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Topic subjectmost annoying person at your job?
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13213079, most annoying person at your job?
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 11:33 AM
this guy doesn't even work in my city, but he's on a lot of our calls. start with he talks too much. is corny. never lets a call end early.

on one call, he said we've got 30 seconds left. anybody have anything to discuss? I hung up. just cut the call. we have enough information.

he also doesn't answer questions well. doesn't like to admin not knowing something. will side track the convo to something he knows better.

as part of his talking, he calls my name 1000 times on every call. today, before we reached 30 mins on this hour call, he said my name 6 times. I didn't respond either time.

sad part is that we need him lol. he knows so much about the product and can be very helpful. he just needs to be managed to stay on task and not make things confusing.
13213082, by far it's the woman that talks too damn much
Posted by BigJazz, Thu Nov-16-17 11:38 AM
she'll come over and talk for 3 or 4 minutes to finally get to a point she coulda made in 30 seconds.

what is started doing is asking her "what is your question" as soon as she launches into a story. what's the question? let's skip the ride and get to the end. tell me the ultimate question and then i'll ask probing question if i need to. and those will be closed-ended questions so you won't have the chance to talk my ear off.

this the same mofo that i had to tell to stop sending me emails and then walking over and telling me everything that's in the email. stop wasting my time, i can read.

I ain't lyin. This shit i'm making up is true...
13213085, there's a manager, not mine, that does that.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 11:46 AM
sends an email and goes to someone's desk to see if they got it. and he's loud as hell. doesn't know how to manage. everything is a fire with him. I'm so glad I don't report to him.
13213093, in 2017, if you sent an email, they got the email
Posted by BigJazz, Thu Nov-16-17 11:52 AM
ain't no need to check

I ain't lyin. This shit i'm making up is true...
13213097, exactly
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 11:54 AM
13213111, lol. what’s her facial expression like?
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Nov-16-17 12:10 PM

>what is started doing is asking her "what is your question" as
>soon as she launches into a story. what's the question?

I would be pissed if you did this to me but I totally get it :-)
13213164, admin asst at my job does that.
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 12:58 PM
but I think its bc its so damn quiet in this bitch that she just wants to talk. I get it.

she will ask about my weekend and then talk for 30 mins about her weekend plans and shit.
13213084, the woman who used to be important and now she isnt.
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Nov-16-17 11:46 AM
she used to be important here when i started about 4 years ago and she loved to make sure everyone knew it. whenever she landed a new account it was such a big show and everyone just rolled their eyes at her.

now she's been summarily kicked down to the bottom of the totem pole in performance in our department. mgmt couldnt care less about her. i think they purposely go out of their way to make a show about not acknowledging her existence.

so now she's taken to
- throwing any and everyone under the bus at every opportunity. 80% of what she says about people is a lie
- getting involved in every little situation that pops up when she should be doing her own work.
- making her assistant (who used to be my assistant. she's amazing. the best. but i got passed off to one of the new assistants because im the easiest to work with) cry on a regular basis. and then attempting to run her down to anyone who will listen even though everyone fucking knows she's lying. this actually pisses me off the most.
- asking stupid ass questions in meetings just to keep us all trapped in there because "its the only way she can get anyone to listen to her"

its really sad that a 46 year old woman is on some catty mean girl high school shit. i feel bad for her that this is her life.
13213094, she sounds horrible lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 11:52 AM
seems like age has little to do with these terrible habits. you'd think folks would take cues from others on how to do things better, but nope. they just continue doing dumb stuff.
13213139, shes awful. she used to be one of my favorite people
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Nov-16-17 12:32 PM
then she switched sides and started running me down too once she realized i was easily outperforming her.
13213086, The loud typer
Posted by flipnile, Thu Nov-16-17 11:48 AM
They moved him to a desk further from me, and I can still hear him banging on his keys. Seriously, if *anyone* else started typing like he does, people would start asking "you okay?"

Also, there are a grip of people here that do not fuck with me. No eye contact (ever), frowns, looking away, etc.
13213095, haha.. I have a keyboard that would make you think I'm angry
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 11:53 AM
thankfully its an an area where no one can hear me

people who ice grill you at work are weird as shit.
13214200, i have a mech keyboard at home with cherry reds
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Nov-20-17 02:54 PM
my wife hates my fucking guts lol

it didnt help when i told her reds are the quietest mx switches
13213096, you wearing a hoodie at the office?
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 11:53 AM
>Also, there are a grip of people here that do not fuck with
>me. No eye contact (ever), frowns, looking away, etc.
13213165, there's this old ass white lady in my building that never speaks
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:00 PM
I mean never ever fucking speaks. rude ass bastard.
13214303, and the hunt-and-peck typer
Posted by Flash80, Mon Nov-20-17 07:37 PM
PM on my business team has an MBA and bunch of certifications. she types with her index fingers only. like, how?
13214405, I type like a mad man.
Posted by Nodima, Tue Nov-21-17 10:33 AM
No home row, mostly index with some middle finger and every once in a while the ring finger.

