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Topic subjectMillennials shutting down Applebee's
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13162725, Millennials shutting down Applebee's
Posted by falafel stand pimpin, Mon Jun-05-17 11:58 AM


Casual dining is in danger - and millennials are to blame.

Brands such as TGI Fridays, Ruby Tuesday, and Applebee's have faced sales slumps and dozens of restaurant closures, as casual-dining chains have struggled to attract customers and increase sales.

"Casual-dining restaurants face a uniquely challenging market today," Buffalo Wild Wings CEO Sally Smith recently wrote in a letter to shareholders.

According to Smith, these sit-down restaurants' struggles can be blamed on a frequently besmirched generation: millennials.

"Millennial consumers are more attracted than their elders to cooking at home, ordering delivery from restaurants, and eating quickly, in fast-casual or quick-serve restaurants," Smith wrote.

While blaming millennials has become a trend to the point of cliché in retail, Smith isn't wrong to zero in on younger customers' changing tastes as a major factor in casual dining's downfall.
13162730, Alot of them are broke, too.
Posted by Teknontheou, Mon Jun-05-17 12:04 PM
13162908, I'm broke as fuck, my nigga.
Posted by Madvillain 626, Tue Jun-06-17 12:43 AM
Still happy and optimistic, tho.
13162731, also Applebee's and their genre kind of sucks
Posted by GOMEZ, Mon Jun-05-17 12:06 PM
i'm all good on the prefab restaurant 'experience' no matter how many pieces of flair the waitstaff has, and i'm not a millenial.
13162840, ^^^^^^^^^
Posted by Hitokiri, Mon Jun-05-17 03:21 PM
13162732, These articles are dumb for two reasons
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Mon Jun-05-17 12:07 PM
1. Business owners love to blame millennials for their lack of innovating and changing with the times.

2. So many Millienial trend stories are better explained by their brokeness than different them being these aliens with different values.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13162733, why go to a chain when you can go to a local pub with good food?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-05-17 12:08 PM
13162772, For the same (or better) price
Posted by MzOnyxVI, Mon Jun-05-17 12:56 PM
This has nothing to do with eating at home or quick serve options and everything to do with getting the best value for my buck

13162790, the old answer would be if you aint got one
Posted by hardware, Mon Jun-05-17 01:36 PM
but i think more people have a higher food IQ and so towns where chains thrived are getting hit with people wanting better food at a better price

but i think part of it is the same reason K-Mart died:
it used to be poppin, but just not a place you wanna be seen anymore
13162844, yep. you can't stunt on the gram at applebees
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Jun-05-17 03:28 PM

>but i think part of it is the same reason K-Mart died:
>it used to be poppin, but just not a place you wanna be seen

but some local restaurant that serves the exact same shit is considered cool.
13162862, pretty much, yeah
Posted by hardware, Mon Jun-05-17 04:56 PM
>but some local restaurant that serves the exact same shit is
>considered cool.

we got burger junts here that aint no better than Chili's
the owner just actually lives in town.
yet the same Sysco truck is pulling up out back
13162742, smh.they have their niche audience...families...leave millenials lone
Posted by ambient1, Mon Jun-05-17 12:17 PM
13162752, how you gonna blame ppl for having a shitty product?
Posted by double negative, Mon Jun-05-17 12:36 PM
those places are a JOKE and they have bad associations

if they wanted to bring in snake people money they would create side brands that were masquerading as indie shops and shut the fuck up about young people not wanting to go and pay a bunch of money for shitty food

i went to redlobster recently with folks randomly and after getting the bill we realized

1. they charge way to much for what the food is

2. for a bit less money we could have gone to an authentic place

also, snake people like city life

casual dining is associated with boring suburban living
13162753, i'm not a millennial and even i know these chains SUCK
Posted by wrecknoble, Mon Jun-05-17 12:36 PM
why the hell would i go to one of these places if i live in a metropolis that has countless other food options for a fraction of the price?

