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Topic subjectI can't take this "old school" shit.
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13029512, I can't take this "old school" shit.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 10:52 AM
On my car ride home from work yesterday I flip on the radio and they're playing Common's "Sixth Sense." Like everyone else, I love that joint. Then after the song, the host comes on talking about how Common played Soundset and it's great to see "old school" acts at the festival doing their thing and whoopty-woo.

But, I can't accept Common as old school. I know his first album came out 24 years ago. He's been in the game for a long ass time now, but, I also refuse to put him in the same category that I put Kurtis Blow in. He does not belong lumped in with Sugar Hill Gang, or even Kane. That's old school to me. Common certainly ain't new, but this dichotomy between new school and old school just doesn't work for me. At what point does any artist even transition into being "old school." When does Jay-Z become "old school"? Kanye? J. Cole?

Basically, we need some new categories.

I'm the only one that feels this way?
13029515, high school rule:
Posted by double negative, Thu Jun-02-16 10:54 AM
if it was your shit in high school its old school.

if you graduated in 2010 then the music of that time is old school.
13029518, Can't wait for the Old School sets to feature Future
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Thu Jun-02-16 10:57 AM
13029521, That makes sense but it doesn't solve the problem
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:00 AM
which is basically ignoring history or historical eras in order to just separate what's hot right now from everything else.

Like if I'm talking to someone and they say they like "old school hip hop" the only thing they're really saying is that they don't like music from 2009-2016. They could be saying they like Beanie Sigel or that they like Run DMC.
13029526, LMAO! You're mad at getting old, not the categories!
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jun-02-16 11:03 AM

>I'm the only one that feels this way?

I'm not sure how old you are but 24 years is a long ass time, especially within the realm of hip-hop. And hip-hop "generations" (for lack of a better term) are notoriously short. It makes me grow several more gray hairs, when I hear people say it. But that's definitely old school to the younger generation of today.

Folks who are nearly 30 probably don't remember that song from when it dropped.

13029534, I get that.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:08 AM
And I'm 30. I remember when that song came out.
My point is that "old school" is too all encompassing. So much so that it almost doesn't mean anything at all. Basically just that it hasn't been "hot" in the mainstream for 5+ years.

That kinda dichotomy just isn't useful for anything that's more than a decade old. And like you said, the generations in hip-hop move very fast making "old school" even more useless.
13029543, So you were what, 15 in the year 2000? Even then, Prince's 1999
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:12 AM
was considered "old school"....

Welcome to your 30's fam.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029551, I think I have a better understanding of what you mean...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jun-02-16 11:18 AM

I think you see "old school" as being a set & specific era. Let's say 1980-1986 is your "old school" era. So you don't like when the younger generations refer to Common, Wu-Tang, Snoop, etc as old school. It's like this era deserves its own specific name.

Is that kinda what you mean?

13029557, Trapped in the 90's rappers.
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:20 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029559, Backpack Generations
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:20 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029561, When Rap Was Good
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:20 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029576, Pretty much.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:29 AM
13029530, 10 years ago they played Biggie and called it old school
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jun-02-16 11:05 AM
I was HEATED!!!

13029536, My wife and I went to this bbq hosted by her job
Posted by Innocent Criminal, Thu Jun-02-16 11:09 AM
The DJ said he was going to throw some old school on, he played "In Da Club" as the first song.
13029541, smmfh
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:11 AM
no. just no.
13029568, yeah, I see what dude is saying.
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jun-02-16 11:23 AM
Old School is early 80's rap for old heads.

but for a 15 year old In Da Club is their Old School.

shit hurts my soul tho when I hear them say old school mix and it's shit from 7 years ago.

13029560, I'mma age myself right here...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jun-02-16 11:20 AM

I got "Get rich or Die Trying" on CD from Columbia House (or maybe BMG) for my girl when we started dating.
13029567, columbia house
Posted by infin8, Thu Jun-02-16 11:22 AM
I'm finna go do some work.

yall wildin
13029586, Lol you were still using Columbia House in '03
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:36 AM
I didn't know anyone was fucking with them after like '96.
13029597, Yeah, I was REALLY late to the party
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jun-02-16 11:43 AM

I used it from maybe 2000-2004. And this was around the time when digital music was really taking off. I just never imagined that I'd ever stop using CDs.
13029703, hey, man...when you can get 13 CDs for $1.96...you do that shit
Posted by Dstl1, Thu Jun-02-16 01:33 PM
13029729, You literally just returned home from FYE
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 01:51 PM
You literally just copped an All City Crew cd and a tape adapter for your DiscMan because you refuse to upgrade that car stereo to that fancy newfangled digital display.
13029746, I was rollin' all over Ohio like this...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jun-02-16 02:07 PM

13029531, *hands H-Rock his cane*
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:06 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029537, Our verbiage is awful sometimes.
Posted by JFrost1117, Thu Jun-02-16 11:09 AM
No one really says "old school rock". It's "classic Rock", prestigious and required listening. "Old school hip hop & R&B" invokes images of washed Unsung artists still trying to hold on to relevance.