When people see me type, they're both amazed and appalled at my WPM (6 WPM with 0 errors just now in a typing test for the fuck of it) and my recklessness on the keys lol.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
13229627, apparently im this guy!
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Jan-25-18 05:31 PM
i didnt realize it but we had a bunch of new people start and they said it sounds like im jamming my fingers thru the keyboard.
13213091, that's a tough one
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 11:51 AM
dude at my job is cool but gets mad about dumb shit and then stomps around like he is going to kick ass

then we have the woman who always throws people under the bus when talking to clients and will include you in the email on some "yeah I said it"

case in point. She forgets about a job so the client sends an email like"what's going on? haven't heard from you guys"

so sends an email saying "graphics are slammed on other projects but we will get to you as soon as he finished"

meanwhile I never heard a word about this job.
13213116, Awkward "where my hug at, babygirl"guy.
Posted by silenttype, Thu Nov-16-17 12:15 PM
My team is 75% women, so everyday here he come..
13213120, lmao!
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Thu Nov-16-17 12:19 PM
13213129, lol....i've despised this nigga at every gig i've ever had
Posted by ambient1, Thu Nov-16-17 12:22 PM
13214203, work thirst is so wild to me nm
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Nov-20-17 02:56 PM
13215022, do his shoes curl up at the toe
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Thu Nov-23-17 02:27 PM
bonus points if he wears the pointy long shoes.
13213131, today...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Nov-16-17 12:26 PM
a black lady on my team
she asked how many can goods was I bringing in for the food drive
I told her none....I didnt have any
she goes, would you like me to pick you up some
when I told her nah
she looked at me in disgust...

I found her question inappropriate because it’s one of those things that’s of a personal nature. Also, they still have can goods from the summer still sitting in the break room.

I said none of that tho...

13213150, Wait. She was gonna pick up food for you
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 12:45 PM
or food for you to donate to the drive?

and why folks gotta ask you if you are donating to some shit if you already know about it?

13213170, food to donate...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Nov-16-17 01:04 PM
13213193, the hell?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 01:21 PM
why she trying to clown you?
13214116, because Trin is mad clownable?
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Nov-20-17 12:46 PM
that'd be my guess, anyways. haha
13214372, I give them plenty to talk about...
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Nov-21-17 09:43 AM
last week we had a catered luncheon of all thanksgiving food.
I didn’t participate and eat my leftovers
when someone ask why I didn’t want any food
I explained that I can’t eat thanksgiving food prior to thanksgiving because it would ruin it for me...

I am who I am
Few can handle this work :-)
13213154, Honestly thought they be canned by now
Posted by Boogiedwn, Thu Nov-16-17 12:49 PM
Started in the Spring with two other new hires

* Mouth breather
* Inappropriate personal convo's on blue-tooth
* Interrupts when you are trying to teach them or explain something
* Dresses like they are in their 20's at the club when they are actually 50 and in the office
* Has the white people in the office shook (which is actually kind funny and not a negative at this point)

13214204, the extract lady used to have tons of random convos on her BT
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Nov-20-17 02:58 PM
so i work in a call center

the second she would clock out for break shed be on that BT(that stayed in her ear the whole despite that being against policy) talking

all the way to the bathroom(or breakroom) into the bathroom talking, other women tell me she will have an entire conversation in the bathroom on the toilet, and come out of the bathroom talking all the way back to her desk

and she has those convos the lady in exact does


13214428, lol to the last bullet
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Nov-21-17 11:09 AM
What did he do to make them all shook?
13213155, Guy rehashes every meeting immediately after we have it
Posted by PimpTrickGangstaClik, Thu Nov-16-17 12:50 PM
Repeating the things he said, things he should have said, his thoughts on what other people said, etc.

13213156, There's this one developer that just messages me with "hi"
Posted by sectachrome86, Thu Nov-16-17 12:51 PM
and waits for me to respond to say anything else. JUST ASK THE FUCKING QUESTION. I got shit to do, get to the point. Can you imagine if someone did this with email? She also will @ mention me on something which sends me an email notification, and then while I'm opening the email she will message me asking if I got a chance to look at that thing.

There's also this lady who just loves to hear herself talk. I think everyone in the room uses all their might to keep their eyes from rolling back in their head as she blabbers on. We get it, you're very impressive.
13213163, old ass mormon dude in my office
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 12:57 PM
i think that motherfucker got on my bad side when, a couple years ago, I was printed shit for my wife's baby shower off the printer.

this motherfucker went to the restroom, came back and grabbed my shit off the printer and said 'you're printing a lot of stuff aren't you?"

MOTHERFUCKER did you send some shit to the printer? I don't think so. mind your fucking business.

This is the same motherfucker that RETIRED. We treated his dumb ass to Chipotle as a going away thing bc that's the only fast food he ate. Motherfucker was packing his shit up and moving back to Utah.

Three weeks later, I come to work and walk past his cubicle and he was BACK AT WORK as if he never left. I mean, pictures and shit back on the cubicle walls. Books back on the shelves. WTF yo.

he's annoying. Me and this Jamaican oldhead would be having conversations and he would interrupt and talk to the Jamaican about the elections and shit.
13213188, Man... I don't think there's any coming back from this:
Posted by flipnile, Thu Nov-16-17 01:18 PM
>this motherfucker went to the restroom, came back and grabbed
>my shit off the printer and said 'you're printing a lot of
>stuff aren't you?"
>MOTHERFUCKER did you send some shit to the printer? I don't
>think so. mind your fucking business.

