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Topic subjectFirst modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin (swipe)
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13232770, First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin (swipe)
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Wed Feb-07-18 11:49 AM
Hot Take:
"The results pointed to a Middle Eastern origin for Cheddar Man, suggesting that his ancestors would have left Africa, moved into the Middle East and later headed west into Europe, before eventually crossing the ancient land bridge called Doggerland which connected Britain to continental Europe"

It'll be interesting to see how real
they keep it in this documentary on
the 18th. The article claims that
roughly 10% of British ancestry can
be linked to this. Others say the genetic
mutation happened when African migrants
were caught in the ice age.
What have yall read about this, and what
do you generally believe?


First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin, Cheddar Man DNA analysis reveals
The genome of Cheddar Man, who lived 10,000 years ago, suggests that he had blue eyes, dark skin and dark curly hair:


Hannah Devlin Science correspondent @hannahdev
Wed 7 Feb 2018 01.01 EST

The first modern Britons, who lived about 10,000 years ago, had “dark to black” skin, a groundbreaking DNA analysis of Britain’s oldest complete skeleton has revealed.

The fossil, known as Cheddar Man, was unearthed more than a century ago in Gough’s Cave in Somerset. Intense speculation has built up around Cheddar Man’s origins and appearance because he lived shortly after the first settlers crossed from continental Europe to Britain at the end of the last ice age. People of white British ancestry alive today are descendants of this population.

Combing human genome reveals roots of hair diversity
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It was initially assumed that Cheddar Man had pale skin and fair hair, but his DNA paints a different picture, strongly suggesting he had blue eyes, a very dark brown to black complexion and dark curly hair.

The discovery shows that the genes for lighter skin became widespread in European populations far later than originally thought – and that skin colour was not always a proxy for geographic origin in the way it is often seen to be today.

Tom Booth, an archaeologist at the Natural History Museum who worked on the project, said: “It really shows up that these imaginary racial categories that we have are really very modern constructions, or very recent constructions, that really are not applicable to the past at all.”

Yoan Diekmann, a computational biologist at University College London and another member of the project’s team, agreed, saying the connection often drawn between Britishness and whiteness was “not an immutable truth. It has always changed and will change”.

The findings were revealed ahead of a Channel 4 documentary, which tracked the ancient DNA project at the Natural History Museum in London as well as creating a new forensic reconstruction of Cheddar Man’s head.

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To perform the DNA analysis, museum scientists drilled a 2mm-diameter hole into the ancient skull to obtain a few milligrams of bone powder. From this, they were able to extract a full genome, which held clues about this ancient relative’s appearance and lifestyle.

The results pointed to a Middle Eastern origin for Cheddar Man, suggesting that his ancestors would have left Africa, moved into the Middle East and later headed west into Europe, before eventually crossing the ancient land bridge called Doggerland which connected Britain to continental Europe. Today, about 10% of white British ancestry can be linked to this ancient population.

The analysis also ruled out an ancestral link with individuals inhabiting Gough’s Cave 5,000 years earlier, who appear to have performed grisly cannibalistic rituals, including gnawing on human toes and fingers – possibly after boiling them – and drinking from polished skull cups.

Britain was periodically settled and then cleared during ice ages until the end of the last glacial period about 11,700 years ago, since when it has been continuously inhabited.

Until now, though, it hasn’t been clear whether each wave of migrants was seeded from the same population in mainland Europe; the latest results suggest this was not the case.

The team homed in on genes known to be linked to skin colour, hair colour and texture, and eye colour. For skin tone, there are a handful of genetic variants linked to reduced pigmentation, including some that are very widespread in European populations today. However, Cheddar Man had “ancestral” versions of all these genes, strongly suggesting he would have had “dark to black” skin tone, but combined with blue eyes.

Scientists believe that populations living in Europe became lighter-skinned over time because pale skin absorbs more sunlight, which is required to produce enough vitamin D. The latest findings suggest pale skin may have emerged later, possibly when the advent of farming meant people were obtaining less vitamin D though dietary sources like oily fish.

Cheddar Man would have lived a hunter-gatherer lifestyle, making sharp blades from flints for butchering animals, using antlers to whittle harpoons for spear fishing and carving bows and arrows.

First Brit: Secrets of the 10,000 Year Old Man will air on Channel 4 on 18 February

13232772, They should call him Cheddar Bay Biscuit Man *rimshot*
Posted by Teknontheou, Wed Feb-07-18 11:51 AM
13232779, Cheddar Man? Jordan's distant ancestor discovered.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Wed Feb-07-18 12:00 PM
13232783, RE: First modern Britons had 'dark to black' skin (swipe)
Posted by double 0, Wed Feb-07-18 12:11 PM
Makes the faux "Young Lady" White Egyptian 3-d rendering more BS
13232822, I feel like folks were already widely distributed by 10k BC
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Feb-07-18 01:03 PM
so I wouldnt be surprised one bit that people from Africa had made it that far

13232828, the agricultutral revolution was in full swing by then
Posted by IkeMoses, Wed Feb-07-18 01:13 PM
so yeah, people were all over the world already.

but the British Isles were probably uninhabited because it was too damn cold. that land bridge used to cross over was probably all ice a couple thousand years before, and then it got flooded a few thousand years later.
13232878, this is why 10-12k bc is so freaking fascinating to me
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Feb-07-18 02:45 PM
trying to imagine what exactly was going on as we transitioned from the Pleistocene epoch to the Holocene epoch

what the world was like, what the people were like what the TECHNOLOGY was like, what has been lost etc...