My mom showed me a FB video where this kid had no idea why her mom was grooving so hard to "I Wanna Be Your Lover".
13029544, Exactly my point. We need new language.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:13 AM
Especially as the genre ages.
13029571, "golden era" but yeah, we don't name our eras
Posted by double negative, Thu Jun-02-16 11:24 AM
13029618, Star made this same point on the Rapaport podcast
Posted by 13Rose, Thu Jun-02-16 11:59 AM
Old School doesn't work. I think we should use something like Classic Hip Hop which can encompass RUN DMC and Wu Tang, but only the really classic stuff. Aside from that we can call them by numerical generations like Transformers. G1 is Melle Mel, Kool Moe Dee, Cold Crush. G2 is Run DMC, LL, Whodini. G3 is Big Daddy Kane, Kool G, Ice T, EPMD, NWA (Aka the beginning of the Golden Age).

Maybe that works?
13029623, I'm with that!
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 12:03 PM
I'd love to see that actually written out up to the current generation!
We'd have to be on like G10 now, right?
13029539, I was 16 in *does the math* like 1993 or so....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:10 AM
1993 - 24 = 1969.
I guarantee you that ANY song that was played on the radio from 1969 would have been considered "old school".
Hell...even though Stevie Wonder was still making hits in the 90's he was Old School....

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029558, But it wasn't a 24 year old song, it was a 16 year old song.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:20 AM
From an artist who's popularity peaked 11 years ago.

But my point isn't that Common isn't a vet or that his music is hot right now or anything like that.
Just that if he's old school, what do we call Grandmaster Caz? How can we put the two of them in the same box?
13029570, cmon bruh.. a 16 year old song is OLD as hell to a kid
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jun-02-16 11:24 AM
13029572, That just proves the point though. Years don't make the classification
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:26 AM
as much as how far the art form & sound has progressed beyond the lane that the artist started in. ... it's even MORE pronounced if the artist has maintained that lane.... Common is unique though, he's one of the FEW from that era that STILL has bars and can STILL get new fans... So i'll give you that he shouldn't be lumped with that "old school" crowd.

Maybe there should be terms for those that have kept themselves relevant?

>From an artist who's popularity peaked 11 years ago.
>But my point isn't that Common isn't a vet or that his music
>is hot right now or anything like that.

Nah, I feel you on that. I wasn't taking it that way....

>Just that if he's old school, what do we call Grandmaster Caz?

OLD... lol... nah, he's Pioneer Status. .... but still Old School. Or probably would be in the Years catagory really. Kinda like other genres just get categorized by the years once they aren't "current"... 90's Rock, 80's R&B, 60's Soul, etc.....

>How can we put the two of them in the came box?

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029583, I'm much in favor of 80s hip-hop, 90s hip-hop, 00s hip-hop
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:35 AM
Over "old school" vs "new school"
It's just not a useful classification.
13029603, start the movement!!
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:47 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029610, ^^^^^
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jun-02-16 11:55 AM
13029663, 90s hiphop aint even all that useful
Posted by blackrussian, Thu Jun-02-16 12:50 PM
because early 90s sounds NOTHING like late 90s, which in fact seems to group more easily with 00s.
13029714, I can agree with that too.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 01:39 PM
13029749, Agreed...
Posted by Marbles, Thu Jun-02-16 02:09 PM
Decade labels are cool when you wanna look back and remember where you were when something dropped. But they're not helpful in classifying the music in a useful manner for history's sake.
13029977, you're overstating the difference
Posted by philpot, Thu Jun-02-16 11:39 PM
13029550, There should def be a distinction.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Thu Jun-02-16 11:16 AM
Old school is subjective, but "golden era hip hop" isnt.
13029606, That's all I'm saying
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:49 AM
13029554, Question: if they reunite, can they still call themselves L.O.N.S.?
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu Jun-02-16 11:19 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13029564, now-->resurrection is 50% longer than i used to love h.e.r.-->the breaks.
Posted by rob, Thu Jun-02-16 11:22 AM
in my head "old school" kind of runs to "it's tricky," but everyone has their own definition.
13029569, Spin off topic - what about everything outside of hip hop
Posted by double negative, Thu Jun-02-16 11:24 AM
my girl and I like a range of music

and the question was...what happens when you have kids and you like music that qualifies as "old school" to you but then also liking music thats even considered "old school" to your parents and even grand parents?

