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Topic subjectRE: *shrugs* this is what democracy looks like.
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13025869&mesg_id=13026300
13026300, RE: *shrugs* this is what democracy looks like.
Posted by murph71, Wed May-25-16 07:51 AM
>This is what a political revolution looks like. Republicans
>can unify behind Trump because they want power. Bernie
>supporters can't rally behind Hillary because they want
>change. It's complicated and there are clear divisions in
>ideology. Things are going to get messier before they get

No..political revolution is bloody...People die...That's real political revolution...Whats happening now is a candidate, who seemed to be well meaning in the beginning, now threatening to strap on a suicide vest if he doesn't get his way...

Bernie will take his L sooner or later...That's not the issue. The issue is will he take it by throwing bombs at the very same party he aligned himself with or will he go out with the understanding that Trump and the Republican party should not be allowed in office....?