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Topic subjectActive Shooter, Casualties Reported at Youtube Headquarters (Full Swipe)
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13247552, Active Shooter, Casualties Reported at Youtube Headquarters (Full Swipe)
Posted by ThisJustIn, Wed Apr-04-18 02:34 PM

(CBS SF) — Police have confirmed an active shooter at YouTube headquarters in San Bruno Tuesday afternoon.

People near the area reported hearing shots fired, police activity and lockdown procedures.


San Bruno Police
We are responding to an active shooter. Please stay away from Cherry Ave & Bay Hill Drive.

4:28 PM - Apr 3, 2018
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KPIX 5 reporter Andria Borba said at least two Homeland Security units were responding. Police radio transmissions describe casualties being taken to local hospitals.

San Francisco General Hospital spokesman Brent Andrew said the hospital received patients from the incident but could not confirm a number.

Vadim Lavrusik, who was working at that facility, wrote on Twitter shortly before 1 p.m. that he heard shots and saw people running while at his desk before barricading himself inside a room with other coworkers

Vadim Lavrusik

Active shooter at YouTube HQ. Heard shots and saw people running while at my desk. Now barricaded inside a room with coworkers.

3:57 PM - Apr 3, 2018
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Todd Sherman

We were sitting in a meeting and then we heard people running because it was rumbling the floor. First thought was earthquake. https://twitter.com/lavrusik/status/981259304408788993

4:10 PM - Apr 3, 2018
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Mr Raised Brow
There is definitely some kind of police action / possible shooting at youtube in San Bruno. my brother just and others went running out of the building when hearing firecracker like sounds. 5 police cars came rushing to the scene...

4:02 PM - Apr 3, 2018
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Now at @YouTube possible #shooting

4:05 PM - Apr 3, 2018
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San Bruno Police
Police activity at 901 Cherry Ave, please stay out of the area.

4:01 PM - Apr 3, 2018
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13247554, no words anymore...wtf
Posted by Damali, Tue Apr-03-18 03:44 PM
13247561, it's so exasperating
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Apr-03-18 03:55 PM
13247556, I'm thinking two things...
Posted by double negative, Tue Apr-03-18 03:45 PM
1. gun folks being upset over the new limitations/restrictions

2. crazy conservatives being upset over the perception of censorship of conservative voices
13247557, didn't youtube just ban gun videos?
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue Apr-03-18 03:45 PM
wonder if there will be any relation
13247597, whaaaat they did? lol
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Apr-03-18 06:40 PM
its about to be a LOT of pissed off studio thugs
13247559, :/
Posted by mista k5, Tue Apr-03-18 03:46 PM
13247562, Reports are it is a woman. That's unique
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Tue Apr-03-18 03:57 PM
Another law enforcement source confirms to ABC7 News reporter Dan Noyes that the shooter is a white, adult female wearing a dark top and head scarf.
The source told ABC7 News multiple people have been injured, including a shot to the chest. There are no reported fatalities at this time.

13247564, my wife works at youtube.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Apr-03-18 04:06 PM
She was in San Bruno last week. She is in NYC today. They are freaked out of course. Trying to get her to leave already less it's some sort of coordinated attack.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13247566, be safe man.
Posted by double negative, Tue Apr-03-18 04:10 PM
13247569, DAMN...i can't imagine what she's feeling right now. this is horrible.
Posted by Damali, Tue Apr-03-18 04:20 PM
13247581, female suspect is dead...
Posted by Dstl1, Tue Apr-03-18 04:48 PM
of self-inflicted gunshot

13247593, A woman eh. This is new
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Apr-03-18 06:34 PM
13247622, Deleted message
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue Apr-03-18 10:56 PM
No message
13247630, apparently she's a youtuber animal rights activist
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Apr-04-18 12:02 AM

the police had found her asleep in her car tuesday morning


www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13247739, she also had a handgun
Posted by Damali, Wed Apr-04-18 12:05 PM
this would have been a different story w/an AR

in fact, as of right now, no-one has died but her.

13247750, I remember reading 'jokes' that the shooting was about
Posted by Dr Claw, Wed Apr-04-18 12:43 PM
someone getting jacked for their YouTube ad revenue... and turns out... it could be?
13247761, Shooting people is not right ... but I can see this happening more
Posted by handle, Wed Apr-04-18 01:17 PM
People are earning their livings now by posting videos to Youtube and getting a split of the money Youtube makes, and they are using that as their J-O-B.

Since Youtube holds ALL the power in this situation and they tend to change the rules wildly in their own favor with little notice it will deeply affect some people.

This goes for Apple, Twitter, Instagram/etc.

Rule #1: Don't shoot people.

Rule #2: Don't depend on a giant corporation for your income, especially when there is no employee/employer agreement where he you some labor protections.

The woman had some legitimate grievances (none rose to the level of violence) and since their were no protections for her she went into that end-of-life-Murder-suicide-mode that happens all the time in many of these cases. (Depression and anger seem to trigger this in some cases.)

