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Topic subjectI've struggled with the idea of "Do I put him in prison?"
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13056161
13056161, I've struggled with the idea of "Do I put him in prison?"
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 12:39 PM
Another rapist avoids jail because the judge can't bring himself to put him behind bars. These fools know what jail does to folk but they have no problem putting us in jail for petty offenses.


“I don’t know that there is any great result for anybody. Mr. Wilkerson deserves to be punished, but I think we all need to find out whether he truly can or cannot be rehabilitated.”

Austin Wilkerson told friends of a fellow University of Colorado-Boulder student who drank too much at a party that he’d take care of her. Instead, he raped her as she drifted out of consciousness and lied about what he had done.

Wilkerson, 22, convicted of sexual assault of a helpless victim and unlawful sexual contact, faced a possible prison sentence of four years to life for the March 2014 attack on the freshman woman. But a judge in Boulder, Colorado, on Wednesday sentenced him to two years on work release and 20 years’ probation.

“I’ve struggled, to be quite frank, with the idea of, ‘Do I put him in prison?’” said Judge Patrick Butler, according to the Daily Camera newspaper. “I don’t know that there is any great result for anybody. Mr. Wilkerson deserves to be punished, but I think we all need to find out whether he truly can or cannot be rehabilitated.”

The lenient punishment, reminiscent of the six-month sentence given to Stanford University athlete Brock Turner in June for sexually assaulting an unconscious woman, adds to the perception that the criminal justice system too often fails to consider the trauma and lifelong effects experienced by rape victims, said Brie Franklin, executive director of the Colorado Coalition Against Sexual Assault.

“We are disappointed to see, yet again, that the impact on the perpetrator, who chose to commit a crime against another person, is being considered over the impact on the victim, who did not have a choice in the matter,” Franklin told The Huffington Post.

Turner’s light sentence helped propel national outrage against the judge who imposed the punishment and its message of making excuses for serious criminal assault.
Courtesy of Boulder County District Attorney’s Office

Supporters of Wilkerson, as in the California case of Turner, appealed for leniency. Wilkerson’s friends and family said the crime was a “traumatic incident” for him. They asked the judge to consider Wilkerson’s future, and said he “will go far in this world if not defined by this one incident.”

Wilkerson’s victim drank too much celebrating St. Patrick’s Day, and Wilkerson told her friends he’d take care of her. Instead, he “isolated and raped the half-conscious victim,” prosecutors said in court documents.

Wilkerson admitted to investigators he’d made advances to the victim that night, “but that she rebuffed him each time, and that he felt ‘pissed off’ and called her a ‘fucking bitch,’” according to court documents.

Wilkerson told the jury that the woman wasn’t inebriated and that their sexual activity was consensual. His defense argued that the victim filed a rape claim to cover up for a drop in her grades.

Following his conviction in May, probation officers recommended a sentence with no prison time, arguing Wilkerson was remorseful. Prosecutors fiercely disagreed, writing in a pre-sentencing memo that Wilkerson’s changing story was evidence he hadn’t seriously accepted his guilt.

District Attorney Stanley Garnett pointed to harm to the victim in a memo to the court, arguing “it is objectively offensive to consider as ‘punishment enough’ the fact that the defendant will have to pursue a career as a biochemist instead of as a medical doctor.”

“If more than a quarter of people in this community were killed by a drunk driver, or assaulted or menaced during an invasion of their home, the community would call for a stronger message than a sentence of probation with no punitive sanction to effectuate respect for the law, the deterrence of crime, and the protection of the public,” Garnett wrote. “Sexual assault should be no different. Murderers go to prison. Armed robbers go to prison. Rapists go to prison. This is what justice requires.”

13056163, "I hope he gets away with it" (c)
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 12:43 PM
13056173, ???
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 12:51 PM
13056183, RE: ???
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 01:02 PM
13056231, the fuck?
Posted by Abstract8, Thu Aug-11-16 01:44 PM
People are strange man
13056236, *shrugs*
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 01:47 PM
i don't want to see my ppl in prison b/c of everything i know about prison. even if they're guilty and i know they're guilty in my heart of hearts i'm hoping they avoid prison b/c of everything i know about prison.

