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Topic subjectPhilly is abt the most dangerous NE city in america.
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13055583, Philly is abt the most dangerous NE city in america.
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 03:24 PM
Am I wrong? If so, tell me how.
13055585, Have you been to Philly before?
Posted by flipnile, Wed Aug-10-16 03:26 PM
As far as big cities in the NE go, I'd agree. Either here or Baltimore. Philly also has he highest poverty rate of all big cities (it's like 29% or so).

Philly's a big city tho, there are a lot of good areas too.
13055590, yeah
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 03:30 PM
my family is based in NY and we avoid it like the plague however shit happens lol

Bmore, I actually lived there for a few months and it's so damn lit up with blue lights 24 7 that I'm sure the rates are down at this point.
13055589, yay, let's play "my hood is more fucked up than your hood"
Posted by SooperEgo, Wed Aug-10-16 03:29 PM
13055591, lol u backwards af
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 03:31 PM
Dangerous areas dont excite me at all.
13055598, this would be true
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 03:34 PM
13055617, considering there are only 4 cities, what is that really saying?
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 03:50 PM
unless NE means something else other than northeast lol
13055623, that it's the worst one lol
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 03:53 PM
And I think we can include more than 4 but it's okay
13055632, Newark and Baltimore both had higher violent crime and murder rates
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 03:58 PM
in 2015. so did DC
13055669, dont those percentages just mean per 100 people though?
Posted by atruhead, Wed Aug-10-16 04:24 PM
For example Quincy, Florida supposedly had an abnormally high HIV percentage but the population is only 8,000 people
13056017, 2015 murders: Baltimore: 344, Philadelphia: 280, DC: 119
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 09:44 AM
Approximate populations:

Baltimore: 620,961
Philadelphia: 1,526,006
DC: 672,228

It's not just the rates. Overall, the safest mid-atlantic BIG (500k+) cities seem to be:

NYC > DC > Philly > Baltimore
13056081, DC is too small to count as a safe city imo.
Posted by atruhead, Thu Aug-11-16 10:55 AM
it's like a big neighborhood (i.e. Harlem covering 2 sides of NY for something like 50 blocks)

from my brief understanding of Baltimore there isnt enough space for the widespread criminal element

Philly having so much more space and only 64 less murders than Baltimore says a lot
13056034, yeah, but thats more important than totals in many cases.
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 09:59 AM
mainly because it (usually) shows how widespread of an issue it is in that city. none of this is perfect tho.
13055628, also, its not true:
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 03:55 PM
13055640, that article only has one NE city
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:05 PM
btw bmore is below the mason dixon line if we wanna be technical
13055645, nah, you just dont wanna be wrong* about this lol. its cool tho
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:07 PM
what cities are we including in this? Boston, NYC, Newark and Philly?
cause it's still untrue when you open it up to smaller cities.

*Baltimore is below the M/D line, buts its still a NE city as far im concerned
13055649, an article from that same site says it's #3
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:10 PM
"Philly is abt the most dangerous NE city in america."
13055655, i have no idea what your point is in this post, but feel free to run the #s
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:15 PM


sort by violent crime and murder rate.
13055665, cmon friend
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:20 PM
Your link to show me that Philly wasn't even listed was full of cities around the country.

A link I read specified NE cities (which the subject was about) and listed it as number 3. What's so hard abt this. I'll find the link in a sec if that helps? Idk
13055668, i dont dispute at all that it is the third most dangerous NE city
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:22 PM
and yes, you are covered by phrasing your OP oddly by saying "about the most dangerous." but all youre really saying is Boston and NYC are safer than Philly.
13055670, your source agrees with me on that part too
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:24 PM

tf is lawstreetmedia lol i gotta look them up but im rolling w them for now since u brought them up
13055672, this is metros, btw, not cities. if we're being nitpicky (as we apparently are)
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:25 PM
13055680, ima just leave the definiton of a metro area here and
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:30 PM
let someone else really debate if we in our everyday lexicon can call those places a city or not lol.

"A metropolitan area, sometimes referred to as a metro area or just metro, is a region consisting of a densely populated urban core and its less-populated surrounding territories, sharing industry, infrastructure, and housing."

