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Topic subjectUrges you have but resist because you're not a psychopath
Topic URLhttp://board.okayplayer.com/okp.php?az=show_topic&forum=4&topic_id=13019101
13019101, Urges you have but resist because you're not a psychopath
Posted by veritas, Tue May-10-16 03:01 PM
A good portion of my daily walking involves walking past people eating on patios and every single time I have the urge to grab a handful of someone's fries and walk off eating them.

But I never do it.
13019103, telling people to pull their pants up
Posted by SooperEgo, Tue May-10-16 03:03 PM
13019122, i work in a school, i do this everyday haha
Posted by KiloMcG, Tue May-10-16 03:16 PM
13019104, bullying grown men in certain environments ...especially work
Posted by ambient1, Tue May-10-16 03:04 PM
I am currently resisting the urge to throw on a headlock and give knuckle noogies to @ 4 people right this second

it's a daily struggle
13019110, I got a completely bald coworker and I resist slapping his alabaster
Posted by veritas, Tue May-10-16 03:07 PM
Head every. Single. Day.

I just wanna slap it so hard I leave a handprint.

Nice enough guy too. I couldn't even explain why I wanna slap his stupid head so much.
13019164, because it's there.
Posted by janey, Tue May-10-16 04:05 PM

~ ~ ~
All meetings end in separation
All acquisition ends in dispersion
All life ends in death
- The Buddha


Every hundred years, all new people
13019105, take a bite out of a wine glass
Posted by Hamsterline, Tue May-10-16 03:05 PM
13019203, same
Posted by double negative, Tue May-10-16 05:22 PM
13019109, smacking my co-worker on the butt
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-10-16 03:06 PM
I always tap my wife in the ass when I walk past her and at work there has been 1 or 2 times where muscle memory almost kicked in..

I did say "ok babe" one time when she was fussin at me just like my wife. it felt natural and right after I said it was "oh no, no, no.."
13019114, crushing little dogs' frail bodies with my bare hands
Posted by Original Juice, Tue May-10-16 03:12 PM
but i love dogs.. so i just pet and cuddle them.
13019117, jesus
Posted by veritas, Tue May-10-16 03:13 PM
13019120, and now the crazy comes out
Posted by SooperEgo, Tue May-10-16 03:15 PM
that didn't take long.
13019235, lmao ... there should be a different name for a 'dog' under 65 lbs
Posted by Amritsar, Tue May-10-16 06:46 PM
because it is not a dog
13019325, You gotta go a little lower than that. My dog weighed 62 last vet visit
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 12:39 AM
And he's very much a dog.
13019357, LMAOOOO
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed May-11-16 07:06 AM
13019806, or grabbing a cat by it tail and slamming it like Hulk.
Posted by rorschach, Wed May-11-16 02:12 PM
only the ones with attitude. Not the kittens tho.....

Not the kittens.

13020480, Love dogs, not a fan of certain small dogs
Posted by ShinobiShaw, Thu May-12-16 01:15 PM
Like a pug I could hug and kiss and give him doggy treats all day but one of those teacup poodles, I wanna kick one like a football out of a window. Chihuahua's gotta go too.
13020530, I can't deal with a dog that i could kill by accidentally stepping on it
Posted by exactopposite, Thu May-12-16 01:49 PM
but then I don't like dogs in general. here have only ever been a few that i liked
13019119, Anytime I am in a meeting with a bunch of folks, I always wonder
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Tue May-10-16 03:14 PM
what would happen if I stood up on the table and said "All yall montherfuckers can kiss my ass" than sat down and act like nothing happened.

Would the meeting continue? Would they escort me out on the spot? Who would escort me out?

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13019121, Tellin' folks EXACTLY how the fuck I feel about them. Oh, and...
Posted by Somnus, Tue May-10-16 03:16 PM
13019125, sweeping the leg of people that brush past me on the train.
Posted by Cenario, Tue May-10-16 03:22 PM
i mean cobra kai style.
13019131, List is long
Posted by Teknontheou, Tue May-10-16 03:28 PM
- Knocking cups of coffee out of people's hands. Coffee culture annoys me and I hate seeing people slavishly drink it.

- Knocking cigarettes out of people's hands as I'm walking behind them, down the street. Folks think the smoke instantly evaporates, but it doesn't. I basically can't breathe if I'm with 25 ft. of someone's who's smoking up ahead of me.