13056252, Maybe not prison, but something right?
Posted by Abstract8, Thu Aug-11-16 02:02 PM
I mean even if it's your people, do you agree that they would need some form of help?

Letting them walk can be just as dangerous to others as prison is to them
13056255, yes and i said as much in the post, player.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:05 PM
if my homie is guilty of something as heinous as what Bam is accused of doing then i'd want him to get some help for sure. but b/c of the way our prison system works and the way we treat felons i wouldn't want to see him convicted and if convicted i wouldn't want to see him in prison. if our system weren't so unconscionably unfair and twisted at every level then i'd likely feel differently. as is - hell no i don't want to see any of my ppl caught up in that shit.
13056258, Reading is fundamental
Posted by Abstract8, Thu Aug-11-16 02:10 PM
I skimmed and posted accordingly. I'll take that L

I do actually agree with what you're saying for the most part though. Respect.
13056259, it's fine. that punk-ass-motherfucker up there tries his best to
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:11 PM
twist what i said. but it's right there in plain text. LOL

13056266, yup, I definitely tried to twist your words
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:15 PM
you never typed anything that's still viewable online

either way, "I hate the system, I hope people get away with fucked up shit" is pretty wild. but have a great day
13056267, bye, you mewling flap-mouthed weasel.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:17 PM
13056270, that was hateful of you to dig that up...
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Aug-11-16 02:20 PM
especially after your confession 😔

just saying
13056277, lol @ hateful
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:24 PM
there was a post made in the same quarter that's relevant to this discussion
13056292, what was the point of it?
Posted by Trinity444, Thu Aug-11-16 02:42 PM
13056301, a reminded me of b
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:54 PM
a is this post
b is an older post

my callback wouldnt offend anyone if b made a great amount of sense
13056278, he always does that shit...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:25 PM

13056371, You absolutely twisted what SoWhat said to fit this story...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Aug-11-16 05:50 PM
>you never typed anything that's still viewable online
>either way, "I hate the system, I hope people get away with
>fucked up shit" is pretty wild. but have a great day

I don't fully agree with SoWhat's position on this. But you certainly did twist what he said.

In the original post, SoWhat said this applied to someone who's his right-hand man. He didn't say that he wants any random person who commits a heinous crime to walk.

9 times out of 10, families of a defendant are in the court room hoping their loved one is found not guilty, even if they believe he or she may have done it. That's a common occurrence. They believe they can help or rehabilitate them or they believe it won't happen again.

I don't keep up with the OKP Beef Machine so if this is personal, none of what I typed mattered.
13056261, maybe focus more on the criminal aspect?
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:12 PM
maybe dont practice law if you have trouble reconciling the idea that crimes come with prison time?

i dont know man, not telling you how to think or operate professionally. just trying to make sense of life
13056263, fuck everything about you, fool.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:13 PM
13056291, It's not his intent, but he did you a favor.
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Aug-11-16 02:42 PM
If you two are on some Hatfield vs. McCoy vibe and will continue to be adversarial to each other, feel free to do so. But he did you a favor by posting up that link since it appears there are folks in this thread that agree with your perspective. By posting up the link, your perspective gives folks another way to view the original thread.
13056293, ha! i see what you mean.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:43 PM
good point.
13056300, Yep
Posted by Abstract8, Thu Aug-11-16 02:53 PM
Worked for my non reading ass
13056316, "I know he's a rapist/child molester, but serving time is unfair"
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 03:11 PM
next time yall have trouble defining "okayplayery" refer back to that sentence
13056317, Why respond to what I said with that?
Posted by Numba_33, Thu Aug-11-16 03:14 PM
I never had a question about what 'okayplayery' means.
13056657, ^not playery at all
Posted by infin8, Fri Aug-12-16 11:40 AM
you sound dumb as hell
13056271, be a man, own that shit. no need to tip toe around it
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:20 PM
if thats how you feel then cool..

but don't be on that "I'm not trying to tell you" when you just tried to tell him.

