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Topic subjectMedia compendium (let's rate and rank news sources)
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13050363, Media compendium (let's rate and rank news sources)
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:02 PM
i was originally gonna title this "OkayUK, Help me out!" and ask my tea & crumpet ni&&as to remind me of which of the papers over there are real and which are full of shit. i be getting them confused sometimes.

but then i thought, folks over there (and in other places) might have the same concerns.

this was after i saw some dumb shit on fb that was from like tmzworldnews.com

news is a consumer product now, and there are a lot of uninformed consumers. a ranking and rating by one person is gonna be prone to bias. but if we can list a news outlet, and then multiple ppl post up their opinions of them underneath (like the always 600 plat rate this poaster poasts we used to have), a consensus should emerge, at least among the okp cognoscenti.

so, i propose we list each outlet, and then people write underneath their opinions of the outlet.

for example

New York Times
- Mainstream. Centrist. Traditional news outlet - poetx
- rightwing rag. don't tell truth about chemtrails - wokebruh2020

Washington Post
- Mainstream. Centrist. Traditional news outlet - poetx

Washington Times
- super rightwing. Moony paper. - poetx

- to the right of fox news. don't poast no shit from here and think i'm clicking - poetx

Huffington Post
- used to be okay. definition of clickbaity. left of center, generally. lot of they stuff isn't really researched. did i mention clickbaity af? - poetx

if we get enough people to do this, it should hopefully, in aggregate cancel out individual bias. and folks from different places, or who are unfamiliar with an outlet have some semblance of deciding whether a news source is reputable or not, and whether there is a real (or perceived) bias that should be corrected for.

then triptych can run his magic on it, and make it a resource that can be used outside of okp.

b/c frfr, our people perish for lack of knowledge. but it's more counterfeit knowledge out there right now than fake MK bags, and it's only getting worse. fixing the political issues require an informed electorate (and an informed protest class, tbh).

what say you?

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050364, New York Times - US. nytimes.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:03 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050411, The paper of record.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 01:47 PM

No organization is perfect, but broadly speaking, I know of no better source.

This is the only paper that I read EVERY day.
13096781, Serious and sad question for NYT readers
Posted by janey, Mon Nov-21-16 01:58 PM
My idiot of a boss thinks that the NYT is too liberal to be trusted. Basically, he only trusts the BBC, and then only when they present some offbeat counterargument to the main story. Example: When the pussy grabbing tape was released, and everyone in this whole entire country was appalled, including most Republican leaders, my boss heard on BBC one evangelical minister saying "oh it was a long time ago, and we learn from our mistakes" and from that, my boss says that the fuss made by the "media" over the tape is biased.

I don't know what to do. On the one hand, I kind of would like to just not deal with this, just shut up and not discuss politics or the state of the world with him. On the other hand, shutting up is (a) not at all like me, and (b) not at all productive.

I uploaded BBC to my phone and follow it on twitter so that I can be armed with what I guess he thinks is accurate, but god damn I just want to quit my job.

I keep saying that it is fine to report from a point of view, but what is not fine is reporting something that is not a fact. My boss thinks that the NYT is so biased that it does not report facts.

I read the so-called "apology" letter, and to me, it doesn't read as an "apology." To my boss, it sounds like the Times is saying it was totally biased and now it will do better.

What the hell. Foreign news organizations aren't reporting from the perspective of constitutional issues. And they're not doing investigative reporting the way the NYT and other papers are. What can I do? Anything?

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
13050365, The Guardian (UK) - theguardian.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:04 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050371, Centrist/Left with the news, granola with their opinion pieces
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-28-16 01:05 PM
For a UK mag their us coverage is on par with your mainstream US mags (USA Today) and they've had some spectacular groundbreaking reporting like their current project on US police shootings.


