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Topic subjectSam Smith looks totally different
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13195333, Sam Smith looks totally different
Posted by Heinz, Mon Sep-18-17 04:19 PM
His new joint is fire too



IG @h_n_z
13195335, 1. i remember Luther.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-18-17 04:31 PM
and Oprah.

so...i wish him the best of everything and that he makes peace w/his body in whatever form.

2. he needs some PR help b/c he almost shot a hole in his career by being a jerk.

3. he would do well to remember the lessons from Eddie Murphy's Nutty Professor.

no, for real.

13195340, 2. What he do?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Sep-18-17 05:01 PM
13195343, I don't recall.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-18-17 05:19 PM
I just remember writing him off years ago. *shrug*
13195396, LMAO
Posted by Firecracker, Tue Sep-19-17 03:23 AM
>I just remember writing him off years ago. *shrug*
13195338, yeah..I liked his "fat Sam era" look and hair better but
Posted by rdhull, Mon Sep-18-17 04:40 PM
good for him..and as long as the voice is intact is all that matters
13195344, joint is flames
Posted by Ray_Snill, Mon Sep-18-17 05:28 PM

13195345, gotdamn that song knocks, shit.
Posted by Somnus, Mon Sep-18-17 05:30 PM
13195371, damn.. these folks refuse to let the music speak for itself
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-18-17 09:11 PM
Always pressuring folks to get skinny.

13195555, He destroyed being fat lol I doubt he was pressured to get skinny
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 12:02 PM
He had the ears of women no matter what they just don't want to fuck him

He prob just wanted to be healthier


IG @h_n_z
13195623, yeah, that healthier line is bullshit
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:25 PM

I don't buy that "healthy shit" cause most of these big folks that get skinny don't look healthy IMO. They look hungry.

Lets just be honest and admit the industry wants these folks skinny for obvious reasons.

I hate how the industry pressures these folks to get skinny when they already got the hearts and ears of the world.

13195661, The industry or society?
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 02:04 PM
Industry pressures are only a reflection of society pressures. But i guess.

I cant call every fat person who got skinny being done based on pressure. Im all for people being healthier if done in a proper way and not the Biggest Loser way where they are made to fail.


IG @h_n_z
13195810, The industry. Society didn't give a fuck about his weight
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Sep-20-17 07:45 AM
All these folks become stars when they are overweight or plump. Society isn't telling them to lose weight.

13195395, Cot damn, song was posted Monday and already 2 million plus views!
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 02:32 AM
13195398, this song is boring as fuck.
Posted by shygurl, Tue Sep-19-17 03:43 AM
I have no doubt that when he performs it live he's going to have a black choir behind him in white robes backing him.
13195399, I was expecting some thump or knock.. lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 05:22 AM
13195401, It knocks is how it was described in this post.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 05:48 AM
What an odd description.
13195405, It does at least have a drum beat, I couldn't remember.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 06:28 AM
Doesn't kick in until the song is halfway done, but there is some percussion.

13195412, I skimmed and finally found a kick drum
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 07:23 AM
but I was expecting something different.

maybe it's a good song I'm not interested until the remix

13195556, Reviewing songs by skimming them cool beans.
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 12:03 PM


IG @h_n_z
13195621, review? I don't work for a magazine
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:20 PM
I'm good on sleepy shit bruh..

13195640, Oh god.
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:42 PM


IG @h_n_z
13195570, It sucks because hes gonna have a black choir LOL
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 12:22 PM
OKP makes no sense.

I think they were all expecting a drum and bass drop. I'm glad he didnt do the cliche UK thing to do. He knows they were going to have a shit load of remixes like that to fulfill that want


IG @h_n_z
13195618, RE: It sucks because hes gonna have a black choir LOL
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 01:13 PM
Yeah because that's what she said.
13195620, LOL Whne you say something sucks or is boring
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:19 PM
and give no reasons but your only detail is that he's going to a black choir in the live performance is pretty fucking telling of what is actually bothersome. It may not have been what she said verbatim but definitely thats the message sent with what little was given. Imagine if that was an review on Pitchfork LOL All the reasons for a bad grade and why it was boring but the only detail is that it will piss them off if he has a black choir in the live performance. foh


IG @h_n_z
13195622, did you write and produce this song?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:22 PM
13195628, Oh look. The "why are you so invested" argument...cliche OKP
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:31 PM
response when all im asking is clarity on a stupid statement. Everytime you guys are called on for stupid statements you resort to the SAME exact cliche replies when you have nothing to say.

Just say why its boring. Thats all im asking LOL i don't care that you think its boring but don't bring something up, backed with stupidness that has nothign to do with the first part of the reply LOL then get salty when I call you out on it. Just say why. Its not that hard. Mean what you say, say what you mean.


IG @h_n_z
13195632, if Iont like itm iont like it, that don't mean that I"m hating - Common
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:33 PM
the fuck I need to explain to YOU why I shrugged at it?