13162756, Wonder how long before Cheesecake Factory takes a hit?
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Jun-05-17 12:39 PM
13162773, how many are in your city?
Posted by Trinity444, Mon Jun-05-17 12:57 PM
there's only one here.

13162788, There are 3 within a 10 mile radius. 10 within a 30 mile radius.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Mon Jun-05-17 01:34 PM
I'm in Arlington, VA btw. There's 1 in Arlington.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13162812, 10 in a 30 mile radius? Yeah.. they are headed in that direction
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-05-17 02:13 PM
Only been a few times. If I'm going out to eat at that price point I'm def not going to a chain.
13162848, Cheesecake Factory ain't never bothered nobody...leave them be
Posted by ambient1, Mon Jun-05-17 03:34 PM
13162946, lol..nah, i'm just talking about how they might be next up if all the low brow
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 09:17 AM
places like Applebee's, Friday's, Ruby Tuesday's etc. end up dropping.

I feel like Hard Rock Cafe used to be as huge as Cheesecake Factory....now I can't even understand where/how they fit in.
13162950, hmm.. never been to a Hard Rock Cafe.. they looked cheesy
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-06-17 09:26 AM
CheeseCake is the bougie Applebee's IMO.
13163002, hard rock cafe is hard to describe
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Tue Jun-06-17 11:18 AM
its so overproduced and excessive but it's a fun place. decent food. i really enjoyed all the times i went to the one in Myrtle.

given the current temperature of america i can see HRC making a big comeback if they play it right.
13163045, i liked em....they could
Posted by ambient1, Tue Jun-06-17 12:52 PM
13163044, Cheesecake is where Applebee's goers go to really impress lol
Posted by ambient1, Tue Jun-06-17 12:51 PM
I went to this spot in Chicago that is the exact same as Cheesecake
Grand Lux ....shit was packed n jumpin
13163333, ^^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-07-17 09:12 AM
13162849, I see a joint venture with SMACK or KOTD coming.
Posted by Cold Truth, Mon Jun-05-17 03:35 PM
13162922, Y'all tripp'n. Cheesecake Factory is a good place.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-06-17 05:47 AM


"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Plato
13162947, Haha, nah, I'll still fck with Cheesecake Factory. Not knocking them...just wondering
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 09:18 AM
just wondering if they'll start to be affected by these trends against the big chain themed restaurants too.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13162768, I guess this youth-aimed Applebee's ad didn't work
Posted by Stringer Bell, Mon Jun-05-17 12:48 PM
13162775, These sports bars stay packed tho
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-05-17 01:07 PM
Hickory Tavern, TMac, Duckworths...

Man, Duckworths has a $3.50 any draft special twice a week. I can get a Bells 2 hearted for 3.50??? Shieeeet.

13162776, Applebees and their ilk are just washed as fuck and outdated
Posted by BrooklynWHAT, Mon Jun-05-17 01:07 PM
13162785, Damn, people try to shit on millennials for just about anything
Posted by Oak27, Mon Jun-05-17 01:29 PM
It's as if we're not allowed to decide we'd rather cook at home or eat at a local establishment with higher quality food. Instead we get more "blame" resulting in some negative connotation like we are doing something wrong.

Not attracting younger customers, maybe it's not an issue with the customers it's an issue with the business.

I guess the saying needs to be updated to "The customer is always right, unless the customer was born between 1982 and 2004."
13162846, all of these places need to step it up...
Posted by TR808, Mon Jun-05-17 03:28 PM
they are service microwaved box food and people now are smart enough to know that they can make most of this stuff at home or get it at Wegmans or kroger...

if they really want to blame someone then blame the Food networks that show places that make really good food.
13162874, food networks/more locally owned restaurants is definitely a factor
Posted by Nodima, Mon Jun-05-17 05:59 PM
I live in a city that is very service industry oriented due to its size and per capita restaurants/bars (often cited as #1 if not close to it, though very likely actually isn't since coastal/vacation destinations will always have more food and drink options) and so a lot of people come up through restaurants and bars for their first/college jobs.