Unfortunately they have articles like this though:


13050374, awesome. thanks for playing.
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:06 PM
peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050384, their longreads are kind of amazing - subscribe!
Posted by akon, Thu Jul-28-16 01:17 PM
i trust their coverage of the u.s more than i trust any american newspaper
they have an election minute post daily- that gives the highlights

oh, and they also have pretty good coverage of international affairs

*thumbs up!*
13050426, Just downloaded the app on your recommendation.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 01:58 PM

I'd been meaning to for a while, but this pushed me over the edge.
13050445, you can sign up to get their weekly long-reads by email
Posted by akon, Thu Jul-28-16 02:08 PM
typically indepth articles on sometimes random topics

e.g. you might enjoy this: https://www.theguardian.com/science/2016/jun/28/why-bad-ideas-refuse-die

13096573, My fave choice
Posted by kajsidog, Sun Nov-20-16 10:54 PM
They seem to be non-partisan. I check out the headlines daily.
Tons of content so I'm picky what I dive into: https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/series/vagina-dispatches
13050370, DISCUSSION about the post goes under here
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:05 PM
just trying to keep things neat.

if you think this is a dumb idea, please share that in reply to this reply.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050545, Has anyone in here found a new source from this post yet?
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 05:33 PM
thank you all for participating. i realized in writing that i take a lot of shit for granted, but there's people out there who don't know the difference between the NY Times and the NY Post.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050556, Really good post! Thanks for this. I'd been feeling saddened by the media
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 06:05 PM
as of late.

It's like news has become less about objective reporting of facts and more about spin and keeping up pace

Sometimes it feels like theyre just copping each others headlines and tweaking to their brand of reporting before quickly pushing out to readers, just to avoid the late pass. Like.. fast food journalism.

I recognize this is probably a super uninformed take on what actually happens lol, but just comes across this way when checking my news feed.

I know social media has completely changed the landscape, too. Guess I'm taken aback by how much it's affected quality.
13050768, u not the only one. i used to write. shit is depressing how bad it is.
Posted by poetx, Fri Jul-29-16 08:34 AM
>as of late.
>It's like news has become less about objective reporting of
>facts and more about spin and keeping up pace

i can't really watch the regular network news (local) w/o the strong urge to cuss and throw something, when they be pulling that 'both sides do it' mess. or 'gotta hear both sides' (c) desus. that reached a peak during that death panels shit and it's like the republicans found a glitch in the system, b/c they could outright lie and make shit up but reporters would dutifully give them their airtime opposite whatever a dem said just to uphold the 'letter' of the law of balance.

>Sometimes it feels like theyre just copping each others
>headlines and tweaking to their brand of reporting before
>quickly pushing out to readers, just to avoid the late pass.
>Like.. fast food journalism.

well, that's another thing. i was more sensitive via following sports, and analyzing sports, b/c if you looked closely you could see how one view (based off a box score or poor analysis) propagated throughout all of sports media, truth be damned.

but yeah, it happens with regular news, too. best recent example was during melania's plagiarism. folks were couching their headlines in fraidy cat quotes. no. that shit was objectively, and unequivocally PLAGIARISM. own that shit. i RT'd a few news outlet headlines saying just that. b/c no one establishment wanted to be the first to call a spade a spade.
>I recognize this is probably a super uninformed take on what
>actually happens lol, but just comes across this way when
>checking my news feed.

nope. your gut is right. (or, at least matches my gut and only semi-rigorous observation, so we have our own mini-nexus of confirmation bias working).

there have been stories and studies written on the subject, btw. and the conclusions always seem pretty dire. i was aware of the phenomenon 10, 20 yrs ago, but the current state of it is kind of frightening when you consider that a lynchpin of functional democracy is an informed electorate.

and lets not even get started on the paid (and free) troll farms where ppl just spew bullshit to derail ANY semblance of a conversation about what really happens in this country. it's upsetting if you care at all.

