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Topic subjectI've come to the conclusion that working with women is just better
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13020196, I've come to the conclusion that working with women is just better
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 09:56 AM
for me. I think I would say in general as a man, it can be better working with women.

I've spent alot of my career working for older white men and that has been the pits for me (however, my wife always thrived working for older white guys, especially older jewish guys).

The boys club is real and black men aren't necessarily in that club (they can be but it's a certain type of black dude (i.e., jock-type).

It might be sexist to say but women colleagues tend to be more collaborative, less ego driven and even nurturing.

However, there is one huge exception. The childless driven careerist who had to fight her way through the boys club. That woman scares me. The same goes for the childless male boss but they are rarer (There was this one gay dude boss I know and he was brutal).

All that being said, the hardest I ever had to work for was a woman of color who lived for work and set out to get me fired when I wasn't willing to work like her.

What say you? Do you have any generalizations about who you like to work for?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13020202, This is a huge over-generalization from me...
Posted by Marbles, Thu May-12-16 10:04 AM

But women tend to hate each other. They can't do slight dislike of another woman. It's all or nothing.
13020204, As far as generalizations go, I think that's true. All the black women
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 10:08 AM
I know with mentors, the mentor is not a black woman (unless they don't work in the same company or are in any way in competition).

It's always some old liberal white dude.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13020213, huh? are you suggesting they should have black mentors?
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-12-16 10:18 AM
maybe they had Black mentors in college and they are trying to get out of their comfort zone?
13020224, A+ sicing my dude.....lol..
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu May-12-16 10:28 AM

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13020226, I would think black professionals would want to mentor young black
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 10:28 AM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13021103, but you side eyed your brother for his HBCU and working with a black judge
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 10:37 AM
at least that's how it read.

13020205, I don't like working anywhere without a decent balance
Posted by veritas, Thu May-12-16 10:09 AM
Too many men and they end up on some bullshit, but same is true (from my experience) with too many women.

A 60/40 split or better one way or the other keeps everyone honest.

Edit: and preferably a split with a relatively equal power balance too. All one gender (more often, but not exclusively men) in positions of power with all the other gender as support staff is no good either.
13020219, yup
Posted by EspritLibre, Thu May-12-16 10:22 AM
13020223, Yeah, I agree with this. n/m
Posted by Marbles, Thu May-12-16 10:27 AM
13020326, ^ came to say this
Posted by Atillah Moor, Thu May-12-16 11:27 AM
13020211, I can work with anyone as long as they aren't an asshole
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-12-16 10:17 AM
and I can work with them too.

my only struggle is the robot who doesn't show emotion at all. I can't read them, they never laugh, small talk, etc.

Those people scare me.
13020212, I've mostly worked directly under women
Posted by Cenario, Thu May-12-16 10:17 AM
i've had them all from power tripping man haters to having a great relationship with lightweight to direct flirting.

I def prefer to work WITH women but it has nothing to do with the actual work. Although I find offices with alot of women tend to have some petty beef that doesn't really exist with male counterparts.
13020221, ^^^
Posted by infin8, Thu May-12-16 10:24 AM
13020231, yep
Posted by ambient1, Thu May-12-16 10:34 AM
13020218, boo
Posted by EspritLibre, Thu May-12-16 10:21 AM
>The childless driven careerist who had to fight her way through the boys club. That woman scares me.

I guess the grass is always greener. As a woman who has worked in orgs with mostly woman, it can suck as well. All decisions aren't a personal slight because I'm a woman. Yes, I respect your opinion and will truly consider your feedback and offer empathy, but just cause we gals don't mean I need this Oprah-style meeting with you at lunch because I'm not doing what you want as the PM. Group think is real where ever you are and it impacts the company culture.

A female friend who has a pretty mellow personality recently told me her female boss brought up her lack of emoticons and exclamation points in email correspondence during a 90-day review. She didn't know how to take her emails and specifically requested she use more: ;-) WTF.
13020220, unmarried white gay male was the worst .....
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu May-12-16 10:24 AM
Small firm
He was the owner
He was rich.
All around worst working environment ever.

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13020225, something about having to specify unmarried in this description
Posted by veritas, Thu May-12-16 10:28 AM
Just warms my cold dead heart.
13020227, the marriage thing is key...heck, maybe a relationship period would have
Posted by FLUIDJ, Thu May-12-16 10:32 AM
>Just warms my cold dead heart.
helped some even....