13055683, I can't believe I got sucked into this bs. Enjoy your evening lol
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:33 PM
13055686, lol
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:34 PM
13055661, 4 cities?
Posted by Anonymous, Wed Aug-10-16 04:18 PM
13055664, Boston, NYC, Philly and Baltimore
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:19 PM
i forgot about Newark. and i have no idea how big Wilmington or Hartford, CT and Providence are. but i was thinking cities over 250k
13055671, your source thinks there are at least 10 NE metropolitan cities
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:25 PM
13055677, no that source says there are more than ten metro areas with 100k+ ppl
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:28 PM
13055681, i guess u can refer to that other response of if we call those cities
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:31 PM
not doing that lol

i do want to warn u though that when they detail these "metro" areas, they use the word "city" and "cities"
13055689, That's part of the problem of using metro. For example the Philly metro includes 3 cities
Posted by Government Name, Wed Aug-10-16 04:37 PM
Includes 3 cities. One of which, Camden, is one of the most dangerous small cities in the country.

You win tho. I got a train to catch
13055618, This is corny..stop it
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Wed Aug-10-16 03:52 PM
All urban centers have areas that are so-called dangerous. Will you get shot randomly walking around North Philly in the middle of the day? No.
13055625, unfortunately I won't so u can leave or sumn
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 03:54 PM
P sure u can see how this is relevant subject
If not refer to subject all good just a post.
13055641, huh?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 04:05 PM
>P sure u can see how this is relevant subject
>If not refer to subject all good just a post.

i read this 5 times... what are you trying to say?
13055651, was referring to her basically saying don't say something like that
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:12 PM
13055642, I was born and raised in Philly
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Wed Aug-10-16 04:06 PM
Not from the hood, but don't appreciate folks making baseless/sweeping judgments about a place I love. Please continue to entertain yourself though.
13055658, it's good to be proud of where ur from
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:16 PM
No sarc
13055936, RE: I was born and raised in Philly
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Thu Aug-11-16 08:38 AM
>but don't appreciate folks making
>baseless/sweeping judgments about a place I love. Please
>continue to entertain yourself though.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't you the one always bashing the southerners as slow, backwards, etc..? Now generalizations are bad? If I have the wrong person my bad.
13056061, What?
Posted by afrogirl_lost, Thu Aug-11-16 10:33 AM
I've said I don't like the south and that it's too slow for me. I've never called the people who lived there "backwards," but may have referred to the laws and lack of unions as such.
13055636, statistically not true buuuut... the news is obsessed with crime
Posted by Riot, Wed Aug-10-16 04:00 PM
they literally report nothing but violence and sports

and in philly, those two things aint that far apart anyway lol
13055653, haha
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:14 PM
>and in philly, those two things aint that far apart anyway

13055663, yes, but no two cities are the same size
Posted by atruhead, Wed Aug-10-16 04:19 PM
Philly is about as dangerous as the bad parts of New York but it's about 1/4 the size
Philly is less dangerous but bigger than Camden where there are no good parts to speak of
Philly is bigger than Baltimore, DC and Boston

basically what Im saying is you can live in Philly comfortably away from the violence, so I dont agree with depicting it as a shithole. my only issue was I found it too small overall and there's a definite crab in the barrel mentality with people
13055674, small and violent doesnt sound good at all
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:27 PM
13055687, it's the second largest city in the Northeast
Posted by atruhead, Wed Aug-10-16 04:36 PM
the only places larger in the country are New York, LA, Houston and Chicago

it's violent for sure but you can raise a family in quiet, safe areas provided the income is there

it's like you're giving Philly a bad rap for not being as spread out as LA or NY. my comment about it being too small really dealt with social circles, the same people can see each other at parties for 6 years straight, that wore thin to me
13055727, do u think that type of small contributes to the violence?
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 05:16 PM
bc it often does
plus the fact that if you are obviously an outsider bc everybody knows everybody
and niggas be on that shit ( if niggas dont be on that shit, correct me if im wrong lol) ur potential of being a vic is quite substantial. lol.
13055781, it's no different than any other ghetto
Posted by atruhead, Wed Aug-10-16 06:54 PM
black people without much surviving the only way they know by preying on one another
the mindset is the same whether we're talking Philly, LA, Atlanta or Chicago
13055812, RE: it's no different than any other ghetto
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 08:24 PM
Yeah those places are pretty bad too but since that's the only one in the ne...here we stand with this original post
13055917, what is that type of small?
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 08:21 AM
13055939, her word choices got me entertained
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 08:41 AM
abt the most dangerous NE city in America... lol

Philly is the 2nd largest NE city but it's also a type of small?
13055991, yeah i think she's doing it on purpose
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 09:27 AM
13055994, thats why i had to fall back. she was trolling the sh*t outta me
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 09:30 AM
13055997, is this the questlove flash poster??? lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:33 AM
guestlove yelled at me for using my flash and thats dumb.

i will never forget that post cause the wording of the title was hilarious

if not, my bad...
13055694, It's easily the grumpiest and crankiest city ive been to.
Posted by Jon, Wed Aug-10-16 04:44 PM
Which sucks because, abundance of grimaces and mean mugs aside, I actually really like Philly.

