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Topic subjectI have failed in life
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13147059, I have failed in life
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 07:42 AM
My firstborn, heir to goat herders and small farmers and object of many hopes and dreams,instilled since birth with purpose,love,compassion and destined for greatness,asked for a puppy.
I choked up and a montage of my son hugging a filthy beast and kissing the fucking dog flashed in front of my eyes.
What wrong turn in life did I take?
I truly thought he hated them too.
Too much TV with the relentless indoctrination that dogs are good and loyal 'friends' ?
Never being chased,bit or seeing the savage nature of the beasts in real life?
All this was going through my head when he poked me in the shoulder and looked at me with so much hope.
I sucked my teeth and cursed the ironies of fate.
I told him I'd think about it.
13147066, A dingo ate the baby....
Posted by viagramakesmeimpotent, Thu Apr-20-17 08:11 AM
How soon humans forget.

Stand firm, but do not overly oppose the temptations of "Poochism" because once the kid is on his own the forbidden fruit of stinky dog purchasing will overcome him.
13147117, A betrayal of genetics
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:28 AM
I grew up loathing the fuckers and now my boy wants to walk the monsters.
13147067, what kinda puppy yall getting lol
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Apr-20-17 08:13 AM
make sure its big, like 100lbs. so folks will know you're for real a dog person now. haha

kids put in spots that you never anticipated.
13147119, The best kind
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:29 AM
Seriously, he can wait until he grows up or I croak.
13147145, Lol
Posted by GirlChild, Thu Apr-20-17 09:56 AM
Ii think the have secret meetings where they share intel on how the can slowly torture us until they are legal.
13147192, Young Badassgreen is killing the capoeira!
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 10:55 AM
Beautiful torture .These boys get away with murder and somehow it's worth it.
13147068, man, my neighbors dog barks all fucking night
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-20-17 08:16 AM
their old dog was about to die and they went out and got another one.

we got a dog whistle app to shut that fucker up.

I pray my kids dont ask for a dog
13147072, My neighbor's dog has a BOOMING bark
Posted by flipnile, Thu Apr-20-17 08:19 AM
Not the biggest dog, but very husky. Glad it only barks at people close to its' territory, or I'd get one of those jawns that make the high pitched noise whenever it senses barking too.
13147073, haha, they will. and you'll get one. and you'll love it.
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Apr-20-17 08:20 AM

>I pray my kids dont ask for a dog

but the dog whistle app is intriguing. the neighbors dog will bark at night if she sees a possum or something, and then she doesn't stop. does the app work?
13147085, I think it's working. We just started using it
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-20-17 08:40 AM
This dog barks all fucking night..

He barks in 3's about 20 times a minute.

I can't wait to go outside and do yard work and use that shit in action.

Hopefully we can train him to stop barking at us and at night.

13147075, my neighbor's dog does that too.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Apr-20-17 08:25 AM
every time I take my dog out, their dog starts barking. and it barks at pretty much everything.

my dog is an indoor dog, so if he's barking its because someone is knocking or near the house/yard. he barked at the opossum in the back yard the other night and wanted to go get it.
13147122, I live in an apartment
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:32 AM
My neighbors kids were playing with a little stray and feeding him.
I could see where this was going.Thankfully their mother cut it off quick.
I can't imagine hearing barking all night.Id go crazy.
13147175, right next to my kids bedroom too
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Apr-20-17 10:29 AM
and they have a 2nd floor deck so this bastard is on a balcony

during the day when I'm out back and he is barking and the neighbors are on the deck I tell him to STFU right in front of them.

I hate them
13148005, Dog whistle app.. thats fuckin GENIUS
Posted by Amritsar, Fri Apr-21-17 03:17 PM
13148071, i had some neighbors from hell once
Posted by tex, Fri Apr-21-17 08:01 PM
they fucked around and got a pit bull
beautiful blue lopsided floppy-ear jawn
sweet as pie

but they chained it to a tree in the back yard
and she promptly went insane :/
she wld start barking at nothing
directly at sunset
and she wld go all nite long
i useta throw her turkey franks filled with benadryl
just to get a few hours of uninterrupted sleep

and that wasn't even the worst part

they also had a little free-range mutt
that wld also yap at absolutely nothing
all nite long
and right outside my bedroom window to boot

i seriously considered killing that dog at one point
i tried to catch it a gang of times
i was gonna drive it at least two counties away
and let it go
fucker was on to me tho :/


i ended up getting a ultrasonic dog dazer on amazon
it worked on the mutt
but the pit did not gaf
i think she barked herself deaf