13056281, Not sure why SoWhat's view is so nuts to you
Posted by BigReg, Thu Aug-11-16 02:27 PM
Im sure being next to the human meat grinder that is modern US Incarceration makes him wish it an ill he doesn't want to wish on anyone. Even me in this post; while I want homie to suffer the reality of the situation is that the US jail system is basically a fate as bad as death...tough typing isn't the same as the reality he's (SoWhat) is dealing with.

>maybe dont practice law if you have trouble reconciling the
>idea that crimes come with prison time?
>i dont know man, not telling you how to think or operate
>professionally. just trying to make sense of life
13056285, I know next to nothing about lawyering
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:30 PM
outside looking in I dont think all prosecution for guilty parties is unfair though
13056287, if our prison system weren't so outrageous then i'd feel differently.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:33 PM
but as is i don't want to see any of my ppl caught up even if they're guilty. if we were better to our prisoners and our ex-cons (or if i weren't so intimately familiar w/that stuff) then i'd probably feel differently.
13056265, yeah, my nephew is guilty as shit but I still want him freed
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:14 PM
it wasn't rape or a violent offense either...

and even if it was if it's someone I'm close to I wouldn't want them in jail.

I would understand why but I damn sure wouldn't be on the stand testifying against him.

13056269, I dont want to see my loved one locked up
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:18 PM
I hope my loved one gets away with (insert act)

those two sentences are not the same. the first sentence implies empathy, the second implies instability
13056274, but if I don't want him to get locked...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:24 PM
I want him to get away with it.

it's family, I'm being selfish.. I can admit it.
13056275, a mammering weak-willed toad like you wouldn't understand.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:24 PM
considering your flimsy composition i'm not shocked at all that you don't get it. hell, i'm GLAD you don't get it. i wouldn't want to agree w/the likes of you about something like this. our disagreement just confirms that i'm on the right path. i appreciate it. if we agreed i'd have to check myself.
13056279, are the insults supposed to convince yourself you're correct?
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 02:26 PM
13056222, 'you and all the other reactionary punk ass motherfuckers in here can catch a hot one' (c)
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 01:36 PM
'fuck you, punk'

13056320, Im not looking at you dudes, Im looking past you (c)
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 03:31 PM
I overthink everything, even down to how this entry could be interpretered
so all I'll say is I've changed a lot and I dont celebrate my victories on here much
I wish other men wouldnt concern themselves with my life so much, this statement that has nothing to do with a message board. that isnt angry, that isnt firing a shot, yall have seen both at different points in the past
really I dont think of any man who had issues with me on the east coast given I've lived in LA 4 years and 2 months now
Im not even taking the high road or being mature, Im just way past whatever the next man thinks I did to him and annoyed at how people forget me looking out for them because that doesnt fit the narrative they need to keep going
Im done, it took a long time to type this out with as little snark as humanly possible
I just want to keep having fun, working towards my goals and enjoying my life

13056355, this has nothing to do with message board shit (c)
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 05:09 PM
but thanks for showing me you know how to copy and paste?
13056356, ...it has everything to do wit you bein a hypocrite
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 05:13 PM
13056362, got it
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 05:37 PM
- a guy has an issue with me that extends past a message board, i type about it
- In a message board post about a judge not giving jail time for rape, I bring up a related point that was made on this same message board
- you jump in, paste what I typed about a different person that has nothing to do with a message board and call me a hypocrite

I just want to make sure we're all caught up to speed
13056379, Take your head out of your ass for a second and focus on the...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 06:42 PM
message & not the players

Postin that link was hella hypocritical.

The energy that you're yearning for you'll never get at this rate cuz
of what you keep putting out.
13056403, lol you're also way too focused on me
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 08:22 PM
only on a message board level though. my CW post dealt with real life

your retort will either be that I was too focused on SW by posting something he said related to this post or a .gif that I wont click
13056176, That pissed me off so fucking back when i read that. Would that judge...
Posted by ThaTruth, Thu Aug-11-16 12:53 PM
"struggle" if he was black? I doubt it...
13056180, as i've said, the judges are just as much the problem as anything.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Aug-11-16 12:57 PM
13056190, SMH@alot of words, but no mention of race IRT the verdict
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-11-16 01:09 PM
step 1, admit there is a problem.
13056193, The message is constantly being sent.
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu Aug-11-16 01:11 PM
The system is working as intended.

