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Topic subjectMarried folks: things you hate but do for your spouse and vice versa.
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13058610, Married folks: things you hate but do for your spouse and vice versa.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Aug-18-16 10:35 AM
I know that's a part of the contract. Sometimes it's big sometimes it's small. Right now I'm sitting here listening to a band called Toad the Wet Sprocket. Sounds like the 90s for white people. I paid money to go to their show tomorrow. I don't know if there's enough drugs around for me to enjoy this. But I'm gonna do it with some whiskey and a shit eating grin.

Meanwhile football season is right around the corner. I already have set times to be left alone or to join me on this couch.
13058614, Oh, hell naw... lol
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-18-16 10:42 AM
>Toad the Wet Sprocket

That sounds like the kinda shit I'd hear on the car radio (no CD player back then) on a long drive, and with no other good options I'd just turn the radio off and listen to the wind noise.
13058617, There's gonna be a moment tomorrow during the show.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Aug-18-16 10:47 AM
She's gonna be having the time of her life and she'll turn to me with the biggest smile ever and I'll be just gone somewhere in my head, maybe doing math equations. Maybe there's a pokestop near the venue.
13058619, How Long We Got?!...Sike nah
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Thu Aug-18-16 10:49 AM
Seen it all...done it all, but I would say the thing that drives me batty sometimes is her lack of patience.
13058629, dance performances
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-18-16 10:59 AM
I don't hate them but I hate attending them when a good game is on or when the performances suck ass.

13058638, movie night at the house.
Posted by tariqhu, Thu Aug-18-16 11:10 AM
I actually enjoy it, depending on the movie. she likes a bunch of white folks movies that put me to sleep.
13058755, our issues with movie night.....
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Aug-18-16 01:57 PM
she NEVER wants to watch a movie if I have already seen it. No matter how great the movie is or how much I say "OMG YOU GOTTA SEE THIS". Nope. She would rather watch a movie I KNOW is gonna be crappy. As long as neither one of us has seen it. And then will complain about how bad it was afterward. Drives me crazy. She has missed out on so many good flix, and she has no idea. SMH
13058904, Haha, I'm the other side of this one.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Fri Aug-19-16 03:34 AM
She likes to pull all nighters working with a movie on in the background... and the next eve she'll convince me to put it on because it's a hidden treasure, fall asleep after 10 minutes and leave me watching the rest on my own.

I've now started to push back a little because her critical analysis of 2 star Netflix movies at 4am isn't exactly.... reliable... but most of the time I let her win.
13058940, HAHA!!!
Posted by KnowOne, Fri Aug-19-16 08:08 AM
13058640, get right back up after you sat down and get them something
Posted by kingjerm78, Thu Aug-18-16 11:13 AM
i hate it especially when I just laid down.

but thats bae
13058749, *john wall BRUH meme*
Posted by infin8, Thu Aug-18-16 01:46 PM
emphatically even.
13058753, That sounds like pure unmitigated torture
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Aug-18-16 01:54 PM
I could understand having to deal with that from a child that doesn't know any better, but from another grown adult? Meh.

Then again, I am a single childless heathen, so I don't have much room to talk I suppose.
13058764, Not married, but this bugged me so much I shut it down completely
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-18-16 02:18 PM
There must be a script or something. I'll be doing something for a while, finally get done and come sit/lay down with a book/phone and maybe something to eat and she'll choose *that* moment to ask me to go do something for her.


I do do whatever it was later tho, if she hasn't yet got to it herself.
13058744, LMAO! My girl likes that band too
Posted by Marbles, Thu Aug-18-16 01:40 PM

I've been to a couple of shows of artists I'm not too familiar with simply because she wants to go. But on the flip, she'll roll with me to a bunch of shows to see my favorites. All she asks is that I put their music on her iPod so she can be a little familiar with them.

I'd also have to include watching the "Bachelorette" or "Real Housewives." It'll be on and I'll be on the couch reading or on the laptop or something. I barely half-ass pay attention unless something wild pops off. That's the trade-off for her being a moderate sports fan. When the NHL & NBA playoffs were going on, we spent an entire day watching the Lightning, the Rays and an NBA matchup (forgot which teams). She didn't complain once.
13058752, ha, I love TWS
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Aug-18-16 01:54 PM
13058754, listen to her complain about work
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-18-16 01:56 PM
my wife can talk and when some trivial shit goes on at work i have to listen or fake listening...

13058757, lmao but why?
Posted by MiracleRic, Thu Aug-18-16 01:59 PM
ive dropped my wife off at shows i know i wouldn't enjoy and went out and grabbed a few drinks...sobered up...picked her up and went home

Left her at the crib and went to an RJD2 show once before although she admitted after hearing more and more that she'd want to go next time

some stuff we do sacrifice for each other but not completely unnecessary stuff like that lol
13058760, For me? I don't have that leave time put in yet.
Posted by MEAT, Thu Aug-18-16 02:09 PM
From the moment we got engaged until about a month ago I've been on about 80% work travel. I missed so many things with her that o gotta play a bit of catch up.

It's not always like that. But when it comes to bands she wants to see that's one I can't skip on.
13058762, smart man^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-18-16 02:17 PM
13058853, actlikeidontseeallthesephatassesinthesesundressesuproundhere!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Aug-18-16 07:32 PM
13058882, Haha, I think they played here (RVA) last night.
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Aug-18-16 10:06 PM
I actually saw them at William and Mary when I was in the 8th grade. Drank most of a crazy horse 40 before the show Haha
13058900, DD4L!!!! (sigh)
Posted by RexLongfellow, Fri Aug-19-16 02:35 AM
Do the knowledge...add that to the many DVR'd reality shows that eat up space

That, and she'll wait until I set foot in the door to say she's hungry...when I ALWAYS tell her let me know before I come home what you want. Her excuse is I wasn't hungry then (until I give her the Ray Liotta face)

Ahhh, Married Life
13058958, walk on the oceeeeeean
Posted by makaveli, Fri Aug-19-16 09:01 AM