It gets instilled in people through their work and all the entertaining shows like Top and Master Chef that show off great food with every day ingredients and make service seem so romantic, the idea of an Applebee's or TGI Friday's is just so alien to myself and everyone I associate with in my age range. It's even to the point where it's hard to convince people to go to a long-running, perfectly good local pizza chain because "all my friends from New York say it's terrible" or "yea but this new by the slice spot really does it right."

Other than a bar, I can't remember the last time I was asked to go to, or really gave a second thought to going, to anything other than restaurants opened in the past 4-8 years by people I've heard a lot about or met and are doing something unique with food in the city.

Plus, I don't really think about brokeness since I've never been much of a saver, but if brokeness is an issue, I can definitely see how the allure of going out to eat loses its luster when the major chains cost the same as the farm-to-table spots, sometimes more, and there's no personality or passion in the food. I've noticed the frozen pizza isle at the grocery store has got real, real lit in the past few years here - if you're the type of person who'd even consider Applebee's for dinner, you've likely realized the supermarket is more bang for your buck and your foodie friends aren't going to clown you for a Digiorno's Rising Crust.

"This is the streets, and I am the trap." � Jay Bilas
Hip Hop Handbook: http://tinyurl.com/ll4kzz
13162828, gen-x and i think it's kind of a joke now
Posted by Flash80, Mon Jun-05-17 02:55 PM
i kinda contemptuously look down one my one homey who goes there. dude just loves to watch the game at the packed, ghetto ass applebees though.

if the chain is struggling, it's because they're understaffed and the service fucking sucks (though i'd probably not be motivated to bust my ass either if i had to routinely serve niggas leavin' a $2 tip on a $40 bill.) at least that's how i remember it the last time i ate at one.

otherwise, casual dining can still work.

BJ's is actually pretty good.
13162830, It's been so long... do they have more than 2 TV's now?
Posted by legsdiamond, Mon Jun-05-17 02:58 PM
Who the fuck goes to Applebee's to watch sports?
13162836, RE: Americans shutting down Millennials
Posted by Mr. ManC, Mon Jun-05-17 03:10 PM
fixed it
13162999, they're trying
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-06-17 11:15 AM
13162855, Applebee's has always sucked.
Posted by poetx, Mon Jun-05-17 04:16 PM
can't blame applebees for that.
13163184, seriously.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Tue Jun-06-17 07:03 PM
13162858, Also cuz the food is barely good.
Posted by walihorse, Mon Jun-05-17 04:28 PM
13162921, eventually y'all will learn that these articles are made for rage sharing
Posted by Rjcc, Tue Jun-06-17 05:46 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13162923, Classic OKP - everything chain sucks nonsense.
Posted by Case_One, Tue Jun-06-17 05:49 AM


"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Plato
13162927, True.... Here is my list of chains that don't suck
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-06-17 07:48 AM
Chik fil a
Outback Steak
Dominos pizza. I rarely eat it but damn, it wasn't bad last time I had it

13163013, Chik is love.....Chik is life.
Posted by phemom, Tue Jun-06-17 11:36 AM
My area are about to start getting them and I'm all about it.....people gonna be upset over the "closed on Sundays" thing tho.
13162933, All chains don't suck, but Applebee's does suck.
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Tue Jun-06-17 08:29 AM
13163028, RE: Shut the hell up.
Posted by Austin, Tue Jun-06-17 12:09 PM

a continually repeated musical phrase or rhythm


13162928, not a fan of paying for microwaved food
Posted by Amritsar, Tue Jun-06-17 07:49 AM
I can just do that at home, thanks.
13162997, I'm a Gen X'er and even I'm not tryna mess with Applebee's.
Posted by The Wordsmith, Tue Jun-06-17 11:11 AM
If I'm gonna pay for microwaveable food, I can go to the frozen section of the grocery store. Eating out, I want my meals being cooked on a stove or in an oven. I don't want to go out for microwaved food.

Since 1976
13163003, This one time, in Applebee's.....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 11:20 AM
I was trying to show my girl how charming I could be...
I was being all nice to the waitress...joking and shit...just being a jovial ass good dude..
You know...charming....

