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Topic subjectprotesters topple confederate statue in Durham
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13184681, protesters topple confederate statue in Durham
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-15-17 12:42 PM

why wait for the bulldozer?
13184682, bet they toes was all kinds of fcked up afterwards...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Aug-15-17 12:43 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13184690, that girl went all the way in.. had to hurt
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-15-17 12:51 PM
13184700, More confederate symbols coming down
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Aug-15-17 12:59 PM

13184722, I love it.. and I love that it's happening on Trumps watch
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-15-17 01:15 PM
13184730, RE: That is a kind of weird/rewarding dichotomy to the situation, but. . .
Posted by Austin, Tue Aug-15-17 01:21 PM
. . .I'm actually really unsure how to feel about it because of what the inevitable kickback will be.

a continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm


13184844, Wait, you aren't black.. lmao at kickback
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-15-17 03:22 PM
Ain't shit they can do that they haven't already done to us.
13184944, RE: And you just learned that, like, a week ago.
Posted by Austin, Tue Aug-15-17 05:26 PM
And now, I get the denny treatment.

C'mon man. Be better than that.

a continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm


13184838, ^^^
Posted by Stadiq, Tue Aug-15-17 03:16 PM
13184803, Feels > reals...and due process be damned
Posted by Wonderl33t, Tue Aug-15-17 02:39 PM

13184959, a lot of white folks worked really hard for these conditions
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Aug-15-17 05:48 PM
this is the fruit of their labor
13184841, bull city stand up
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Aug-15-17 03:18 PM
13184846, Saving tax dollars and red tape at the same damn time
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Aug-15-17 03:23 PM
13184868, nah mean
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Aug-15-17 03:47 PM
13184934, IDK why this hasn't already happened in other cities...
Posted by rorschach, Tue Aug-15-17 05:07 PM
If you want that statue to come down so fucking bad...just take it down.

What are the politicians gonna do? Put it back up? If there aren't a bunch of Confederate guys blocking the statue, we should just knock that shit down.

I'm proud of what the protestors in Durham did.

13184938, Deputies arrest protester who helped pull down Confederate statue
Posted by Lurkmode, Tue Aug-15-17 05:16 PM
They said you not a Nazi you don't get to do that.


DURHAM, North Carolina (WTVD) -- Durham County sheriff's deputies arrested a woman who said she took part in toppling the Confederate statue in downtown Durham. More arrests are expected.


* At least one protester has been arrested
* County officials call for "respectful and productive" dialogue on race issues
* Sheriff will charge protesters to "full extent of the law"

Takiyah Thompson, 22, was taken into custody shortly after protesters held a news conference Tuesday afternoon at North Carolina Central University. Thompson climbed a ladder to the top of the statue to tie a rope around its neck before the crowd tore it down

Thompson is charged with
disorderly conduct by injury to a statue (Class II Misdemeanor)

damage to real property (statue as a fixture (Class I Misdemeanor)

participation in a riot with property damage in excess of $1,500 (Class H Felony)

inciting others to riot where there is property damage in excess of $1,500 (Class F Felony)
13185076, WHY the hell did they hold a press conference?????
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Aug-16-17 08:09 AM
13184960, not the best way, but this is what happens
Posted by Atillah Moor, Tue Aug-15-17 05:49 PM
13184999, Stone Mountain needs a face lift
Posted by Musa, Tue Aug-15-17 08:17 PM
13185033, Bail fund (link)
Posted by MEAT, Tue Aug-15-17 10:13 PM