Btw, I live in Boston and have been to Paris and Marseille multiple times. All those places have a big reputation for grump. Philly (and Allentown) easily the shittiest attitudes, no contest, no hesitation. Perhaps Paris a close second.
13055713, lmao... this is a more accurate description
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 05:07 PM
lived there for 5 years. Never had a problem even tho i lived in west philly 49th and baltimore, 4th and tasker and on south and 15th.

i mostly witnessed fist fights, arguments and downright miserable people... and filth.

my wife lived by the fishmarket so i also saw an insane amount of italian family members arguing with fam and friends.

I still recreate an argument we witnessed with an old guy in a hoverround. fucking hilarious
13055780, ever go to bob and barbara's?
Posted by makaveli, Wed Aug-10-16 06:49 PM
I used to live on 15th and Catherine, love that place. Those old jazz dudes don't play there anymore, dude on the keys used to fall asleep during their set. The new band is good though. also, you can spend 12 dollars and walk out stumbling if you want to.
13055790, hell yeah... pbr and a well shot for $3. ping pong night was serious too
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 07:08 PM
that band used to be off the hook.

thay was the shit i loved about Philly. All the little dive bars.

Monks, Soma, Fluid, The Fire... used to get it in.

Soma on Tues. Bruh...
13055921, It's also the most self-defeating/loathing
Posted by B9, Thu Aug-11-16 08:28 AM
People that live in Philly treat the city, it's streets and buildings like they outwardly hate it and are fighting against making their own surroundings livable. No other place in the US where you will see people just throwing garbage on the ground almost as if it's a sport or city planners trying to fuck up the historical significance of buildings and neighborhoods. Folks only defend and support their city in words when an outsider is critical, spending more time and effort trying to come up with why Philly is better than X than it would take to, you know, pick up that WaWa cup you just tossed on the ground.
13055943, bruh, I worked for Mural Arts
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 08:52 AM
we took the kids to NYC and they were amazed at how clean it is. One little Italian girl thought it was too clean so she threw her garbage in the river.

I suspended her from the program for 2 days and when her mom came to pick her up after the field trip she rolled the window down and threw an empty bag of chips out of her window... in Old City.

I used to live in S. Philly and people would open their front doors to throw trash onto the street. smh...

and this is what made Sunny in Philly so genius. Cause the way those fools scream and argue is exactly how they do it IRL.

13056196, If only "competitive littering"were a sport, Philly would finally win something
Posted by B9, Thu Aug-11-16 01:14 PM
13056443, Oh. FUCK YEAH! Everybody is always yelling or pissy-faced?
Posted by JRennolds, Thu Aug-11-16 09:59 PM
The blacks just want to mug you.
13055708, I don't really understand the point of this post
Posted by makaveli, Wed Aug-10-16 05:02 PM
Like what is the end game here? You just want everyone to know (think) that Philly is really dangerous?
13055718, i bet there is an opportunity in philly she is scared of pursuing
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 05:12 PM

13055729, bruh u dont know me or what i do stop being weird
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 05:20 PM
you were all LoL agree-y before a small hint of dissent popped up stop
13055783, i definitely thought it was abt the most violent NE city in America
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 06:56 PM
whatever that means...

but what does that have to do with my half assed assumption of why you need it to be true?

your response makes me feel like i might be onto something
13055811, nope I'm just extra n it makes me respond to
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 08:23 PM
Preposterous things sometimes it's a flaw
13055813, whats the motivation?
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed Aug-10-16 08:31 PM
13055817, your FACE
Posted by GoldenWon, Wed Aug-10-16 09:00 PM
Give it to me lol
13055927, Philly chick done stole her man. She went to step to her...
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 08:32 AM
...then realized it was a bad idea when she was squaring-off and all of the girls' friends from the block came off their porches.
13055938, shook ones pt. III
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 08:40 AM
talking bout meet me at King of Prussia if you really bout that life.
13056013, She said her family's based in NY... we don't play that shit down here
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 09:41 AM
All that loud rah-rah talking will get one's jaw tapped.

I remember talking hip hop with this NYC dude a few years back, and he disagrees with me on some "NAH, SON! YO, FUCK THAT... HE'S A REAL STREET DUDE SON!"

Had me gritting on this dude for a sec wondering if he was trying to play me before he started smiling and I realized that's how those folks talk up there. They go other places and get friction tho.
13056026, based in NY??? That sounds like upstate to me...lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:49 AM
once again the word choice has me crying.

