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Topic subjectSo they shut down the government
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13227487, So they shut down the government
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 05:29 AM
Just one year into this nightmare with control over all three branches of government they couldn't figure out how to fund it.
White mediocrity strikes again.
13227493, trump said he would sign whatever deal they put on his table
Posted by Reeq, Sat Jan-20-18 06:59 AM
and 'take the heat for it *hand gestures*'. mainstream press gave him damn near unanimous praise for the glorified photo op (where he didnt even understand the basic policies he was 'negotiating').

graham and durbin came to him with a deal with bipartisan public support of almost 60 senators (would easily clear 60 on an actual vote). he turned it down lol.

this dude has no idea what he actually wants.
13227495, He wants to deport immigrants but won't say it.
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 07:20 AM
He wants what John Kelly and Stephen Miller and Tom Cotton want
Which is quasi ethnic cleansing.
13227496, good point.
Posted by Reeq, Sat Jan-20-18 07:29 AM
13227581, yep.
Posted by Dr Claw, Sat Jan-20-18 05:16 PM
>He wants what John Kelly and Stephen Miller and Tom Cotton
>Which is quasi ethnic cleansing.

pretty much Israelizing the USA.
13227584, New Trump "campaign" ad. Talking abt immigrant cop killers
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 05:23 PM
13227687, WTF that shit is unbelievable
Posted by Jonjuan, Sun Jan-21-18 02:01 PM
13227498, This ain't white mediocrity this is white standards
Posted by Musa, Sat Jan-20-18 09:29 AM

Also for the most part the government been shut down for black folk. I wonder what all the folks in PG County with those good government jobs gonna do?
13227502, Inability to do ones job is white mediocrity in this cass
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 10:00 AM
13227620, I don't get the tone of disdain in this reply.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Sun Jan-21-18 07:53 AM
Am I missing something?
13227729, Stop it we already know you are an assimilation into
Posted by Musa, Sun Jan-21-18 06:58 PM
white mediocrity type.

"I want to be mediocre too!!!!" (you)
13227810, What you typed doesn't make sense. I'm asking you to clarify. You're
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Jan-22-18 07:59 AM
>white mediocrity type.
>"I want to be mediocre too!!!!" (you)

attempting to diminish the value and work value of not only Federal workers...but BLACK Federal workers.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13227505, Our government is run by childish idiots. Every one of them
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 10:19 AM
Everything is a game to win or lose. Everybody just wants to make the other side look bad.

A Chip bill could be passed today with like 90 votes in the Senate. Why don't they do it if they really care about the kids like they say they do

A Daca bill could be passed today with like 70 votes in the Senate. Why don't they do what they say they want to do?

Forget the wishy washy president. You have the votes. There is enough support on both sides to get the necessary votes. Send something to him and make him veto it if he wants. This whole pre-negotiating with him stuff is worthless. The getting exists for a reason

These fools treat deadlines like a C- college student with a pushover professor. The student pulls an all nighter to try to do an essay, can't finish the work, and the professor gives her another week to work on it. Rinse and repeat.

If they weren't able to do their job the first time around with months and months to work on it, what could change in the new couple of weeks? We just went through this charade last month
13227511, there are bipartisan chip and daca bills ready to go.
Posted by Reeq, Sat Jan-20-18 10:50 AM
mcconnell wont even bring them to a vote.

claire mccaskill introduced a measure to pay military members during the shutdown (like congress/obama passed during the 2013 shutdown). mcconnell killed that too.

so republicans dont really care about immigrants, children, or the military. they just use them as bargaining chips.

this isnt really an 'everybody' or 'both sides' thing.

this is republicans grinding government to a halt in the name of political cynicism. pretty much the same story year in and year out since 2011. they have no interest in actually governing for all of america.
13227527, RE: there are bipartisan chip and daca bills ready to go.
Posted by murph71, Sat Jan-20-18 12:02 PM
>mcconnell wont even bring them to a vote.
>claire mccaskill introduced a measure to pay military members
>during the shutdown (like congress/obama passed during the
>2013 shutdown). mcconnell killed that too.
>so republicans dont really care about immigrants, children, or
>the military. they just use them as bargaining chips.
>this isnt really an 'everybody' or 'both sides' thing.
>this is republicans grinding government to a halt in the name
>of political cynicism. pretty much the same story year in and
>year out since 2011. they have no interest in actually
>governing for all of america.

13227530, Yep what Reeq and murph said
Posted by Lurkmode, Sat Jan-20-18 12:15 PM
It's not both sides.
13227539, What did murph say? Lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 01:08 PM
I say both sides because they are both milking this thing and have been playing games for the past year (really the past two decades)

I'm not saying they are equally to blame. In this episode,the Republicans definitely are the main ones holding things up.

But I'm not going to pretend that the Democrats aren't loving this too. They will be more than willing to hurt their constituents if it makes them look good.

