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Topic subjectThe reaction by Bernie diehards has only helped her case w/ voters
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13047768&mesg_id=13049532
13049532, The reaction by Bernie diehards has only helped her case w/ voters
Posted by stattic, Wed Jul-27-16 09:25 AM

and is just a blip. The protesters' whining and unwillingness to accept defeat affirmed the perception that Sanders and his followers were just activists with gripes and not part of a serious movement with concrete ideas and solutions. They are playing right into that narrative.

Meanwhile, the speeches at the DNC contrast that behavior with a positive tone and a narrative of a candidate who is an experienced agent of change with the political skills to get things done. For the people who matter in this election, those who may have been inclined to vote Republican but are put off by his schtick, this sober-minded portrayal will be compelling.

The hardcore BernieBros and Broettes claiming that they will vote for Jill Stein are not Democrats and probably do not even vote in general elections. The extreme supports are probably former participants in the Ron Paul experience, i.e., they are naive and unseasoned. Regardless, they are an insignificant population of voters.