- Attacking people who blow their car horns for reasons other than to avert imminent danger.

- Being the vocal, unsolicited arbiter of who's right and who's wrong when two people get into conflict in public places.

- Yelling at people to control their children when the kids are being unruly and invading my personal space.

- Attacking people who don't use turn signals at intersections.

- Attacking people (vast majority are white) who walk without looking in the direction in which they're walking. Like looking off to the side, or drifting into the middle of the sidewalk without paying attention to someone approaching.

- Attacking people who insist on walking along the yellow platform strip in subway stations.

- Attacking people who walk the length of subway cars and/or pass between subway cars.

- Telling Eastern European immigrants who clearly don't wear deodorant and probably don't bathe daily that they reek.
13020537, RE: List is long
Posted by exactopposite, Thu May-12-16 01:53 PM
>- Knocking cups of coffee out of people's hands. Coffee
>culture annoys me and I hate seeing people slavishly drink

I hate this shit too. I also hate that i look like a coffee drinker when I'm actually drinking tea
>- Attacking people (vast majority are white) who walk without
>looking in the direction in which they're walking. Like
>looking off to the side, or drifting into the middle of the
>sidewalk without paying attention to someone approaching.

Fam I ain't moving for them. I l will let them walk right into to me and tell them they need to watch here they going. Sotimes they ntoice just as they ar about to walk into me and I just look at them like they crazy.
13019165, Metro - I wanna trip everyone that has a bag wit wheels and...
Posted by Big Kuntry, Tue May-10-16 04:08 PM
I wanna put everyone that sits on the outside seat so no one will sit next to them on a busy train in a cobra clutch
13019166, grabbing people's phones and throwing them
Posted by Mynoriti, Tue May-10-16 04:08 PM
in traffic. in line at the store, even when friends are lost in their shit

i think about doing that way too much
13019167, when I hear inane conversation on the bus or wherever I just want to ask
Posted by veritas, Tue May-10-16 04:08 PM
"Is this really the most interesting or entertaining thing you could come up with to talk about?"

Seems rude I guess.
13019174, Hitting cyclists with a clothesline as they ride past
Posted by Cold Truth, Tue May-10-16 04:26 PM
-Mowing down pedestrians who walk ever so slowly through traffic.

-Screaming at cashiers who are socializing as they ring me up.
13019177, i want to form tackle sidewalk cyclists CONSTANTLY
Posted by veritas, Tue May-10-16 04:32 PM
In my mind the bike just keeps rolling as I lay them out.
13019284, ^^This. Every. SINGLE. DAY
Posted by spenzalii, Tue May-10-16 09:10 PM
>-Mowing down pedestrians who walk ever so slowly through

One reason traffic is crappy is because people don't know how to walk they asses across the fucking street in a timely manner.
13019310, Jesus El Salvadore Cristos... the joy in my heart would be boundless
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Tue May-10-16 11:24 PM
... after clotheslining a cyclist.


"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
13019312, Throwing a stick into the wheels of a moving bike
Posted by ry 213, Tue May-10-16 11:36 PM
13019356, Thank youuuuuu
Posted by T Reynolds, Wed May-11-16 07:05 AM
13019185, I want to hold everyone's babies.
Posted by Sepia., Tue May-10-16 04:53 PM
Like, I want them to just let me babysit until they're finished shopping or whatever, then give them the baby back.

Same goes for their dogs. Just let me have your dog for 30 minutes or so, and then you can have it back.
13019202, why is that weird though?
Posted by double negative, Tue May-10-16 05:22 PM
13019327, Yea that's not so much psychotic as it is welcome services
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 01:21 AM
like people charge money to do those things to willing and grateful customers.
13019439, lol. A stranger going up to people on some "Can I keep your baby?"
Posted by Sepia., Wed May-11-16 09:13 AM
It's creepy and alarming. Maybe men don't really understand how it can come off like you're an obsessive baby-snatcher.

13019481, I dunno about them but those are my thoughts exactly
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed May-11-16 09:41 AM
I made a post after my son was born about a quasi-relative whose church friend wanted to come see the new baby. A church friend we didn’t know and had never met and never heard of until we had our son. I thought that shit was creepy and weird and had about a million red flags. That didn’t mean she was going to do anything or that she wasn’t well meaning, but that’s such an odd thing to me. The very idea of requesting to visit a stranger’s newborn screams predatory to me. Most people love babies but the boundaries for that sort of thing should be obvious to everyone.