13029578, I recently said this because someone mentioned "Oldies" to me
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Jun-02-16 11:33 AM
I was doing a party, and the girl throwing it asked me to play "Oldies".....to me, "Oldies" = 60's Lowrider music, maybe even Motown. But then she mentioned 80's acts like Loose Ends and Roger & Zapp, and I'm like.....that's "Old School" but not "Oldies."

To me, "Oldies" are the 60's. "Old School" is 70's and 80's, Rap, Funk, Soul. The 90's are...90's. The connotation of "Old School" just doesn't match the 90's, Soundwise or even style/culturally.

13029584, Isn't this true for every generation?
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 11:35 AM
13029627, Nahhh, the verbiage is different. Even old-old heads will call
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Thu Jun-02-16 12:06 PM
the 60's "Oldies." I feel like the term "Old School" in reference to music probably wasn't even used in the 60's.

13029582, Nah. You can't take getting old.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 11:34 AM
13029591, Did you see me shitting on any current rappers?
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:41 AM
Or talking about how things ain't like they used to be?

On the surface it might look like this is about my age, but it's not. It's about a near useless classification that we hold on to.

Again if Common is old school, what is Sugar Hill Gang? Does it make sense to you to put them in the same category?
13029670, The classification is completely immaterial.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 01:02 PM
and the way you framed it was in direct relation to what old school is to *you*. Like... verbatim.

This is absolutely about you getting older because "old school" is always relative to the generation at hand.

You ask if it makes sense to classify Common the same way we classify SHG and that framing only makes sense to people our age, but to a 19 year old that's ALL old school.

Your OP header was "I can't take this old school shit" which is very much a statement of someone who is getting older and unhappy with the fact that the things they came up on are now considered old school.

The name you choose to refer to an MC from the 90's or 00's is 100% arbitrary so yeah, it makes sense to refer to Common as old school whether or not he "feels" or "seems" "old school" according to my frame of reference because he's old as a motherfucker and I've been listening to him for half my life.

No matter how you frame it this is absolutely about your age in relation to ever changing world around you.
13029688, Yeah okay. Sure boss.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 01:17 PM
Whatever you say.
13029699, lol have some warm milk and a nap you wack ass curmudgeon
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 01:29 PM
I had a respectful conversation with you on the topic and you respond with this little tantrum?

You're going downhill fast old man. Today it's being mad that someone called Common old school. A year from now you'll be shitting your pants and being mad that your lime Jello didn't have the fruit cocktail and whipped cream the way you like it.
13029712, If you read that as a tantrum
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 01:38 PM
that's on you.
I'm just not interested in interacting with you anymore.
13029726, Yeah okay. Sure boss. Whatever you say"- YOU.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 01:47 PM
Your lower lip is curled downward as we speak, grandpa.

Seems like a lack of fiber. I recommend some old school shredded wheat, not this new fangled frosted stuff.

Or some oat bran.
13029602, You're old
Posted by handle, Thu Jun-02-16 11:47 AM
I am too - you have to let it go bro.

When I was in High School in 1986 and they played a song by someone who started their career in 1964 I thought it was super old school. The Beatles had broken up in 1970 and they were ANCIENT to me.

13029604, You're missing the point.
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:48 AM
13029700, You're already having the old man tantrums man
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu Jun-02-16 01:31 PM
I recommend checking in with your physician to get a handle on things early.
13029832, You want a more structured classification for what's old school or not
Posted by handle, Thu Jun-02-16 03:27 PM
Like 1979 - 1983 is old school

Run DMC is "new school"

From Eric B and Rakin to Wu-Tang is "Golden era."

Say 1994 - 2001 is "Classic Hop Hop"

2001-2015 is contemporaneity hip hop.

2015-2016 is NEW music..

The did this in the 80's - they had radio stations that played decades - not music types. We had 70's, 60's, 50's AND 40's. As time went on 40's dis-aapeared. Then 50's and 60's melded into one. Then 80's became a thing. The Classic rock replaces 70's, 60's, and 50's.