13056209, So he hollared, she said no, he cursed her out...then tricked her friends
Posted by BigReg, Thu Aug-11-16 01:28 PM
into letting him watch over her so he could rape her?

And this is the guy that the judge thinks might casually be rehabilitated? After such calculated evil shit? Like while my momma loves me no matter what if I did some shit like that I full expect most of my support group to be like, 'Fuck that nigga' but I guess being a white male has its privileges.

According to the judges logic apparently jail is only for people who can't be rehabilitated so at least he admits that's a joke.

Throw em both under the jail

13056221, openly admits jail doesn't work and is for black folk
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 01:33 PM
13056225, smh
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Aug-11-16 01:38 PM
13056227, i want to see more of us sentenced fairly.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 01:41 PM
i don't want to see more of them sentenced unfairly or excessively.

but...TWENTY YEARS of probation and 2 yrs of work release is a lot. that dude is going to violate, no doubt. and when he does the judge will likely lock him up on the theory that the kid was given a second chance and blew it.

btw...'work release' means he's in jail and is only released during the day if he has a job. and if loses his job then he's just in jail for however-many-months. at least that's how work release works in my jurisdiction. he's in jail for 2 years.
13056256, I think convicted rapist should do jail time...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:06 PM
5 years or so seems about right.

13056257, he has been sentenced to 2 yrs jail and 20 yrs probation
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:07 PM
when he violates his probation or work release he will likely be resentenced to prison time.

13056276, I see your point. But he's going to have less pitfalls
Posted by BigReg, Thu Aug-11-16 02:24 PM
then lets say the avg 19 year old in the hood to violate that parole where simply being in the wrong place=back to jail. Not like he's gonna get arrested for quality of life crimes, etc as a white guy of some means.

Basically all he's gotta do is avoid DUI's.

>when he violates his probation or work release he will likely
>be resentenced to prison time.
13056280, and even then it depends on who stops him
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:27 PM
13056284, bullshit.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:29 PM

^ that affluenza kid already fucked up his probation. and now he's been resentenced in adult court where as his original probation sentence came out of juvenile court.

probation is very difficult for anyone but especially for a 22 year old kid. first off...he can't drink. he's going to have a curfew. he's going to have to report to an officer. the officer will conduct home visits. random drug tests. random breathalyzer drops. his social media presence will be monitored for violations. he'll have to complete sex offender treatment (and any other types of treatment his p/o wants him to complete). oh and he'll likely have to register as a sex offender. i see ppl violate those terms on a regular basis. and b/c this kid caught such a break and the case garnered national media attention when he's back in court on a probation violation the judge will definitely launch him.
13056295, does probation mean no drinking?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:46 PM
cause I can easily see someone violating that, especially a rich punk who was always got off for DUI's.

but if this dude is allowed to drink because he is over 21 I can't see him violating probation like affluenze kid.

13056299, yes. always.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:52 PM
no drinking, no drugs. random testing.

and as i said - social media is monitored for violations too.

i had a client on probation for a year who was ordered not to drink or leave the state w/o permission. he posted on FB about drinking beers in an Indiana bar - complete w/pix. he was found in violation of his probation and resentenced to 3 months jail...and still had to complete his year of probation after the jail time. he's a white guy, btw.
13056304, Eesh. I stand corrected.
Posted by BigReg, Thu Aug-11-16 02:57 PM
13056306, i'm saying...this dude has TWENTY YEARS of that shit.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 03:02 PM
he is going to flip the fuck out at some point and violate just out of frustration w/being monitored and having to report and complete treatment and pay all that money and whatnot.