I was pretty adamant against the visit and posted up here to see if I was overreacting. I eventually relented in part because, despite the average OKP view of me, I’m a sensible adult who realizes that every hang up I have shouldn’t be projected onto everyone around me and I ultimately did my wife the basic courtesy of deferring to her judgment in the matter.

OKP’s by and large didn’t see the big deal. Meanwhile I’d recently read a story about a woman who snatched a newborn. I think your urge is perfectly normal and reasonable, but only because your natural understanding of boundaries overrides the urge itself- like most of our entries in here.

Those who can’t contain such a desire to a Scrubs cutaway moment though? Batshit.
13019553, Yep.
Posted by Sepia., Wed May-11-16 10:34 AM
Not only do I feel that draw to children, but I also understand the urge to protect them.
Knowing that for a parent it must be 100000x stronger, I maintain the proper distance.

Unless you WANT me to hold your baby, cause I will hold it until you take it back, lol.
13019497, as a man...I do not understand the draw
Posted by double negative, Wed May-11-16 09:53 AM
talking to women who feel that pull, they really feel that from the inside out

meanwhile men who have not had a kid yet look at the situation like "hey baby. you a baby right? thats cool. i was once a baby. ok baby, im going to go...over there"
13019197, Berating slow-ass walkers
Posted by dustin, Tue May-10-16 05:18 PM

Ima just extend this to everyone who annoys me on the daily:

- People in the uberpool who try to rush the driver
- People who roll their eyes when you ask them to move so you can take the empty transit seat
- People who stand in the aisle but keep headphones on, then you gotta do extra work to ask them to move outt the way. MOVE NIGGA
- People who stand at the cash register AFTER theyve paid, holding up the line
13019776, that Uber one is on you. Don't do pool homie.
Posted by Atillah Moor, Wed May-11-16 01:54 PM
You probably getting paired up with 4.6 rated passengers.
13020539, some of us are walking slow due to injury
Posted by exactopposite, Thu May-12-16 01:55 PM
I have and anlke problem (it's temporary) but I feel you. Now I know the struggle from both directions
13020776, I def dont hate all slow walkers
Posted by dustin, Thu May-12-16 08:19 PM
Just the ones who are always in the way. Oblivious that theyre slowing others down

If it's a slow walker ahead of me I'm more than happy to just walk around, provided there's space. If its a tight walkway and I just gotta bare a moment of slowness, thats cool too

Just talking bout those constant aloof, situationally unaware mofos
13021487, yeah that shit is the worst
Posted by exactopposite, Fri May-13-16 08:44 PM
somewhat related. Tourists love to ask me for directions. Particularly foreign tourists on that "where is liberty bell?"

I don't think I look that approachable but I guess I'm wrong
13019208, slapping the shit out of people who lack spacial awareness
Posted by legsdiamond, Tue May-10-16 05:29 PM
13019804, lol....people walking diagonally for no good reason.
Posted by rorschach, Wed May-11-16 02:11 PM


13020764, I had a coworker who would walk into you every time you tried to walk past her
Posted by legsdiamond, Thu May-12-16 07:33 PM
Fay was older but dammit, that aint no excuse. There would be 10 feet on the left and 1 foot between me and the wall and she would try to squeeze through that 1 ft of space.

one time I just stopped and screamed NO, NO... NOT TODAY FAY, NOT TODAY!!!

13019213, yelling, just yelling the stress out on the train after work
Posted by double negative, Tue May-10-16 05:41 PM
13019225, throwing babies out a windows
Posted by luminous, Tue May-10-16 06:11 PM
when im holding a baby sometimes i wonder what would happen if i just threw it out a window. then i get nervous and my heart starts racing like if i'm actually going to do it. than i have to put the baby down.

people often wonder why i don't like holding babies...
13019326, this is hilarious and terrifying
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 01:19 AM
13019279, Snagging a gun and shooting my neighbor in the kneecaps.
Posted by Brew, Tue May-10-16 09:03 PM
The one who keyed my car. I think about it everyday.