You know they've been focus grouping #trumpshutdown for months
13227540, He said "Yeah...This"
Posted by Lurkmode, Sat Jan-20-18 01:37 PM
>I say both sides because they are both milking this thing and
>have been playing games for the past year (really the past two
>I'm not saying they are equally to blame. In this episode,the
>Republicans definitely are the main ones holding things up.
>But I'm not going to pretend that the Democrats aren't loving
>this too. They will be more than willing to hurt their
>constituents if it makes them look good.
>You know they've been focus grouping #trumpshutdown for

The Dems love it and they are milking it, but it's the Republicans killing the bill Reeq mentioned and the deals the Dems thought they made.

13227541, I don't understand how you've come to this conclusion
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 01:38 PM
It seems reflexive.
A few years ago there was a small study that when told about what politicians were doing people simply wouldn't believe it, because it seemed too evil.
It seems that you're underscoring how evil the republicans are being. They put the health care of millions of the most vulnerable children on the line to use as a bargaining chip. They've then used that as a bargaining chip to enact quasi ethnic cleansing.
200k El Salvadorians get out, 800k of the the most innocent and essentially naturallized citizens get out ... all in the name of advancing and protecting white supremacy.
This isn't a normal political fight, if the health of children, and status of immigrants is used as constant leverage we don't have a democracy.
No matter what the Democratic party's current faults are they pale in comparison to the essential fight that they're in.
And it's astounding to see someone post something so ill informed with such confidence. I'd be embarrassed to be that ignorant.
13227551, I was gonna respond...but nah
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 02:12 PM

>And it's astounding to see someone post something so ill
>informed with such confidence. I'd be embarrassed to be that
13227552, That's probably for the best for you
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 02:23 PM
If you can't differentiate between creeping fascism regular regular politics this isn't a good conversation for you.
13227554, Ok lol
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 02:25 PM
13227548, But it’s always the republicans shutting down govt
Posted by legsdiamond, Sat Jan-20-18 02:05 PM
not sure why but these fools don’t give a damn about actually governing.
13227556, It's easier and, most of the time, more popular to be the opposition party
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 02:30 PM
Republicans have found their niche in being the opposition even when they are in the majority.
13227507, Midterms are coming up....... *PETTY AS FUCK EDIT*
Posted by Kira, Sat Jan-20-18 10:31 AM
*emails Tom Perez*

I keep telling people if they let me run the DNC I could get all the lost seats back within three years. I'd be Karl Rove without the fuckery. Yall see what happened when they let former Patriots front office people are the league so this is the version of that. Back to being petty:

I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT FOR TRUMP SUPPORTERS TO LOSE THEIR BIG GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE. You fucking cultists deserve all this shit that's coming. You fucking voted for it so get your money's worth. Hopefully this pushes Amazon to move their HQ to Toronto since it's a better business environment free of demagogues. Is there a order of who will be impacted first by this? I want Trump supporters to be the first in line to get some of this 'sterity. Austerity is something Trump supporters must experience since government is such a burden on their lives.
13227520, Just another distraction
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-20-18 11:26 AM
13227521, .... from?
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 11:32 AM
13227525, At the very least from the machinations of world banks and Corporations
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-20-18 11:54 AM
US military engagements across the globe, slow and steady agitation of the American population, etc
13227529, I'm not sure I understand how shutting down the government is a distraction
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 12:12 PM
From that.
13227550, Well they say immigration is one avenue through which communism
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-20-18 02:11 PM
will be brought to the US. Increase the amount of democratic voters which all or most DACA folks will be along with the overall Hispanic vote in general and then use those votes to usher in ever increasing socialist programs that will ultimately enslave the mases and allow the 1% to rule in absolute authority

Having everyone pointing fingers at trump dems repubs etc., could distract many from seeing such a plan of action were it true
13227532, nah politico watching
Posted by Lurkmode, Sat Jan-20-18 12:25 PM

3 things Trump did this week while you weren't looking


138 things Trump did last year while you weren't looking

13227522, i think republicans might cave.
Posted by Reeq, Sat Jan-20-18 11:40 AM
trump is publicly saying its the dems fault but he is reportedly in private saying he will get blamed for it (there is footage circulating of him from the past saying the president should bear the blame for a shutdown lol). the #trumpshutdown hashtag was the #1 trending tag in the world last night. regardless of their rhetoric...repubs know the majority of people blame them for the shutdown.

cornyn is saying they are willing to budge on a shorter cr date. not the biggest concession but its only a day later and they are already moving.

stories are leaking out that mcconnell and dems had a deal but ryan and the freedom caucus called him and nixed it. vulnerable gop senators in places like nevada and colorado cant afford to be tagged as anti-immigrant like people in safe red house districts. mitch knows this.

a whole bunch of establishment republican figures like michael steele are bashing the party for the shutdown on tv today. its not gonna play well with educated repubs who dont watch fox news 24/7.

trump wants to go to that damn anniversary party at mar-a-lago tonight lol. the optics of him leaving in the middle of a shutdown would be terrible.

