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Topic subjectLife Comes At You Fast: My position was just eliminated
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13231436, Life Comes At You Fast: My position was just eliminated
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Feb-01-18 10:29 AM
i'm not even sure what to say or how to feel right now.

shit, i'm not even sure why i'm typing this. i guess i just needed to say it to someone besides my wife.

i'm really at a loss. i was completely blindsided with this news this morning.
13231439, Damn. Sorry man. Hope they are treating you right on your way out
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Feb-01-18 10:34 AM
Best of luck in your search for the next thing
13231441, Shit...damn...idk your situation but my advice...only sulk for a
Posted by ambient1, Thu Feb-01-18 10:37 AM
and go hard in the paint looking for something new
13231443, you’ll be fine...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Feb-01-18 10:40 AM
I’m already dreaming of you making a post about your new job :-)


how bad will it be for y’all?
13231467, tbd
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Feb-01-18 11:23 AM

>how bad will it be for y’all?

mostly depends on how fast something else can get worked out.
13231445, Damn man. Sorry to hear about that.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Feb-01-18 10:41 AM
13231446, It's a kick in the gut. Sorry to hear this, man...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Feb-01-18 10:45 AM

I'm with ambient1. Tale a little time to moan & groan & feel bad. Everyone deserves that.

Then get back up and beast out in the job search.

Good luck.
13231450, Wow,man!!
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Thu Feb-01-18 10:47 AM
REALLY sorry to hear this, Kilo! Shoot some prayers up for you, homie.
13231451, hang in there fam, you'll bounce back.
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Feb-01-18 10:50 AM
13231463, Been there. Sorry that happened to you (n/m)
Posted by Pamalama, Thu Feb-01-18 11:11 AM
13231464, Sorry to hear that bro
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Thu Feb-01-18 11:13 AM
13231478, wow
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu Feb-01-18 12:03 PM
been on both sides of this (getting axed and being asked to do the axing)

Sucks both ways, hope shit works out for you.
13231483, shit, man...you know you got e-family...
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Feb-01-18 12:25 PM
don't hesitate to ask for anything.
13231484, damn that sucks
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Feb-01-18 12:26 PM
Im sure you will find something soon
13231489, Been there man...hopefully they took care of yall
Posted by tully_blanchard, Thu Feb-01-18 12:40 PM

I'm not sure what field you were in, but if you got a decent severance, take that time that you're still getting paid and try and another certification or something (if you need to).

Biggest mistake I made was taking that time to try and find more work (they still cuts us 6 months of payroll checks), to try and get the "two paychecks ever pay day" thing going. Biggest mistake ever.

We got cho back mayne

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..

13231510, stay up man
Posted by ShawndmeSlanted, Thu Feb-01-18 01:19 PM
time to take a breath and get back on the grind....i was there about 2 yrs ago
13231515, Awfully sorry to hear about this...
Posted by Creole, Thu Feb-01-18 01:30 PM
You’ll bounce back and be better than ever. As for sitting in it, you absolutely have the right (and deserve) to stew about it for a second. Then, as others have said, come out kicking ass and taking names.

13231525, hang in there, man. I forever worry about this
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Feb-01-18 01:45 PM
hope you bounce back stronger
13231532, hold your head man
Posted by jdub1313, Thu Feb-01-18 01:55 PM
positive thoughts to you and your family. this shit will work out. might be a way for you to pivot into something else.
13231533, crap man! really pulling for you to land quickly and better off.
Posted by PG, Thu Feb-01-18 01:56 PM
I've been there a couple times.. I've lived in fear of it for ages ever since.. and I'm so grateful I just landed something that should be good for the foreseeable future.. I'm choked for you though.. it ain't right we both deserve to be fine... sincerely hope it works out ASAP and doesn't put too much stress and strain on your ish...

where are you located & what do you do? it's a longshot but maybe I got somebody in my network.

Keep your head up.
13231536, sorry to hear that
Posted by c71, Thu Feb-01-18 02:05 PM
hope you get back in the swing of things soon.
13231539, Sorry to hear that for real. What do you think the next move is?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Feb-01-18 02:18 PM
13231622, hang in there!
Posted by shygurl, Thu Feb-01-18 06:59 PM
Fuck all these companies!
13231647, I was there last year
Posted by atruhead, Thu Feb-01-18 11:06 PM
they gave us 7 months notice and a great severance package for staying to the end, but the yeah that initial shock was real

Im hoping unemployment is an option is for you, but yeah now is when the grind gets real.
13231648, Damn...very sorry to hear.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Feb-01-18 11:27 PM
Its a lot to process. You'll be straight though.
13231650, Keep your head up, bro.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Feb-02-18 01:06 AM
13231706, Thanks for the support, family.
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Feb-02-18 11:14 AM
It's been a pretty fucked up couple of days. Had no idea that I was working for a snake as big as she seems to be. All good, stupid ass gonna find out she's making a mistake. Thinks she knows every cot damn thing. Smh. I been here three years, her ass only three months. I'm the heart of this organization. I was the very first hire, been here since the beginning. Instrumental in getting us to where we are now. But she comes in and thinks she knows best.

We'll see, bitch.....
13231718, Hang in there, bruh..
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Fri Feb-02-18 11:34 AM
Sumn GOTTA come through for you!
13231960, No doubt homie
Posted by tully_blanchard, Fri Feb-02-18 05:19 PM

Bottoms up....and the devil laughs..