- The fuck was he randomly looking at people's stuff on the printer for?
- The fuck is he READING all through everybody's shit?
- The fuck is he blurting out what you're printing?

13213199, smh. i had to physically re-enact the shit for the jamaican dude
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:25 PM
the motherfucker knew he didn't print shit.

he walked past the printer on his way to his desk and just grab my shit.

also, when I first started growing my beard out, the motherfucker had the nerve to say to me one day 'it's getting bushier isn't it?". Bitch shut your latter day saints ass up.
13213189, damn, I hate him for you lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 01:18 PM
13213197, how you retire and back at work 3 weeks later?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 01:24 PM
13213203, same question everyone had.
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:30 PM
word on the street is that he left thinking he was gonna get full retirement benefits (this the fed govt) or some shit. his ends weren't meeting so he came back.

Every two years, this agency has a big ass conference and its mandatory for all govt employees here to attend. he was the ONLY person in the entire agency that didn't go.

Jamaican nigga asked him why he didn't go and this motherfucker said 'my supervisor didn't approve it'. BULLSHIT. that shit was MANDATORY. The admin dude that made everyones travel arrangements for the shit said he just didn't put his travel orders in. SMH.

yo, I count endless stories.

This motherfucker slipped and fucked his leg up at Headquarters one day. Mind you, headquarters is Northern VA, which is like 100 miles from his home. AND he never drives to HQ for meetings, he takes the train to the bus. SMH. So, they had to send this motherfucker home via taxi cab.
13213174, honorable mention goes to the mofo with no microwave etiquette
Posted by BigJazz, Thu Nov-16-17 01:05 PM
why you heating up fish-head stew at work?

why do you burn the popcorn EVERY TIME YOU MAKE IT?

why you got shit sizzling and popping and splashing all over the inside cuz the thought of covering your food never crossed your rabbit-ass mind?

13213181, Can we add pork to this list? I *hate* smelling bacon or other swine
Posted by flipnile, Thu Nov-16-17 01:13 PM
Mofos talking about "something smells good!" Nah, yo.

I've told this one before, but when I first started there was this older black lady (who's somewhat loopy) that was FRYING bacon in the toaster over. On one of those little trays that go on top of the rack. Frying, with a spatula and everything right in our little break room. Whole room smelling like bacon. At work. Someone took away the toaster oven shortly afterwards.
13213194, haha
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 01:22 PM
13213195, Yes we can but only because smelling it makes me crave it
Posted by sectachrome86, Thu Nov-16-17 01:24 PM
lol @ frying bacon in the toaster oven though
13213196, the white girl who never listens and speaks over you
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-16-17 01:24 PM
no matter the convo she interjects...

she will say some loud and wrong shit and when corrected she just says YEAH, THAT'S WHAT I MEANT

No bitch, you said the exact opposite.

13213206, can't explain for shit lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 01:32 PM
13213204, add no hand wash guy too.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 01:32 PM
already knew one dude that never washes, but discovered another.

a guy was in the stall before I went into the bathroom. I just needed tissue, so my visit was gonna be short. I finish cleaning my nose and head to the sink.

stall guy comes out as I'm at the sink. the sink is kinda low and I'm leaning and washing. he dips right out. I think he was trying no to be seen cuz it was so quick.

so I hurried to dry my hands and caught a glimpse of him. its a guy that works near me. I've borrowed a pen from him. I was pissed.........but he was shitted since he didn't wash. bastid!
13213208, my client never washes his hands in the bathroom
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:35 PM
I've seen this motherfucker come out of the stall after taking a shit, and not wash his hands.

also, that nigga will come to my cube to talk about something and will be looking at my damn computer screen the entire time. One day the mother fucker read one of my emails.

since then, when he comes by, I purposely close all my shit out before turning around to talk to him.

One day he was walking from the printer and walked past my cubicle (behind me). From the reflection of my computer screen I saw him on his tippy toes peeking over my cube as to see what I was doing. SMH.

he's the reason why a couple people here have mirrors on their desks. No bullshit.
13213211, and the no flush guy
Posted by BigJazz, Thu Nov-16-17 01:38 PM
the hell kinda barn were you raised in where not flushing the toilet was a thing?

I ain't lyin. This shit i'm making up is true...
13214680, YES!
Posted by SynsCei, Tue Nov-21-17 04:28 PM
When I handle my business, I see people in between the cracks and make note of who washes.

I work the first shift and am usually the first person in the restroom, but someone from the night shift leaves the toilet fucking destroyed.

Literally shit on the seat, piss, toilet paper, etc...it's the worst...until the cleaning lady had enough and posted this:

13229650, Fam, I saw boogies on the wall in the bathroom recently...
Posted by flipnile, Thu Jan-25-18 06:56 PM
Two different spots.
13213209, the motherfucker that tells the same damn story over and over
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:36 PM
I worked with a nigga that told us every 2 weeks that his daughter was accepted into Pharmacy school. Yeah nigga, WE KNOW, we went to her graduation party that you threw for her. lol.
13214092, Yep we got one of those here too.
Posted by Shogun, Mon Nov-20-17 12:17 PM
he's also the 'repeat the same joke' Guy too.

