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Topic subject7 day Mizzou hunger striker Jonathan Butler exposed
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13020868, 7 day Mizzou hunger striker Jonathan Butler exposed
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 07:16 AM
and he has no one to blame but his own damn self.


By Jillian Kay Melchior | 11:57 pm, May 8, 2016

Mizzou’s Most Famous SJW Has Said Some Pretty Awful Things About Women, Low-Income Workers and Drugs

University of Missouri graduate student Jonathan Butler grabbed national headlines last fall after embarking on a seven-day hunger strike that led to the ousting of the University of Missouri’s president and chancellor. Since then, he’s gone on a speaking tour, represented by celebrity talent booker All American Speakers.

“Butler did it,” gushed Southern Christian Leadership Conference president Vernon Howard, introducing the graduate student as he made the keynote speech at the Martin Luther King Jr. celebration in January. Since November, Butler has made half-a-dozen speeches, including addresses at the law schools of Harvard and Duke.

Perhaps these institutions should have done their research before portraying Butler as a social-justice hero. Heat Street’s review of Butler’s online presence, as well as video reviewed exclusively by the publication, reveals he’s chronically stolen items, denigrated low-income workers, and made troubling comments about women and drugs.

Most of the coverage of the events of last fall focused on claims of pervasive racism at the university, as well as administrators’ struggle to address the demands of student organization #ConcernedStudent1950. But our investigation has uncovered not only past controversial statements by Butler but also other dimensions to the unrest, including pervasive fears about safety on campus, as well as massive backlash from donors, sports fans and alumni....

welp, it was fun while it lasted. dumb ass posting video confessions...
13020869, If you use Social Justice Warrior you probably are a Conservative douche
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 07:21 AM
Why re-post that here, bruh?
13020871, cause it's news nigga
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 07:36 AM
13020873, It's misogynistic trash is what it is.
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 07:43 AM
13020887, misogynuerotic my brother...
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 08:11 AM
13020891, Nygga plz! I was just pointing out this rag's respectability politrix.
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 08:14 AM
13020904, ok
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 08:24 AM
13020878, Outed as Bin and CRich's love child. Damn!
Posted by imcvspl, Fri May-13-16 07:57 AM
In a blog post from August 2011, titled “My Summer Breakfast Experience,” Butler describes how, for 61 days, he swung by a hotel before work and “decided to indulge myself with ‘free’ breakfast items.”

He also describes arguing with the managers when he was finally caught, boasting, “I spent too much time in debate class and different forums to let punk me with her below minimum wage salary.”

Big PEMFin H & z's
"I ain't no entertainer, and ain't trying to be one. I am 1 thing, a musician." � Miles

"When the music stops he falls back in the abyss."
13020889, online poasting using you real name or video is a bad fucking idea
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 08:13 AM
13020893, dad is a millionaire and he stealing dry ass waffles from Best Western
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 08:16 AM
13021064, Ppl can change! (c)Hillary supporters
Posted by Riot, Fri May-13-16 10:08 AM
13020882, man, this ain't about the jazz musician
Posted by BigJazz, Fri May-13-16 08:02 AM
*logs back off*
13021619, I was thinking they were talking about the musician/singer as well.
Posted by The Wordsmith, Sat May-14-16 07:16 PM

Since 1976
13020907, So this is one those articles where folks stretch to become relevant
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-13-16 08:26 AM

13020923, no, its where they used dudes POAST against him
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 08:41 AM
he didn't do anything serious but it's not a good look to make those jokes about poor people.
13020939, Lol that that website cats anything abt women, low income workers, etc
Posted by Riot, Fri May-13-16 08:55 AM
Lol @ the rich kid pulling a winona ryder stealing pocketbooks for the thrill

acting out and doubling down with the documented evidence

Not as bad as the girls making up fake hate crimes for #blm attn tho
13020942, His "hunger strike" allowed for holiday inn scrambled eggs
Posted by veritas, Fri May-13-16 08:58 AM
Like when you "quit smoking" but really just quit buying them and bum off your friends.
13020952, he beefed up at hotels before the hunger strike
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 09:04 AM
Shit is crazy.

Dude did a great thing at Mizzou but it's sad he bodies himself with these jokes and video confessions.

he's rich tho so he will be fine.

and I knew some rich kids who were cheap as fuck and stole Shit out of boredom.
13020964, Heat Street is Murdoch's attempt to marry Breitbart and Infowars. Garbation
Posted by B9, Fri May-13-16 09:12 AM
I would question how this shit even came up on your radar?
13021059, it's on Yahoo's front page and they linked to Fox News
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 10:05 AM
so I did a search and linked to a different article cause it was Fox News..lol.

