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13235849, Dating apps
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Feb-20-18 01:14 PM
Recently got out of a LTR and have been using dating apps like Tinder and Bumble for the first time. They seem great but they also suck ass and feel like a waste of time. Anyone ever actually use them with any success?

Things that annoy me:

People without bios

People with only a long sting of emoji's for a bio (use your words, I'm not here to decipher hieroglyphics)

People who are posing with the same group of friends in every picture (which fucking one are you?)

People who's first couple pics are with their much more attractive friends (oh shit you're that one? nah)

People who like you and then unmatch when you like them back

People who are just plain unnattractive with profiles that start off with NOT HERE FOR HOOKUPS SO IF THATS WHAT YOURE LOOKING FOR SWIPE LEFT (chill)

99% of bio's here say "I like hiking, yoga, camping, tacos, and going on adventures", and have at least one pic of them standing on a mountain peak or skiing. Some of them literally just say the name of the ski pass they have and nothing else. Colorado tinder is like flipping through a Patagonia lookbook. Also everyone fucking likes tacos. Thats like saying "I like breathing air".
13235861, FOH...y'all STILL got it easier than us old heads....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Feb-20-18 01:48 PM
>People without bios
Try walking up to a potential mate and getting stuck in an awkward 20 min. convo that you knew was a dead end 2 min. in but you couldn't just break out from the scene because your mom raised you better than that...

>People with only a long sting of emoji's for a bio (use your
>words, I'm not here to decipher hieroglyphics)
Try relying on deciphering whether or not tattoos mean she's a freak or not...

>People who are posing with the same group of friends in every
>picture (which fucking one are you?)
Try meeting someone, and then finally hanging out with them along with their group of friends only to discover you are stuck with the lamest member of the crew and there's no way out of the situation without you ending up looking like the asshole...

>People who's first couple pics are with their much more
>attractive friends (oh shit you're that one? nah)
See Proceeding....

>People who like you and then unmatch when you like them back
Try being left hanging at the bar after you're $50 deep in a tab with a person you been chatting up all night and THOUGHT you were "IN THERE"

>People who are just plain unnattractive with profiles that
Try cold hollering at females wearing the TIGHTEST of Guess jeans and SHORTEST of middrift shirts only to find out that you gotta go attend church with them for at LEAST 4 months before you can even get a lil kiss action....

>99% of bio's here say "I like hiking, yoga, camping, tacos,
>and going on adventures", and have at least one pic of them
>standing on a mountain peak or skiing. Some of them literally
>just say the name of the ski pass they have and nothing else.
>Colorado tinder is like flipping through a Patagonia lookbook.
>Also everyone fucking likes tacos. Thats like saying "I like
>breathing air".
Try spending MONTHS trying to figure out what someone likes, wasting BOATLOADS of loot & time only to find out you were simply turning them off more and more and more and more with you efforts....

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13235869, A lot of this could still happen with a Tinder date but point taken lol
Posted by sectachrome86, Tue Feb-20-18 01:56 PM
You can do easy high level filtering but but after that I think the whole messaging thing can be tedious. I'd rather just meet someone in person at that point for coffee or a drink.
13235872, LOL..it's all good. Had a similar exchange with a young coworker...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Feb-20-18 02:01 PM
Dude was showing me how dating went down in current times and I was blown away!
I woulda been a BEAST if we had this technology in the 90's lol....
This shit is the equivalent of going to the mall, having someone line up ALLLLLL the good looking females in the place, and being able to essentially play Duck Duck Goose of finding a date lol....

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13235887, Only problem is the women doing the same thing with the dudes
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Feb-20-18 02:35 PM
It’s like a mal where everyone has already checked you out and you didn’t even get a chance to shoot your shot or get off your best jokes.
13235950, ^
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Feb-20-18 04:54 PM
13236204, Yep
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Feb-21-18 01:36 PM
Same thing goes for the girls too. I swipe people away for some petty shit but if I was standing next to them at a bar I would probably happily chat with them and we might have chemistry.
13235964, RE: FOH...y'all STILL got it easier than us old heads....
Posted by MEAT, Tue Feb-20-18 05:25 PM

>>picture (which fucking one are you?)
>Try meeting someone, and then finally hanging out with them
>along with their group of friends only to discover you are
>stuck with the lamest member of the crew and there's no way
>out of the situation without you ending up looking like the


13236165, lol...i've probably represented both sides at some point
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Feb-21-18 12:30 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13235873, I deleted all of mine, but I share these gripes.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Feb-20-18 02:04 PM

>People without bios

I think they’re people spying on/for other people. Still, sucks to get them in your results.

>People with only a long sting of emoji's for a bio (use your
>words, I'm not here to decipher hieroglyphics)
>People who are posing with the same group of friends in every
>picture (which fucking one are you?)

My “joke” about that was “Please be the busty Asian one”.

Each app has their “thing”, but I only met one person in a few years of using almost everything. Except for eHarmony, cuz that shit is laughably expensive.
13235900, I had a lot of fun with the apps. it was the dates that wore me out
Posted by double negative, Tue Feb-20-18 02:53 PM
eventually everyone, no matter how unique and interesting just kinda blur into a twisted haunted house mirror of yourself and you begin to realize that no one is unique...including yourself.

its a mindfuck

but it was kinda fun to be able to dismiss someone for whatever.

Oh she wore some funny looking shoes? She out.
She didnt laugh at my one joke? She out.
She had a weird hand thing that really wasnt a weird hand thing...fuck am I doing dating someone with a weird hand thing? SHES OUT!

