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Topic subjectwould u take a more stressful job for a $20k salary increase?
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13020968, would u take a more stressful job for a $20k salary increase?
Posted by SooperEgo, Wed Dec-31-69 07:00 PM
all things being equal

same industry

same commute

same job title & responsibilities & benefits

the only difference is, you're current stress level is a 1. maybe a 2 if it gets hectic.

in this new gig, that goes up to a 6.

would you take it for a $20k increase?

Poll question: would u take a more stressful job for a $20k salary increase?

Poll result (15 votes)
hell yeah i would (5 votes)Vote
nah, that's not enough to be adding more stress to my plate (10 votes)Vote


13020979, Nah, but I would for 30 - 40
Posted by walihorse, Fri May-13-16 09:17 AM
try to do it for at least 2 years.
13020981, From $20k to $40k...OF COURSE from $100k to $120k HELL NO!
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 09:18 AM
>all things being equal
>same industry
>same commute
>same job title & responsibilities & benefits
>the only difference is, you're current stress level is a 1.
>maybe a 2 if it gets hectic.
>in this new gig, that goes up to a 6.
>would you take it for a $20k increase?
13020983, this.
Posted by double negative, Fri May-13-16 09:19 AM
13020999, 80k to 100k? yes or nah
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 09:27 AM
13021013, Been there, done that. No Thanks.
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 09:32 AM
At 80k I was a Sr level employee that could go and come as I pleased and not be responsible for folks under me.
I could be gone on 3hr lunches and no one would care and I'd walk back in the office and WISH a mofo would question why I was gone so long.

But as a $100k employee I'd been member of "management team" and have to keep tabs on 6 to 8 folks under me and deal with the same bullshit I put my mid-managers thru

no thanks

I've just learned to surpass that salary level by becoming a more autonomous Senior-Sneior level employee so I don't have to babysit nobody but I get all management level benes including performance bonuses.

Dude, managing people SUCKS BALLS!!!
13021016, ...if I stay at the new job this would be my reality
Posted by double negative, Fri May-13-16 09:35 AM
i.e. I would be the department head

not sure what I think about that, buuuuuuuuuuut it is good pay
13021075, yep
Posted by sweet ruffian, Fri May-13-16 10:16 AM
13020985, Nah, not worth it
Posted by BigReg, Fri May-13-16 09:20 AM
A couple of years back I hopped up into a job that paid me more but wasn't worth it...id have fucking nightmares about excel spreadsheets. Even when I wasn't working remote parts of my brain would still be 'on the job' making mental lists of shit i had to do the next day.

I actually tried to go back to my old position but they took it personally when I left, luckily I was able to move sideways in a much less stressful position
13021000, i don't take any stress home with me so i'd do it.
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-13-16 09:27 AM
if its stress levels like the expectations are unrealistic than nah.

if its stress like just hectic during the day, then whatevs...i'd prolly do it for 5k more.
13021459, Agree. Depends on how you handle stress
Posted by Mori, Fri May-13-16 05:32 PM
I once took a more stressful job with more pay and quickly learned to acclimate and it wasn't as stressful.

I think there is an initial learning curve, then you get used to it. But it depends on what you can handle. I think you should go for it and see if you can adjust your stress management skills.
13021001, probably
Posted by KiloMcG, Fri May-13-16 09:27 AM
the salary increase would help with decreasing any financial stress we may have at home, so i'd probably sacrifice stress at work to make that happen.
13021005, definitely
Posted by Mack, Fri May-13-16 09:29 AM
I've got mouths to feed so I'm taking any increase in salary.
13021011, I handle stress very well..so yea
Posted by tomjohn29, Fri May-13-16 09:32 AM
just had this decision and the raise was 12K plus escalated bonuses
same job but bigger responsibilities and way more production

another promotion is on the horizon and its an increase of 35K and I would have to travel...thats put on the back burner because i have no desire to travel anymore
13021460, Work travel is so overrated
Posted by Mori, Fri May-13-16 05:34 PM
It is fun if you are young, no relationships, no kids and ready to see new things. But as I got older, I couldn't stand eating out every night, I didn't like airports and being away from home.
13021494, yea once i got married...i had no desire for it anymore
Posted by tomjohn29, Fri May-13-16 09:15 PM
there was one year i accumulated 350,000 frequent flyer miles
i was done after that
13021015, This don't compute? How same responsibilty but MORE stress?
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 09:35 AM
>same job title & responsibilities & benefits
>the only difference is, you're current stress level is a 1.
>maybe a 2 if it gets hectic.
>in this new gig, that goes up to a 6.