Like I said, I'm waiting for the remixes
13195635, LMAO the go to line for an OKP. Quoting Common. Wow.
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:38 PM
Why dont you just snap your fingers in applause to your own stupid reply

Someone light incense or is it this bitch?


IG @h_n_z
13195642, I keep forgetting you are canadian..
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:43 PM
carry on.
13195651, That joke would work if your stupid ass people didn't nominate Trump
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:49 PM
But keep thinking that joke works its the only thing you got. Again a typical reply to me when you run out of shit to say. Fucking loser.


IG @h_n_z
13195653, u mad
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:50 PM
13195659, LOL at least u got one good joke in you
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 02:01 PM


IG @h_n_z
13195626, Any opinion that differs from yours really bothers you.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 01:29 PM
The subject said the song was boring.

The body addressed something else. Not that hard to figure out.
13195631, Not at all. But you never said what was boring about it
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:33 PM
"I don't like this ice cream brand."

"why not?"

"I bet the owner kicks dogs when they are sleeping"

"....alright? Makes perfect sense."

I dont care if you have a different opinion, I care when you reply back with nonsense to back up your vague ass opinion. Cause all im seeing is that you just hate that he's white making soul music LOL

That's what im literally trying to pull out of you because thats definitely the real reason.

Stop being fake already and just say you are dumb fuck too lost being woke to enjoy a damn song LOL fucking loser.


IG @h_n_z
13195634, Yeah but you didn't even ask her why she thinks the song is boring.
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 01:35 PM
The body of her reply was a different point from the subject. You're the one that directly connected them.
13195638, LMAO so when she's vague i'm supposed to KNOW what she means
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:41 PM
wow keep copping pleas for her stupid ass reply.

Here i'll do the cliche replies that you guys gave me...what are you her fucking parent? Why you so invested in her? smh


IG @h_n_z
13195639, your supposed to ignore it or chuckle..
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:42 PM
it's not something to get upset over, shit wasn't even a serious reply.
13195645, At what point do you think im not laughing
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:45 PM
I've been laughing at the fake shit the whole time. Again just say you dont' like a white guy making dope soul music. Thats all. Its easy. Its okay to say. LOL

IG @h_n_z
13195641, Bruh, you didn't ask. You assumed. But anyways, I'll let her explain
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Sep-19-17 01:42 PM
If she wants to. I didn't even make the damn comment.
13195643, dude must have a Sam Smith poster behind him on his wall
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:44 PM
waits for the "OMG, THAT'S AN OKP RESPONSE"

13195647, You stay being cliche.
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 01:48 PM
Down to the actual person you are behind the screen LOL typical OKP still quoting Commoni in 2017. What's next "you mad doggie?" LOL


IG @h_n_z
13195652, lmao.. more "you OKP" responses?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:49 PM
get new material
13195633, if one uses their brain they can see she meant it had a churchy vibe
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:35 PM
13195738, Heinz, what the fuck?
Posted by shygurl, Tue Sep-19-17 06:51 PM
Are you feeling sensitive because I criticized a white "soul" singer?

uhmmm, the song is fucking boring. Does it have a memorable melody? Standout lyrics? Is there something unique with the background music? Does the hook make you want to sing? Nothing about the song makes me want to listen to it ever again.

It sounds like every other boring pop song. It's fly-over country music. It'll be the last song played at a lot of Iowa proms. It's the type of song you hear and quickly change to another station when you're trying to listen to the radio in the car cause you left your phone at home.


If it makes you feel any better, I think Sam can sing. He makes boring music though. It reminds me of his other song that I don't like, the one where he's crooning and whining and doing dumb vocal runs. It's the same mid tempo style pop fast forward vibe.

And I say he's gonna have a black choir backing him because thats what pop stars do when they have a boring ass song, they sprinkle in a black choir to add spice.

Nick Jonas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bMb_cBv3iks

R. Kelly - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5jBHeklhEJo

and the queen of it Madonna - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=reMbyC4GHvQ
13195752, Lol oh god
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 07:44 PM
Just wanted to know why u thougjt it was boring lol

Le sigh okps


IG @h_n_z
13195561, i dig the backing vocal arrangement.
Posted by SoWhat, Tue Sep-19-17 12:08 PM
it reminds me of something from his debut album. and of Adele.

it's a'ight.

13195567, When he won the Oscar he was looking foine. Now he just looks sick.
Posted by lightworks, Tue Sep-19-17 12:16 PM
13195568, Really i dont think he looks sick
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 12:18 PM
He doesnt look like a unhealthy weight or sickly in the face

But you also might look that way because he was big before


IG @h_n_z
13195625, yup... I bet this dude has to cancel tour dates in the future due to health
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:28 PM

Nothing wrong with losing a little weight but when you look like they sucked a whole person out of you that shit looks weird.

13195649, awwe damn, he cancelled some of his last tour?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 01:48 PM
the old vocal chord surgery..

is that what they call gastric in the UK?

13195660, Yep they make your throat smaller for less food to get in
Posted by Heinz, Tue Sep-19-17 02:02 PM


IG @h_n_z