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Topic subjecthas your mental health ever led you to lose a job?
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13058296, has your mental health ever led you to lose a job?
Posted by shamus, Wed Aug-17-16 03:23 PM
either you felt you had to quit or were fired because of diminished performance?

how do you tell the difference between a mental health concern and just general working person misery?
13058302, Presently dealing with this
Posted by JellyBean, Wed Aug-17-16 03:29 PM
I'm on the verge of losing my job because of workplace "bullying". I have been in my present job for 4 1/2 years...it wasn't until I began working here that I developed stress induced epilepsy.

In April, after coming home from work...I had four seizures and was admitted in the hospital. I was subsequently written up for 'no call, no show' even though one of my friends--that I happen to work with...emailed my supervisor letting her know I was incoherent and unable to call on my own, gave my family's contact info.
13058313, is most of the stress coming from your relationship with you supervisor
Posted by shamus, Wed Aug-17-16 03:44 PM
or is it multiple people, or the entire situation?

also, i'm sorry that you're going through that. has the epilepsy been this bad over the course of all 41/2 years?
13058312, no, but i did take a sabbatical from work. i was ready to quit tho.
Posted by IpanemaGirl, Wed Aug-17-16 03:42 PM
>how do you tell the difference between a mental health concern
>and just general working person misery?

i am pretty aware of how i become when depressed, so it was clear to me that it was related to that. basic tasks, things i could previously handle, were becoming difficult
13058316, yeah, this is where i'm at
Posted by shamus, Wed Aug-17-16 03:48 PM
but i think the work is inducing the depression, as opposed to an occurrance of depression affecting the work

>i am pretty aware of how i become when depressed, so it was
>clear to me that it was related to that. basic tasks, things i
>could previously handle, were becoming difficult
13058402, hmmm
Posted by IpanemaGirl, Wed Aug-17-16 06:04 PM
i think u got to be careful and assess the root cause of whats going on...you cant control whether u get fired or not, but up and quitting can either be just what you need or it can cause you to spiral into more depression.

i took my sabbatical and just left the country and travelled alone for 2 months...but, i was carrying around my issues so the change in environment didn't help much. once i got back to my job, i went back to feeling the same way

but if u believe work is the cause of ur depression, you need a make a change. don't waste anymore time staying in a place that is causing you stress
13058326, going through this dilemma now.
Posted by DunDaDa, Wed Aug-17-16 03:58 PM
it sucks b/c racist attitudes are prevalent at this company and I feel there's no one at work I can reach out to about this...and I'm in HR to boot.
13058387, RE: going through this dilemma now.
Posted by shamus, Wed Aug-17-16 05:21 PM
Who do hr people supposed to go to when they're having issues at work?
13058421, its a considerable gray area for sure
Posted by DunDaDa, Wed Aug-17-16 07:28 PM
13058399, RE: A job, a love. . . an entire life, really.
Posted by Austin, Wed Aug-17-16 05:54 PM
It's been a year and I'm now in another state, another job in another field and just generally another state of mind.

Don't really know if I ever got over it.

"I wasn't sure if I was lost or running away again. . ."


13058407, You'll never get over it entirely. It just gets more distant.
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed Aug-17-16 06:31 PM
Sorry to hear all that. Hopefully you're doing better these days.
13058415, RE: You'll never get over it entirely. It just gets more distant.
Posted by IpanemaGirl, Wed Aug-17-16 07:10 PM
aint that the truth! learning to let go of what/who I once was is the hardest part for me.

slight post jack: how do u deal with ppl you love (friends/family) not understanding you anymore? more specifically, very close friends/family who pass judgement bc of ur mental illness.
13058408, i've negotiated a reassignment before because of mental health
Posted by rob, Wed Aug-17-16 06:39 PM
it was rough. and the people i worked with, though they tried very hard to be supportive, really didn't get it.

but i'm learning (hopefully i've learned) how to be more proactive and communicate my mental health needs and limits before new projects and assignments happen.