and then there's the sex offender registry - he will struggle to find housing and employment due to the registry requirements. also if he fails to register in a timely fashion he can be charged w/a felony offense (i assume - it's a felony here) and there are basically no defenses available. if he's convicted of that offense that's a probation violation too, of course. so he can get got doubly on that. even after his probation ends he'll probably still have to register (he may be on that mug for LIFE).

he's exposed to a significant risk of prison for at least 20 years but probably for the rest of his life. and since he caught such a 'break' the judges and prosecutors are going to be harsh when he's back in court for any reason.

probation ain't easy.
13056286, contrasting to the Brock case, IMO, this case is worse
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-11-16 02:30 PM
Brock got 6 months of jail time...?

oh, and FOH at work release being the same as jail

work release, you sleep there, datall.

there seemed to be some hints at premeditation in this case

and IMO, 2 years of work release is less of a penalty than 6 months of actual jail time

if Brock got off light

this kid got off lighter...IMO
13056289, RE: contrasting to the Brock case, IMO, this case is worse
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:36 PM
>Brock got 6 months of jail time...?
>oh, and FOH at work release being the same as jail

it is literally jail, player. like, the ppl are sentenced to jail 24 hrs per day but they get out for a few hours each day if they have a job. and if they lose that job they're in jail 24 hrs per day. if they violate the terms of the program at all they're in jail 24 hrs per day. i know b/c i have represented ppl who are sentenced to work release. i had one client sentenced to 1 yr work release who fucked it up after 3 weeks b/c he got back from work 15 minutes late (oh yeah, he also tested poz for weed). he was then transferred to jail and decided to opt out of work release and served a 7 month straight up jail sentence instead b/c work release was too hard.

13056294, LOL, right, so if you were given an option of going to jail or being sentenced
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-11-16 02:46 PM
to work release

you wouldn't have a preference

c'mon fam

sure they're the same, except for the part where you get to leave everyday


+1, how many ifs did you type in your reply

thanks for explaining work release to me through the eyes of your client

it's not jail.
13056297, i'd choose less jail over more work release.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:50 PM
>to work release
>you wouldn't have a preference

one year jail w/good time credit (at 50%) versus one year work release (str8 time so it's 100%)? i'll take the jail, thanks.

20 yrs probation versus 5 years prison w/5 years parole? i'll take the prison, thanks.

i understand how someone like you doesn't get it. i didn't see these sentences this way until after i had exposure to criminal cases as a lawyer. no shade.

i regularly find myself encouraging clients to accept str8 jail sentences to avoid probation b/c probation is basically set up for ppl to fail. i say the same about work release - ESPECIALLY for a 22 year old kid who likes to drink and party and has lived a lax life w/o much consequence. they're better off w/less time in the system as possible. they're better off paper than on paper. ppl who've been through the system several times and understand all of the pitfalls of probation and work release do better on those programs but the first-timers are generally more likely to screw it up b/c they don't understand how serious the shit is. they're have the wrong attitude and need to be 'broken'. the system will break them. lol
13056303, great
Posted by bentagain, Thu Aug-11-16 02:57 PM
13056243, somehow Germany gets prison right. (link/swipe)
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 01:54 PM

if only our prisons were more like theirs.

60 Minutes segment --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LC9otAnI5Aw


Sunday night’s episode of CBS’ ‘60 Minutes’ featured a segment on the German prison system and its stark contrast to the U.S. system. The segment focuses on Bill Whitaker’s interviews with German prisoners and tours of several prison facilities in Germany. The “German fairytale” of prison is, Whitaker notes, an astounding approach to rehabilitation and punishment; and one that includes weekend leave, videogames, and even playing darts.

In what director of prisons in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania Jeorg Jesse calls normalization, life inside prison mirrors life outside of prison, and is an approach that prioritises rehabilitation over punishment.

With over 2 million prisoners in the U.S., American politicians and prison supervisors are looking to Germany for potential prison reform approaches. Not only does Germany spend less on prisons, but its recidivism rate is about half the U.S. rate, according to the segment.