Yeah, that shit backfired big time lol....

Yada yada yada....haven't set foot inside of an Applebee's since 1998...

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13163029, so you were hittin' on the waitress in front of your date?? hahaha
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-06-17 12:15 PM
13163030, in retrospect lol... it was not my intent at ALL though...to this day...
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 12:19 PM
if I even joke about going to Applebee's I get the side eye.
13163034, haha. so it was your wife?
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-06-17 12:24 PM
i know, not at the time probably, but same person?
13163038, yep. she stuck with me despite my young dumb antics....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 12:39 PM
so many reasons she had to drop me like a hot turd... but she stood by a brother....

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13163041, haha, god bless 'em
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue Jun-06-17 12:42 PM
i don't know how my wife does it
13163200, i'm dyin + feel you. i can never mention Wet N' Wild (md), Bahama Mamas
Posted by poetx, Tue Jun-06-17 09:07 PM
(the drainks and the place). prolly some more shit.

this before sinbad said how you had to have the laser eyes, scan quick and save it to the memory bank.

i had on some wraparound shades and was naive as a two year old playing peekaboo (ie, if i can't see you, you can't see me).

stared a bit too hard at some jawn (she wadn't een that fine, it's just that she had the hair peeking out the bottom of the swimsuit and i was kinda wondering, how that work?).


i will never ever bring that shit up again.

and we went on a anniversary trip to the bahamas and we took some bootleg ass booze cruise (ni&&as hijacked us from the hotel -- found out later this wasn't the official joint). we on some raggedy ass lil motorboat w/ a buncha white ppl, between the diesel fumes and the waves, i'm type nauseous, and drinking the 'free' bahama mamas is making me forget that (plus my home trainin).

i got no recollection of getting back to the hotel. she said i was performing an shit till i passed out. she ended up having to clean up earl from the hotel bathroom. a ninja almost got left in bahamas.

i was dumb af.

i don't even joke about that shit now.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13163037, Umm, you were really feeling yourself.
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-06-17 12:37 PM
13163039, i really was. if I could go back in time and smack myself upside the
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 12:40 PM
head I would.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13163042, This morning I made 2 small sammiches for lunch
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jun-06-17 12:48 PM
My wife walked in and said "ahhh that sammich is for me?"

Young me woulda been like "uhh, no.. these are mine but I can make you one"

13163043, gaining wisdom is such a beautiful journey.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Tue Jun-06-17 12:50 PM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13163336, last night the bartender was messy as fuck
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-07-17 09:16 AM
we stopped for a quick one and the bartender says "well, I remember your face so I know you want a second round"

my wife's antenna went up.

wife:How many times have you been here?

me: huh

wife: huh, uh nah.. you heard me

me: without you? 2 or 3 times in the last 3 years... but who can forget a face like this?

wife: this guy...that was a good one.

I have no idea why that bartender said that shit. I never go in there and the last time was at 5 pm to pick up wings while I had my kid in tow.

13163373, PLEASE tell me you ain't leave a tip...she violated.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Wed Jun-07-17 10:26 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13163169, But that riblet basket though
Posted by Beezo, Tue Jun-06-17 06:01 PM
13163179, them shits taste like hot dogs.
Posted by kinetic94761180, Tue Jun-06-17 06:45 PM
13163318, "fast-casual" is a huge trend in the restaurant business, also like people...
Posted by ThaTruth, Wed Jun-07-17 08:43 AM
you can't stunt on social media at Applebee's so when people DO got out for a sit-down dinner they don't want something ordinary.
13163324, RE: "fast-casual" is a huge trend in the restaurant business, also like people...
Posted by hardware, Wed Jun-07-17 08:52 AM
>you can't stunt on social media at Applebee's so when people
>DO got out for a sit-down dinner they don't want something

or you don't want a $12 dish to taste like a salt bomb
13163339, stunting has changed the game
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Jun-07-17 09:16 AM