I did,t read any other articles or links on that site... hell, I didn't even scroll down and link the whole article.

but I'm sure no site WE respect besides huffpo or CNN would have it.

I definitely don't visit these SJW sites on the regular. I post most of my news from Shit on Yahoo's home page. i,just Google and throw it up.
13020998, Charleston shooting church holding bulk of donations intended for victims, sued
Posted by Riot, Fri May-13-16 09:26 AM
I'm putting all the black shame in this post

Almost never do I feel any collective shame on blk ppl fking up, "hope they ain't blk", etc... but man this is smelling foul. Ain't that much "building fund" in the world. At most shoulda been maybe 3-500k for scholarships/memorial, and even that depends on the size of the church and how many scholarships they plan on giving out. Foul


The families of the nine people killed in the mass shooting inside a Charleston, S.C., church last year aren't pleased with the distribution of donations the church has received since the June 17 shooting.

The wife of the Rev. Clementa Pinckney, the South Carolina state senator and Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church pastor who was among those killed in the massacre, has not received any of the donation proceeds, according to her attorney.

"They've not contacted me at all," her attorney, South Carolina state Sen. Gerald Malloy, told the Post and Courier.

tAccording to the Post and Courier, the church has given the families of the victims some $1.5 million that it's received and is keeping around $1.8 million, with plans to make long-needed repairs to the church. The church also plans to create an endowment, a memorial and scholarships, and $78,000 will go to the Charleston Hope Fund.

Since many who donated didn't specify where their donations should go, church leaders decided how the money would be divided.

"It's just sad how the church continues to disrespect the families," the Rev. Sharon Risher, who lost her 70-year-old mother, Ethel Lance, in the shooting, told the newspaper.

Family members of the victims told the Post and Courier that they had received certified letters with checks from the church.

"This sum represents the distribution to you of a percentage of the total amount of funds, calculated upon the basis of the number of immediate family members of the Emanuel 9 victims and survivors," the form letter said.

The letters didn't mention how much money the church had received or how the donations would be divided among the survivors, their families and the church.

"There was nothing personal about it at all," Andy Savage, an attorney who represents several victims' families and survivors Felicia Sanders and Polly Sheppard, told the newspaper.

The donations were held up in court after Arthur Hurd, the husband of victim Cynthia Graham Hurd, filed a lawsuit last fall seeking an accounting of the donations. In May the lawsuit was dismissed and the donations were dispersed.

Hurd received a check for $50,000, his portion of donations from the church. He told the newspaper that it was much less than he expected.

"I feel like it says, 'Take this and shut up,' " Hurd told the Post and Courier.

More, even sadder details at-


13021067, I read this the other day... disgusting
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 10:10 AM
the church claims they added a million to the donations but if they had a million why would they do this bullshit?

people get real funny when they see real money
13021110, The local news reported church officials taking cash out of envelopes/condolence
Posted by Riot, Fri May-13-16 10:43 AM
Condolence cards

Addressed to victims but sent directly to the church address

What the shtt kinda shtt devilishment is this
13021198, man, I've never been a fan of anyone but the family members getting donations
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 12:32 PM
my mom passed and they were giving in kind gifts to the church which means it was a donation to the church in my moms honor.

what type of shit is that? we had funeral expenses and the church is getting money? Smh...

13021073, my bad on the link y'all...
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 10:14 AM
if I see a wild story on Yahoo homepage I Google and link it...

unless it's an obvious website name I just throw it up. I didn't know it was one of those sites.
13021115, LoL I was fucking with you but not really in the first reply.
Posted by deejboram, Fri May-13-16 10:46 AM
I looked at the name of that site and knew it was on some newrepublic.com or breit bart type shit

13021196, nah, didn't want anyone thinking I chill on those sites..lol
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 12:26 PM
ionno it was Brietbarts sister site..
13021470, A trust-fund baby talking shit about the people he claims to be fighting
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Fri May-13-16 06:34 PM
for? Color me surprised! LOL.
13021493, While the site's politics seem suspect, it means more what Butler did
Posted by obsidianchrysalis, Fri May-13-16 09:14 PM
Okay, his character doesn't match the standard of a 'civil-rights' activist. But I would think most activists, and people for that matter, have lapses in their character which, if closely examined, would cause their followers to doubt their intentions.

If Butler were trying to start a movement based upon the purity of his or her character, like a religious leader or someone acting as a financial manager, and he made a irresponsible set of actions related to their field, then that person shouldn't be in high-profile positions, like Butler shouldn't.

His impact is due more to the timing of his strike than to the fact that he was fasting for a greater cause. His coverup is bad, but unless people were really making him out to be the leader of a movement, then he just seems like a hundred-thousand other spoiled, privileged kids who probably shouldn't be leaders of political movements.