Other differences such as extended training in psychology and conflict management for guards, specialized counseling, and allowing prisoners to have keys to their own room, are both prevalent and successful in Germany.
13056247, wow, that's dope. awesome to see how they learned from their
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu Aug-11-16 01:57 PM
history. i can only hope America will do the same thing...
13056250, we're a few generations away from that level of prison reform.
Posted by SoWhat, Thu Aug-11-16 02:02 PM
as is there are too many ppl of voting age who LIKE this 'lock 'em up/hang 'em high' style of 'justice'. ppl tend to see prisons as a place to send bad ppl such that they're erased from existence. and they definitely don't want prisoners to receive anything beneficial.

i sat on a jury where i had to convince 11 other ppl that the way a prisoner was force fed during his hunger strike amounted to excessive force by the correctional officers and the prison's lead doctor and that he, the prisoner, deserved to be awarded compensatory money b/c of the harm he suffered. AND that the doctor who engaged in the feeding should be made to pay for his bad conduct. i had to work harder than i think i should've to get that jury to do the right thing by a prisoner. some of them thought it was fine for the man to be tortured b/c he had committed some bad act (we weren't told about the nature of his conviction b/c it was irrelevant).
13056308, "No more half measures"
Posted by DJR, Thu Aug-11-16 03:03 PM
13056359, So confession Wednesday material is fair game now?
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-16 05:29 PM
Is the OKP self-policing going on in taking atruhead to task for quoting SoWhat going to be consistent and call out the use of his confession Wednesday post as ammo when that's something that has been universally regarded as absolutely off limits?
13056366, 0 fucks given at this point
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 05:40 PM
it's happened repeatedly the past few months, people need to use any sign of weakness they can. today's instance was extra strange because it pretty much didnt apply at all, unless you're counting me quoting a Jay Z line
13056367, Its why i dont care about the complaints of mod inconsistencies
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-16 05:44 PM
The self-policing is incredibly selective and doesn't hold itself to half the consistency of the mods.
13056376, theres a diff if for example if I fuck up vs. Deej fucking up
Posted by rdhull, Thu Aug-11-16 06:30 PM
>The self-policing is incredibly selective and doesn't hold
>itself to half the consistency of the mods.
13056377, ..........................................ok?
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-16 06:32 PM
That didn't really say much beneath the surface.

Care to expound?
13056383, nah, thats foul
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 07:05 PM
13056384, You gonna call that poster out for it?
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-16 07:14 PM
Because we both know if it were me pulling that shit you and like 3 other people would have already said something to me directly.
13056386, I just did
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 07:19 PM
13056390, No you didn't. Too many wack ass memes for you to guffaw at or what?
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-16 07:25 PM
Because that's not calling him out.

We both know if atruehead did that shit you'd be saying much more than an even keeled "nah, that's foul" to someone else who brought it up.

I mean, the entire post is a dogpile in atruhead for committing a significantly lesser offense.

It's a revealing showcase of extreme bias and inconsistent community policing though.
13056397, nigga you aint no Ron O'Neal...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 07:47 PM
foh trying to tell me what I should do, would do, wont do..

do what the fuck you need to do.

I'm not a mod or your gotdamn muscle.

13056399, Cute tantrum and diversion. Your inconsistency and bias is clear.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Aug-11-16 08:04 PM
100% deflection but the message is crystal clear. Your sudden burst of anger speaks volumes.

LMAO @you trying to turn a question of the consistency and conviction of your character into asking you to be my "muscle".

It's funny that the issue with atruhead is that he supposedly twisted SW's words when that's your entire tact with pretty much everything.

You have a lot to say to someone when 5 other people are going at him but don't have shit to say at a far worse violation at his expense.

You're a bitch and it shows in droves right now. You ain't shit.
13056407, I'm flattered you want me on your squad but I'm a Ronin... I work alone
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 08:35 PM
>100% deflection but the message is crystal clear. Your sudden
>burst of anger speaks volumes.
>LMAO @you trying to turn a question of the consistency and
>conviction of your character into asking you to be my
>It's funny that the issue with atruhead is that he supposedly
>twisted SW's words when that's your entire tact with pretty
>much everything.
>You have a lot to say to someone when 5 other people are going
>at him but don't have shit to say at a far worse violation at
>his expense.
>You're a bitch and it shows in droves right now. You ain't

you keep trying to recruit me but it aint happenin' captain.

