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Topic subject"Would you have sex with your finest cousin for $1Million?"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13195044
13195044, "Would you have sex with your finest cousin for $1Million?"
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Mon Sep-18-17 09:10 AM
I just saw this meme on Facebook and cats were in there like "hail yeah, I'll do for half!"
Im use to seeing the "Would you punch your grandma for $1mil" but this is just wrong. I hope this doesn't become a thing.
13195045, at what age did i meet her?
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-18-17 09:12 AM
and is the milly tax free?
13195046, Lmao!
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Mon Sep-18-17 09:13 AM
13195047, well, they do it for free in WV
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-18-17 09:14 AM
13195052, finest cousin
Posted by Amritsar, Mon Sep-18-17 09:31 AM
13195053, this reminds of when I see cousins liking
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-18-17 09:32 AM
each other 'sexy' photos. I'm prolly reading too much into it, but just seems a lil weird to me. I have a hard time telling my cousins they look pretty cuz I don't want it to be perceived wrong. this is prolly just all in my head tho.
13195055, lmao if you feel awkward about it, its because you probably be thinking
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-18-17 09:34 AM
inappropriately. would you have an issue telling your sister or mom they looked pretty?
13195058, I say it in jokey kinda way with folks I'm closer to.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-18-17 09:38 AM
but I'm not thinking inappropriately lol. this is def a thing in my own head.
13195059, i don't get it tho. Why would you have an issue telling someone they look
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-18-17 09:40 AM
pretty unless you thinking bout throwing they back out lol.

Of course if we talking about strangers, then yeah that could be weird. But someone you know, like family. " you look pretty/nice" today. Whats the big deal?
13195068, a couple things.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-18-17 09:47 AM
pretty and nice are not the same to me. its more about my thoughts on how they would receive it vs my thinking skeevy about any of them. I'm likely being overly cautious.

admittedly, there's not real logic in this.
13195071, ok...but i doubt any fam member is gonna think anything about it
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-18-17 09:50 AM
unless you give them a weird vibe in general or you meeting your cousin for the first time and your greeting involves commenting on her looks.
13195083, I'm sure you're right.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-18-17 09:55 AM
13195723, you overthinking it bro
Posted by infin8, Tue Sep-19-17 05:27 PM

unless y'all usedta play 'house' or 'doctor' when y'all was little.

that could be awkward.

especially after not seeing them for 18 years,

and then finding out they never married..

I think it's my break time.
13195764, its more fleeting than anything.
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Sep-19-17 08:44 PM
this isn't something I sit and ponder, hence no logic to it. there are no awkward situations.
13195056, ....the fuck is wrong with y'all? nm
Posted by DVS, Mon Sep-18-17 09:34 AM
13195060, ^^^ translation: HELL YEAH I WOULD!!!
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-18-17 09:40 AM
13195075, My cousin? Nah....Your mother, tho? 2 million nm
Posted by DVS, Mon Sep-18-17 09:51 AM
13195091, oh shit.. a ya moms joke.
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-18-17 09:59 AM
13195102, He meant to respond in the "slang through the years" post.
Posted by Brew, Mon Sep-18-17 10:09 AM
13195106, ya motha jokes are timeless nm
Posted by DVS, Mon Sep-18-17 10:17 AM
13195116, lolol
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-18-17 10:39 AM
13195079, right? not one single Inkast reference yet. okp slippin'.
Posted by KiloMcG, Mon Sep-18-17 09:52 AM
13195328, We're losing recipes
Posted by mrhood75, Mon Sep-18-17 04:08 PM
13195348, RIP
Posted by SsenepoD, Mon Sep-18-17 06:14 PM
13195786, i wanted to drop it but then i tabled it and just came back
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Sep-19-17 11:46 PM
13195077, I'll cross that bridge when I get to it
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Sep-18-17 09:51 AM
13195092, lmao... so it's a possibility
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Sep-18-17 10:00 AM
13195095, Of the messy things to do for a mil this is pretty low level
Posted by Atillah Moor, Mon Sep-18-17 10:01 AM
worth mulling over at least
13195159, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCKOI24k_UY
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Mon Sep-18-17 12:04 PM
13195107, Hell naw.
Posted by SoWhat, Mon Sep-18-17 10:17 AM
Ain't no motherfuckin way. Pun intended.
13195119, Don't people usually have cousins as facebook friends?
Posted by MEAT, Mon Sep-18-17 10:42 AM
How weird would that be to see pop up in your feed?
13195197, ^^
Posted by SooperEgo, Mon Sep-18-17 12:41 PM
13195120, is this a real question? it doesn't even say it has to be a first cousin
Posted by MiracleRic, Mon Sep-18-17 10:44 AM
i already know which second cousin it would be...

i don't know if i have enough 1st cousins that i wasn't close to but even then...i think i can find ONE

i don't know...this sounds like im about to buy a house cash yo
13195784, i did my own rationalizing on this as well
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Sep-19-17 11:44 PM
i have a first cousin i have met exactly once in my life, mid-20s, hot and a mil is a lot of money. i don't think i could do it though, especially if people would find out. that side of the family is gossipy AF and of course fucking your cousin is, uh, weird.
13195149, before or after taxes?
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Mon Sep-18-17 11:49 AM
13195156, after, but there's no lump sum option.
Posted by tariqhu, Mon Sep-18-17 11:57 AM
13195190, I'd need a Viagra. I recognize their beauty, just not in a sexual way.
Posted by Cam, Mon Sep-18-17 12:37 PM
Same for the girls I grew up in platonic relationships with--who are now sexual women--I can't imagine getting nasty with any of them. This weekend I happened to come across one on IG, looking fantastic, but as soon as I realized who it was, my lust vanished instantly.

