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Topic subjectThe legend of Azealia Banks continues to grow...
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13040895, The legend of Azealia Banks continues to grow...
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Jul-05-16 12:33 PM

she on that clorox?


Azealia Banks has defended bleaching her skin.

The '212' rapper, who called Zayn Malik a "curry scented b****" and slammed Iggy Azalea after she criticised Beyoncé for supposedly poking fun at "stereotypical white names" like Becky on her album 'Lemonade', has admitted she's now started to bleach her own skin.

And the 25-year-old musician doesn't seem to think there is a "difference" between changing the colour of her skin and having plastic surgery and wearing hair extensions.

In a video for Facebook live, she said: "What's the difference between getting a nose job and changing your skin colour?"

"Nobody was upset when I was wearing 30-inch weaves and tearing out my edges and doing all that type of s*** like that. You guys loved it."

Shortly after the outspoken singer's video was posted online several fans called Azealia a hypocrite after the comments she'd made about "cultural appropriation" in the past.

Azealia went on to say how she didn't think it was "important" to discuss why bleaching your skin is a "necessity" for African-American people.

She added: "I don't really think it's important to discuss the cultural importance of skin bleaching anymore because just as African-American people in this world, you assimilate. There are things that you accept not out of necessity, but things that become the norm because it's just happening all of the time."

The 'Big Big Beat' star had her Twitter account suspended after she launched a vile racist and homophobic rant on Zayn Malik and she admitted she felt "shoved into a corner and punished" for her actions.

She previously said: "I feel really sad and uninspired. I'm having trouble mustering up enough smiles and enthusiasm to finish 'Fantasea 2'.

"I feel deeply misunderstood. I feel cheated, I feel stolen from. I feel though as I've made and am making such huge contributions to the times, as far as music and the national conversation go, only to be shoved into a corner and punished while I watch my ideas and insight get paraphrased and repackaged by everyone."
13040900, fame is a hellavu drug
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-05-16 12:37 PM
13040901, Did she outright admit it, or is she arguing the idea for the sake of
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jul-05-16 12:39 PM
debate/discussion? Honest question, because what I've read doesn't have her actually saying anything along the lines of "yes, I'm doing this".

Although, I have noticed the difference in her skin tone. I assumed it was make-up. I've seen girls her color cake on makeup that is lighter than their normal skin tone.
13040902, looks like its on and poppin..
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Jul-05-16 12:45 PM
Azealia Banks has defended bleaching her skin.

The '212' rapper has admitted she's now started to bleach her own skin.

13040906, Iggy Azaela getting that shine really did a number on her
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-05-16 12:48 PM
13040914, its a shame what shes become because she actually has talent
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Jul-05-16 12:56 PM
but her off mic antics become more and more bizarre. not sure what is actually her motivation at this point
13040942, she comes off way too entitled...
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-05-16 01:45 PM
reminds me of another female artist who producers loathe...

I'm not surprised one bit she has skin issues tho, this industry is all about appearance these days.

look at Adele, she sold 10 billion records and is still getting nose surgery cause the powers that be refuse to let you win while being yourself unless you fit that mold.
13040910, I see quotes about various things from her, but that is not one of them.
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jul-05-16 12:51 PM
She's a Hotep and likes to discuss and debate racial stuff in a particularly Hotepish way. I want to see the quote where she actually says she's bleaching.
13040939, lol, you wanna see the fingerprints on the bleach jar too?
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-05-16 01:41 PM
stop it
13040943, You can't find them either, huh? Cool, glad to know it's not just me.
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jul-05-16 01:45 PM
13040958, The pics here are inconclusive:
Posted by flipnile, Tue Jul-05-16 02:24 PM

I look really dark in the summer and a bit lighter in the winter, and depending on the camera angle I could go from dark chocolate to coffee w/ cream (similar to her pics).
13040966, I dated a girl who was medium brown, almost light skinned, but still in the
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jul-05-16 02:30 PM
brown zone. She went in the bathroom once while we were about to go out and emerged about two shades lighter. That was the first time I'd ever seen that kind of transformation due to strictly make-up. That's why I'm asking where the quote is.

All I see so far is her asking Things That Make You Go Hmm type questions about color and weave and beauty standards., which she likes to do.
13040956, A "Hotepper" with a weave & skin bleaching regimen? lol
Posted by flipnile, Tue Jul-05-16 02:20 PM
13040959, She says Hoteppy stuff. The weave is costume (it goes down to the
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue Jul-05-16 02:25 PM
back of her knees). And the bleaching thing is what I'm looking for confirmation on. People are taking the words of an article (NOT a quote) as if it is a quote. I want to make sure she's not just going along with the question that's been raised (does Azealia Banks bleach?) to explore black self-image issues. Because she doesn't actually say yes/no to the actual question of whether she bleaches.
13040997, i thk its pretty much confirmed..take a look/listn to the vid in qstn
Posted by mikediggz, Tue Jul-05-16 03:25 PM
now given...she gives some interesting reasonings lol...like using acne meds can cause your skin to lighten

13040949, I wonder if it's fire. Because there has to be a crazy tipping point.
Posted by MEAT, Tue Jul-05-16 01:55 PM
At some point the crazy is just so wild that it's not even good.
13040974, nah, I bet it ain't fire AT ALL
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue Jul-05-16 02:41 PM
when they pop off too much they usually wack in the sack.

13041071, You're both wrong...it's absolutely combustible. Bet that.
Posted by murderbear, Tue Jul-05-16 05:49 PM
Positively pyrotechnic pussy.

And I can't wait.

That crazy broad is my muthafuckin snoogaboo, but she do me so dirty with these catshit crazy tales.
13040979, These times are not kind to artists .
Posted by AFRICAN, Tue Jul-05-16 02:49 PM
Back in the day there was a delay between acts of stupidity and the public finding out and reacting to it.
Jokes aside I think she needs help.