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Topic subjectYOLO...
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13243438
13243438, YOLO...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Mar-16-18 11:08 AM
last day on the job
wore fatigues by accident lol
couple black folks hit me with the wakanda sign
I will forver be to them the weird lady posted up in the break room...

what y’all have up for weekend?
13243457, at last night’s happy hour with friends...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Mar-16-18 11:27 AM
while in the midst of conversation the crown on my back tooth fell off.
We all laughed

I texted them this morning, “y’all wanna see a dead tooth”

Thank God I have coverage through the end of the month :-)

stay down with no faking
top down I been racing
she wild and been dangerous

^i think those are the lyrics lol

I live on ten....

get it?

13243470, I broke mine off on a chicken wing once.
Posted by Shogun, Fri Mar-16-18 11:42 AM
I've never been so embarrassed when I had to tell the dentist what happened.

I could see it on his face. 'your fat ass shouldn't be eating wings ANYway.'
13243469, St. Pat's in Chicago. AKA "Stay indoors if you hate drunkards"
Posted by Shogun, Fri Mar-16-18 11:41 AM
A couple of friends are hanging out and workin' on some music related projects, so I can escape the drunken wypipo if need be. Aside from that? I'm locked into this tourney. I haven't decided if I wanna drink this weekend. I quit for a cleanse/detox about a month ago, and haven't really gone back.

13243477, I told a lady to choose Univ at BUF in her bracke...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Mar-16-18 11:58 AM
walked in this morning like, “what I tell ya”

she didn’t because her husband said he’s never heard of it :-/