13227524, This part is so funny because it's true
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 11:49 AM
You know he is pissed. He's been looking forward to this party for months. I have no doubt he'll be going anyways.

>trump wants to go to that damn anniversary party at mar-a-lago
>tonight lol. the optics of him leaving in the middle of a
>shutdown would be terrible.
13227531, i hope he does.
Posted by Reeq, Sat Jan-20-18 12:22 PM
just to make it even more obvious how little he cares about really running the country.
13227533, He was live tweeting his favorite show again this morning
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 12:27 PM
13227544, Republicans are liars - and they don't need ANY Dem votes
Posted by handle, Sat Jan-20-18 01:48 PM
IF Republicans could control their caucus then it would not be shut down.

All Senate Republicans vote for the bill then government reopens - the democrats do not have Balme for this AT ALL.

Now, since the Republicans can't get shit done they have to blame anyone else.

We're only 1 year in - this will get monumentally worst, and the LUNATICS the Republicans have made judges will fuck it up for at least the next 35 years.

Good new: I'll be dead.
13227545, Lindsey Graham, Jeff Flake and Rand Paul are doing them in
Posted by Lurkmode, Sat Jan-20-18 01:53 PM

13227546, Yes. They just need 60 to agree to cloture
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 01:57 PM
But there's no guarantee they'd get 51 after that.

Last night five republican senators voted against even cloture last night.
13227547, Oh thanks I just edited
Posted by Lurkmode, Sat Jan-20-18 02:02 PM
13227577, All 3 members of secret societies or organizations based on them
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sat Jan-20-18 04:39 PM
Flake is a former Mormon missionary to South Africa a country rife with socialist policies
Mormons are zionists and for totalitarian socialism. According to Bill Cooper* US intelligence agencies are mostly Mormon at the highest levels and through CIA black projects implement means by which to bring about a one world government of the aforementioned nature.

Graham is a member of Pi Kappa Phi which lists itself as a secret society

Paul is a member of the secretive NoZe brotherhood

No time to dig atm but they likely connect to a larger Masonic entity or knights order

*Bill Cooper was a former navy intel officer from a military family turned govt whistleblower who predicted 9-11 and was shot by police for tax evasion shortly after sept 11

JFK secret societies speech
13227638, Ok this explains your 29 reply
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jan-21-18 10:16 AM
>Flake is a former Mormon missionary to South Africa a country
>rife with socialist policies
>Mormons are zionists and for totalitarian socialism. According
>to Bill Cooper* US intelligence agencies are mostly Mormon at
>the highest levels and through CIA black projects implement
>means by which to bring about a one world government of the
>aforementioned nature.

You mean Bill Cooper the author of Behold A Pale Horse ?
What about George HW Bush he was the head of the CIA but he wasn't a Mormon. Although he did say a new world order.

Where does Mitt Romney fit in ? Why did the secret society let him lose ?

>Graham is a member of Pi Kappa Phi which lists itself as a
>secret society


>Paul is a member of the secretive NoZe brotherhood

Why did the brotherhood let him Paul get beat up by his neighbor ?

>No time to dig atm but they likely connect to a larger Masonic
>entity or knights order
>*Bill Cooper was a former navy intel officer from a military
>family turned govt whistleblower who predicted 9-11 and was
>shot by police for tax evasion shortly after sept 11

Cooper wasn't an Alex Jones was he ?

>JFK secret societies speech

Why did he need the mob to help him get elected ?
13227663, Maybe Paul wasn’t beat up by his neighbor.
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Jan-21-18 12:05 PM
13227664, Ahhhh
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jan-21-18 12:07 PM
All part of the plan.
13227789, Yoooooooooooooooooo!!! And Scalise(R-LA) was shot!! His wiki say
Posted by _explain555, Mon Jan-22-18 12:27 AM

he joined a masonic frat in college!!!!



13227808, http://www.voxfux.com/features/bush_child_sex_coverup/franklin.htm
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Jan-22-18 07:39 AM
"The House is taking strong action to protect victims of #HumanTrafficking and child abuse"

Scalise made that statement on may 25th he was shot on June 14th

His having been a mason may or may not have anything to do with it, but it should concern you that he was shot by yet another "lone gunman"

The largest centers for child and adult trafficking in the western world have been the Caucasus regions (Georgia, Chechnya, etc) and Africa and to this day that activity continues.

A look at history will show that the Catholic Church, Islamic Caliphates, and the remaining Jewish community at the time were involved in this business together for centuries. There was a triangle trade between Catholic or "Christian" Rome in the west in the form of Constantinople, Persian and later Islamic world to the south (Iraq/Iran), and Khazaria (at the center of trade between Europe and Asia) in eastern or Central Europe which had a heavily Jewish political structure.

