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Topic subjectEven Andy Dick is in the sniper's scope (swipe/link).
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13208243, Even Andy Dick is in the sniper's scope (swipe/link).
Posted by The Wordsmith, Wed Nov-01-17 08:13 PM
Andy Dick's name being dropped in the midst of the sexual assault accusations is not really a shocker at all. Had he not been named, that would've been the shocker. Anyway, enough of my talk. Here's the article:


Andy Dick Dropped from Film Amid Latest Sexual Harassment Claims

“I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. That’s my thing,” the comedian said, apparently in his own defense.


OCTOBER 31, 2017 11:50 AM

First, there was Harvey Weinstein. Then, there was James Toback. Then more and more names began flooding in, joining the wave of prominent figures in the film and TV industry who have been accused of sexual misconduct. On Sunday, Kevin Spacey was added to the bunch—and on Tuesday, comedian Andy Dick joined their ranks once more. According to The Hollywood Reporter, Dick has been fired from the indie feature Raising Buchanan due to accusations of sexual harassment and misconduct on set.

Per T.H.R., Dick has been accused of “groping people’s genitals, unwanted kissing/licking and sexual propositions of at least four members of the production.” The actor defended himself in an interview with the outlet, at first with a crude joke: “My middle name is ‘misconduct.’ They know what they signed up for.”

Dick then strongly denied all groping claims, though he said other allegations aren’t off the mark.

“I didn’t grope anybody,” he said. “I might have kissed somebody on the cheek to say goodbye and then licked them. That’s my thing—I licked Carrie Fisher at a roast. It’s me being funny. I’m not trying to sexually harass people.”

Dick, to put it lightly, has developed a long reputation for this sort of behavior. He’s been accused of sexual harassment multiple times over the years and has been arrested a handful of times as a result (once for groping a bouncer, once for exposing the breasts of a 17-year-old girl in a Buffalo Wild Wings parking lot). He was once kicked off Jimmy Kimmel Live! for repeatedly grabbing guest Ivanka Trump. He’s also known for exposing himself; back in 2010, he was sued after he exposed his genitals in a nightclub and allegedly rubbed them against a patron’s face.

Addiction to drugs and alcohol has played a large part in Dick’s actions. Though he is currently pledging sobriety, sources told T.H.R. that Dick appeared intoxicated on the set of Buchanan. The comedian denies the claims, saying he actually just “took too many Xanax and I was a bit loopy. That didn’t make me rape people. I really don’t get it.”

He added that the response to his behavior now is largely a sign of changing times. “I don’t know the difference between sexual harassment and trying to get a date. In the 70s, all the girlfriends I got was by kissing and licking their cheek. I don’t know anymore,” Dick said. “There were beautiful women and beautiful guys on the set. I flirt with them. I might kiss someone on the set and ask them to go to dinner. They are the ones that took it south.”

Dick’s comments grossly echo a previous statement made by Harvey Weinstein. After the initial New York Times report about his sexual misconduct allegations, the producer tried to defend himself in a rambling statement, saying, “I came of age in the 60s and 70s, when all the rules about behavior and workplaces were different. That was the culture then.”

Unlike Weinstein, Dick has already been arrested numerous times over the last decade. But despite all that, he has not been completely ostracized from Hollywood. Just last year, Dick played himself on the Judd Apatow series Love, soberly reflecting on his substance abuse issues and his past bad behavior. Apatow seemed to be giving the comedian a form of episodic redemption—a curious decision, considering how vocal Apatow was and has been about sex offenders like Bill Cosby facing justice. Yet now that the larger Hollywood tides are turning, perhaps Dick will have a harder time escaping his reputation.

“I don’t grope people anymore. I don’t expose myself anymore,” he told T.H.R. “I do understand that the temperature in the world right now is delicate.”
13208363, of COURSE he is LOL
Posted by infin8, Thu Nov-02-17 09:36 AM
he made being inappropriate 'His wHole tHang'- to appropriate Schoolboy Q.

it's funny how Tom Green and Johnny Knoxville...Eminem...had their whole wave poppin by being inappropriate during the 2000's

I'm eating popcorn and waigtin on the next one. LMAO

David Spade, anyone?
13208364, Even Charliee Sheen...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Nov-02-17 09:38 AM
how sway?
13208375, "EVEN Andy Dick?"
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Nov-02-17 09:55 AM
"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13208379, Andy Dick has been banned from a couple of bars near me
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Nov-02-17 09:57 AM
his family lives out here and when he comes he hits the town and acts a fool. Everything from being super sloppy drunk to exposing himself.
13208509, Sniper's scope?
Posted by bignick, Thu Nov-02-17 12:02 PM