The poor guy who was parked in the asshole's spot this morning had a full cup of coffee on his driver's side window.
13019330, Please update your post on this matter.
Posted by Pete Burns, Wed May-11-16 01:24 AM
It's my favourite on-going story here.
13019375, RE: Please update your post on this matter.
Posted by RaphaelSoulLee, Wed May-11-16 08:10 AM
>It's my favourite on-going story here.

13019501, Haha I'm in an all day meeting but I will after.
Posted by Brew, Wed May-11-16 09:57 AM
13019302, this... to people that piss me off.
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Tue May-10-16 10:40 PM


13019311, Telling obese parents with obese kids...
Posted by tha_scientist, Tue May-10-16 11:27 PM
... that they shouldn't buy their kids that big bag of chips and 20 oz pepsi.
13019358, good one. shit is child abuse
Posted by legsdiamond, Wed May-11-16 07:29 AM
13019407, too real
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-11-16 08:37 AM
13019313, Shoulder checking people who dont move over on the sidewalk
Posted by ry 213, Tue May-10-16 11:36 PM
13019328, Driving my car into kids who think they're cool walking in the street
Posted by CaptNish, Wed May-11-16 01:21 AM
How cool are you when you can't walk!?

Chill. Lol
13019340, speeding up to hit bicyclists or jay walkers
Posted by Binlahab, Wed May-11-16 04:34 AM
i pray everyday for sanity because if one day i suddenly snap, i will probably kill someone
13020546, you would lose your mind (more) in Philly
Posted by exactopposite, Thu May-12-16 01:58 PM
13019394, Taking notes for ref. Somebody gonna be in the news one day
Posted by Case_One, Wed May-11-16 08:28 AM

13019424, Good. Take notes. You could use the reading and writing practice.
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 08:55 AM
13019470, LMAO!
Posted by Pete Burns, Wed May-11-16 09:34 AM
13019631, lulz
Posted by luminous, Wed May-11-16 11:57 AM
13019649, Rekkkkkt
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-11-16 12:08 PM
13019824, lol
Posted by Cenario, Wed May-11-16 02:33 PM
13020406, Yeah, you'll be in someone's court room as a defendant.
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 12:26 PM

13020429, RE: Yeah, you should be in a Sylvan as a student
Posted by veritas, Thu May-12-16 12:37 PM
13020467, RE: Yeah, you should be in a Sylvan as a student
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 01:03 PM
^^ Talking about me. "in a Sylvan" or did you me "attending Sylvan
or "going to Sylvan"?
13020498, Damn you accidentally ethered yourself lol
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu May-12-16 01:29 PM
"You should be in a Sylvan as a student" is fine

Just like:

You should be in a Sears as a consumer

You should be in a McDonalds as an employee

You should be in a Bed Bath and Beyond as a personal shopper

All fine lol
13020513, 'in a Sylvan class as a student" is correct.
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 01:43 PM
Anything else is just lazy.
13020531, RE: "attend a Sylvan as a student" is correct.
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 01:49 PM
But you can be lazy.
13020767, yeah you clearly didn't "attend a Harvard." Fuckin dolt.
Posted by veritas, Thu May-12-16 07:43 PM

13020897, ^^ The old "You didn't attend Harvard" retort.
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-13-16 08:19 AM

13020921, lmao.. yeah this aint a fair fight lol
Posted by Amritsar, Fri May-13-16 08:40 AM
you're picking on the kid who doesn't "read good" in class lol
13021228, Please don't be a sellout.
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-13-16 01:14 PM
His comment was lazy. But hey if that's what you're willing to settle for then do you.
13021210, lol
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-13-16 12:58 PM
13021209, No, no, wrong
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Fri May-13-16 12:56 PM
>"You should be in a Sylvan as a student" is fine
>Just like:
>You should be in a Sears as a consumer
>You should be in a McDonalds as an employee
>You should be in a Bed Bath and Beyond as a personal shopper
>All fine lol

It's not you should be in a Toyota, it's you should be in a Toyota car.

Because this is a refined message board filled with thoughtful turns of phrase and impeccable spelling. There's no room for perfectly correct expressions that exemplify real life communication.
13021237, ^^ Here's a Hug. Now go play in a busy street.
Posted by Case_One, Fri May-13-16 01:19 PM

13021541, Didn't realise you were so sensitive. Sorry man.
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Sat May-14-16 04:41 AM
I'll wait till you've let go of your thin skinned hate before having a joke with someone else where you might see and get caught in your feelings.

