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Topic subjectlol... the ever shifting demands of work
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13204984, lol... the ever shifting demands of work
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-23-17 02:35 PM
so just over a week ago (Friday the 13th) I was given the opportunity to take on a new area of responsibility with work that involves some cross training and a learning curve... cool enough... especially since it may help me turn this contract which ends in march into perm employment.

So I was given my first assignment for this new role and then given an ETA of 6 to 8 weeks for completion. the task involves a lot of information gathering from third party sources and then some technical work and expertise from myself.... should be easy enough, I'm good at what I do and this isn't really anything out of the ordinary or super challenging given my vast experience.

except that I am now getting all kinds of pressure to have the task done one week and two business days into it.. I'm basically having to hound these 3rd parties much more than I am comfortable with because I can't proceed without their info.. I like to cultivate the rapport and relationship with those I need help and support from not come off like a nagging a55... but I'm not given any choice since the 6-8 week ETA has basically become a "yesterday"... meanwhile the group within our project that is supposed to provide much of the information to me and coordinate with the 3rd parties and the business user at the end of the project has passed the buck saying "This just makes it easier in case there’s further questions as I’d rather not be the middle man."


in an hour I get to have a meeting with my TL who is all up to speed on the sitch but leaning on me and the speaker of the above quote who is the one applying the pressure I believe. meanwhile I've already contacted both 3rd parties twice each today to try and move things along with only limited response from one of them on something I posed last Thursday.

If you read all this thanks for listening I'm sure your job as it's fair share of grief too.

13204986, You have documentation for that original 6-8 week timeline?
Posted by flipnile, Mon Oct-23-17 02:38 PM
Because if shit goes left, I'd have that printed out on that fancy marble paper. Seems like a setup, so they can turn about and be like "See, PG ain't on top of things"
13204991, I have it in a saved MS Lync conversation with my TL
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-23-17 02:47 PM
that said I don't think it's a setup... I think it's just poor planning and communication and hyper demands. the fact this item is escalating like this means it probably wasn't the best choice to give it to me as my 1st/learning task... perhaps a setup but I'm the only one in my project that does what my main role and responsibility was/is so they can't exactly do it without me.
13204998, get er dun!
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Oct-23-17 03:01 PM
once a boss put on my review. "trinity, strive with things she's familiar; however, take her out of her comfort zone and she may struggle".

or something like that...

from that, I learned to request help.

best boss I ever had but she spoiled me rotten, lol
13205004, believe me I'm trying
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-23-17 03:15 PM
but I am literally stuck waiting for info... we'll be escalating by end of day in the hopes that will get movement out of these folks.. I like my TL and the organization, and this is a chance to shine more than it is a pain in the butt.. I just like being clear on expectations and having the ability to control delivery on them as opposed to waiting for 3rd parties(and having to grind on them in short order as I like cultivating positive relationships with resources)
13205041, issa setup
Posted by infin8, Mon Oct-23-17 04:28 PM
(c) Favored Nations
13205046, ha nope.. just got out of a meeting
Posted by PG, Mon Oct-23-17 04:50 PM
it was just a matter of organization and planning. we came out of this meeting with an interim solution which resolves the big rush with a solid workable deliverable and provides me the time to complete the work as a whole in the original timeline or possibly longer.

it's all good.. crisis averted.

it did have the earmarks of a classic Admiral Ackbar though.