>I know social media has completely changed the landscape, too.
>Guess I'm taken aback by how much it's affected quality.

i think sm has accelerated some aspects of it, but the seeds of destruction were planted w/ reagan era deregulation of media markets.

just like the seeds of cultural destruction were sown with same (consolidation of entertainment outlets warped development of hip hop, r&b, and exacerbated age gap in black community). same shit.

but yeah, social media has a multiplier effect on everything. some things good, and some things bad.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050573, I go back and forth on whether my generation
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 07:08 PM
has a unique relationship with journalism. I turned 18 right after the 2000 election and Sept 11 happened during my first few weeks (far away) from home. The debate over going to war/the 2004 elections dominated campus right when my cohort was stepping up as student leaders. Amidst/after that, writing/creating and later managing/editing/producing became BY FAR the most common career path in my political science department. It seems like people I know are more likely to feel like getting the truth and narratives out there are more fruitful avenues than the traditional law/state/policy route. And that if *they* don't share those stories, they might go untold. We're definitely on different paths than the people who matriculated during the Clinton years, and it seems like the Obama years too....but I don't know if that's just my bias/bubble.
13050796, that's a very interesting take.
Posted by poetx, Fri Jul-29-16 09:40 AM
>has a unique relationship with journalism. I turned 18 right
>after the 2000 election and Sept 11 happened during my first
>few weeks (far away) from home. The debate over going to
>war/the 2004 elections dominated campus right when my cohort
>was stepping up as student leaders. Amidst/after that,
>writing/creating and later managing/editing/producing became
>BY FAR the most common career path in my political science
>department. It seems like people I know are more likely to
>feel like getting the truth and narratives out there are more
>fruitful avenues than the traditional law/state/policy route.
>And that if *they* don't share those stories, they might go
>untold. We're definitely on different paths than the people
>who matriculated during the Clinton years, and it seems like
>the Obama years too....but I don't know if that's just my

no doubt your cohort is overrepresented in the blog -> media outlet, as they would have natively had the form AND content to do that. as well as the indifference to really ride for doing an end around on the traditional media. and kudos for that. as we're compiling this list its amazing to see so many blogs / born on the internet outlets right alongside newspapers and magazines with 100 yr old pedigrees.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13051578, rather than considering a particular publication right/left/whatever
Posted by Rjcc, Mon Aug-01-16 11:03 AM
you'd probably be better off paying close attention to the bylines, and who edits what particular section.

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13052335, very true. especially with larger publications. but this was a reaction
Posted by poetx, Tue Aug-02-16 05:04 PM
to ninjas on fb poasting shit from newsmax. or the black bernie bro ass dude who linking to nationalreview to shit on clinton and justify why both sides are equivalent.

you already have a high degree of media savvy, so you can make distinctions, but a lot of folks who never really thought of it would prolly benefit more from the broad brush approach.

papers and stations used to be on the point/counterpoint ish, but not so much, anymore. but by all means, underneath a particular outlet, if there's a particular writer to look out for (or avoid), post that up.

i used to regard AP as cool, but when ron fournier was in charge of the washington bureau back in '08, his ideological thumbprints were all over it.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13051594, Great post | International News Sources
Posted by Boogiedwn, Mon Aug-01-16 11:37 AM
Thanks for this

Hopefully people will be able to list more overseas sources as well, there are things our mainstream media doesn't report which is front news there.
13054389, john oliver on journalism
Posted by akon, Mon Aug-08-16 09:46 AM
kind of apropos

13050373, Wall Street Journal (US, NY) - wsj.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:06 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050380, Economic Issues -Centrist/Right. Politics - Right
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-28-16 01:14 PM
Rupert Murdoch owned so you know how that goes when it comes to politics; Sometimes it comes off as a better written NYpost.

On economics they do a fair job because its much more fact based but this infographic they infamously posted a couple of years ago showcases their problem

13050395, economics - usually brutally honest. Politics - rightward/probiz
Posted by kayru99, Thu Jul-28-16 01:29 PM
13050402, varies wildly depending on the topic, author and sourcing
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jul-28-16 01:36 PM
they cover practically everything now, some stuff better than others.

as with all the big business journals, there are a number of leaks, but usually the bigger question is who does this leak benefit and why