13232947, warlike
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Feb-07-18 04:55 PM
>what the world was like, what the people were like what the >TECHNOLOGY was like

13232970, probably not as warlike as what came after
Posted by IkeMoses, Wed Feb-07-18 05:44 PM
people didn't farm, so people didn't have large settlements with lots of valuables, so people had less incentive to attack their neighbors.

not to say they didn't fight. they did. there just wasn't as much to gain from war before agriculture.
13232989, Myths and legends say otherwise. And human nature seems unchanged
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Feb-07-18 06:21 PM
But *shrugs* nothing to go to war over though

Personally at this point in my reading I think the flood "myth" is trying to explain a period where human DNA had become so corrupt that humans (sapien sapiens) were nearly extinct due to wars and interbreeding with the other human species
13232993, Damn near all myths and legends are from after the neolithic revolution
Posted by IkeMoses, Wed Feb-07-18 06:28 PM
13233013, i feel like there was a real flood (possibly issue with the ice caps)
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Feb-07-18 07:26 PM
and as people started moving around and encountering other types of sapiens things got a little sexy things got a little murdery
13233014, there were prolly hella floods (plural) as the ice melted
Posted by IkeMoses, Wed Feb-07-18 07:35 PM
at the end of the last glacial period (12k-15k years ago).

those likely inspired the Noah's ark type myths.
13233019, and just BANG BANG BANG BANG
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Feb-07-18 07:59 PM

13233078, Any number of scenarios could produce cataclysmic flooding
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu Feb-08-18 07:18 AM
Massive quakes, asteroid impact (perhaps even one with water in it), volcanic activity, etc

Are there any pre Neolithic myths? At any rate the closer you get to the beginning of those myths being told I think the closer you get to some kind of unique event in the history of the human species

something that would result in ancient civilizations like Harappa where there is strong evidence of an atomic explosion


Idk it's wild
13232829, been known e.g. grimaldi man and no they can't keep it 100%
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Feb-07-18 01:14 PM
the belief that Europeans are the highest evolved humans and also gods chosen people is too deliberate and needed as an ideology for that group

I mean the OG Sammi people are brown. when was the last time you saw European culture acknowledge that?

The culture can't be honest about itself or it's place in the world because the entire thing collapses when that happens

same for the east IMO
13232892, Sami?
Posted by lonesome_d, Wed Feb-07-18 03:04 PM

>I mean the OG Sammi people are brown. when was the last time
>you saw European culture acknowledge that?


shoutout to Jakob Hellberg
13232903, Gothic people weren't fully entrenched in the region until 800ad
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Feb-07-18 03:24 PM
Prior to that the people would have looked more "traditionally" asian/native/inuit (from my perspective) all the photos of the Sammi were taken after a conservative 1,000 years of assimilation/blending

far left



Also vikings would have been bringing any spoils of war in the form of slaves to Constantinople or what we call "Khazaria". As they were major slave trading hubs
13232966, genetic analysis seems to support a Euro or Ural/Volga origin
Posted by lonesome_d, Wed Feb-07-18 05:37 PM
>Prior to that the people would have looked more
>"traditionally" asian/native/inuit (from my perspective) all
>the photos of the Sammi were taken after a conservative 1,000
>years of assimilation/blending

When I first learned about them (through music, the exotic-sounding 'joik') I actually originally assumed the Sami were a brown people because of a conditioned conflation of 'indigenous' with non-white.

Regardless of that, while
a) a lot of the scientific language is over my head; and
b) there is some disagreement between studies over exactly how much of the Sami gene pool is non-European (specifically Asian),

there seems to be a scientific consensus supported by genetic analysis that, while they are genetically distinct, the Sami are European in origin.

from https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002929707618928

"It suggests that the large genetic separation of the Saami from other Europeans is best explained by assuming that the Saami are descendants of a narrow, distinctive subset of Europeans. In particular, no evidence of a significant directional gene flow from extant aboriginal Siberian populations into the haploid gene pools of the Saami was found."

"We conclude that the phylogeography of mtDNA and Y-chromosome variants that correspond to the maternal and paternal gene pools of the Saami does not provide any evidence for the Saami population arising among the northernmost Uralic-speaking populations—Siberian Ugric and Samoyedic speakers—or among any other aboriginal Siberians. The Samoyeds are the least genetically close to the Saami among the people of the Uralic language family, whereas nearly all of the mtDNA and Y-chromosomal heritage of the Saami can be adequately explained within the European pools of the two haploid genetic systems. This genetics-based reconstruction (fig. 4) is in agreement with the reconstruction of the spread of Ahrensburgian and Swiderian Mesolithic technologies in northern Europe, linking it with population expansion that can be likely traced back to the post–Last Glacial Maximum recolonization of the European north (Torroni et al. 2001; Tambets et al. 2003). The results also stress that the grouping of populations according to language families should be used exclusively only in a linguistic context."

and several others, mix of primary and secondary sources:




interesting stuff.
13232987, If European is being used synonymously with 'white' it's problematic
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed Feb-07-18 06:15 PM
For a number of reasons, but I agree that it's fascinating
13232923, fascinating article, thanks for posting
Posted by lonesome_d, Wed Feb-07-18 03:52 PM
this though

>People of white British ancestry alive today are descendants of this population.

(while true, obviously) is a bit misleading since people "people of white British ancestry" are not descendants of ONLY this population.
13232932, Why's this news? I visited the Museum of Nat'l History and they agreed.
Posted by Overqualified, Wed Feb-07-18 04:15 PM
In fact some of the exhibits went as far as to hypothesize that of the hominids and their descendants who did migrate out of Africa, they were less advanced - developing tools, social structures, cooking etc. much later than those who stayed behind.
13232942, i think i misread
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Feb-07-18 04:38 PM
and conflated your two points

its "news" because they have actual dna evidence further confirming previous hypothesis