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Topic subjectJanet Mock
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13118659
13118659, Janet Mock
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jan-27-17 01:09 AM
Back story

The OG women's march post got deleted

Being unsure as to why, I made another post, which moved at the same pace and in a similar tone

*scratches head*

In the days that followed the protest, I watched some clips of the activities, coverage, etc...

Which contained a speech by Janet Mock


I replied in the women's march post... '^for Janet Mock...had me fooled... shrugs... I couldn't be the only one'

Which appears to also have been deleted

So I come to you seeking help

How do we keep our posts and replies from being deleted if we are never told why?

How could I have made an awkward reply about finding a transitioned female attractive less offensive?


13118661, I can tell you why I found the remark offensive
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Fri Jan-27-17 03:25 AM
The notion that transwomen are trying to "fool" men is used to rationalize violence acts against transwomen.

Janet Mock is a transactivist, thus, not trying to "fool" anyone into thinking she's was born with female reproductive organs.

As for you finding her attractive, she's an attractive woman and you are attracted to women. Just say she's attractive and leave it at that.
13118662, Understood, thank you
Posted by bentagain, Fri Jan-27-17 03:33 AM
In the context of an internet message board reply it was a clumsy way of saying just that

I guess the attempt at sarcasm to lighten the reply could be interpreted that way and definitely not my intent


Do you think that is deserving of deletion?

I didn't go the ...PSA fellas, dey outchea, gaining on ya...route

You follow?

Just wondering what is out of bounds on okayplayer these days...?

13118666, RE: I can tell you why I found the remark offensive
Posted by Deacon Blues, Fri Jan-27-17 06:01 AM
>The notion that transwomen are trying to "fool" men is used
>to rationalize violence acts against transwomen.
>Janet Mock is a transactivist, thus, not trying to "fool"
>anyone into thinking she's was born with female reproductive
>As for you finding her attractive, she's an attractive woman
>and you are attracted to women. Just say she's attractive and
>leave it at that.

I get your point ( I don't know who deleted it) but I don't think people on this site would condone violence against the trans community and it might be more productive to discuss these issues than just censor.

Yes she was beautiful and yes I was surprised she was a trans activist. I'm no longer interested in that way but I'm not mad. is it hate to even to just discuss these things?
13118669, About as concise as could be.
Posted by denny, Fri Jan-27-17 07:45 AM
Good stuff.

Also...I'd still eff her lol

Shouldn't have got deleted though. Your explanation is really concise and clear. The offending poster should have gotten a chance to respond to that. To connect him to the history of heteros beating up trans people because they felt tricked is just a demonizing project. I think most of us would be reflective when it was pointed out that we said something that carried a meaning we didn't fully understand and then be more sensitive about that nuance going forward. Which is kinda the point of deconstructing language in the first place....to spread awareness about things we take for granted.

Taking something for granted is not the same as consciously targeting minority groups. We should educate the former and censor the latter.
13118893, Damn, I never saw it this way, but it makes sense.
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri Jan-27-17 02:06 PM
>The notion that transwomen are trying to "fool" men is used
>to rationalize violence acts against transwomen.

I would say it's also a fault of shows like Maury, where they ALWAYS show transwomen coming out on TV and admitting they're men, to the point that men watching could say "hell nah!! See I'll kill a bitch for embarrassing me on live TV like that!!!!"

13118670, So this is an Austin Powers themed cover in the OP's link?
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jan-27-17 07:58 AM
13118873, So that's what happen
Posted by Lurkmode, Fri Jan-27-17 01:31 PM
I don't understand why the mods never tell people why they deleted the post.