This makes no sense.
Unless you're a truck driver and you go from driving loads of apple juice to loads of gasoline.
13021024, It's not hard to think of examples
Posted by BigReg, Fri May-13-16 09:37 AM
>This makes no sense.
>Unless you're a truck driver and you go from driving loads of
>apple juice to loads of gasoline.

You being the exec admin for a middle manager is different for being an exec admin for the CEO.

You selling real estate in Minnesota is different then NYC real estate.
13021026, Swear to God I didn't think of these really good examples.
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 09:40 AM
>You being the exec admin for a middle manager is different for
>being an exec admin for the CEO.
>You selling real estate in Minnesota is different then NYC
>real estate.

Thanks bruh.
13021033, smh
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-13-16 09:43 AM
13021035, Do you have a lot of vacation time?
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri May-13-16 09:44 AM
Break it up so you can calm yourself down by taking a few weeks off at intervals around the year.

20k is a lot if its added onto what you already make. I think I'd be willing to do it. Just have to mentally prepare yourself and know that the money will be good for all the bullshit you have to put up with.
13021049, yeah, it depends on how you deal with stress
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 09:59 AM
some people can't turn off and die from it so if you can't handle it, its not worth it.

13021046, Already did.
Posted by TheAlbionist, Fri May-13-16 09:56 AM
I think it was a good move.

13021069, I guess I would to help me financially butI'd rather have no
Posted by Crisco, Fri May-13-16 10:11 AM
stress at all at my current salary. Which is how it is presently. I love my job and the hardest part of my day is getting up for work. The actual work is easy and stress free 99% of the time.

If I go for a promotion it would only be a 5% raise at the most but eventually I could make about 20K more in a few years with automatic raises but my work load would be ten fold. No thanks. Imma ride this train till the wheels fall off.

Money aint everything. Money aint worth it if I hate my job.
13021463, No
Posted by handle, Fri May-13-16 05:51 PM
3 times the stress for less than 20% the salary increase pass.

13021471, Funny. I essentially took a 30K paycut for way way way less stress
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Fri May-13-16 06:34 PM
and better schedule, mainly so that I could DJ. Definitely a great decision, I just need to still figure out how to build in my current position.
13021496, for sure
Posted by atruhead, Fri May-13-16 09:34 PM

>same commute

My commute is to my living room

>same job title & responsibilities & benefits

>the only difference is, you're current stress level is a 1.
>maybe a 2 if it gets hectic.

>in this new gig, that goes up to a 6.

that would mean working 1 to 10 PM at my job instead of 5:30 AM to 2:30 PM like I am now

>would you take it for a $20k increase?

I think so
13021504, can't get a whole lot more stressful than shit i been doing so, sure.
Posted by poetx, Fri May-13-16 10:12 PM

peace & blessings,



I'm an advocate for working smarter, not harder. If you just
focus on working hard you end up making someone else rich and
not having much to show for it. (c) mad
13021551, That's about the difference between being a teacher and an assistant principal
Posted by After_Words, Sat May-14-16 10:09 AM
I'm good... Plus I love being in the classroom.

Edit: my bad, completely glossed over the "same job title, same responsibilities" part. In that case, I would take the extra $20k. I'd imagine in my profession it would be something like dealing with more behavior issues or perhaps teaching an AP class (which doesn't sound stressful, but those essays add up and you're kind of judged based on your pass rate).
13021552, at my job? nope.
Posted by Rjcc, Sat May-14-16 10:13 AM

www.engadgethd.com - the other stuff i'm looking at
13021618, Depends on if the added stress makes me hate life.
Posted by The Wordsmith, Sat May-14-16 07:06 PM
Nothing worse than working a job you are absolutely miserable in. If the stress means that I dread going to work each workday, then nah. My sanity and peace of mind is worth way more than any dollar.

Since 1976