13213212, the 37 indian cats in my dept who pee on the floor
Posted by Flash80, Thu Nov-16-17 01:39 PM
muthafucka, why is it so hard for you to aim in the urinal?
13214179, Some dude(s) here used to leave the bathroom faucet running
Posted by flipnile, Mon Nov-20-17 02:26 PM
Used to irk the shit out of me. Like, how savage do you gotta be to just leave water running?
13214302, RE: Some dude(s) here used to leave the bathroom faucet running
Posted by Flash80, Mon Nov-20-17 07:32 PM
>Used to irk the shit out of me. Like, how savage do you gotta
>be to just leave water running?

same here.

speaking of faucets, the dudes who "wash" their hands by turning the water on/off in like .02 seconds. no soap. nothing. just a quick splash.

seen dudes do it after doing #2 in the stall too. just gross.

that's why i ALWAYS use a paper towel to grab the doorknob.
13213214, i used to work with a white girl that always needed help writing
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:41 PM
emails. every single fucking email.
every gotdamn line. She would want help writing that shit.
"What do you think of this?" "How does this sound?"

damn bitch just write it and send that shit!

13213218, guy behind me is like that.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 01:47 PM
we're generally cool, but doesn't handle things well.

sentences be run-on like cray. I have to edit the whole shit before he sends lol.
13213221, sometimes my wife does that and I get flashbacks and get
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:52 PM

Last week our daughter was sick. I asked her to email the teacher letting her know she wasn't coming to school. Man, I might as well had written that shit myself. "is this ok?" "how does this sound?" "should I say 'best regards', 'thanks', 'have a great weekend'?" LOL. funny, but not funny.
13213215, the old niggas that use too much gotdamn cologne
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:44 PM
its 3 motherfuckers like that here:

1. This retired army dude that look like a damn rapist. Nigga face always shiny and shit. He be rocking them pointy toe dress shoes and smelling like a bottle of Cool Water.

2. This African dude. Nigga be smelling like a bottle of Issey Miyake.

3. This old head (dude is actually cool). Nigga be smelling like aftershave, cologne and baby powder.

tone that shit down OG. Shit.
13213375, we had a dude that smelled
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Nov-16-17 10:23 PM
like cigarettes and febreeze. horrible. I smelled him before I saw him. he dressed in a suit every day. for why? we called him rev.
13214445, young dude at my gig:
Posted by Shogun, Tue Nov-21-17 11:25 AM
ALWAYS had some Homegrown in his pocket. One day I pulled him to the side:

"Yo...you holding? I can smell it. You might wanna put it somewhere else, bro."

His solution? He went outside and burned one. He no longer works here.

13213216, Overly extroverted PM who loves to jump in every convo
Posted by dustin, Thu Nov-16-17 01:44 PM
* Co-worker who comes over for technical help then drifts into a discussion about something that's months down the product roadmap, i.e. shit that doesn't matter RIGHT NOW

* Person who always remotes into team calls and stays on mute, then comes and adds their 2 cents on some "I was here". Worse is when the 2 cents is little more than a 'ditto'

13213217, Deion Sanders.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Nov-16-17 01:44 PM
Just in case she googled her name, randomly.

Any convo you speak in her earshot is getting INT’d and taken back to the house.

You hear her phone ring...silence...see her peek over her screens like “Can you help me with this call?” How can I help you with your call when I’m on a call?
13213222, Thick Cher and Glutton for Punishment Sonny
Posted by Tw3nty, Thu Nov-16-17 01:54 PM
When you combine 2 people with absolutely no filter or volume control between them whose only interests in life are work,
you have a recipe for work disaster.

I introduce to you Thick Cher and Glutton for Punishment Sonny.

Thick Cher gotta be one of those Armenians with super dark long black hair and she only wears bell bottoms.
She thick like an old lady who been out of her prime for 10 years but you know she was killing it back in the day.
Problem is she's super loud about her work and she's management level but not necessarily a decision maker in the company.

Glutton for Punishment Sonny, is some weird white dude who looks like he could possibly be a serial killer or the nigga who sells cotton candy at the carnival post retirement age.
He absolutely loves it when there is conflict at work and when he is the butt of the joke.

These mofos used to sit next to me for a long time before we got renovated office space.
They would have heated vulgar arguments every day about work shit.
The kind of work they do doesn't even warrant anger.
All they do is relay data, they don't compile it or conduct any research,
they just take the data and make it look nice for the next person to create info-graphics.
One day I remember in particular was about 2 months ago.
They're at her desk, pretty much where all of the shit would go down, less than 20 feet from me.
So she's on a phone call and he comes over,
see's she's on the phone,
waits a few seconds then walks away irritated.
Comes back 5 minutes later,
before he could say anything she says
"looks like you fucked up again, you gave the design team the wrong data".
Nigga got flustered, he starts to plead his case because he realized he did actually send the wrong shit,
She cuts him off "I'm sick of having to clean up your mess all the time, it would be nice if you weren't such an asshole and payed attention to what you send out"
I really thought he was gonna fight back,
the look on his face was anger and embarrassment,
I though he was gonna let out a "bitch first of all..."
but he just lets out a loud "fuck, I'll be back...."
I'm just sitting there like damnnnn, 'she got his ass again".
15 minutes or so go by,
He loud stomps back over to her desk, cuz this nigga loves conflict,
puts his laptop on her desk, spins it around to face her and says with a sinister ass,
"look at who's the asshole now"
Come to find out, they both been sending the design team the wrong shit.
They fight about it for a little bit and a guy who wasn't close by when the argument started and heard none of this walks up to them.
He starts talking about the cafeteria and seeing one of the executive level officers on the way up to our space.
Sonny and Cher are all smiles giggling and cracking jokes with each other. Cracking jokes with the dudes.
It was like the shit never happened.
Sonny fucking walked away with a smile on his face.
It wasn't a "bitch, thought she got me" smile.
It was a "good to see Jeff, rising through the company" smile.