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13050414, I use Bloomberg for the slightly left alternative.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jul-28-16 01:49 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13050538, people always linking content that's behind a paywall
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:23 PM
13050550, LOL. this was my gut reaction.
Posted by PROMO, Thu Jul-28-16 05:50 PM
13050575, google the title. click.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jul-28-16 07:32 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13050876, lol. yup.
Posted by dapitts08, Fri Jul-29-16 10:59 AM
13050375, London Times (UK) - thetimes.co.uk
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:07 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050407, just the Times. it's national
Posted by blackrussian, Thu Jul-28-16 01:44 PM
and yes I realise you're creating a distinction between it and the NYT but (UK) would have sufficed.
13050523, 'preciate that.
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 04:44 PM
didn't want someone calling me out later on for not differentiating from the czechoslovakian times or something.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050419, I know nothing, but basically assume they're the WSJ of the UK.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 01:53 PM

Which kinda saddens me, because I've always had a natural affinity for things with centuries of history behind them.
13050376, TMZ (US) tmz.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:08 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050382, sheer fuckery
Posted by JellyBean, Thu Jul-28-16 01:15 PM
with a touch ugh!
13050398, modern enquirer tabloid. Except a LOT more accurate
Posted by kayru99, Thu Jul-28-16 01:31 PM
13050408, Probably had very good coverage of the GOP convention.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 01:45 PM
13050470, If they say you're dead, you're fucking dead.
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jul-28-16 02:54 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13050386, economist
Posted by akon, Thu Jul-28-16 01:20 PM
they have several regional editions (so sometimes the covers are different)

- weekly rag
also online.

i personally find it very informative and in-depth - some pieces might be way too indepth
their africa coverage tends to be iffy - really depends on their correspondent - i think its a lot better now than it was a few years ago. so i mainly take that with a grain of salt.

but if you want a magazine to read cover to cover during the week
i'd recommend this

(oh there's the online edition too, im subscribe to the physical mag)

13050389, Its my fav. Centrist with a boatload of information
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-28-16 01:24 PM
Probably only flaw is sometimes their economics can go a little to the right (and they can be on the low quite entertainingly snarky), but considering their audience im surprised how on the nose they are even with those issues.

13050543, only subscription i still have
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:31 PM
something about reading the economist in printed form...the dear sirs and the charts really pop.

i really liked intelligent life before the luxury aspect became more of the focus and the 1843 rebrand...they were ahead of the game with the long form articles they were putting on the web a few years ago.
13050387, politico (i have no idea)
Posted by akon, Thu Jul-28-16 01:20 PM
13050415, I love it for the insider-ism. Politico talks about what the people in
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu Jul-28-16 01:50 PM
Washington talk about.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13050416, Can be extremely hacky, but nobody's more up on the horserace stories.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 01:50 PM
13050427, right wing. maybe center-right. very washington insidery, as has been mentioned.
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 01:58 PM
worth reading here and there to know what the political establishment is thinking and feeling (or wants you to think and feel).

albeit, imo, shaded right.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050530, feels more establishmenty than right to me
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:06 PM
13050558, i formed the opinion when i was doing a *very* close read of election coverage.
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 06:09 PM
probably in '08 and stopped really fucking w/ them. they could have moved some since then.

the following is interesting:


according to that, which is more recent, they are closer to the middle and, more establishment-y than anything. which is consistent with what others are saying here.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050568, that makes sense
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 06:48 PM
President Obama was still lacked legitimacy with much of the establishment in 2008
13050535, I used to like, but they can be a little too biased for me.
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 05:20 PM

They've annoyed me with their election coverage this year.
13050434, breitbart.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 02:00 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050439, i would not wipe my ass with this for fear of sullying my dookie.
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 02:06 PM
very rightwing. will make shit up. was an instrumental part of the shitstorm of slanted and inaccurate reporting that got shirley sherrod fired.

was founded by andrew breitbart who is now dead.

ONLY time they show any concern for justice is when it impacts them directly, like during the trump campaign when it's reporters were roughed up by trump's goons and goon aspirers. but the reporter in question quit and the company itself didn't go to bat for her.

do not link me to anything from them. i will not read it, nor will i give those festering assholes a percentage of a penny from a click. and if you cite it, unironically (ie, to make a pro bernie point), i will think exponentially less of you as a person.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050444, Its like someone said, "lets make Drudge report, but much much worse"
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-28-16 02:08 PM
Because even with Drudge's slant at least they periodically break a legit news story.

