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Topic subjectYo.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13220220
13220220, Yo.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Dec-14-17 07:30 AM
Did I miss a banning or something???
Where Legs at???
Where MEAT at???

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13220224, I post too much.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Dec-14-17 08:27 AM
I was working nights for a majority of the year doing a supervisory role in an office which lead to a huge increase in posting
I'm on leave for this month and after a week of staying in those same habits I just peeled back to the point of lurking
I logged out and everything
Only logged in because you called me by "name" and I didn't wanna be an asshole.

13220225, ahh ok. Understood!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Dec-14-17 08:33 AM
Downtime is good for the soul!
check your inbox in about 5 min.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13220235, I do kind of miss Leg’s
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Dec-14-17 09:36 AM
he’s high maintenance but he keeping things going..

13220241, and sowhat
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-14-17 10:05 AM
mods are on some bullshit man
13220242, He went crazy
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu Dec-14-17 10:10 AM
13220291, Yeah, def no BS about his banning.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Thu Dec-14-17 12:11 PM
Telling a dude he should get dragged through the streets and lynched kinda of warrants that.
13220436, well, didn't know that lol
Posted by Amritsar, Thu Dec-14-17 05:32 PM
somehow I missed that post

But if we know anything about dude, he plays devils advocate all the time. Saying outlandish shit

Sounds like he went a weeee bit too far this time and needed a temporary timeout lol
13220681, nah, i fux with dude, but he deserved that
Posted by astralblak, Fri Dec-15-17 08:36 PM
13220683, didn't see that one coming
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Fri Dec-15-17 09:19 PM
13220243, I don't see why legs would be banned.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu Dec-14-17 10:10 AM
13220245, Legs got banned? What I miss?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Dec-14-17 10:12 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13220248, I don’t think that’s true...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Dec-14-17 10:21 AM
He’s probably on vacation
13220274, Mostly likely not... I haven't seen him break any rules
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu Dec-14-17 11:31 AM
At the same time, we see who they let mod
around here, so you never know.
13220250, denny appears to have been banned
Posted by Pete Burns, Thu Dec-14-17 10:32 AM
13220252, really? for what post?
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Dec-14-17 10:41 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13220254, Don't know but I'm guessing it's a cumulative thing.
Posted by Pete Burns, Thu Dec-14-17 10:46 AM
Maybe I'm wrong and he's just taking a break.
13220287, Legs was banned??
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Dec-14-17 12:00 PM
13220314, That's what I was asking, I don't know. Just noticed a few key players hadn't
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Dec-14-17 01:12 PM

That's all.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13220316, wait, what? Legs was banned??
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Dec-14-17 01:17 PM
13220320, seriously though, was legs banned?
Posted by makaveli, Thu Dec-14-17 01:35 PM
13220418, real quick...
Posted by CyrenYoung, Thu Dec-14-17 04:57 PM
>Did I miss a banning or something???
>Where Legs at???
>Where MEAT at???
>"Get ready....for your blessing....."

• legs was placed on temp-timeout (for being his usual passive-aggressive-trolling-self)
• sowhat was placed on extended temp-timeout (for the meltdown).
• meat & denny are listed as active

i realize you mean no harm with this post, but please refrain from making threads like this in the future. while you have solid intentions, this feeds into unnecessary speculation (often incorrect). if you wanna check up on friends, please hit their inbox/email.

that said, hope all is well.

*skatin' the rings of saturn*

..and miles to go before i sleep...
13220528, Thanks Cy. You're a good guy.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Fri Dec-15-17 06:50 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13220530, "usual passive-aggressive-trolling" applies to atleast 5 ppl still here
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Fri Dec-15-17 07:49 AM
so can you give specifics here or nah?

>• legs was placed on temp-timeout (for being his usual

13220678, It was the post he made about atruhead's reply in CT last post.
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Dec-15-17 08:30 PM
13220694, Ah, I must've missed that one
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Sat Dec-16-17 12:34 AM
13221321, DAT shit? ? ?.....smh.
Posted by NoDrawls McGraw, Tue Dec-19-17 05:24 PM
I saw that reply, came back a few days later and noticed that it was deleted but ain't know Sun was ghosted as a result.

13220549, if I may axe...
Posted by Trinity444, Fri Dec-15-17 09:41 AM
who makes the decision to ban?
like does one person make the decision or is collective?
13220677, They individually have banning power
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Dec-15-17 08:28 PM
At least that's how I'm pretty sure it goes.