Masons grew out of the knights Templar and the knights were or became the money handelers for the Church. They set up banking and the first credit systems, were grossly immoral, grew to amazing wealth by their practices , and engaged (and without reason to believe otherwise) still do engage in rituals that would require children, women, or both, etc

MK ultra programs also used children. MK ultra was/is a CIA program and you will find a large Masonic or secret society connection there as well. George Bush SR for example or William Casey ( Iran Contra i.e. Crack in LA Casey)

Casey was a Catholic and Knight of Malta who according to Wikipedia

"Ronald Reagan used prominent Catholics in his government to brief Pope John Paul II of developments in the Cold War. Casey would fly secretly to Rome in a windowless C-141 black jet and "be taken undercover to the Vatican"

Just a coincidence I'm sure
13227671, Man don’t be asking me all these questions online lol
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-21-18 12:26 PM
>>Flake is a former Mormon missionary to South Africa a
>>rife with socialist policies
>>Mormons are zionists and for totalitarian socialism.
>>to Bill Cooper* US intelligence agencies are mostly Mormon
>>the highest levels and through CIA black projects implement
>>means by which to bring about a one world government of the
>>aforementioned nature.
>You mean Bill Cooper the author of Behold A Pale Horse ?
>What about George HW Bush he was the head of the CIA but he
>wasn't a Mormon. Although he did say a new world order.

You’re correct. The angle is that Mormonism is a secretive cult with Masonic principles (among other types of fraternities and mystery religions) at its foundation and that can be proven. This makes mormons well suited for intelligence work as well as anything requiring emotional detachment or no moral compass as Mormonism has its own handcrafted doctrine which would justify things like the meadow massacre or fraudulent investment bank that Joseph Smith and his brother founded among other corrupt practices like polygamy. Both Mormons and Masons are for furthering the new world order

>Where does Mitt Romney fit in ? Why did the secret society let
>him lose ?

One argument could be Barack was chosen in order to further certain initiatives on the African Continent as well as promote the whole post racial moving into a better world messaging. Ultimately he and Romney are on the same team and their political contest would likely be some form of Higaelian Dialecitic. The false pitting of two sides in order to bring about a certain goal.

>>Graham is a member of Pi Kappa Phi which lists itself as a
>>secret society

Yeah and although not uncommon for frats this one is in the news for killing a pledge relatively recently so it’s on “that level”

Also just a superficial search shows members of the frat who go into politics also become Shriners, masons, Kiwanis, etc stretching to the early 19th century

>>Paul is a member of the secretive NoZe brotherhood
>Why did the brotherhood let him Paul get beat up by his
>neighbor ?

I haven’t looked into that case but being in a fraternity doesn’t mean you can’t get those hands from randoms

>>No time to dig atm but they likely connect to a larger
>>entity or knights order
>>*Bill Cooper was a former navy intel officer from a military
>>family turned govt whistleblower who predicted 9-11 and was
>>shot by police for tax evasion shortly after sept 11
>Cooper wasn't an Alex Jones was he ?

He was very much anti jones and called him out on his show

It would seem Jones is 100% a misinformation agent

>>JFK secret societies speech
>Why did he need the mob to help him get elected ?
Catholic control of America vs Masonic. Those mobsters would have been Irish perhaps Italian Catholics correct?

Remember the Knights Templar are the root of free masonry and the Catholic Church heavily persecuted them in the 14th century iirc. Their oaths include(ed) anti church and mob language as mobs of uneducated peasants reveled at their destruction and this is another reason why the god of the Bible is their enemy and as such they worship man and his giver of knowledge in the garden Lucifer. It doesn’t matter if that biblical narrative is figurative or literal.

JFK RFK and JFK jr were all Catholics and all potential president material even Ted

13227677, oops well it's too late for me to edit.
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jan-21-18 12:50 PM
I see that other post after 29 so I had to ask.

>>You mean Bill Cooper the author of Behold A Pale Horse ?
>>What about George HW Bush he was the head of the CIA but he
>>wasn't a Mormon. Although he did say a new world order.
>You’re correct. The angle is that Mormonism is a secretive
>cult with Masonic principles (among other types of
>fraternities and mystery religions) at its foundation and that
>can be proven. This makes mormons well suited for intelligence
>work as well as anything requiring emotional detachment or no
>moral compass as Mormonism has its own handcrafted doctrine
>which would justify things like the meadow massacre or
>fraudulent investment bank that Joseph Smith and his brother
>founded among other corrupt practices like polygamy. Both
>Mormons and Masons are for furthering the new world order


>>Where does Mitt Romney fit in ? Why did the secret society
>>him lose ?
>One argument could be Barack was chosen in order to further
>certain initiatives on the African Continent as well as
>promote the whole post racial moving into a better world
>messaging. Ultimately he and Romney are on the same team and
>their political contest would likely be some form of Higaelian
>Dialecitic. The false pitting of two sides in order to bring
>about a certain goal.

So it's heads I win, tails you lose. Either way they are getting what they want.