we actually moved out because of them eventually
and even to this day
i don't think they realize how close they were
to getting shot, for real
dogs, humans, whatever
i'da felt horrible about the dogs tho :/

tl:dr: get the app

rosemary's babydaddy
13147069, Dogs are good for security. Better than a human guard in some cases
Posted by flipnile, Thu Apr-20-17 08:17 AM
I'm not a big 'dog guy' myself, but now that I have a little space I have been thinking about getting one to patrol the property.
13147123, I'm ok with guard dogs
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:34 AM
A vicious animal that deters burglary.Tied outside and preferably nameless.
13147070, LMAO
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Apr-20-17 08:18 AM
i can't wait to see this transformation from dog hater to dog lover. this is going to be golden. haha
13147088, If they get a dog (the right one) it will definitely happen.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Apr-20-17 08:42 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13147125, You're gonna wait a long ass time lol.
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:35 AM
I don't think it's physically possible.
This boy will have to live thru his heartbreak.
13147127, haha, i bet YOU are the one who has to live through something.
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Apr-20-17 09:37 AM

>This boy will have to live thru his heartbreak.

the boy will break you. haha
13147086, lol
Posted by tex, Thu Apr-20-17 08:40 AM
i kinda wanted a pet goat, personally
cute little pygmy jawn
but then i saw that movie "the witch" and fuck that

the wiz would prolly eat it anyway
rosemary's babydaddy
13147129, You need 3
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:38 AM
A goat,nanny and baby.
While you enjoy the baby cuteness the nanny will drop a new one ready for the pot.
Salut to the missus, she knows the joy of eating baby goats.
13147126, At least it wasn't a cat.
Posted by Kira, Thu Apr-20-17 09:37 AM
Motherfucker just sitting there eating, pooping, and whining for you to feed him/her. Messing up clothes out of spite.

A dog is going to work hard and earn that meal. He provides emotional support to your family and is a great addition.
13147131, I like cats
Posted by AFRICAN, Thu Apr-20-17 09:39 AM
If he wasn't allergic I would have got him one.
Cats have character.
13147236, RE: I like cats
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Apr-20-17 11:30 AM
>If he wasn't allergic I would have got him one.

Why not get ones of those hairless Dr. Evil looking cats?
13147254, *checks African Card*
Posted by Cocobrotha2, Thu Apr-20-17 11:41 AM
Maybe it's a west african or just a Nigerian thing bc my people's HATE cats.
13147335, Cats serve a purpose, dogs are awful.
Posted by isaaaa, Thu Apr-20-17 12:57 PM

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

Just trying to share the world - www.JySbr.net
13147590, What purpose do cats serve?
Posted by Kira, Thu Apr-20-17 11:47 PM
They eat, shit, sleep, and cry for attention.

Dogs can hunt, protect the house, protect the owner, and be loyal. Cats ain't shit as a whole.
13147599, cats are 100x's the hunters that dogs are
Posted by decaturpsalm, Fri Apr-21-17 02:49 AM
theyre smarter (they patrol areas that dogs would get lost in)


cats are actually a superior animal

my current cat plays fetch better than any dog ive ever had

13147743, And an outdoor cat is a straight G
Posted by Anonymous, Fri Apr-21-17 10:15 AM
The cat roaming around my boy's house fucked his pitbull up and now his dog won't go near it.

I went over there one day and we saw the cat in the backyard and he was like "yo that cat runs this neighborhood"
13147210, awww man, dogs are great. i have two.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Apr-20-17 11:13 AM
you'll grow to love it quickly.

i'll be waiting for the Confession Wednesday update to hear what breed you went with.

13147214, damn after the first line I knew it had to do with a puppy
Posted by RobOne4, Thu Apr-20-17 11:15 AM
13147601, I knew from the subject there was only one thing
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Apr-21-17 03:07 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13147333, He's obviously never stepped in dog shit.
Posted by isaaaa, Thu Apr-20-17 12:54 PM

Anti-gentrification, cheap alcohol & trying to look pretty in our twilight posting years (c) Big Reg

Just trying to share the world - www.JySbr.net
13147600, LOL. This is like a 15 year okp saga
Posted by Rjcc, Fri Apr-21-17 03:05 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13147993, ^^^ I should have read the comments
Posted by J_Stew, Fri Apr-21-17 03:00 PM
13147991, I can't be the only one who knew exactly what this would be about
Posted by J_Stew, Fri Apr-21-17 02:59 PM