It's VERY difficult for unmarried/uncommitted bosses to empathize with the work/life balance thing....

"Get ready....for your blessing....."
13020242, this this this this this
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 10:44 AM
>It's VERY difficult for unmarried/uncommitted bosses to
>empathize with the work/life balance thing....

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13020333, basically why i just changed jobs
Posted by Government Name, Thu May-12-16 11:30 AM
>It's VERY difficult for unmarried/uncommitted bosses to
>empathize with the work/life balance thing....
13020733, He tried to work you to death?
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Thu May-12-16 06:13 PM
13020232, i had an older black female boss once..
Posted by Trinity444, Thu May-12-16 10:36 AM
by far my most awful experience
her and I were the only minorties at the top
she micro managed to make sure our stuff was on my point
and was not a team player
that didn't work in the environment we were in
I ended up quitting...

13020245, oh. i thought you were gonna say 'cause they have boobies.
Posted by KiloMcG, Thu May-12-16 10:46 AM
13020324, I disagree. Man to Man relationship works at the job if you
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 11:25 AM
have respect. I prefer working for men because I know I can approach at anytime if I feel something needs to be discussed. Whether it be work related or an attitude adjustment. If I sense my male Boss is not happy with me I have no problem pulling him to the side and asking him what's up. If I have a female boss I have to wait for her to be having a good day. Women are more emotional.

That being said I've had good male and female bosses. But anytime I had a sh*tty boss that was a micro Manager, Or a mean idiot it was always a woman.

If I had a company I would higher all straight males, IN my age range or younger that have a zest for life. Drama free work environment for sure.
13020331, RE: I disagree. Man to Man relationship works at the job if you
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-12-16 11:29 AM
> If I
>sense my male Boss is not happy with me I have no problem
>pulling him to the side and asking him what's up. If I have a
>female boss I have to wait for her to be having a good day.
>Women are more emotional.

13020350, Ive never had a male boss I couldn't approach. I've had
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 11:36 AM
many female bosses that I avoided regularly.
13020351, RE: Ive never had a male boss I couldn't approach. I've had
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-12-16 11:39 AM
>many female bosses that I avoided regularly.

I hear you. But it can go both ways. Cause some dudes can act the same way lol

Its just funny how u stated it and them situations.
13020329, i agree 100%
Posted by Government Name, Thu May-12-16 11:28 AM
13020337, I work wit all women and it's a nightmare!
Posted by Big Kuntry, Thu May-12-16 11:31 AM
13020354, OKMen that prefer Female Bosses yall are not players are u?
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 11:40 AM
I'm thinking dudes that like working for females are probably the one woman at a time types or the I can't get laid types.

And dudes like me that are basically players see their female boss and think, C'mon Ma, you know you want to smash. LOL

Therefore giving off the aura of shouldn't you be in my kitchen cooking me and sandwich instead of bossing me around.

I know, I know....Shut up Crisco
13020361, RE: OKMen that prefer Female Bosses yall are not players are u?
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-12-16 11:46 AM
>I'm thinking dudes that like working for females are probably
>the one woman at a time types or the I can't get laid types.
>And dudes like me that are basically players see their female
>boss and think, C'mon Ma, you know you want to smash. LOL
>Therefore giving off the aura of shouldn't you be in my
>kitchen cooking me and sandwich instead of bossing me around.
>I know, I know....Shut up Crisco

lmao damn dude
13020371, If you had your way you would work with a bunch of zesty young mens.
Posted by micMajestic, Thu May-12-16 11:53 AM
>I'm thinking dudes that like working for females are probably
>the one woman at a time types or the I can't get laid types.
>And dudes like me that are basically players see their female
>boss and think, C'mon Ma, you know you want to smash. LOL
>Therefore giving off the aura of shouldn't you be in my
>kitchen cooking me and sandwich instead of bossing me around.
>I know, I know....Shut up Crisco

According to you, that's the key to a "drama free" environment.
So I'll just say I don't really understand your way of thinking.
13020375, Nah you said Zesty I said a Zest for life meaning positive
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 11:56 AM
attitudes. Get it right

I've worked in all male IT departments where all the dudes where about having fun. And then this one dude with depression and anxiety issues joined the group and F*cked it all up. Started dragging people to EEO for discrimination BS that he conjured up in his head from peeps joking with him.