>>>Graham is a member of Pi Kappa Phi which lists itself as a
>>>secret society
>Yeah and although not uncommon for frats this one is in the
>news for killing a pledge relatively recently so it’s on
>“that level”

Damn again.

>>>Paul is a member of the secretive NoZe brotherhood
>>Why did the brotherhood let him Paul get beat up by his
>>neighbor ?
>I haven’t looked into that case but being in a fraternity
>doesn’t mean you can’t get those hands from randoms

Can't protect him at all times, good point. Here is the story.


>>>*Bill Cooper was a former navy intel officer from a
>>>family turned govt whistleblower who predicted 9-11 and was
>>>shot by police for tax evasion shortly after sept 11
>>Cooper wasn't an Alex Jones was he ?
>He was very much anti jones and called him out on his show

I'll check this out

>It would seem Jones is 100% a misinformation agent

Perfect description because that's what he does.

>>>JFK secret societies speech
>>Why did he need the mob to help him get elected ?
>Catholic control of America vs Masonic. Those mobsters would
>have been Irish perhaps Italian Catholics correct?

Yes I think they were.

>Remember the Knights Templar are the root of free masonry and
>the Catholic Church heavily persecuted them in the 14th
>century iirc. Their oaths include(ed) anti church and mob
>language as mobs of uneducated peasants reveled at their
>destruction and this is another reason why the god of the
>Bible is their enemy and as such they worship man and his
>giver of knowledge in the garden Lucifer. It doesn’t matter
>if that biblical narrative is figurative or literal.
> JFK RFK and JFK jr were all Catholics and all potential
>president material even Ted

13227679, https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mountain_Meadows_Massacre
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-21-18 12:58 PM
You can’t judge Romney or Flake but you can judge this incident


Thanks for the Paul link. It sounded odd when I first heard it.
13227549, Not true. 60 votes needed to break the filibuster
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Sat Jan-20-18 02:08 PM

>All Senate Republicans vote for the bill then government
>reopens - the democrats do not have Balme for this AT ALL.

13227675, They don't have 50 votes to pass it
Posted by handle, Sun Jan-21-18 12:44 PM
Forget the filibuster.
Posted by MEAT, Sat Jan-20-18 05:29 PM


Email blast.
13227641, The Republican Party needs to die
Posted by handle, Sun Jan-21-18 10:23 AM
But hey, Bernie was done dirty, right guys??
13227642, Bernie is the problem ?
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jan-21-18 10:32 AM


13227645, Bernie is a different sort of problem but neither side of that coin is
Posted by MEAT, Sun Jan-21-18 10:48 AM
Helpful for this particular conversation. There are dozens of Bernie argument threads, please don't let this be added to the pile.
The republicans are enacting one of the most vile cultural and ethnic backlash plans in this countries modern history. And the government is being shut down until they get their way.
13227659, Fair enough
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jan-21-18 11:49 AM
>Helpful for this particular conversation. There are dozens of
>Bernie argument threads, please don't let this be added to the

Lol true

>The republicans are enacting one of the most vile cultural and
>ethnic backlash plans in this countries modern history. And
>the government is being shut down until they get their way.

Which is why it's painful to watch some Dems start to cave.
13227709, Thank you for being respectful.
Posted by MEAT, Sun Jan-21-18 04:16 PM
13227714, You welcome
Posted by Lurkmode, Sun Jan-21-18 04:49 PM
13227674, No - Bernie VOTERS are the problem
Posted by handle, Sun Jan-21-18 12:44 PM
But I see below we shouldn't talk about it.
13227678, Lack of an adequately informed voter population and voter suppression
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-21-18 12:52 PM
That’s the problem and it’s surmountable
13227686, It’s quite surmountable
Posted by Mgmt, Sun Jan-21-18 01:43 PM
>That’s the problem and it’s surmountable
13227676, No the people have to vote for the best republicans or dems
Posted by Atillah Moor, Sun Jan-21-18 12:50 PM
The parties aren’t the problem
13227727, RE: So they shut down the government
Posted by Scrapluv, Sun Jan-21-18 06:47 PM
This wouldn't happen if they had to forfeit their pay and benefits during a Govt shutdown.
13227760, Pence lies to the troops about pay
Posted by MEAT, Sun Jan-21-18 08:52 PM

The Trump administration’s attempts to deflect blame for the Trump shutdown have ranged from comical to reckless, but Mike Pence may have set a new low bar by lying to servicemembers who are risking their lives.

While Donald Trump spends his weekend pretending to work for the cameras, Pence is on a Middle East trip that brought him face-to-face with troops stationed in Jordan, just across the border from war-torn Syria.

And during his remarks, Pence lied right to their faces.

“I’m sure you’re all aware of what’s going on in Washington D.C.,” Pence said, referring to the shutdown. “Despite bipartisan support for a budget resolution, a minority in the Senate has decided to play politics with military pay.”