I'm new to the Google/FaceBook company culture where the whole office is just wide open collaborative space, folks can just roll up on you at any moment. They don't even pull you to the side, they just handle the shit in front of everybody.

Later on, I had spoke about it to another coworker and she brushed it off like "that's just how they are".

I'm the only black male here also.

I don't think I would be wrong to assume that he gets off on getting his ass kicked.

13213227, what about the person that wants to join you for lunch when you
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Nov-16-17 01:55 PM
CLEARLY don't want to be bothered.

Nigga, you see me here eating my food watching Stranger Things on my phone. Fuck you want.

I went to Wegmans to grab lunch today and decided to sit there and eat and watch the fine ass stay-at-home moms come in and out. Before I could even pull out a chair to sit, this white boy that be in the gym at work was like 'hey man, you eating here?'. I was like "ah NO! I got a 12:30 meeting, i'm headed back"
13214156, haha my man, do you have anyone in your office that isn't annoying?
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Nov-20-17 01:49 PM
you've got quite the list going on in this post Haha.
13214418, lol man my office is very small, there's prob only a handful of
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Tue Nov-21-17 10:56 AM
folks that aren't annoying.

13214089, The Technophobe.
Posted by Shogun, Mon Nov-20-17 12:15 PM
"my password isn't working"

"I'm locked out (again)"

"Show me how to *insert some shit a 12 year old could do*"

"How do I get this to work?"

"What does this error message mean?"

yeah. All day...long. I'm not even an IT guy, and I hate to see her coming.

13214344, "Ugh, after that last update, my PC is SO SLOW."
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Nov-21-17 03:04 AM
13214448, she wouldn't even know what THAT means.
Posted by Shogun, Tue Nov-21-17 11:26 AM
she's one of those 'fuck it...it ain't working, I'm going on break' types. Sitting there waiting on shit to magically work.

How do you know NOTHING about computers in 2018?

13214108, Xmas Sweater and Hothouse Flower
Posted by bigkarma, Mon Nov-20-17 12:42 PM
Xmas Sweater has to be the White-ist person I have ever met. She's an admin assistant in my department and her cube is a few steps from mine, so it's impossible to avoid her.

She wears holiday and season themed sweaters unironically
She chimes into every convo within a 5 cube area
She drives a SmartCar and lives in the deepest, most northern suburbs of ATL, so she has zero urban flavor
She thinks NCIS is too adult for her 13 year-old to watch
Her family dressed as Doctor Who characters for Halloween
She reads romance novels in her cube, when she should be working
She met her husband on an X-Files messageboard
She would be the biggest hypochondriac I ever met if it wasn't for...

Hothouse Flower

The office temperature is NEVER comfortable for her
She shares TMI on her myriad of health issues
She always needs help with the simplest of computer issues
She blames her ineptitude with those computer issues on her myriad of health issues
Can't eat anything in the monthly office potluck, yet always comes to it
Tries to diagnose every sneeze, cough, limp...etc. in a 10 cube radius
OCD about her cube...She been here for 5 years and her cube looks unoccupied except for all the special ergonomic shit she has for her sciatica, carpal tunnel, eye strain...etc.
13214118, This one:
Posted by Shogun, Mon Nov-20-17 12:49 PM

>Can't eat anything in the monthly office potluck, yet always
>comes to it

Can't/won't eat certain shit, and NEVER likes where we're ordering from. When she does, she always substitutes stuff to the point of it not even being on the menu.

No bullshit: she orders sweet and sour chicken...but with white rice, and no sauce. So basically she's getting rice and chicken nuggets. We have to sneak and order shit so she doesn't get involved.
13214157, We fired that guy.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Nov-20-17 01:51 PM
Dude gave up chips for Lent or whatever it is in Catholicism when you give up something you love/cover for 40 days.

Ain’t never seen dude eat a chip at work. He thought about giving up Mayo. I told him he better not use Miracle whip either.

So dude was allergic to cheese and kept saying it would kill him. Then we had pizza and he ate 3 slices because he took his pills.

Every time we orders some shit he would complain or refuse to eat it because they didn’t get his order right. I think it’s one of the main reasons we fired him. He was always sick and his SO was always in the hospital. They had to meet in a hospital cause they were the sickliest couple ever.