...and as far as Atruhead is concerned. I'm not going to bat for a person who told me to suck a dick and die nigger die. fuck that nigga.

he dug in the crates and got that work. He brought that on himself...

but I still think it was foul and said as much.

13056410, please be my friend and forgive me. Im nothing without internet friends
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 08:47 PM
>...and as far as Atruhead is concerned. I'm not going to bat
>for a person who told me to suck a dick and die nigger die.
>fuck that nigga.

is that why you replied with #31 and 36 which I ignored, because you're in your feelings about how I responded to your trolling?

common thread in here seems to be people I ignore feeling some kind of way towards me. common thread in multiple posts too, the same few coons. I'll just go back to not replying no matter how hard you beg for my attention
13056422, I replied with 31 because you are always throwing stones and hiding your hand
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:05 PM
you quick to judge, talk shit, call a nigga out then try and clean it up with "but I'm not trying to judge or tell someone how to live"

own that shit...

I'll eat 36 tho.. have no problem admitting that was wrong but iont like you, I wont always be great.

but you ran in this post and went at a nigga quick fast with the first post. you have a gift.
13056426, now we're getting somewhere
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 09:24 PM
Reply 24 wasnt disrespectful, he just didnt like that I challenged his views
you jumped in instigating with reply 31
i've never needed you or anyone on here to like me
have fun saying stupid shit back and forth with the other person obsessed with me, I holla

edit to add: seriously what kind of person types "I dont like you, so I stalk you online" to another man? yet Im the one who needs help
13056430, did I say it was disrespectful?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:34 PM
I said own your shit, plain and simple.

13056436, nothing to own
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 09:52 PM
I pointed out something that correlated to this post
my stance on both posts is clear, it isnt good logic to hope people get away with ruining lives
yall made more of it than it was, maybe because you're that bored
you agree I didnt disrespect him, yet you needed to comment
keep on not liking me, i lose sleep at night trying to win you over
13056445, oh, so you arent done
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 10:02 PM
yeah, you made it personal and folks went in on you.

maybe its because you claim to be something you arent.

13056459, oh okay
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 11:11 PM

>maybe its because you claim to be something you arent.

I claim to be black, married, happy most of the time, employed and making strides in other arenas. whatever extras you want to throw in I cant be concerned with.

I also know for a fact I dont acknowledge your presence unless you're talking shit to me, and I even manage to ignore a decent amount of that

so that's where we are. you dont like me and you need to tell me about myself despite me not caring or recognizing you exist.

I responded to you flagrantly, you're still bringing that up
I respond to you politely saying I dont care about you niggas, you wont get the hint
I ignore you, you still talk about me
yet you swear Im the crazy one. please have a good life the way Im trying to
13056480, nigga you ran into my post and got shit popping with the 1st reply
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Aug-12-16 05:55 AM
you arent trying to be a better man... at least not on okp.

you quick to deag up old shit then get mad when someone brings up old shit? foh..

no one is obsessed or following you. stop being stupid.

13056489, I cant relate to people who wake up typing negatively
Posted by atruhead, Fri Aug-12-16 06:49 AM
>you arent trying to be a better man... at least not on okp.

I pointed out something wild someone said in a post that reminded me of this one, that's it. it made people react probably because...that was some wild shit I pointed out

you're the only one concerned with what you think Im trying to be. meanwhile the only time you register with me is when I choose to engage your trolling

>you quick to deag up old shit then get mad when someone brings
>up old shit? foh..

the difference here is what I said was related to this post.

but where am I mad? is this like reverse psychology? "I dont like him, so what if he isnt replying negatively, I'll just tell him he's mad for pointing out my obsessive stalking"

>no one is obsessed or following you. stop being stupid.

you're in multiple posts every week (in)directly talking about me. I dont care for it, but it wont stop the direction my life is headed. have a great life disliking me and arguing all day with whoever else

13056492, lmao.. you are such a narcissist.
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri Aug-12-16 07:13 AM
if you say some dumb shit I speak on it.

you ran up in my post quick fast and have the nerve to claim I'm following you around?

get over yourself.

it's a message board.