You can let your thinly veiled hate out in the meantime. It's alright lil bro.
13021606, You're saying and doing to much extra
Posted by Case_One, Sat May-14-16 04:50 PM
But that's what you're good at. Been that way since the garden.
13021613, So much hate from a grammar insecurity
Posted by Ted Gee Seal, Sat May-14-16 06:06 PM
Good you let it out here though little bro. Give a chance for Jesus' love to take your hate's place.
13019454, Go look for more ponzi schemes disguised as sermons and post them
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed May-11-16 09:24 AM
Or anything else that doesn't involve up you fucking up a perfectly light hearted post.
13020407, Here's a bag full of hugs. Now go fall off an overpass.
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 12:27 PM

13020629, get back to feecing that flock of yours
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu May-12-16 03:15 PM
13020493, Whats weird is that he actually will
Posted by cgonz00cc, Thu May-12-16 01:27 PM
And would have regardless
13020516, Do you wake up with lies on your breath?
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 01:44 PM

13020639, Lol nobody asked your wack ass to chime in.
Posted by Cold Truth, Thu May-12-16 03:22 PM
Seriously, for all your bullshit policing you stay throwing darts all over this place.

You can't resist the draw yet you stay taking me to task for jabs just like this- unless, of course, the target is socially acceptable to shit on.

Sorry but you'll have to find another partner for a dog pile.
13020758, oh shit, a beef within a beef
Posted by justin_scott, Thu May-12-16 07:18 PM
13019808, smh.....snitchery.
Posted by rorschach, Wed May-11-16 02:14 PM


13020478, Nah, Just gonna be like, Yeah I knew it. and then turn the channel
Posted by Case_One, Thu May-12-16 01:14 PM

13019437, I have to resist the urge to....
Posted by TR808, Wed May-11-16 09:09 AM
grab a woman's booty....

I know this is completely inappropiate so i fight this urge all the time.

13019443, Deleting Case_one's posts on sight.
Posted by Triptych, Wed May-11-16 09:14 AM
13019472, definitely not psychopathic. Arguably abuse of moderation powers but
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 09:36 AM
Def not psycho.
13019479, #ImNotAMod
Posted by Triptych, Wed May-11-16 09:41 AM
13019480, Chase the scared woman who chose to judge me just cuz i'm black
Posted by OKdamn, Wed May-11-16 09:41 AM
13019491, Backing into the old man at day care who blocks the driveway
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed May-11-16 09:50 AM
Not really old but I’d say he’s about 50.

I’d say he’s done this about twenty times in the five years I’ve been taking my daughter to daycare. This idiot will park his fucking car in front of the driveway parallel to the street knowing full well there’s a car in the driveway. There have been times where I’d be walking OUT with my daughter as he pulls up and he starts walking IN as I’m putting her in her car seat.

He’s either stupid or extremely absent minded but the fact that I’ve had to point out that I’m about to leave and ask him to move his car in situations where it’s crystal clear drives me up the wall. I want to floor the gas and t-bone his ass.
13019494, Teach teens how to curse right. Alot of them sound rediculous.
Posted by OKdamn, Wed May-11-16 09:51 AM
It's not shudafukup it's shut the fuck up
13019551, bulldozing or ramming idiots on the road in traffic
Posted by queenie, Wed May-11-16 10:29 AM
slapping people in staff meetings
crotch grabbing guys with beards
flipping a table of food at a gathering lol

It's plenty of money to be made
from Candler Road to Bankhead
It's plenty of room to get paid
for those that ain't scared
13019556, pushing liquor bottles off the shelf and watching them break.
Posted by tha_scientist, Wed May-11-16 10:39 AM
Like that seen in Zombieland where they break everything.
I just want to run down the aisle in a store while pushing the bottles off the shelves.
13019559, I want to run over the kids in my subdivision,
Posted by JFrost1117, Wed May-11-16 10:45 AM
That blatantly refuse to use the sidewalk.