2 months after we fried him his SO had the hospital call here looking for him.
13214473, Hothouse Flower-
Posted by kittyswift, Tue Nov-21-17 11:45 AM
couldnt have said it better.
** added to the lexicon **

for a number of years over a number of jobs there has always been one ... ALWAYS.
13214195, yall know the redneck old lady from the factory floor in extract?
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Nov-20-17 02:51 PM
i basically work with her
13214197, i basically work with every character from every mike judge movie
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Nov-20-17 02:52 PM
even some of the idiocracy characters

i work with a guy that is essentially milton from office space, but instead of staplers, its apple products

dude has what i call conversation tunnel vision, any convo you have will be more of a monologue from him
13214394, basically everyone over the age of 42
Posted by ambient1, Tue Nov-21-17 10:06 AM
they are old sand dumb and do everything old and dumb
and they are fascinated by the simplest shit

like the lady who has just discovered Netflix

13214430, Damn. Your 40+ olds sound like they are 60.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Nov-21-17 11:12 AM
13214444, Word. Most of the people here are in their 40's.
Posted by Shogun, Tue Nov-21-17 11:23 AM
and the majority are tech savvy and quite cool.

(The suburban ones are kinda square, but they're generally good people.)

13214470, As an over 40 year-old I can say...
Posted by bigkarma, Tue Nov-21-17 11:41 AM
that it all has to do with what you do on your job. I work in design and publishing, so I have always worked on computers and have had to migrate to every advance. So I'm pretty tech savvy, probably more so than younger designers because I know the current software and everything that came before it.

But for someone who has only had to deal with tech in a limited fashion, I imagine everything is going way too fast for them to catch up.

We used to have an older editor, in my office, who literally cried when they made her stop using Word Perfect. That's all she knew.
13214474, True:
Posted by Shogun, Tue Nov-21-17 11:49 AM
>that it all has to do with what you do on your job. I work in
>design and publishing, so I have always worked on computers
>and have had to migrate to every advance. So I'm pretty tech
>savvy, probably more so than younger designers because I know
>the current software and everything that came before it.

Makes sense.

>But for someone who has only had to deal with tech in a
>limited fashion, I imagine everything is going way too fast
>for them to catch up.

Some of the older heads know just enough to get their work done. I'l admit that. (We brought a lot of people aboard who worked in arenas where they need NO tech whatsoever, so they're good at their jobs, but not good with tech. Fish out of water.)

>We used to have an older editor, in my office, who literally
>cried when they made her stop using Word Perfect. That's all
>she knew.

13214462, it's really the 50+ lol....there are only about 3 ppl in their mid-late
Posted by ambient1, Tue Nov-21-17 11:36 AM
40s and they are for the most part ok but they act similar to the 50+
kinda like how trin be postin sometimes :-P (j/k)

i just lumped em all together since it's so few of them

but there is a HUGE difference between them and those in there 20s 30s and early 40s
13214876, RE: it's really the 50+ lol....there are only about 3 ppl in their mid-late
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Nov-22-17 12:55 PM
>40s and they are for the most part ok but they act similar to
>the 50+
>kinda like how trin be postin sometimes :-P (j/k)

13214442, Ouch.
Posted by Shogun, Tue Nov-21-17 11:22 AM
Guess who ISN'T invited to the Secret Santa...
13214879, what?
Posted by Flash80, Wed Nov-22-17 12:59 PM
me and mines in their early-to-mid 40's be going toe to toe with deez millennials.

but to your point, i'm sure it depends on the industry, though.
13214946, I'm an ageist....I'm like Clayton Bigsby...Old my damn self but hate
Posted by ambient1, Wed Nov-22-17 03:46 PM
other old people
because old people do damn near everything dumb and hate change

and my industry/gig is to make things smarter and implement change

thus i hate em

unless we are being nostalgic....then i hate young people lol
13214985, I had software implementation job
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Nov-22-17 09:50 PM
where we basically took a client's paper workflow process and made everything digital. while training personal, there were several that simply refused to use the software.

I'd ask them......have you talked to your manager about this? then I'd follow with...you might have to start looking for something else because this change is here now.

they'd figure out that it wasn't nearly as bad as what they imagined and actually made their jobs easier.
13215227, that's essentially my job now lol
Posted by ambient1, Mon Nov-27-17 09:21 AM
pretty much software implementation with business process changes and documentation
13215241, I'm still doing implementations
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Nov-27-17 09:58 AM
but for a big telecom now. way easier and no travel. best job ever.

but I might have to find something else. my boss got laid off earlier this month. they might be coming for the rest of us.
13214400, this peacock ass motherfucker came on about a month ago
Posted by Nodima, Tue Nov-21-17 10:25 AM
Firstly, he has that loud voice thing that rarely sounds natural to me. He often talks to you with a specific hand wave while angling his head at a slightly downward angle that always reads as either, "of course you understand this already" or "of course you need me to explain this to you." You can never really tell which. When he takes a drink, 7/10 times he will make this completely unnecessary sigh noise that doesn't sound fatigued or annoyed, merely curious if you were aware he was there, hydrating.

The other day he said he's currently on a fifteen year plan to retire by 40 and this current job (serving at a fine-casual French restaurant in the middle of America) is threatening to put his plan off by a year. He rents a condo with his bisexual girlfriend that costs $1,700 per month in a market where you can get a $750/mo mortgage on a two bed two bath house because, "once you see it, you gotta have it, right? *opens iPhone to prove it*"

This plan to "retire", by the way, involves moving to an area in Portugal dominated by "expats" and "working remote" for TIAA Cref or some other financial institution as the mood strikes him; it sounds less like "retirement" and more like "ok, whatever dude."

