sent a gazillion texts to girls one month, and how, one day, I'll go the same thing. Then she told me how cute it was when she came home and he was cooking for two girls.

So after two months or so she commented on how I dont have pictures of my kids. So I showed her a couple pics from my phone. She's if I want to see "my Devin" (sic).

I say sure. She hands me her phone and I see a fucking 30 year old man staring back at me. I don't mean he's a big kid. I'm not being facetious. He's a Grown. Ass. Man.

I thought he was 15-16, tops. Early on I thought he was about 10, but further context clues lead me to conclude he was a teenager. But no. He's almost as old as me. And she talks about him like he's a goddamn 5th grader. Meanwhile, I'm staring into the eyes of a tall, square-jawed adult while his mommy gushes over the most minute bullshit he did that day.

I swear by all that is good in this world, if she shows up asking me to by almond milk chocolate bars for this motherfucker, I'm going to snap. The dog nonsense is fucking annoying, but talking about your grown, failure to launch ass son in terms that consistently indicate that he's an actual child is maddening.

For a minute I wondered if he had a mental disability or something, because a friend called me a judgmental dick for being irritated by the revelation he was an adult, so I started asking some questions to get me clues and by all accounts, he's just a regular adult living with mom. She started calling him her man child after i asked a few too many questions, and I get the impression that they're both a bit codependent.

Whew. It felt great to get that off my chest.

13247974, I make it known i don't like animals
Posted by hardware, Wed Apr-04-18 09:55 PM
i don't wish ill on any animal, but i will talk about your hairy black shirt.
13247975, I'm *thisclose* to saying "they both look delicious!".
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Apr-04-18 10:08 PM
>i don't wish ill on any animal, but i will talk about your
>hairy black shirt.
13248019, I went to my friend's place to watch SummerSlam last year
Posted by Oak27, Thu Apr-05-18 08:41 AM
He and his girlfriend had like 3 cats. There was some downtime between matches and silence in the room and I asked "hypothetically, which one do you think would taste the most delicious?"

They did not appreciate the question.
13248032, Yeah, the food and hat/jacket cracks are usually unwelcome
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 09:11 AM
Which is sort of the reason to use them imo
13248006, Do you have to talk to her?
Posted by BabyYoda, Thu Apr-05-18 04:39 AM
Not saying to be rude towards her, but do you have to engage in a convo with her about non-work related topics?

I understand why you feel how you feel. Sometimes, I get annoyed when I talk to some women at work and they will randomly bring up their boyfriend or husband as if to remind me that they are spoken for...seems like some women swear that every man on earth wanna hump them when that certainly isn’t the case...

If I were you, I would cut the convos short or see if you can find another cubicle or desk to do your work. If that isn’t possible, then try to talk about work related stuff or si ply tell her how you really feel, in a respectful manner. Sounds like she is an older non-Black woman, so she probably real sensitive and prone to tell on you st the drop of a hat.

13248017, you mean 30 months old right?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-05-18 08:32 AM
30 years old?

13248025, Years. He's either 28 or 29. I don't remember which
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 08:58 AM
I'm damn sure not going to clarify which, but he's a fullly grown adult man.

Which is fine. I'm not judging anything about him living at home or anything.

That said, his mommy trying to engage people with toddlers and 1st graders with talk about her grown ass son and two dogs in the same terms myself and others discuss our young children is baffling.
13248028, she needs to realize it's over
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-05-18 09:01 AM
I had a coworker like that.. dude had kids but anytime we talked about toddlers in the office he would talk about his "kid" who was named dog.. but it was a cat.

he got fired.

13248048, This is an opportunity to understand you don't relate but not be a dick
Posted by MEAT, Thu Apr-05-18 09:56 AM
Work dynamics are tough
You spend so much time with people you otherwise wouldn't and those personality quirks can become draining.
But a large part of adulthood is about tolerating shit that you find goofy without being a dick about it. It's tough. But good luck.
13248060, I'm not a dick to her, hence the mocking post here
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 10:15 AM
Do you think I don't know how these things work? Do you not see the humorous slant to my post on the subject, and do you *really* think it needed a lecture?

I'm up here saying her german shepards look delicious.

>But a large part of adulthood is about tolerating shit that
>you find goofy without being a dick about it.

Honestly that's kind if a dickish thing to say, because it's being said as though that's not the standard, baseline understanding the vast majority of us grasp. You don't hold a job for 8 years in the same place without learning how to deal with these things in constructive ways.

The dog thing is annoying.
The son thing is weird and annoying.

So I vent about this absurdity here, not at work, and not toward her. I mean...I made a joke about snapping if she asks me to buy chocolate almond bars for him.

That's a crystaline-clear, cartoonish take on it. Like, who doesn't have a petty workplace gripe? Do you think

I'm poking fun at the situation on a message board, so telling me no to be a dick to her really doesn't follow.
13248065, people who refer to their dogs at their "kids" are even worse.
Posted by Shogun, Thu Apr-05-18 10:20 AM
When I was a new guy at my last job, the lady that was training me kept referring to her "little boy", and her "oldest". So one day, she brought in an album (no lie. an actual photo album., and there were pictures of her dogs, wearing halloween costumes, santa hats, and all that kinda weirdo dog lover shit.
13248083, LMAO. That's downright awesome.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 10:38 AM
13248088, It was SO creepy.
Posted by Shogun, Thu Apr-05-18 10:41 AM
'my little one did blah blah blah' FOH.

13248200, bruh I was at a sports bar watching the game
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-05-18 12:28 PM
and there was this lady outside with a Cowboy jersey on and a stroller and she kept giving her babies water. I'm thinking WTF, that's prolly a bad idea at that age.

So I chat her up cause she's black and talking mad shit about the game and realize her baby was a little toy dog in a cowboy jersey.

I fell the fuck out.

anytime I see a baby stroller with a dog in it I immediately think CRAZY AS FUCK
13248146, how do you rack up a $300 bill from texting in 2018
Posted by Dr Claw, Thu Apr-05-18 11:37 AM
or are you dinged for overages on pre-paid plans or something
13248187, I actually don't think it was from texting
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 12:13 PM
Apparently dude is Mt Dew Code Red drinker and a gamer. My guess is those overages are from games with microtransactions or some shit.

But she said to was texts to girls so who knows. I try not ask questions.
13248333, Her son and dog might be the two shining stars in her world
Posted by flipnile, Thu Apr-05-18 04:17 PM
No mention of a husband or boyfriend. Maybe she's lonely?
13248340, ^ ^ ^Dere it is...
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Thu Apr-05-18 04:34 PM
Translation: Her gushy.....DRYYY den a muhfukka right now!

13248348, Crack a joke or kindly see your way out
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Apr-05-18 04:48 PM
It's White Thursday for crying out loud

Oak, legs and NDM were able to get into the spirit if this thing, what's with all the humanitarian/serious face replies