Every one involved in Breibart is a despicable human being.
13050443, A completely piece of shit. Worse then shit actually
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-28-16 02:07 PM
because at least you can use shit to fertilize plants.

Makes Foxnews = Nytimes
13050518, I hate that his name lived on
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jul-28-16 04:34 PM
fuck Andrew Breitbart
13050436, FiveThirtyEight
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 02:02 PM
13050440, Still great in election season. Consistently disappointing otherwise.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 02:06 PM

The sports coverage is presumably good, but I wouldn't know, because I'm a communist.

I have high hopes for "data journalism", but they haven't found the method yet. I think if they were staffed by 25 clones of Nate Silver, they'd be better.
13050447, nate is still that dude. i still *heart* him from the last election cycles.
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 02:11 PM
and used to check them out before the nyt buyout / collab.

they sports ish is pretty dope. that was the origin of it all (analytics, etc).

i love the idea of 538 even when i don't love the product, but i typically dig anything they do.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050549, I only check for their politics coverage but, I LOVE this approach to news.
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 05:45 PM

It's like academic reporting.

I understand it's a niche... they cater to readers who actually care about the methodology behind the analyses used to draw their conclusions and whatnot. They take the time to layout any assumptions they made before hand, comment on data quality, and sometimes even provide links to data they used if publicly accessible, etc.

But I love the inherent transparency and accountabilty in the approach.

I wish they, or another news organization, could expand this approach to other topic areas like world affairs, business, environment etc.

For example, instead of just reporting the magnitude and death toll about some horrific earthquake in Asia, it would be kind of interesting to have the scientific context about why there, why then, and perhaps some modeling of the ongoing risk and impacts for the region.

13050437, Vox
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 02:02 PM
13050492, Politics, pop culture, sports, science, etc. A little bit of everything
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jul-28-16 03:31 PM

Some of their articles read like ">insert topic< for Dummies," which is helpful for me with issues I'm not familiar with. It can be a useful place to start if you're going to do further research on your own.

I'd say they lean left but not super-heavily.
13050519, I'm a fan
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jul-28-16 04:34 PM
13050527, generally a fan...i worry about their model moving forward
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:01 PM
it's definitely one of the sites i check for every day. i appreciate that they're so focused on trying to put news stories into context.

however, and i'm not sure why this is the case, my read is the staff is struggling to generate content and keep up with the 24 hour cycle. maybe it was a blip (today had a lot of interesting new things), but there were some weeks earlier this year when there was a lot of non-content filling the page. for example: when pokemon go dropped they dropped quite a few articles dropped that were the authors trying wedge old content or current story ideas into pokemon themes.
13050442, NPR (US) stands for National Public Radio. npr.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 02:06 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050578, recently downloaded the app
Posted by akon, Thu Jul-28-16 07:47 PM
i think publicly funded media is vitally important (see bbc)

13050720, left leaning, but generally balanced. output depends on host station
Posted by shygurl, Fri Jul-29-16 02:01 AM
Here in Chicago, the lineup is terrible imo. A lot of BBC streaming, random music shows focusing on music middle aged Pawpaws listen to, marquee shows don't really come on at good times.

Conversely, the DC station was freaking awesome. A lot of really, really great local programming, a wider variety in programming, showtimes that made sense. I miss it.

13050446, Democracy Now (US) - democracynow.org
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 02:09 PM
amy goodman an nem. produced by pacifica.org, which is a network of independent, listener funded radio stations (WBAI in NY, WPFW in DC, KPFK in cali).