I'll never forget asking Jeru if any rappers were really on that thug shit and he said nah... none of them. They all lying.

What about Beans? Jeru paused, lifted a finger and said "Well, he's not a rapper"

Every new york nigga down here starts every sentence with "back in NY..." man stfu, you aint in NY nigga.
13056055, Probably. A lot of folks from NY do that down here
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 10:29 AM
You have to press them to find out they are from Rochester or someplace similar.
13055822, lol welcome back :)
Posted by dapitts08, Wed Aug-10-16 09:23 PM
13055866, lol ty :p
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 02:29 AM
13055919, lol..no it ain't..it aint as soft as ny but it aint the most dangerous
Posted by ambient1, Thu Aug-11-16 08:24 AM
13055922, ^^^ Bodymore, Murderland represent
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 08:28 AM
lol, j/k
13056042, lol..i was up there a few months back..i like Philly..it's like Bmore
Posted by ambient1, Thu Aug-11-16 10:05 AM
lite(aggressive but not overly) yet bigger and more diverse

like ya'll got sho-nuff Puerto Ricans & Dominicans runnin round
I fell in love like 4 times ....they r scarce down here lol

and ya'll love ya'll city...nothing but respeck from me
13055947, It's definitely a dump. But the veggie sub at Jim's....
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 08:54 AM
13055963, ohhhh there is this veggie place dwntn that is super lit
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 09:10 AM
forgot the name but its actually a chain...a very great chain though.

& yalls chinatown is pretty. lol
13055967, Hip city veg?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 09:14 AM
13056079, naw i feel like its french or something LOL
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 10:55 AM
possibly starts with a C
may have to google bc now its bothering me lol
13056086, Cosi?
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 11:00 AM
That's not a veg. spot tho.
13055986, we don't call them subs
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 09:27 AM
please don't come back.
13055995, veggie sub at jims? what a waste...
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 09:30 AM
they prolly slipped some fat back juices in that shit

jims is my fav tho...
13056000, RE: we don't call them subs
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 09:34 AM
>please don't come back.

13056003, RE: we don't call them subs
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 09:37 AM
13056007, i enjoyed both gifs equally
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 09:39 AM
nice job.
13056041, lol
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 10:05 AM
13056245, LOL
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Aug-11-16 01:56 PM
13055999, RE: It's definitely a dump. But the veggie sub at Jim's....
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 09:33 AM
13056002, lol @ Jim's Steaks... always a long line of suburbanites outside
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 09:36 AM
There's better spots for cheesesteaks in the city. Not Pats or Genos, either.
13056004, Cool?
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu Aug-11-16 09:37 AM
13056009, maybe not the best but jim's is damn good
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 09:40 AM
13056023, It just kills me when I see 40+ people in line for that place
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 09:49 AM
I've always wondered what kind of marketing campaign they run, because it apparently works. When I had one years ago I thought it was decent, but not outstanding (disclaimer: I only used to eat chicken cheesesteaks, so I know nothing about the beef jawns). I'm a big fan of the local neighborhood spots (not in center city) that out-of-towners wouldn't find anyway.
13056027, Ishkabibbles is that work and is less than a block away
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 09:52 AM
i think so many tourists end up on South Street (for whatever reason) that Jim's ended up being an attraction. it's cool tho. and the Jim's in West Philly and Delco are straight.
13056037, yeah, i had a banging cheesesteak the first time i went to philly for the greek
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 10:02 AM
but i was with philly niggas... i wouldnt go back there on my own.

Jims was my shit tho... I was raised in the burbs in Pittsburgh so maybe thats why it tasted so good.

and lol at my cousin calling me to ask wtf an ishkabibbles was... she thought dude set her up to get clowned and refused to ask someone on south st where it was..
13056043, this is awesome though
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 10:05 AM
13056194, When something becomes "iconic" it gets unreasonable
Posted by B9, Thu Aug-11-16 01:13 PM
Fucking two hour waits for Ginos East in Chicago?
45 minutes on line for a damn hotdog from Pinks?
Reds Eats is a shack in bumbfuck Maine that people wait three or fours in line for a $30 lobster roll?

13056022, Out of all the most populated cities in the USA it is by far the most dangerous
Posted by Musa, Thu Aug-11-16 09:48 AM
. I've seen people get shot, killed, ran over, stabbed and until I moved I didn't realize how much of a burden that is on anyone.