Enjoy the music you like and KIM when some radio DJ is blathering on - they we'rent shit when we were kids and they ain't shit now.

13029607, Hearing my high school tunes on Muzak
Posted by Hamsterline, Thu Jun-02-16 11:50 AM
really broke my heart.

I'm old. It hurts, but eventually you get over it.
13029613, he's talking classification not age
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu Jun-02-16 11:57 AM
13030118, RE: he's talking classification not age
Posted by Hamsterline, Fri Jun-03-16 09:39 AM
Yeah, I got that. But it's still about age. The 'Old School' label will change depending on how old you are. I went out with some young friends and the DJ put on what they thought was OLD School and it was SWV. Shit I heard in my early 20s. That's not old school to me, but its' old school to them. My old School is Parliament Funkadelic, EWF, CAMEO, etc.

It's age.
13029649, the distinction will prolly be "classic hip hop" like "classic rock"
Posted by now or never, Thu Jun-02-16 12:34 PM
like kday in LA plays all old hip hop
but they don't distinguish between 80s/90s/early 00s really
i think as time goes on, if the market diversifies in a way where stations see interest that might happen
but since a lotta ppl don't listen to the radio anymore rap might not get the classic rock treatment

No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. (c) HL Mencken or some other motherfucker.
13029660, fifty years down the line you can start this...
Posted by philpot, Thu Jun-02-16 12:46 PM

13029682, Green Day and Pearl Jam are played on "Classic Rock" stations
Posted by CaptNish, Thu Jun-02-16 01:13 PM
We just old.
13029697, the song is old
Posted by illEskoBar221, Thu Jun-02-16 01:26 PM
dope but defintely old school

im 30 so when that song was out
i was maybe 8 or 9

yeah that old school

to ME

but i guess depending on your age...no fuck it, its still old school
13029948, #quickmath
Posted by kingjerm78, Thu Jun-02-16 09:16 PM
13029727, In what seems like very little time, "Panda" will be a part of an old-school throwback mix
Posted by Rjcc, Thu Jun-02-16 01:49 PM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13029787, No real clear answer for this
Posted by mrhood75, Thu Jun-02-16 02:39 PM
I hate to play the "back in my day" card, but, you know, back in my day, "old school" was everything that came before Run-DMC. And that made sense. Run-DMC is a good point to draw the line: Pre hip-hop album era and album era.

That doesn't do a lot for the subsequent 30+ years though. I guess you could wrap up the rest of the '80s and the first half of the '90s as "classic hip-hop," but I don't know how to divvy up the next 20 years.
13029945, I seem to remember Sucker MCs being considered the first
Posted by philpot, Thu Jun-02-16 09:10 PM
"New School" song by the illustrious historians of the world famous mind squad
13029925, Kurtis Blow is medieval
Posted by Fire1986, Thu Jun-02-16 07:30 PM
13029933, RE: I can't take this "old school" shit.
Posted by double 0, Thu Jun-02-16 08:10 PM
We old...

Dunno what to call it though.. no one does.. I mean LA will have a Classic West Coast show with The Game and Ice Cube as headliners...
13029968, The rules don't change when your own "era" becomes old school, fam
Posted by Boogie Stimuli, Thu Jun-02-16 11:15 PM
In the late 80s/early 90s, alotta 70s music
was considered "ol skool"...
So how in the hell is a 20+ yr old song
not old school today? This isn't a new
Unless you've always hated the "old school"
tag, I don't see why this would start now,
unless people in here are right about you
just not dealing well with aging.


>I also refuse to put him in the same category
>that I put Kurtis Blow in. He does not belong
>lumped in with Sugar Hill Gang, or even Kane.
>That's old school to me

Those artists are also old school, just like
Sam Cooke and Rick James are both old school
despite being about 20 yrs apart in prime.
The "old school" tag is just fresher on one
of them.

13029971, I've had a problem with the application of the term since about 03
Posted by Hitokiri, Thu Jun-02-16 11:26 PM
when I entered college and I started hearing folks say things like "I like old school rap, you know, like Biggie and 2Pac"

This post was just spurred by the most recent example given in the op.
13029993, I agree with you
Posted by Jakob Hellberg, Fri Jun-03-16 02:27 AM
It has been brought up before... http://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=12556001&mesg_id=12556001&listing_type=search#12558971

However, people just want to make it into a "you are getting old"-thing rather than a genre/sound classification thing so whatever...