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Topic subjectTracy Morgan Netflix special
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13160120
13160120, Tracy Morgan Netflix special
Posted by Dstl1, Thu May-25-17 10:23 AM
watched it....
13160122, saw him film this tour last year...on the radioooooo
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-25-17 10:37 AM
13160127, wasn't bad at all....i had low expectations but it wasn't bad
Posted by ambient1, Thu May-25-17 10:47 AM
13160129, i don't rate him much as a stand-up. much funnier doing shows/sketches.
Posted by PROMO, Thu May-25-17 10:48 AM
13160303, i really enjoyed it...was not expecting to
Posted by dafriquan, Thu May-25-17 07:06 PM
it's not subversive or nothing.
he just sets up the jokes and knocks them down
he's got good timing. and his funny face helps too...lol
13160322, yall had low expectations for a Tracy Morgan show?
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-25-17 10:12 PM
lol, okayyy
13160329, he's a funny dude but his stand up is weak to me, if that makes sense
Posted by Ray_Snill, Fri May-26-17 12:22 AM
he cracks me up in movies and on TV big time though

13160341, Yup. Dude is funny as hell as an actor
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-26-17 06:57 AM
But his stand up is hit or miss
13160383, and that's precisely how his special went...at least, for me
Posted by Dstl1, Fri May-26-17 09:25 AM