I became Jerry Seinfeld
13235941, I imagine dating life now
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Feb-20-18 04:31 PM
like having 3 good QBs. too many options.

or more like looking houses. after a while, they all just look the same.
13235949, think it depends on the city more than anything.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Feb-20-18 04:54 PM
may as well change Tinder's name to WasteHisTime around these parts. i get matches for days but trying to get one to meet in person is like pulling teeth.

it's easier to just shotgun holla in real life.
13235956, My only gripe is Tinder...like it's advertised as a 'hook up' app yet
Posted by ambient1, Tue Feb-20-18 05:06 PM
EVERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY chic seeks a relationship or NO HOOKUPS lol which is a turn off

and it's for white people

but online is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooOOOOo much easier weeding thru

like if you lookin for a sho nuff main squeeze...it's(online) relatively simple n convenient
13235960, *turns on problematic light, taps mic*
Posted by double negative, Tue Feb-20-18 05:16 PM
uh, hetero folks don't "do" hook ups.

there will never be a hetero version of grindr

buuuuuuuuuut when I was using tinder?

*looks left, looks right, nods*
13235987, huh?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue Feb-20-18 07:48 PM
>uh, hetero folks don't "do" hook ups.

What you mean?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13236193, what on earth are you talkin about
Posted by ambient1, Wed Feb-21-18 01:23 PM
13236307, he saying these women out chea hooking up
Posted by Madvillain 626, Wed Feb-21-18 05:20 PM
But they damn sure ain't going to be open about hooking up in the way that gay men are...

A lot of them "I'm not looking for a hookup" is still slobbin the knob on the first "date"
13236445, gotcha...thx...yeah I've peeped/exp'd that too and i get it
Posted by ambient1, Thu Feb-22-18 10:01 AM
kinda from a chic's angle cause they out here tryin to get chose and not come off a certain way but...
idk...just cuts down on confusion to me
13235962, RE: My only gripe is Tinder...like it's advertised as a 'hook up' app yet
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Feb-20-18 05:18 PM

>and it's for white people

I that at least 3 or 4 out of every 10 black women I'd like to swipe right on either rep Swirl Life in the profile, or have some line about loving white duded
13235967, lol. I don't believe this.
Posted by MEAT, Tue Feb-20-18 05:27 PM
This sounds like bitter ankh face posting
13235970, RE: lol. I don't believe this.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Feb-20-18 05:41 PM
Nah it's just a funny double standard cause if I did that I'd get raked over the coals.
13236314, It's like 5 or 6 out of 10 in Los Angeles
Posted by Madvillain 626, Wed Feb-21-18 05:35 PM
13236450, whoa damn.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Feb-22-18 10:26 AM
13235974, damn, I need to get on that
Posted by J_Stew, Tue Feb-20-18 05:54 PM
13235965, *shrug* it varies from place to place and by age
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Feb-20-18 05:25 PM
but it doesn't advertise as a hook-up app, that's just what people think
www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13235968, Everyone I know says POF is the hookup app. n/m
Posted by dustin, Tue Feb-20-18 05:32 PM
13235980, POF got the wild prostitute quotient.
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Feb-20-18 06:21 PM
And lots more trans people than any of the other apps I've used.

If you get the New Member alert in POF, it's gonna be the same chicks/dudechicks you swiped through the day before, with their phone number in their pic, or somewhere coded in their profile.
13236198, when it first came out it was...and the easiest to snatch
Posted by ambient1, Wed Feb-21-18 01:29 PM
somethin (decemt) up

now it's a barren wasteland... and
yeah...it's just ugly

it's where the wild things are
13236279, You say this until you sign up for Bumble
Posted by Mafamaticks, Wed Feb-21-18 04:12 PM
>and it's for white people
13236451, bumble is whiter than a trump rally.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Feb-22-18 10:28 AM
that said the few non-white women i on there are finer by far than any i see on tinder.
13236313, they say looking for a "nice guy" too
Posted by Madvillain 626, Wed Feb-21-18 05:32 PM
Talk is cheap. Typing is cheaper. Show me dem STD test results tho
13236213, you ready?
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Feb-21-18 01:56 PM
you mentioned that you recently got out of something...
what are you looking for?
13236327, I dunno...
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Feb-21-18 06:13 PM
At first the thought of actually meeting other people wasn't really appealing to me at all. But at this point I'm just kinda bored and lonely so I'm down to just meet anyone for something to do. I feel like I have nothing to lose. Still feels kind of weird though.
13236306, AOL/AIM and MySpace: the original hook up apps
Posted by j., Wed Feb-21-18 05:19 PM
like someone else pointed out
If we had tinder/bumble in the 90's it would've been a wrap
but then again so many of us feasted off AOL and MySpace
because they weren't marketed as dating/hook up sites
it was the novelty of it
at first it was like "wait...you're down to meet up for real?"
nowadays that's a given, like that's what you're there for

Best of luck to you swipers out there
13236325, I definitely feasted on AIM/Myspace
Posted by sectachrome86, Wed Feb-21-18 06:09 PM
Once we started chatting on AIM it was a wrap. I met my college girlfriend off of MySpace lol. I literally just messaged her and was like hey I see we go to the same school. I don't know why that wasn't creepy back then but it wasn't really.
13236461, Never met somebody off 'em; just swipe for the likes
Posted by Nodima, Thu Feb-22-18 11:03 AM
As in, I feel a little good about myself when I match with somebody I found attractive, or alternatively, someone I recognize wants to be thought of as attractive (seriously overdone makeup or a generally highly aesthetic profile) that I personally don't find attractive.

But I've not even struck up a conversation on these apps. I just keep swipin'. I enjoy the organic approach and apps aren't it.

that said, I'm a notorious "friend zone" dude who sucks at relationships and is better off as either the one that got away or the one that wasn't all he's cracked up to be than anything else, so I'm not much of a dating person anyway. Tinder, Say Allo and the rest just fuel my narcissism.

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