Hence Dudes that have all their faculties and no worries in the world are the best ones to work with.
13020380, Dude you fcuk fat beat white chicks that the white boys don't want nothing
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 12:03 PM
to do with.

That's being a player?!?


I'd put my track record versus your any day.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13020630, LOL Yes I do and then some...My roster covers the entire
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 03:15 PM
spectrum my dude. Thin to BBW and I happen to prefer BBW.
If only you knew. BUt you don't so whatever. eat a dills nucka
13020438, you have got to be gay or something
Posted by sweet ruffian, Thu May-12-16 12:42 PM
because all of this posturing when you're not even cute to probably 85%
of the female population is just disconcerting.

>And dudes like me that are basically players see their female
>boss and think, C'mon Ma, you know you want to smash. LOL
>Therefore giving off the aura of shouldn't you be in my
>kitchen cooking me and sandwich instead of bossing me around.

someone needs to check you basement/backyard because this kind of disconnect with reality
has got to be clue to some real deep issues.
13020632, Yeah that's it exactly.
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 03:17 PM
I'm cute to who matters.
Hows your love life though.
13021085, Come on, if how you post is how you feel, there's *something* off
Posted by sweet ruffian, Fri May-13-16 10:24 AM
>I'm cute to who matters.
>Hows your love life though.

It's better than any woman involved with you.
13020679, you drawlin
Posted by Government Name, Thu May-12-16 04:32 PM
13020773, Was bored at work felt like some old school snark
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 08:10 PM
See if OKP is still on it's toes. LOL
13020355, I've always worked in departments where I'm the only
Posted by Seven, Thu May-12-16 11:40 AM
Or one of a handful of men and I've had all good experiences. I don't chalk it up to gender tho...just my keeping to myself and not sharing personal details with coworkers.

I got close to one female coworker once but I had to dead the friendship about a year ago.
13020372, Yes. YOu can not tell female coworkers any of your business
Posted by Crisco, Thu May-12-16 11:53 AM
I don't chalk it up to gender tho...just my
>keeping to myself and not sharing personal details with

They can't help but gossip. Don't tell them about your dating life, married life, night life, non of that.

The less they know about you the better the chances of surviving in a predominantly female working environment.

13020379, I've always thrived under older white men, but this describes me:
Posted by flipnile, Thu May-12-16 12:02 PM
>>The boys club is real and black men aren't necessarily in that
>club (they can be but it's a certain type of black dude (i.e.,

The older guys tend to fall-back, STFU and let me do my job (programmer).
13020397, Man as long as you are happy, stay happy
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 12:17 PM

13020420, Naw, wrong boss can you ruin your day, month , year
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Thu May-12-16 12:33 PM

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13020440, I'm saying if YOU like working with women - Be Happy
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 12:44 PM
Forget all of these haters. White female bosses hate strong black men. But if you can manage then do that.
13020778, after nearly 10 years in a 90% female workplace, no
Posted by philpot, Thu May-12-16 08:23 PM
I can't agree that this is universally true
13020782, So you're a pussy whose wife gets around with older white men?
Posted by Anonymous, Thu May-12-16 08:41 PM
I'm saying...
13020786, LOL
Posted by Shaun Tha Don, Thu May-12-16 08:56 PM
13021099, blows the whistle...
Posted by legsdiamond, Fri May-13-16 10:33 AM
goes to the replay monitor...

Flagrant 1
13021154, We taking shots at wives now? Tough anonymous talk.
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Fri May-13-16 11:30 AM
I can't take shots back at someone I don't know nothing about.

Could be a homeless dude talking shit from the public library computer for all I know.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13021161, Naw, fam. Let that clown be.
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-13-16 11:38 AM
Don't go to his level.
13021437, Ain't no shots...just jokes my man
Posted by Anonymous, Fri May-13-16 04:48 PM
I don't know you so how could it be shots?

It was a logical jackass reply to your phrasing.

13021159, Yo! wife's and kids are off limits. You're foul as Fowl.
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-13-16 11:37 AM

13021436, Come on son...he left himself wide open for that one...jokes...jokes
Posted by Anonymous, Fri May-13-16 04:47 PM