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Topic subject"Let me be clear"
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13135517, "Let me be clear"
Posted by DavidHasselhoff, Thu Mar-16-17 11:14 AM
Am I the only one who associates this phrase with President Obama. I feel like I never heard anyone say it before him. But now they are....

Also, the proper pronunciation of Pakistan. Obama

13135538, Also, using "right!?" after each spoken paragraph.
Posted by Cam, Thu Mar-16-17 11:51 AM
13135606, I first noticed that among academics about 10 years ago.
Posted by Teknontheou, Thu Mar-16-17 01:33 PM
I remember this one dude in particular on a panel kept saying "right?!" after each point he made and I was like "why is dude constantly asking me to silently co-sign what he's saying?"

Now I notice it among almost all not-old Academics and alot of SJW's when they're talking about any serious topic, like panels or interviews. It was always huge among all of the Melissa Harris-Perry's guests on her show, and her too.
13135704, Man, I hate that...thought it was a generational thing
Posted by DunDaDa, Thu Mar-16-17 05:53 PM
Didn't really hear too often until the mid-aughts
13135540, Nope. Heard this all the time growing up
Posted by flipnile, Thu Mar-16-17 11:52 AM
Conversation starts to meander off course, someone doesn't want the goalposts moved so they go "let me be clear, I ___________"


Just a way to reiterate or clean up a point
13135619, I've got it in my head that Obama always said "Now look,..."
Posted by Teknontheou, Thu Mar-16-17 01:48 PM
I don't know if he actually spoke that way or if I've just imagined that, though.