The main reason this job is putting him off his plan isn't this ridiculous condo in a segment of town priced more for retired medical professionals and successful artists, but because he'd previously been making $122,000 a year as a server at an 801 Chophouse in Denver and figured that was normal across the industry. It's also not his insistence on taking his girlfriend to every show that goes through the local Orpheum, or spending days off deliberating between going to either the third best (and second most expensive) restaurant in town or the way behind the times and most expensive restaurant in town rather than being a normal person that eats a sandwich every once in a while.

His haircut is two clips above shaved on the sides, back and quarters of the top of his head, with a faux-hawk swirled and draped over the side of his head with product.

I've worked with him over five shifts over three weeks and I know all of this, and I've never come so close to openly despising someone I work with. There is nothing acceptable about him as a person to me other than the fact he goes straight home after work rather than across the street to the bar with the rest of us. That doesn't mean he isn't a complete alcoholic who shared the anecdote the other day, in the company of both men and women, that he went on a Tinder date and was intentionally sold $52 bombers of 10%ABV beer by his server, "as a favor." More of his words, "when I saw the bill, at first I was pretty upset because he hadn't told me the price of that beer, but then I remembered she was drunk and I was gonna get it." All we were talking about was craft beer when he started this story.

I'll be clocking in to my sixth shift with him in about an hour.

I can wait.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
13214479, youre a really good writer :-)
Posted by Trinity444, Tue Nov-21-17 12:03 PM
13214421, there's a sista that I call 'the YAPPER'
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Tue Nov-21-17 10:58 AM
she does all of her 'work' over telephone meetings. I would come in the office and hear her yapping on the phone for six hours straight. daily. for months at a time.

She's toned that shit down lately though. Not even sure why. Not even 100% sure if all of her phone convo were work related.
13214468, .
Posted by kittyswift, Tue Nov-21-17 11:39 AM
13214484, kittyswift ain't a crook sun, she's just a....
Posted by flipnile, Tue Nov-21-17 12:09 PM
Why'd you edit? Server logs too hot?
13214739, person(s) with work spouses
Posted by sosumi, Tue Nov-21-17 07:13 PM
13214796, complainin ass dude
Posted by x49, Wed Nov-22-17 02:48 AM
everything is "stupid". dude bitches about the same thing every day for the past 3 years. i just start ignoring him.
13214817, word, the biggest complainers i've known at work has always
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Wed Nov-22-17 09:11 AM
been the motherfuckers that have been working there the longest.

Like damn nigga if its so bad why the fuck you been here since the 80s.
13214878, RE: word, the biggest complainers i've known at work has always
Posted by Flash80, Wed Nov-22-17 12:56 PM
>been the motherfuckers that have been working there the
>Like damn nigga if its so bad why the fuck you been here since
>the 80s.

aka all the gubbment employees i know. i guess the trade-off is dat pension and cruising into retirement in 20 years.
13214933, complainin ass dude is actually a goverment employee lol
Posted by x49, Wed Nov-22-17 02:54 PM
yall right tho. i've only been there for like 3 years but these muh fuckas been there 15 - 20 years in the same position complaining. i can't imagine working somewhere for so long and just being completely miserable every day. it's like do something about it or shut yo ass up about it.
13214947, wait till they near retirement...they get WAY worse..but still won't go
Posted by ambient1, Wed Nov-22-17 03:48 PM
13214948, this was my moms...
Posted by Flash80, Wed Nov-22-17 04:00 PM
the blue collar baby boomer worker state of mind is/was remarkable.

just put your head down, do your job and deal with it.

moms spent 42 years with the same company. hated it at the end so much that she almost threw hands with another woman she sat next to, who hated hers too.

company offered moms an early retirement package during the market/crash recession. she took it and ran.

she ain't make much and hated the union, but having a pension/steady income and not have to cut coupons is something she's *not* complaining about now in her 70's.

13214819, we have a men's rights activist here
Posted by Amritsar, Wed Nov-22-17 09:17 AM
Like straight from Reddit white boy (they're an epidemic here in the bay)

He only starts up with the shit when its just us guys around

Its gonna be a shocker to hear, I know. But he's awk around all the women lol

13215024, Yup! there are two types of MRA heads i've seen
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Nov-23-17 03:06 PM
the pissed off single dad who feels he's been fucked over by his ex and the court system. and the awkward dude who's still terrified of girls.

>Like straight from Reddit white boy (they're an epidemic here
>in the bay)
>He only starts up with the shit when its just us guys around
>Its gonna be a shocker to hear, I know. But he's awk around
>all the women lol
13214874, never watched a particular sport but now he does guy @ the coffee machine
Posted by Flash80, Wed Nov-22-17 12:50 PM
he can't really quote any trends or stats, nor is he concerned with it, but all he knows is that steph, klay and KD are really, really good.

he's a heee-yuge fan.

his wife even has a dubs flag on the Q5.
13214880, we used to have a "why watch sports when you can play them" guy
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Nov-22-17 01:01 PM
actually asked if the Super Bowl was in Charlotte when the Panthers where in it 2 years ago.

