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Topic subjectthat is a lot of violent rhetoric about
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13026455, that is a lot of violent rhetoric about
Posted by Mr. ManC, Wed May-25-16 10:58 AM
a guy who is basically fighting tooth and nail to get some platform changes made in behalf of his constituency. To make him a villain because he is wise and savvy enough to now get a seat at the table - on behalf of representing progressive and working class Americans - is beyond admirable. When A. Phillip Randolph and used the THREAT of a March on Washington he was able to do so twice and bring about sweeping change for African Americans. There was no violence or bloodshed, but again it was a political revolution. You THINK the revolution is people marching in the streets and speaking chants, or bloody brawls. Well its not that, entirely. It's about landable punches. Were it not for Bernie or bust we wouldn't have made it this far in leveraging our voices, especially when Hillary has been silent on bending her platform.

Stop acting like Bernie and hus supporters looking for college, health care, living wage, prison and environmental reform is the same as Buggin Out asking for some brothers on Sal's wall. This is about the quality of life of a majority of Americans who have not had someone in their corner for a while. We are going to ride this as far as we can because that is what progress is. It amazes me that he has been able to do so much and influence so much JUST in this campaign in a party he wasn't even a member (aka "someone who gets things done"). I just wish he could tear through Washington the same way for the progress America desperately needs.