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Forum nameGeneral Discussion
Topic subjectI love/hate........
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13184898
13184898, I love/hate........
Posted by tariqhu, Tue Aug-15-17 04:12 PM
button fly jeans. I think this pair looks great, they feel good. just overall dope. love it.

until I have to use the bathroom. makes things take longer. can't quickly put myself together. hate it.

what do you love/hate?
13184925, Movie popcorn
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Tue Aug-15-17 04:52 PM
I love it until that butter starts killlllllllllling me
13185064, I don't know why that
Posted by tariqhu, Wed Aug-16-17 07:45 AM
movie popcorn is so good!

only problem with it, is the damn price. I hate buying food at the movies. family of 4. its damn near $100 to get tix and food.

13184941, Michael Bay movies....
Posted by rorschach, Tue Aug-15-17 05:21 PM
I love the sheer spectacle of having so much insanity on the screen at one time but.....his movies may actually be so bad that they're unhealthy for my brain.


13185115, I love matte lipstick
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Aug-16-17 08:56 AM
hate...my ex
13185124, love Trin/hate Trin
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-16-17 09:08 AM
for obvious reasons
13185133, lol
Posted by Trinity444, Wed Aug-16-17 09:12 AM
13185123, trees.. but I hate that I can't grow it
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-16-17 09:07 AM
and I just started looking at life insurance and some places have trees on the smoke list.