I prefer if those guys just don't speak on sports.
13214901, lol that line of thinking drives me up the wall
Posted by Nodima, Wed Nov-22-17 01:45 PM
all the way back to when friends couldn't fuckin' chill and not have a controller in their hands for 30 minutes and just watch me/someone else play a single player game. now it manifests in adulthood with fighting tournaments and whatnot with "why would you watch someone play a game when you could just play it yourself?"

my go-to response is usually something ridiculous like "why would you go to the Radiohead concert when you could just start a band and perform the concert yourself?"

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
13214929, RE: we used to have a "why watch sports when you can play them" guy
Posted by Flash80, Wed Nov-22-17 02:44 PM
>actually asked if the Super Bowl was in Charlotte when the
>Panthers where in it 2 years ago.
>I prefer if those guys just don't speak on sports.

i've never come across this guy, but i can imagine.

sounds just as annoying as the "i don't watch sports 'cause they're a bunch a overpaid, spoiled millionaires" guy in the office.

probably the same "if i protested while on the job, i'd get fired" guy. lol

this is the guy who in his own mind doesn't understand why antonio brown isn't as expendable to the steelers as he is to his company.
13214931, Same guy be like "Why do pro athletes get paid so much? It's ridiculous"
Posted by flipnile, Wed Nov-22-17 02:51 PM
AKA the guy that doesn't understand business, at all.
13214949, lol...fuck that guy
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Nov-22-17 04:06 PM
13214960, love those guys
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Nov-22-17 05:08 PM
check out /r/iamverybadass sometime if you want to laugh at those types
13215250, Worked with Hipster Sports Guy
Posted by bigkarma, Mon Nov-27-17 10:05 AM
Dude used to pooh-pooh big sports in defense of crazy obscure shit.

"J.J. Watt is a beast, but he would probably gas out if he had to play Aussie rules football..."

"MMA is okay, but the only pure combat sport is Greco-Roman wrestling..."

"No sport is as taxing as the Tour de France..."

"I'm thinking about training for an ultra-marathon..."
13214953, I got a "goes out of her way to let it be known she has black friend" girl
Posted by Dstl1, Wed Nov-22-17 04:14 PM
shit is wild over the top, too. My dude K and I always chopping it up about shoes. She'll be like "my black friend, ______ only wears Air Forces". Like, she don't even be having the information right. One time a bunch of us were sitting around talking about working out...I'm known here as the gym dude. She legit said "my black friend, _______ said black guys build muscle easier...he's pretty ripped". Two people got up and walked away.
13214986, the guy that operates from fear
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Nov-22-17 10:00 PM
of losing his job. takes on roles with that most of my team won't. sounds like a team player, but it gets him in a bunch of messy situations.

same guy that is not able to handle stress well. never shortens his processes for things that he's done over and over.

always gets caught up with clients and sales folks because he gets involved with stuff instead of up pulling himself out of the situation.

same guy that has worked in IT for a ton of years.....but I had to show him control v/control c.
13229625, walks out the office and leaves the door open
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jan-25-18 05:27 PM
constantly talking loudly on the phone all day, angry or laughing or just bsing
plays country on speakers 70% of the time (even while on the phone)
has her ringer on full blasts so even when not on phone notifications constantly pinging
has random bursts of sound (snapchat skips?) from her phone

hypothetical of course :|
13229632, People who don't keep their phone on vibrate are awful
Posted by sectachrome86, Thu Jan-25-18 05:48 PM
No one wants to hear all your beeps and boops and shit.

Music out loud? Hell no. Get some headphones.
13229638, i got headphones
Posted by mista k5, Thu Jan-25-18 06:06 PM
big ol cans too lol

my body is weirdly sensitive though and i cant keep them on for long periods of time, ear buds or headphones. i wear them as much as i can though. feel kinda rude but whatever.
13229633, The woman who thinks out loud if someone is in the room
Posted by DJR, Thu Jan-25-18 05:57 PM
Like as soon as you enter the same room as her or vice verse, she’ll start talking like “I’m just gonna get something to eat quick and then I gotta get back to work.” So? Are you looking for a response? Why are you saying that out loud? Do you do that when no one else is in the room?

Also, she licks her fingers when dealing with paper. Absolutely disgusting.

13229665, People who CC everyone and their cousin on e-mails
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jan-25-18 08:55 PM
Someone e-mails you to ask something; you responds. That person then responds back again, CCing a half a dozen people who don't have anything to do with their initial question, including your boss, your boss' boss, and your boss' boss' boss. Sometimes they just CC everyone off the rip.

It never leads to anything good, and causes more problems than it solves.

I'm seriously tempted to start breaking fingers of the people who do this.
13229666, Nah, this dude deserves a brand new thread. Like a Monday one.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Jan-25-18 09:01 PM
I can't waste this story in this two month old thread. It's that bad (or good?)
13229744, Dis gon' be gud.
Posted by JFrost1117, Fri Jan-26-18 02:00 AM
13229910, Man look.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jan-26-18 12:18 PM
13229845, save it nm
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Fri Jan-26-18 11:07 AM