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050479, left of NPR, but the epitomy of good journalism. amy goodman is
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 03:15 PM
on of journalism's GOATs, and a true pioneer. juan gonzalez is great.

they also have a very global perspective and an incredibly diverse roster.

if you don't know about them, you really should listen to their daily news.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050547, ^
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:36 PM
13050454, The Daily Beast
Posted by Government Name, Thu Jul-28-16 02:21 PM
13050455, The Atlantic
Posted by Government Name, Thu Jul-28-16 02:22 PM
13050516, everyone should read their Obama Doctrine piece if they haven't
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jul-28-16 04:33 PM
13050531, every time i read it i wish i read it more.
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:07 PM
13050533, ^^ this is me. lol
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 05:14 PM
13050534, Top notch. In-depth articles a strength here too.
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 05:16 PM
13050553, fantastic read, all the time. started really messing w/ them for TNC, but
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 06:00 PM
i usually love everything i read from The Atlantic. they are the exact type of place i'd love to write if i were still writing.

they provide substantiated opinion. always insightful.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050456, Vice
Posted by Government Name, Thu Jul-28-16 02:22 PM
13050464, my personal fave
Posted by ambient1, Thu Jul-28-16 02:43 PM
13050469, Solid but it can be more voyeuristic then hard news
Posted by BigReg, Thu Jul-28-16 02:53 PM
And somehow they found the most punchable motherfuckers possible to be their reporters.
13050515, Love "Cyber Wars" on Viceland, hate the fucking host
Posted by stankpalmer, Thu Jul-28-16 04:27 PM
And the show stays having long dramatic shots of him logging into Xanga or whatever. Fuck that dude.
13050513, News for poeple who vape
Posted by handle, Thu Jul-28-16 04:16 PM
13050529, their best, like the creators project, is amazing
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:06 PM
i check that regularly.

if someone sends me a link, i'll definitely read it.

don't consider it a news source though.
13050594, I love the HBO series
Posted by Mynoriti, Thu Jul-28-16 08:39 PM
Vice itself is ok
13050726, Anyone else read the Bun B convention dispatch series ?
Posted by AFRICAN, Fri Jul-29-16 03:52 AM
Not really a fan of some their articles but one of my fav rappers killed it.
13096447, It's been very hard to track down their magazine issues.
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Sat Nov-19-16 08:55 PM
I used to love reading it.
13096887, are they still in print?
Posted by Shogun, Mon Nov-21-16 03:22 PM
13050462, Think Progress
Posted by Damali, Thu Jul-28-16 02:36 PM
13050536, no chill
Posted by rob, Thu Jul-28-16 05:21 PM
i don't really have a problem with an unabashedly american-lefty new source, but i think they fail in their duty to provide context and be a rigorous outlet. often an unintentional parody:

displacement crises in colombia - 68 shares
climate change and flood prediction models - 80 shares
trump hates naps - 268 shares

definitely wouldn't cite it in mixed company.

13050489, TPM (US ) - talkingpointsmemo.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 03:27 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050524, Christian Science Monitor
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 04:48 PM
13050532, I like CSM when it comes to in-depth articles about sectarian conflicts,
Posted by kfine, Thu Jul-28-16 05:13 PM

world affairs and just.. issues/events with a super complex web of causes, timelines and actors in general. Theyre good for that.

I find they strike a good balance between digging into the details yet not being consistently partisan to one particular side/view
13050615, Much better than you may expect...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jul-28-16 09:13 PM
I often find them on the Google news aggregate and they're a very solid source of news. It seems like the articles I read from them are on things other than politics. But they come off as a no frills, no agenda sources.
13096647, Back when I was a kid I remember pops scooping that paper up.
Posted by normal35762, Mon Nov-21-16 10:25 AM
13050537, The New Yorker
Posted by benny, Thu Jul-28-16 05:22 PM
13050541, I used to only pick it up for long plane rides
Posted by benny, Thu Jul-28-16 05:26 PM
left-of-center, kinda old-school NY liberal vibe

They are pretty famous for their long-reads and rightly so, but since subscribing I've been getting into their daily content and it's really quite astute. John Cassidy and Amy Davidson are basically on a daily-reading level for me with all the craziness from the campaign.