i love my work and i love working hard, but most people who go into my profession have completely different mental states and theories of mind, so it can be lonely and stressful if i don't go out of my way to communicate that.
13058412, Not yet
Posted by rzaroch36, Wed Aug-17-16 06:54 PM
But get back to me in about 6 months. Raising this toddler and teaching middle school might take its toll.
13058428, nah but i had to go see a therapist
Posted by GriftyMcgrift, Wed Aug-17-16 07:50 PM
and i essentially refused to come to work for a few days

next thing i know my boss is calling me telling me they gave me a promotion and asked me to come back lol

13058485, RE: has your mental health ever led you to lose a job?
Posted by Sarah_Bellum, Thu Aug-18-16 12:24 AM
The best way to assess this is probably see a therapist before it gets to the point where you walk in one day and you're fired or you get so depress you up and quit or stop performing the job all tohgether.
You might want to inform HR that you are having some mental health issues, get documentation from a therapist so that it will be harder to fire you if you need to take some time. I know it can be hard to do that though.

13058512, no but came close...
Posted by KnowOne, Thu Aug-18-16 07:58 AM
Was going through a mania, and really acting out. My boss at the time could tell something mental was going on with me and gave me more passes than I probably deserved. Eventually I started seeing a shrink, got on some meds and was good to go. I told him how much I appreciated him for sticking by me during that tough time.
13058518, yeah. a nigga was tripping but it was a fuck-ass job.
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Thu Aug-18-16 08:15 AM
working debt collections (during the recession) fresh outta college for a few years & a nigga was broke, burnt out, anxious and p-noid.

ended up going back to school & getting tech certs & quit shortly after getting my first entry-level tech gig.

i belong here in IT with all these other weirdos. we understand one another. damn near everybody in here got a therapist. as it should be.

i know it can be stressful as fuck where jobs are concerned bc bills, but a khaled major key for me was the realization that (on some level) i actually have to give a fuck abt that i'm doing. some folk i know can do anything as long as they're getting a check. i'd blow my brains out.

also, never let the fear of losing a job get so strong that you lose sight of the fact that a job is a fucking job and there are a trillion of them out there. even if you do get your walking papers, the betting odds say that you will survive it. never let a gig rob you of your personal power to change & transform your own life.

hold your head. sending positive energy to you.

13058684, RE: has your mental health ever led you to lose a job?
Posted by BKDominican, Thu Aug-18-16 11:57 AM
I had a job in Bronx working at a family shelter, and my personal life was in total disarray. We worked on the first floor of the building that the resident lived in and my window faced the street. My supervisor called my name, and asked if I was ok, he noticed that I was staring out the window motionless for three hours. My depression hit me full force, and I lost control.

Looking back on it, my reaction was triggered. I had a client that was married and both were recovering heroin addicts. They were both good looking people and I would imagine were gorgeous before they started using, and he shared with me how they lived under a bridge at one point, but that he would not leave her side. It was endearing but it made me realize what I didn't have at home. My marriage had started it decline towards divorce and the realization hit me really hard.

My depression made it hard to focus or even socialize at work. I lost the job about three months after that and hit rock bottom. Six years later I know why it happened but for a 100 million I would not re-live this experience.
13058695, i was close.. so close to losing this one job
Posted by GROOVEPHI, Thu Aug-18-16 12:10 PM
Worst fucking job ever.
The commute. The work. The fucking people. The politics. I hated everything about that damn job.

I was depressed like shit for 9 months while working there. Shit was affecting my home life. I would come home and wouldn't even interact with my family. It was affecting my physical health. My performance was lacking. I'd never had a job where I would come to work and think 'they probably gonna fire me today" until I worked there.

I ended up getting another job. When I got the phone call that I was hired it was like a weight was lifted off of me.
Shit now, I'm making double what I was making at that bullshit ass job and no fucking stress.
13058725, If your job sucks, Get another job. Same with relationships
Posted by Crisco, Thu Aug-18-16 01:01 PM
Why do people work in misery or live in misery.
You can control your own destiny.
I've had one stressful job, as a DYFS caseworker and I limited it to the minimum amount of time required in that position before I could transfer to something I like. Matter of fact I got out of that sh*tty job before the 2 year minimum. Why? Because I made it happen.

Life's to short....Don't work under duress.