“But you deserve better,” Pence continued. “You and your families shouldn’t have to worry for one minute about whether you’re going to get paid, as you serve in the uniform in the United States. So know this, your president, your vice president, and the American people are not going to put up with it.”

Donald Trump and the GOP have failed to protect military pay as President Obama did during the 2013 shutdown. But that's not what Pence told our troops deployed overseas.

The Trump administration’s attempts to deflect blame for the Trump shutdown have ranged from comical to reckless, but Mike Pence may have set a new low bar by lying to servicemembers who are risking their lives.

While Donald Trump spends his weekend pretending to work for the cameras, Pence is on a Middle East trip that brought him face-to-face with troops stationed in Jordan, just across the border from war-torn Syria.

And during his remarks, Pence lied right to their faces.

“I’m sure you’re all aware of what’s going on in Washington D.C.,” Pence said, referring to the shutdown. “Despite bipartisan support for a budget resolution, a minority in the Senate has decided to play politics with military pay.”

“But you deserve better,” Pence continued. “You and your families shouldn’t have to worry for one minute about whether you’re going to get paid, as you serve in the uniform in the United States. So know this, your president, your vice president, and the American people are not going to put up with it.”

In fact, Trump has failed to protect military pay the way President Barack Obama did during the 2013 shutdown.

And when Democrats tried to protect the troops’ pay and benefits this time around, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell blocked that measure so that Trump could continue to exploit brave servicemembers as political props.

Trump has been destructive enough on his own, but Pence demonstrates his own willingness to stoop as low as it takes to enable him.

But he’s right about one thing: we all deserve better.


I'm pretty sure I can never forgive white people for this shit. Like I'm going to go to my grave (hopefully a long time from now) despising white people
13227968, Looks like it's opening back up. No DACA just yet
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jan-22-18 12:35 PM
Are the Democrats fools for having any trust that McConnell will put DACA up to a vote?

Even if there is a vote (which given past statements should pass very easily), is there any confidence it will pass either in the house, Senate, or president flippy floppy?

Is the only way that DACA will pass in any meaningful form to hold the budget hostage?

My prediction? It's gonna be groundhog day. We're going to play out this brinkmanship again. They have three weeks to work something out. But it's not going to be until the day before this CR expires that they start really working again
13227994, the only way for daca to pass is a dem president.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 12:49 PM
thats the ugly truth that few wanna acknowledge. republicans have no problem shutting down their own govt because they pay no electoral consequences from their base when they do.

on the other side...dems will prolly never be able to play hardball like we want because a lot of them are vulnerable in lily white states that could give a fuck about immigrants.

people think this is a slam dunk issue because daca is popular among americans. but that popularity isnt evenly spread out among the map like legalized marijuana is for instance. the 'score' for daca is run up in high population dem-leaning areas (even among republicans).

for daca to exist again...a dem president would have to temporarily reinstate it by executive order. or legislate it into permanence with a dem congress (still unlikely given immigration troubles in the past).

if people want to pass a daca law...they better work their butts off to pack both houses of congress with democrats and then do the same to get a dem president in office.
13227969, dems about to cave as expected and a lot of people will be mad at them.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 12:35 PM
and thats understandable and warranted.

but people need to be mad at themselves even more.

dems have very little bargaining power. they are the minority party.

elections have consequences.

we let repubs take the house, the senate, and the highest office in the land. when that happens, this is the type of shit you get. you cant expect to get your way when you failed to empower the only party that is interested in your way. as much as people on the left hated clinton...she would have obviously continued daca and pushed for path to permanent legal status. if dems controlled any one chamber of congress then it would have strengthened her hand.

theyre gonna pass a daca bill in the senate later on (because mcconnell doesnt want this hanging over vulnerable repub senators heads in the midterms) but it has no chance passing the house. mcconnell is fine with shifting the blame to ryan (who prolly wont even run for re-election despite a $500k bribe from the kochs).

daca will be a hot issue going into the midterms as dreamers statuses continue to expire and they face deportation. i just hope pro-daca folks see the bigger picture and turn out to vote for the party...instead of bailing because they feel dems bailed on them.
13228016, slight silver lining: folks can continue to renew their daca status
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 01:01 PM
until the supreme court rules on the 9th circuit court ruling that stopped trumps order. that could play out into summer.

that should save a lot of folks who couldnt renew by the old deadline trump set or who would expire after march.
13228030, I'm worried that ICE will still attack them.
Posted by MEAT, Mon Jan-22-18 01:10 PM
13228103, always possible but they have complied with court orders so far.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 02:05 PM
13228040, Wait, so when is anything the Dems fault then?
Posted by Stadiq, Mon Jan-22-18 01:20 PM
>and thats understandable and warranted.
>but people need to be mad at themselves even more.
>dems have very little bargaining power. they are the minority
>elections have consequences.
>we let repubs take the house, the senate, and the highest
>office in the land. when that happens, this is the type of
>shit you get. you cant expect to get your way when you failed
>to empower the only party that is interested in your way. as
>much as people on the left hated clinton...she would have
>obviously continued daca and pushed for path to permanent
>legal status. if dems controlled any one chamber of congress
>then it would have strengthened her hand.