For $1Mill though, shieeeeeeet...I'd even sponsor the next family reunion.

13195787, i get what you mean though viagra isn't like an automatic thing
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Sep-19-17 11:49 PM
it only works if you want to have sex, if you are that put off it still wouldn't work. IMO if you are a functioning man viagra is only useful if you like drugs and/or drinking with sex or you are one of those sex addict dudes who wants to bust eight unsatisfying nuts in a day or something.

any which way i appreciate your honesty on the topic. i know what you mean about girls you knew getting older, too. to me if we were only a couple years apart, like five or less, that's cool, but any more than that, yeah, hella weird to see girls you knew as kids all grown up, even if they, uh, blossomed.
13195193, Only if she looks like Beyonce
Posted by J_Sun, Mon Sep-18-17 12:39 PM


"Sometimes I contemplate moving to a warmer place, then the lake and skyline give me a warm embrace" © Common
13195201, lick the spit off the ground for an extra 20k?
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Mon Sep-18-17 12:45 PM
13195239, *requests OKLegal interns to come through with the Lebron assist*
Posted by Kira, Mon Sep-18-17 01:29 PM
OKLegal, interns that is cause y'all OKLegal tenured ass mofos demanding 200K off rip, help me negotiate this contract.


It has to be someone 10,000 family members removed from somewhere else like Puerto Rico, Argentina, Greece shout out to Great^1 millionth power Grandpa Kira, Italy, France, Costa Rica, Peru, Venezuela, or Australia.

I demand exclusive rights to the data and 95 percent of the profits from anything sold...

I get streaming rights and royalties.

I get 100 percent of all endorsement money.

I get to pick any random model/IG model/"actress"/fitness enthusiast and call her family so she counts as a family member.

$1 million deposited in my account prior to the sexual act. Every nut after the first one is an extra $250K.

Everybody gets hit with an NDA.

13195274, what they do in West VA on Halloween????
Posted by TR808, Mon Sep-18-17 02:18 PM

13195403, My dad told that joke to a lady...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Sep-19-17 06:24 AM
then she told him she was from WVA

He said it was an early night.
13195276, 1. I don't have a "finest" cousin bc it's cousins. 2. Fuxxxxxx no
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Sep-18-17 02:19 PM
13195356, Pretty much.
Posted by JFrost1117, Mon Sep-18-17 06:53 PM
I don't have any physically hot cousins, because they're my cousins. Them being shitty people personality-wise makes them easier to not be attracted to.
13195360, Yall need to step up yall family genes games
Posted by Cenario, Mon Sep-18-17 07:15 PM
I've got plenty of beautiful cousins and aunties. Never thought about smanging one til today tho.
13195361, Ha! Disgusting
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Mon Sep-18-17 07:17 PM
13195402, 100
Posted by ThaTruth, Tue Sep-19-17 06:06 AM
13195780, RE: Yall need to step up yall family genes games
Posted by JFrost1117, Tue Sep-19-17 11:17 PM
Lol, the family tree is still growing, regardless. Country niggas love a mean, ugly chick. My first cousins are about 30+ deep, and there's only 1 with 1 child.
13195734, my cousins are cute and some are very pretty
Posted by StephBMore, Tue Sep-19-17 06:40 PM
but they are still cousins
13195336, not a first cousin but maybe one down the line lol...
Posted by ThaTruth, Mon Sep-18-17 04:32 PM
13195716, Arabs marry cousins on the regular. Lots of birth defects
Posted by Mori, Tue Sep-19-17 04:44 PM
There are many debates in the black muslim vs. arab muslim community about this practice.

Most black/African Muslims are like eww. Arabs are like, "What's the big deal?"


13195717, we had an Arab couple across the street that were cousins
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Sep-19-17 04:46 PM
13195719, Really challenges how we view marriage, romance, sex
Posted by Mori, Tue Sep-19-17 04:57 PM
While we are looking for the perfect love, in this culture love is a fringe idea. Everything else is about building a community.


13195789, we are talking about one smash, marriage i would not consider for a sec
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Sep-19-17 11:59 PM
yeah it was a fairly common practice in morocco among arabs also. with jews i didn't hear of it really though there were definitely some young ass girls getting married to grown men. no idea what it's like today but 40 years ago both those things were still common.
13195735, my ex slept with his cousin all the time
Posted by StephBMore, Tue Sep-19-17 06:41 PM
and legit thought that people did this all the time. he said it so matter of fact to us that we were like dude that's not normal.
13195750, First cousin, too?
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Sep-19-17 07:35 PM
13195785, where was he from?
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Sep-19-17 11:45 PM
13195783, shit i know people who did it for free and their cousin wasn't fine
Posted by ConcreteCharlie, Tue Sep-19-17 11:41 PM