Still have yet to read a single fiction piece though.
13050551, I don't really treat it as a news source; more just a really good magazine.
Posted by stravinskian, Thu Jul-28-16 05:54 PM

But I love the New Yorker.
13050723, Shockingly, we agree.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Jul-29-16 02:21 AM
I'm surprised it's even listed for news, but yeah I love reading their long pieces.

Not big on "the latest" stuff on their website/app.
13050539, Daily Kos (US) dailykos.com
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 05:23 PM
founded by markos moulitsas, it is another blog turned major news outlet, a la huffpo, tpm, politico, etc.

it is an aggregator, so users 'diary' (write poasts) on there, which usually are commentary on news breaking and being reported elsewhere. they are pretty tight on not just cut & pasting stuff, and go out of their way to link to originals and self-police about not stealing others' work, which is good. there are a few featured / paid diarists.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050544, kind of an alt/left reddit, where stories are voted up. good for breaking political
Posted by poetx, Thu Jul-28-16 05:31 PM
news and links to sources, analysis, etc.

not as immediate as twitter (or okp in it's prime), but if there's anything going on in the realm of progressive (left of dem) politics, there'll be a couple diaries about it on kos. (pronounced KOSE, not chaos, as i initially thought when i started going there).

there've been some great schisms there. like during '08 when clinton's noxious Pumas were fighting a battle there which they eventually lost. and others on the further left get frustrated by markos credo of better and bluer democrats, which is kind of antithetical to the bernie or bust crew. they push hard for progressive politics, including full throated support of the creation of viable third parties, but from the top down, tend toward a pragmatic view regarding national electoral politics.

a few of the more famous posters / diarists there have spun off and done amazing thing. best example is former 'poblano', who is nate silver, who broke off and created 538.com (i think back prior to the '08 elections, before ultimately getting his whole squad on at the nyt, and now fivethirtyeight.com).

good place for in depth discussion of wonky shit.

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050566, I always thought it was pronounced "chaos"
Posted by nonaime, Thu Jul-28-16 06:36 PM
good post, btw
13050567, The Young Turks (US) - http://tytnetwork.com
Posted by Kira, Thu Jul-28-16 06:46 PM
The Young Turks (TYT) is an American political commentary web series hosted by Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian. Its stance is liberal/progressive/left-wing. It began as a radio program in 2002 on Sirius Satellite Radio and later on Air America, before airing in 2005 on YouTube and later on Roku and Hulu.

The Young Turks live streams for two hours. The first hour focuses on American politics, foreign policy, and breaking news and is hosted by Cenk Uygur. The second hour provides social commentary on a wide range of topics both domestic and foreign and is hosted by Ana Kasparian along with Cenk Uygur. In the post-game show, Cenk and Ana discuss their personal lives. Issues that the show focuses on include the influence of money in politics, drug policy, social security, the privatization of public services, climate change, the influence of religion, abortion and reproductive rights, and sexual morality.

Cenk has regular bits and on-air interaction with others who create and run the show: Jesús Godoy, Dave Koller, Jayar Jackson, Steve Oh, and others.

Every Friday, The Young Turks features a panel of guests from the worlds of politics, journalism, pop culture, sports, and comedy. It is led by John Iadarola and Cenk Uygur in the first hour and Ana in the second hour. Other fill in hosts and recurring guests include: Ben Mankiewicz, John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore, Brian Unger, Hannah Cranston, Hasan Piker, Becca Frucht, Brett Erlich, Wes Clark Jr, Michael Shure, Cara Santa Maria, RJ Eskow, Dave Rubin, Gina Grad and Kim Horcher.

Politically, The Young Turks is liberal/progressive. Cenk Uygur describes himself as an "independent progressive" and asserts that the show is aimed at the "98 per cent 'not in power'" and what he describes as the 60% of Americans who hold progressive views.
13050574, RealClearPolitics.com
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Thu Jul-28-16 07:19 PM
right-leaning AF but great during election time

& they do pepper in some leftist journalism
13050721, Reuters - HQ in United Kingdom and is a division of Thomson Reuters.
Posted by RaFromQueens, Fri Jul-29-16 02:08 AM
The only news app on my phone. Just the facts, ma'am.