So you are essentially saying it isn’t the Dems fault that
they folded, because they are the minority party.

But that isn’t their fault either- it’s somehow ours.

I’m scratching my head, b,

Can anything ever be their fault or nah?

>theyre gonna pass a daca bill in the senate later on (because
>mcconnell doesnt want this hanging over vulnerable repub
>senators heads in the midterms) but it has no chance passing
>the house. mcconnell is fine with shifting the blame to ryan
>(who prolly wont even run for re-election despite a $500k
>bribe from the kochs).
>daca will be a hot issue going into the midterms as dreamers
>statuses continue to expire and they face deportation. i just
>hope pro-daca folks see the bigger picture and turn out to
>vote for the party...instead of bailing because they feel dems
>bailed on them.

All good points, but in general the Dems did their thing.

You know, that Dem thing where they show little to no
competence with regards to message or fighting for
their base.

The Dems just took the blame for shutting the Gov down
for “illegals” AND let their base down.

All in one weekend.

They are legit idiots, man.
13228124, lets start here: what do you think dems should have done
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 02:18 PM
and what reasonable outcome(s) did you expect?

dems got chip funding through 2024, path to pass daca through the senate, and a shortened cr period to put more pressure on repubs. if daca legislation isnt passed by feb 8 then dems got a guarantee of a daca floor vote (passed in 2013 with 68 votes). repubs got virtually nothing but govt funding for a few weeks.

under most standards it would be a win for dems. unless you expected them to strongarm repubs into signing daca into law on top of chip funding.

so how would you have expected things to play out and how did you expect to get there?
13228146, reminder: activists are not the dem 'base'
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 02:30 PM
i keep bringing up this point on here. even tho activists are crucial to pushing reform and dragging the party leftward...they dont necessarily represent the majority of the party (and even less of the actual likely voters).

even tho the majority of americans want daca...the majority of americans also dont want to shutdown the government because of daca. that includes only 49% of democrats who say daca is worth a shutdown.


in light of numbers like that...is it reasonable to expect dems to hold the line for shutdown that had zero chance of ending with a daca bill?
13228208, btw everyone was WARNED that millions of lives were at stake
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 03:29 PM
if donald trump was elected.

and instead of voting for the only candidate who could have protected dreamers, they decided to tarnish that candidate, stay home, protest vote for a third party candidate who turned out be a russian dupe to split votes, etc.

the daca crisis falls squarely on their shoulders. theyre a big part of the reason we are even in this situation.

alot of the people mad at dems help put the dems in this position.
now they wanna go and put the genie back in the bottle and fix shit in retrospect. but it dont work that way.

the chick erika andiola of the dream action coalition (i posted about her on here a while ago) literally spent the 2 years leading up to the election bashing obama and hillary and telling latinos not to vote for democrats. according to her...democrats and republicans were basically the same (she was a bernie supporter naturally).

now she is crying about how dems let down dreamers and blah blah blah.

people gotta start thinking longer and harder about the consequences of their (in)actions.
13228034, CHIP just got six years of funding.
Posted by MEAT, Mon Jan-22-18 01:16 PM
One less hostage
13228209, yup they freed up 9 million hostages.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 03:32 PM
13228042, So, do folks gotta turn around and go back in at 2:00??
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Jan-22-18 01:21 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13228051, https://media.giphy.com/media/GqnrGIYWoO69a/giphy.gif
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Mon Jan-22-18 01:26 PM
13228171, btw this whole shit should be a lesson to dems in the future.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 02:47 PM
when you get full control of the federal govt...punch through your entire wish list of legislation.

no more reaching across the aisle like obama. youre gonna eventually lose the seats anyway. might as well rack up more laws that make it harder for repubs to reverse your progress.
13228225, How is that sustainable though? Every 4-8 years we rip up the
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jan-22-18 03:51 PM
previous administrations work?

Lately I've been thinking alot lately I wish Obama had been as radical or gave zero fucks like Trump with upsetting the existing order and. Trump does it with zero consequences. Imagine if Obama did it for positive stuff.

Like whatever DACA thing he put in place in the first place, shouldn't have been something someone can come along and undo.

>when you get full control of the federal govt...punch through
>your entire wish list of legislation.
>no more reaching across the aisle like obama. youre gonna
>eventually lose the seats anyway. might as well rack up more
>laws that make it harder for repubs to reverse your progress.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13228250, it isnt sustainable.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 04:15 PM
and i expect that it will get even worse if they blow up the filibuster...which is getting increasingly likely as the parties further polarize (overwhelmingly repubs shunning moderates).