Apple, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, SnapChat/etc corporate policies have real effects on a growing number of people and it's a challenge they'll have to deal with going forward. I'd think that giving people a sense of predictability and fairness may help.

13247797, not sure if she had any legit grievances...
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Apr-04-18 02:03 PM
just seems wild to shoot up the spot over your videos.

13247835, Well
Posted by handle, Wed Apr-04-18 02:36 PM
>RE: not sure if she had any legit grievances...
Well, there's legal, common sense, and situational grievances. (Yes, there are just insane people too.)

But from what I understand is;
1)She was making videos and posting to Youtube.
2)She was making money on advertising.

Then some things happen like:
1)Some of her videos got "Age restricted" (lowering the possible viewers) because she was doing workouts and someone reported them as inappropriate and Youtube agreed.

But she was able to point to multiple examples of things that were very probably much more inappropriate that were not flagged , like Nikki Minaj videos where she's shaking her tits and ass all over the place.

She felt that with that evidence that it was unfair for her videos to be restricted.

Youtube being Google there is no way to actually argue your point - they have all the power and they provide VERY SHITTY anti-consumer support - UNLESS you are making them A LOT of money.

2)Then Youtube unilaterally decide to change the rules on which channels could be monetized and it affected her income by making it nearly 0. And even before this google's alogrythms for paymouts was pretty crazy. But let's say her 300,000 view video used to net her $300 dollars - she posted that it now only netter her 10 cents.

Now, we know (because we are smart and not angry as fuck) that Youtube and Google are shit-heels that don't give a fuck about you - they just want their money. they've structure everything completely in their favor and you have nearly no legal mechanism to affect it.

That's why I don't try to make a living by posting videos.

But to someone who was doing that - the loss of income (think of a hard-working steel mill worker who is laid off so the mill owners could take all of his money) and not having any avenues for relief could make someone really angry.

And some people get angry and depressed and that can lead to them doing a workplace murder. Seems like there's between 400-600 of these murders a year.

I'd say 99.9999% of the murders should not happen - and it's definitely not helping anything- but this seems more like a mental health issue more than anything else.

"Real" employers have HR departments and programs to try to prevent these situations - but they still happen.

I think you can see how these divergences might be legitimate (shooting people is not the remedy to this.)

>just seems wild to shoot up the spot over your videos.
Yes, but it seems she was doing it because of her money being cut off.

I agree - she should not have shot up the place.

But this type of thing happens hundreds of times each year - and its a problem that's likely to move to new technologies too.
13247966, the thing is it doesn't even matter if they really are screwing you
Posted by Rjcc, Wed Apr-04-18 08:13 PM
via algorithm.

all that needs ot happen is for people to think it is.

and if you've talked to anyone who's posted a bunch of videos for more than five minutes, you'd probably think they're one bad day away from spraying youtube hq.

idk how you fix this.

kinda surprised it wasn't an uber driver first.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13247795, I thought it was a nut job mad at Youtube censoring hate speech
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Apr-04-18 02:01 PM
I was almost right

13247814, if youtube hasn't pulled her videos, she getting mad views now
Posted by GOMEZ, Wed Apr-04-18 02:17 PM
13248622, Man, this story died down QUICK. Guess it doesn't fit the usual narrative
Posted by flipnile, Fri Apr-06-18 11:35 AM
No angry white conservative male with an AR-15.

13248634, Nobody died but the shooter
Posted by MEAT, Fri Apr-06-18 12:01 PM
The guns rights side shrugs
The anti guns side is working on assault rifles
There's no real take on this that works for any agenda
13248636, its really weird
Posted by mista k5, Fri Apr-06-18 12:03 PM
i keep seeing stories about the shooter but i dont want to click on them

i think someone mentioned that she used a handgun which probably explains why no one died but her. i would say if anything that strengthens the argument that ar-15's should be banned.

the talk of censorship being the cause is kinda blah.

im a bit surprised there doesnt seem to be a lot of focus on her ethnicity, progress?

im a bit exhausted to be honest.
13248717, this
Posted by Damali, Fri Apr-06-18 02:01 PM

>i think someone mentioned that she used a handgun which
>probably explains why no one died but her. i would say if
>anything that strengthens the argument that ar-15's should be


13248721, No one died but her because she was apparently a terrible shot
Posted by flipnile, Fri Apr-06-18 02:05 PM
At close range, the larger (presumably hollow point) 9mm bullets would do more damage to soft tissue than the .22 caliber 223 rem ammo an AR uses.

It's actually a COMPLETELY basesless idea (that an AR is inherently more deadly), considering that the Virginia Tech shooter that killed 32 people used a 9mm handgun.


13248771, it's not completely baseless
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Apr-06-18 03:03 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13248784, Jesus, what a disgrace
Posted by handle, Fri Apr-06-18 03:43 PM
>It's actually a COMPLETELY basesless idea (that an AR is
>inherently more deadly), considering that the Virginia Tech
>shooter that killed 32 people used a 9mm handgun.

