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Topic subjectBlack Panther 3D or nah? BTW Seven Seconds was too long
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13238221, Black Panther 3D or nah? BTW Seven Seconds was too long
Posted by Firecracker, Tue Feb-27-18 02:13 PM

I mostly skipped through the last 4 episodes of the season just to get the gist of how it ended, that shit lost steam midway through and anyone that disagrees... Bless y'all

Regina did her damn thang but watching her grieve in her car and do the back n forth thing with hubby got tired, so did most of this show and honestly that ending was bullshit

It had potential tho and ol' boy Fish was pretty cool (Regina too ofc, just.... too little/too much)


Should I/one/we watch Black Panther this coming weekend in 3D or 2D?

13238227, There weren't any scenes imo that was worth 3d
Posted by Mafamaticks, Tue Feb-27-18 02:15 PM
13238230, Kinda surprised they're still doing 3D
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Feb-27-18 02:19 PM
Dolby Cinema is dope and I pay the extra $ to do that when it's available. I couldn't care less about 3D though.
13238234, I think I’m going to do 2D
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Feb-27-18 02:26 PM
and yes, the relationship between Regina and her husband was real frustrating.

Then again, I think I heard that a lot of marriages don’t last when they lose a child. I also got the impression they had problems before they lost their son.

13238235, Feel you on that, but they kept hammering it in
Posted by Firecracker, Tue Feb-27-18 02:30 PM

during the course of too many episodes

The show started repeating itself endlessly (it felt like), and that sort of drives away and kills the point itself. Like I was over it after ep 05

Of course that shit is real but we're still in it for the sake of entertainment and over-selling or telling a point diminishes its story power

Show could've been The Night Of type good, but wound up falling short because of spreading the whole shit out way too thin + the ending sucked. It was realistic (frustrating as that is), but it still sucked

13238236, Wifey accidentally got us the 3D..it was awful
Posted by rdhull, Tue Feb-27-18 02:31 PM
13238330, 3D is not worth it. AT ALL (c) Funk Master Flex
Posted by Pamalama, Tue Feb-27-18 08:16 PM
13238333, 2D Imax
Posted by Nabs, Tue Feb-27-18 08:20 PM
13238338, 2D Imax
Posted by hardware, Tue Feb-27-18 08:36 PM
13238354, agreed on 7 seconds
Posted by Roadblock, Tue Feb-27-18 10:06 PM
Struggle to care about remaining eps.
13238431, I mean why not? I enjoyed it in 3D
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Feb-28-18 10:28 AM
13238436, I watched it in 2D then 3D
Posted by dafriquan, Wed Feb-28-18 10:44 AM
3D was no good. Nothing required it and in fact at some points it made it hard to enjoy. So for my third viewing, I opted for 2D.
13238440, nah for me...
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Feb-28-18 11:09 AM
whenever I make it out to see it - im’ma go with my son so it can explain it from the Marvel standpoint. Him and his kids are into that marvel stuff. They went on opening night. When I asked, “how was it?” they hit me with the , “your not a marvel fan so you wouldn’t understand”. just “good”