13231737, Head up....
Posted by bnicedh, Fri Feb-02-18 11:57 AM
I been there man...hurts like mutha! But when I look back, it was when I started a renaissance in my career after being let go!! But today...Head up man, sorry that you have to go through this.
13231949, man, sorry to hear that.
Posted by tariqhu, Fri Feb-02-18 04:56 PM
sucks being blindsided with it too.
13231957, Stay Up VA.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri Feb-02-18 05:14 PM
Yo I am still traumatized from a termination in 2008. But I came back better and so will you.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13232280, I am so sorry to hear this
Posted by BKDominican, Mon Feb-05-18 12:30 PM
Please let me know if I can help you in anyway
13232287, this afternoon i meet with my staff, the staff i built, to let them know
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Feb-05-18 12:41 PM
that i'll be gone soon. i've already talked with a couple of my guys, and just like i knew would happen, they're already looking for other opportunities.

i think overall this is her plan, to clean house. she's shooting herself in the foot with this approach. the thing that hurts the most about all of this is that i have worked very hard over the past 3 years to get us where we are, and i don't think the organization is going to sustain much longer after i am removed. we do what we do for these kids, man. i have dedicated my life to working for these kids to hopefully help them be successful in school and in life, and now it's all being taken from me.

it hurts, fam. and i'm pretty fucking stressed out right about now.

but i'll be aiight, but my heart hurts for the kids.
13232294, I honestly can’t wait to see what becomes of you...
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Feb-05-18 12:53 PM
hold on.
All that hardwork didn’t go unnoticed :-)

we’re all going through it...
13232295, thanks, sis
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Feb-05-18 12:57 PM
13232300, been there. in the end...
Posted by double negative, Mon Feb-05-18 01:10 PM
next role included a 40% increase in annual take.

take your time. you will land right side up
13232763, i just met with several board members
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Feb-07-18 11:40 AM
and while the overall outcome of the situation is not going to change, i do feel better about it i guess. i have full support of each and every board member and it was presented as a organizational sustainability issue, and certainly nothing personal or reflective of my performance (even though in some regards, i do still at my core feel like the new leadership has something in mind regarding the future that apparently doesn't involve me being a part of it). it still hurts, and i still think the way it went down is/was shitty, but knowing that every board member is in support of me and some are even actively exploring how to keep me connected to the community in some capacity. that's good to know. i didn't have any doubt about that really, but it's nice to hear it confirmed.

i hate this shit, though. hate it. i have invested so much of myself into the organization and believe in it so much because the children/students we serve and this community need our support so badly. i'm being forced out of the greatest working team i've ever been a part of and likely ever will. we truly operate like a family, and i am going to miss working with and leading them more than i can even imagine. i don't think it's the end of the road for all of us together, though. the connections and the mutual respect among us are too strong and i really think that the future will bring us back together in some capacity.

i have one more week to wrap some things up here and then it's time to make moves onward and upward.

and i know yall don't really care about reading all of this Haha, but it helps me process the situation, so thank you to those that did read.
13232778, it's all good man
Posted by Boogiedwn, Wed Feb-07-18 12:00 PM
Keep updating us

>and i know yall don't really care about reading all of this Haha, but it helps me process the situation, so thank you to those that did read.
13232787, nah, this is all good to read.
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Feb-07-18 12:17 PM
I'm on the other side of it. my boss was let go. he was well liked and was the best manager I've ever had. this is also the best team I've ever been on.

we're all looking elsewhere. no other option. if they can get rid of top performers, no one is safe. one of the AVPs made a comment something like: people may care about you, but companies don't. He also said performance wouldn't matter as much since we're a team of top performers. have to find something to differ ourselves from our peers and hope that thing helps keep us employed for a few more rounds of cuts.

its real outchea. use those contacts to your advantage and hopefully something will open up quickly for you.
13232814, i'm reading every word, having been on both sides of it
Posted by Damali, Wed Feb-07-18 12:49 PM
first, i'm so sorry you had to experience it. I have too, very recently..like escorted out on the spot. the harsh lesson i've learned is that if you don't own the company, you're always expendable...being the heart of things, or not. i can only suspect that the status you had in the hearts and minds of the staff made her feel uncomfortable.

i will also say that having been a new CEO of a nonprofit, I did find that it sometimes became necessary to remove certain obstacles to change...and that can sometimes be someone that everyone else adores..which can backfire, yes, but alot of folks will take that risk for what they perceive is the greater good.

either way, you sound like you were an excellent leader & manager, which means that you will definitely build many other amazing teams.

13232870, i really appreciate you and tariqhu's perspective. thank you.
Posted by KiloMcG, Wed Feb-07-18 02:35 PM
i was hoping you would chime in at some point as i remembered that you recently went through some bullshit yourself with a non-profit. so, thank you.
13232815, I do though...
Posted by PG, Wed Feb-07-18 12:56 PM

>and i know yall don't really care about reading all of this
>Haha, but it helps me process the situation, so thank you to
>those that did read.
13232917, Couldn't Be Further form the truth, man
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Wed Feb-07-18 03:42 PM

>and i know yall don't really care about reading all of this

Rootin' for you, cuz