Your one of *those*.

But I'm with you--- ban all guns.

That's what you're suggesting right?

You're not focusing on nomenclature, or use a single specific example to say that multiple other examples aren't valid. (Like a shooter locking exits in a building and shooting people for 2 hours is comparable to a woman with a single gun shooting people for approximately 5 minutes.)

I sincerely hope your family or friend are never attacked by a madman with a gun - but if they are I sincerely hope it's a single handgun and not an AK.
13249137, Besides the coded ad hominems, nothing else in your post makes sense
Posted by flipnile, Mon Apr-09-18 09:59 AM
I thought this was an actual discussion we were having, and not a text version of Jerry Springer.

My point is that people are pointing at the technology, and calling for bans not understanding that the bans are effectively useless.

Instead of actually putting forth effort into the very difficult issue of solving the larger problem, the people screaming for bans want instant emotional satisfaction.

I'm here for logical debate bruh, not emotional arguments.
13249140, not gonna happen here bruh
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Apr-09-18 10:07 AM
when folks say "check the stats on gun reform"

for what? we aren't doing what Australia or the UK has done so why waste the energy?

what we need is a conversation about how to cope/live/survive with all these damn guns in circulation because they aren't going anywhere.

13249150, ^^Disgraceful x2
Posted by handle, Mon Apr-09-18 10:18 AM
If your starting position that making of some classes of weapons and communications completely illegal will never be part of the solution then everything else you are suggesting will fail.

Your flippant post read to me as this:
"Chick should have taken more lessons and used deadlier bullets if she expected to kill people-- what a loser."

Then you suggested that a weapon semi-automatic assault-TYPE (fuck your nomenclature argument I sense coming on) is actually LESS deadly than a hand gun.

First, let's agree on this - they are both meant for killing people - that's why they were made. Just the assault-TYPE weapon is meant to kill more people more quickly.

There's not ONE thing to do to stop this madness it's --- you have to do a lot of things.

And one of those things is to limit access to the guns meant to kill lots of people quickly - and also limit access of the bullets that blow people up.

Will this stop ALL murders everywhere? No. Would it have stopped this one Youtube incident? No.

But it can stop the quick mass slaughter of school children ,and people at office parties, or in churches that we are currently experiencing? It won't HURT. And it'd very likely help bring those incidents down.

I honestly do not understand your position. Reading it logically it means you want *NO RESTRICTIONS on any weapons.*

Fully autonomic machine guns are illegal - and guess what - they aren't being used in the school shootings.


So ask yourself - "Do I want all guns and all ammunition available?"

If not then it's a matter of where your mind says "I draw the line at X."

Where is your X line?

(And before you ask - yes, I'd personally be in favor in banning all guns in the U.S. permanently - but I'd go with the Constitution and allow any weapon that existed in 1788 - including canons (but only canon-hunting.))
13249125, does the AR-15 allow someone less skilled to improve their odds
Posted by mista k5, Mon Apr-09-18 09:47 AM
of doing damage? i could see that a skilled person would do more damage with a handgun. i wont go into an extreme of ban all guns.

i really dont see the logic for AR-15s. especially why you can buy them at a younger age then hand guns.
13249139, A logical law change would be to classify semi-auto rifles with...
Posted by flipnile, Mon Apr-09-18 10:04 AM
...detachable magazines the same as handguns, meaning that one has to be 21 years old, pass a federal background check and be required to go through the state for all transfers (sales to other people).

Proposing something like that actually requires understanding how firearms work, as well as the current laws on the books and any potential loopholes due to the technology.

>i really dont see the logic for AR-15s. especially why you can
>buy them at a younger age then hand guns.
13249288, right now semi-auto seems to have more lenient rules right?
Posted by mista k5, Mon Apr-09-18 01:28 PM
so you're saying semi-auto should have the same level of controls/regulations as hand guns which would make tighten the controls on semi-autos?

i think part of the problem is also a lack of control/co-operation between states/cities? you keep hearing that chicago has really strict gun laws but they still have big problems with gun violence. easy loophole is to just buy the guns out of state and bring them in. does that mean some of these controls need to be placed on a federal level?
13248770, do you know how many workplace shootings there are?
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Apr-06-18 03:03 PM
how many *mass* shootings there are?

the surgeon they interviewed that day said "we had one of these just yesterday, but without all the cameras"

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13248778, Except she didn't work there. This was terrorism or personal vendetta
Posted by flipnile, Fri Apr-06-18 03:20 PM
Basically a random shooting. That's a bit more alarming that someone that was fired showing back up on Monday w/ weapons.
13248794, in her mind she did work there. and in her mind she was fired.
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Apr-06-18 04:01 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13248776, Speaking of narrative, heard the Pulse nightclub didn't know it was a
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Apr-06-18 03:17 PM
gay club?

And it also turned out the idea that he was a closeted homosexual is not true.


"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"