13056439, you edited to add some shit I didnt type? interesting
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:55 PM
13056463, reply 87 quoted
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 11:45 PM
I'll eat 36 tho.. have no problem admitting that was wrong but iont like you
now, what kind of man follows another dude around telling him "I dont like you"?

pretend it isnt you we're discussing. what kind of man engages in this behavior?
13056401, bitch ass nigga if you so hurt bout it then you call me...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 08:20 PM
Fuck out of here wit all that back handed shit.

If you got a problem wit me jump off the porch and say that shit or hit my inbox
until then shut the fuck lil ass hoe.
13056402, And the same goes for your ass too...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 08:22 PM
If you got a problem then say that shit. You and that bitch ass nigga need to get from round talkin like lil bitches.
13056417, you run out of gifs? foh with that fake ass tough typing
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 08:54 PM
put your bird chest back in the cage little nigga.

bitch ass nigga quick to ask the mods why your condition isnt off limits while you out here straight violating.

ole "young thug draws his lyrics" ass nigga...

13056423, Ain't no tough typing, I'm calling a spade a spade...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 09:07 PM
You talkin like a lil bitch and now I'm seein why it comes so easy for your hoe ass to do.

Bitch ass nigga, only one violating is you - old ass nigga droppin indirect jabs and then
when your hoe ass card gets pulled wanna act like you a G.

Choke on a dick.

weak ass nigga, you damn near 40 and still a bitch.
13056425, and I called you foul for pulling a hoe ass move... foh
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:20 PM
dont get mad cause you overstepped nigga.

only bitch in here is you. you ran out of ammo and got lazy.

and lmao at calling me old on a vintage ass message board. nigga, what are YOU doing here?

nigga, you up in vfw trying to do the new running man and shit. Sit your tight sweat pants wearing ass down little nigga.

13056589, People been doing that, for years.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Aug-12-16 10:25 AM
13056641, It's been brought up recently as a definitive no-go.
Posted by Cold Truth, Fri Aug-12-16 11:29 AM
Further, the subject of over-policing mods has come up rather often lately and many people in this thread dog piling atruhead are very vocal in those threads.

So I brought that up specifically to ask if people are actually going to police a violation that has been recently and specifically labeled an absolute no-go.

I thought this was particularly pertinent since so many jumped on atruhead for a considerably lesser offense but would likely ignore the more grievous offense because it came at the expense of the guy they are piling on.

Can't really bitch about the inconsistency of the mods if the community is just as inconsistent in their self-policing.
13056404, all this shuck and jiving because child molesters shouldnt go to jail
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 08:24 PM
13056405, FOH nigga you a grown ass man still talkin wit a lisp...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 08:31 PM
You another bitch.

Make this next weeks confession weds, hoe!
13056408, lolth. havth a good eveningth
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 08:45 PM
13056421, My loved one do something violent or sexually debased i'd rather them get
Posted by Cenario, Thu Aug-11-16 09:05 PM
Locked up than commit the same act again.

They guilty, their victims are innocent...it's the price you pay. I'd probably be a support to my con relatice, but a nigga that get off on some technicality...i'd be looking at him sideways forever umless he was beyond remorseful.

Sheeeit, my momma said if I ever do anything criminal, she'd be the first one to testify against me.
13056424, I dont believe your mom, that fear works tho
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:08 PM
plenty of parents say they wont visit their kid if they go to jail.. but they do.

only way I testify against fam is if they hurt fam
13056623, A+ Post would read again.
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Fri Aug-12-16 11:01 AM
13056638, I came for the headline
Posted by Mafamaticks, Fri Aug-12-16 11:26 AM
skimmed through the beef, but real talk I stayed for SoWhat posting the view of the justice system through his lens. Shit is always a good read