They're so thorough they didn't take the quotes off "terrorist attack" re: 9/11 until Al Qaeda took credit.
13050727, Aljazeera{website}
Posted by AFRICAN, Fri Jul-29-16 03:53 AM
13050728, BBC
Posted by AFRICAN, Fri Jul-29-16 03:53 AM
13050729, Newstatesman
Posted by AFRICAN, Fri Jul-29-16 03:54 AM
13050738, The media's goal is to make a profit -- not inform the public
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-29-16 06:53 AM
They're all a waste IMO
13050784, what are your favorite news sources?
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-29-16 09:11 AM
13050802, Kemetic texts, my brainwashed brother
Posted by BigReg, Fri Jul-29-16 09:48 AM
You may read these 'inter-nets' but anyone who has true knowledge of self knows that the way to stay abreast of the world's happenings is to engross yourself in the ancestors words and open yourself to the nature around you and the visions will guide.

I knew that Cleveland won the championship simply by the way my tea leaves organized themselves and the feel of my mahogany wood at my altar (the slight humidity from the summer air reflected Lebron's tears). You niggas need to get woke.
13050861, lmao
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri Jul-29-16 10:48 AM
13050869, lmaoooo. i'm sayin
Posted by Government Name, Fri Jul-29-16 10:56 AM
13050913, no need to worry about tomorrow when it has enough worry of its own
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-29-16 11:24 AM
13050965, if u ain't reading ur news in MD NTR in 2016, you late and sleep.
Posted by poetx, Fri Jul-29-16 12:29 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13050909, none, but BBC news and NHK news are two I'll sit through
Posted by Atillah Moor, Fri Jul-29-16 11:23 AM
13054239, NYT, Guardian, 538, Facebook, Google News
Posted by Triptych, Sun Aug-07-16 02:55 PM
13054446, those are kind of the standbys. w/ excepion of google news.
Posted by poetx, Mon Aug-08-16 11:17 AM
i might check that out as an alternative to yahoo. b/c i hate that they include fox news in their aggregation, and they don't allow you to fine tune the 'feed' by source. (like, i can say, don't show me anything else about the k*rdashians, but i can't say 'stop showing me anything from Fox or n*wsmax', etc).

how you been?

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13096446, so this turned out to be a huge deal. what with many news orgs speculating
Posted by poetx, Sat Nov-19-16 08:42 PM
that fake news had a significant impact on the election.

and i STILL see people posting bullshit sources.


this needs to be a think. a politifact type resource that rates and ranks news sources
13096477, Hmm... people who believe fake news are already gone
Posted by legsdiamond, Sun Nov-20-16 10:51 AM
Everyone on FB who post and repost fake news are usually conspiracy theorist to begin with and planned on voting for Trump.

I could see how it would motivate a few lazy non voters tho
13096480, LOL@MSM blaming fake news stories for Trump's election
Posted by bentagain, Sun Nov-20-16 11:32 AM
I was taught in psych class that most votes are cast on basic name recognition

That's why so much money in a campaign is spent on advertising

The billions of free coverage and the disparity in coverage had way more influence on this election than fake news

Who's at fault when the MSM gives Hamilton tweets a weeks' worth of coverage?

Only news outlet that has any merit to me is Democracy Now!
13096631, Deutsche Welle
Posted by normal35762, Mon Nov-21-16 10:08 AM
13096632, France 24
Posted by normal35762, Mon Nov-21-16 10:09 AM
13096641, CCTV
Posted by normal35762, Mon Nov-21-16 10:17 AM
13096645, NKH (Japan)
Posted by normal35762, Mon Nov-21-16 10:21 AM
13096649, PowerLine (conservative, right-wing)
Posted by infin8, Mon Nov-21-16 10:31 AM
their logo is the letters P & L with a lightning bolt in the background, which I suppose symbolizes power....and guess what color that power is?

I clicked on a sotry about how, post-election, the 'Associated
Press Still Campaigns for the Left'.

I don't know how they ended up on my feed (out of nowhere), and I immediately was gonna post about it this morning. This post is timely as FK.