>Lately I've been thinking alot lately I wish Obama had been as
>radical or gave zero fucks like Trump with upsetting the
>existing order and. Trump does it with zero consequences.
>Imagine if Obama did it for positive stuff.
>Like whatever DACA thing he put in place in the first place,
>shouldn't have been something someone can come along and undo.

yeah i wish obama was more extreme and used the bully pulpit more. especially since he went into office with an overwhelming mandate. but the democratic party suffered massive losses in the midterms following his election. a pretty clear rebuke of the relatively tame (and actually beneficial) 1st 2 years of his presidency. it could have been a lot worse with a radical agenda (history has shown going further left loses elections as it is).

trump seems like he doesnt face any consequences. but the ultimate check/balance is supposed to be the citizenry. and elections determine those consequences. the gop has been getting punished at the state level (and alabama senate race) with historic swings in momentum. midterms could serve as a further consequence of trumps agenda.
13228231, LOL at Dems and lesson...they ain't learning(ed) a blessed thing bro
Posted by ambient1, Mon Jan-22-18 03:56 PM
they stuck on crying in the car like Red from Friday
13228265, a lot of it is a result of geographical disadvantage.
Posted by Reeq, Mon Jan-22-18 04:28 PM
like los angeles county has a higher population than something like 7 states.

but cali only gets 2 senators and those 7 rural mostly white and republican states get 14 senators.

repubs can hardline cuz they know they will always have a certain amount of states in the bag regardless. dems basically gotta play it safe cuz they gotta compete in swing states and blue states that sometimes elect moderate republicans.

its still a majority white country and the majority of that majority votes republican.
13231883, Just a reminder, the govt is gonna shutdown again in 6 days on the 8th
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Fri Feb-02-18 03:15 PM
We won't hear anything about it until the 6th.

These people have one job smh

As I said earlier:

These fools treat deadlines like a C- college student with a pushover professor. The student pulls an all nighter to try to do an essay, can't finish the work, and the professor gives her another week to work on it. Rinse and repeat.

If they weren't able to do their job the first time around with months and months to work on it, what could change in the new couple of weeks? We just went through this charade last month
13232841, Seems like they're close to a long term budget deal, with no DACA
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Feb-07-18 01:28 PM
I'm lost. What was all the fighting for before? I thought the feeling was that the budget is the only leverage Democrats had to force favorable action on DACA.

I guess that's not true anymore? What happened?

13232893, Pelosi doesn't like it. Filibustering. Been talking more than 4hrs straight
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Feb-07-18 03:05 PM
13232967, She's still going. Seven hours straight
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Wed Feb-07-18 05:38 PM
13232972, they got an assurance of bringing daca to the floor in the senate
Posted by Reeq, Wed Feb-07-18 05:49 PM
with the last cr (based on mcconnell keeping his word). there are 2 bipartisan daca deals in the senate right now. either one will pass with 60+ votes if brought to the floor.

there was no such assurance in the house from paul ryan tho. even tho a daca deal would pass in the house with both repub and overwhelming democratic support...ryan wont commit to bringing it to the floor because of the hastert rule (majority of majority must want it) and repub immigration hardliners like steve king essentially hold a veto because of the hastert rule.

daca is not getting done via shutdown. nothing gets done via shutdown legislation-wise. like ever. repubs dont even give a fuck about a child healthcare program that effectively pays for itself after 10 years (its finally extended that far in the senate bill). why would they care about daca aside from using it as a hostage?

the only real way to get daca done is on the floor of the house and senate. senate looks like they are committed to passing something. house is the sticking point. if they can move ryan somehow and get votes on it...then it heads to the presidents desk with substantial support from both houses. if trump wants to veto it then the consequences are placed squarely on his shoulders.
13233029, mcconnell reiterated on the floor of the senate
Posted by Reeq, Wed Feb-07-18 08:47 PM
that he will be bringing a daca bill up next week *without underlying immigration language attached to it*. that sounds like the clean daca bill that mccain and coons drafted.

looks like mcconnell is stepping away from the white house on this. which is prolly the best move to protect some vulnerable repub senators in places like colorado and nevada.

paul ryan also doesnt have enough repub votes to avoid a shutdown (which is now squarely on him to avoid since the senate passed their bill). so ryan will need dem votes to keep the lights on. which means he will have to bring a daca bill to the floor like pelosi is demanding.

its possibly ryan could cave and abandon the hastert rule (especially if he is retiring like they are speculating). sticking it to the freedom caucus would essentially be his retirement announcement lol.
13233100, RE: So they shut down the government
Posted by MEAT, Thu Feb-08-18 09:40 AM

If a shutdown happens today, bear in mind that the Dems' demand is that Paul Ryan hold a vote on a DACA bill.

Not that the bill passes.

Not that Dems get a pony.

That Ryan allows each House member to vote yea or nay on a single bill.

Ryan can single-handedly avoid a shutdown.
13233102, Paul Ryan is a piece of shit
Posted by handle, Thu Feb-08-18 09:43 AM
Pure and simple.