13056024, where'd you move to?
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 09:49 AM
13056144, Black Hollywood.
Posted by Musa, Thu Aug-11-16 11:52 AM
13056051, we played a pick up game with some hood niggas right below South and 15th
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 10:18 AM
after the game we copped some weed from one dude...

well, check this story out. Dude walks back to my boys crib, says he saw undercover and asked to stash his gun. Keep in mind we are backpack rap niggas who arent about that life. This nigga woke up my boy with a glock in his face. Ties him up, takes the playstation and some other shit and my boy begs him to let him keep a $20 for smokes. Dude says "aiight, my bad but someone robbed me and I have to pay for this package so i gotta do what i gotta do" puts a $20 in my boys pocket then he leaves... but he comes right back and takes the $20
and says "bruh, i cant even leave this $20 for you"

then my boy says "well, dont gag me, please dont gag me... i wont scream for help"

dude says.."yeah... good idea" and puts a rag in his mouth

when he finally got to the studio and told the story we fucking died laughing. (only cause he retold the story with jokes). When they told the landlord his first words were "you know, i watches CSI last night.." and laughed. smh...

but yeah... more than a few philly niggas i knew been tied up and robbed. one dude said he refuses to live on the first floor for that reason.
13056053, Were y'all near the old projects back behind South Street?
Posted by flipnile, Thu Aug-11-16 10:24 AM
I wouldn't even cop weed from back there when I was younger. Dudes used to stay getting robbed. Grimey South Philly dudes. They tore those projects down years ago, so now the whole area is mostly gentrified.
13056063, yup... bruh, i used to cop weed on W. Baltimore at midnight
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 10:36 AM
and at another store that was a front and only had 10 bags a chips and maybe 1 or 2 sodas in it.

looking back I couldnt believe how dumb that shit was... but i didnt have a connect.
13056142, I know exactly where you are talking about and I am familiar with
Posted by Musa, Thu Aug-11-16 11:50 AM
folks getting tied up and left to die after being robbed.

Your homie was lucky.
13056082, RE: Out of all the most populated cities in the USA it is by far the most dangerous
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 10:56 AM
shit is real
& hope youre okay bc ptsd is realer than ppl think
13056143, I'm off but I am not in denial about it and PTSD is an issue
Posted by Musa, Thu Aug-11-16 11:51 AM
for many of us in general.
13056239, big vibes to you
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 01:48 PM
13056140, Harrisburg is more dangerous
Posted by stattic, Thu Aug-11-16 11:46 AM
13056208, Where my dad used to live.
Posted by SP1200, Thu Aug-11-16 01:28 PM
And got strung out at :/
13056217, 2 hours from philly hmm
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 01:32 PM
i believe u tho
13056228, it's gotta be the type of small harrisburg is
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 01:42 PM
13056237, explain if u wish
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 01:47 PM
13056288, well, it's an about, small type city
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 02:34 PM
we all know how these about, type of small cities are. they are close to or somewhere in the middle type violent type cities in the northeast.
13056296, lmao.. I bet she is like
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Aug-11-16 02:48 PM
13056324, do u think that is a factor or no?
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 03:43 PM
bc off top, decatur definitely has an effect on atlanta lol
although to any place else in the world, no one is distinguishing riverdale or decatur from atlanta
u guys have allentown though to even it out. i guess. lol.
13056327, and then you have the mid atlantic plains to think about
Posted by makaveli, Thu Aug-11-16 03:48 PM
If you live in a plain and you are close to a valley you are looking for trouble. it's hard to keep a good man down if you live in Allentown.
13056358, lol thats real
Posted by GoldenWon, Thu Aug-11-16 05:29 PM
13056331, in the NE sh*t is too close together to do that. Harrisburg is 2 hours from
Posted by Government Name, Thu Aug-11-16 03:57 PM
Philly and NYC is 90 minutes. is the crime in NY related to Philly too lol?
13056505, Camden and Trenton are more dangerous too
Posted by stattic, Fri Aug-12-16 08:27 AM

These are all cities that existed independently of Philly or else we could tie NYC crime to Philly, but two are state capitals, and all have industrial heritage. Look at rust belt cities, and you will likely find more danger than Philly
13056614, and Wilmington & Chester
Posted by Cam, Fri Aug-12-16 10:54 AM
13056441, FACT.
Posted by JRennolds, Thu Aug-11-16 09:56 PM
I was on cool party drugs though...
13056498, lol i guess that made it easier
Posted by GoldenWon, Fri Aug-12-16 07:47 AM
13056523, Fine. stay out of my city then. We good either way
Posted by exactopposite, Fri Aug-12-16 09:14 AM
13056524, i felt that aggression lol
Posted by GoldenWon, Fri Aug-12-16 09:16 AM