If their mama be on that "Why'd he have to hit my baby?!" fuckshit, I'ma run her ass over, too.
13019564, Tripping kindergarteners
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-11-16 10:55 AM
Their lack of coordination is hilarious to me
13019566, Elbow the fat and/or elderly slow walkers in Wal Mart
Posted by Amritsar, Wed May-11-16 10:56 AM
13019569, i wanna throw a 5 gallon water bottle through the window and watch
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 10:58 AM
It fall 17 floors and explode on the street below.
13019573, Sagging.
Posted by double negative, Wed May-11-16 11:00 AM
i want to violently pull those pants up. You are wearing skinny jeans my g, its not a good look to sag 90s style in skinny jeans. A bit sure, but full on ass out sagging is dead.
13020051, ^^^ this one.
Posted by Flash80, Wed May-11-16 07:51 PM
some of the same kids complaining they can't get a decent job.
13019575, Soooo no one is going to cop to the urge of wanting to squeeze
Posted by Buddy_Gilapagos, Wed May-11-16 11:01 AM
random taa taas or booties?

Cool me neither.

"Everyone has a plan until you punch them in the face. Then they don't have a plan anymore." (c) Mike Tyson

"what's a leader if he isn't reluctant"
13019584, 4 and 48 are on it. Sundress season is like a parade of animal urges
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 11:08 AM
Gotta fight hard to remember these ladies are complex people with feelings who are worthy of respect and empathy and kindness, not just sexual objects.

Delicious, exquisite sexual objects.

13019625, outchea where they wear barely anything in the spring and summer
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Wed May-11-16 11:51 AM
good LAWHWD I look at 'em like "them titties look nice and joogly, they gotta feel like the softest pillows and some of them unchained asses you just wanna run up on 'em, grab two handfuls, rub 'em like a genie bottle, and motorboat them cheeks.

... But I would never do that... jussayin...

"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
13020014, nothing psychopathic bout that bruh
Posted by dustin, Wed May-11-16 05:46 PM
13019639, grabbing the hair....
Posted by luminous, Wed May-11-16 12:01 PM
of that white girl that jumps in front of me at a concert and then proceeds to fling her long stringy hair in my face every 5 seconds....

okay, i've actually done this... but not as often as I would like to.... lulz
13019803, I want to run over people that walk while texting.
Posted by rorschach, Wed May-11-16 02:10 PM
I live in a college town and these kids just hit the button and start going even they don't have it. There's a not even a pause where they look up to see if its clear. They just walk out.

Texters are more dangerous and unpredictable than deer. Seriously.

I feel like I shouldn't be charged with anything if someone walks in front of my car like that. I have to stop a car in order to keep myself from hitting them. All they have to do is pay attention.

13019811, running up to saggers and kicking them in the ass
Posted by Mynoriti, Wed May-11-16 02:18 PM
13020502, I wish I could make Fleece Johnson materialize behind every one of them
Posted by PoppaGeorge, Thu May-12-16 01:33 PM
"aye... aye aye aye boi... you c'mere... I likes ya... and I wants ya... and uh... we can do this the easy way or da hard way..."



"Where was the peace when we were getting shot? Where's the peace when we were getting laid out?
Where is the peace when we are in the back of ambulances? Where is the peace then?
They don't want to call for peace then.
13020859, you want to summon a rapist behind teenagers? I mean..okay
Posted by Brotha Sun, Fri May-13-16 06:50 AM
13021217, Yes, because he couldn't have been joking at all
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri May-13-16 01:04 PM
That's exactly what he wanted, you caught him red handed.

Is your daily outrage diet met yet?
13021550, As if jokes occur in a vacuum.
Posted by Brotha Sun, Sat May-14-16 09:46 AM
"its a joke" is such a lazy copout.
13019815, Laughing when men get emotional in front of me
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Wed May-11-16 02:21 PM
I'm not heartless. Men don't emote as often as women do so when they do it looks awkward.
13019830, *has heart attack* dies early*
Posted by double negative, Wed May-11-16 02:39 PM
13019839, *Kanye Shrug* The cost of patriarchy I suppose. nm
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Wed May-11-16 02:49 PM
13019820, tripping kids when they walk past me
Posted by RobOne4, Wed May-11-16 02:29 PM
13019825, Neck-chopping ppl who use their phone flash during concerts
Posted by caramelapplebttms, Wed May-11-16 02:33 PM
Like, right behind me, because it reflects off my glasses.
After I asked nicely and suggested she get closer, or take her video recording aspirations seriously and get some real equipment and a real gig doing that kind of work.

13020053, and shooting video
Posted by Flash80, Wed May-11-16 07:58 PM
>Like, right behind me, because it reflects off my glasses.
>After I asked nicely and suggested she get closer, or take her
>video recording aspirations seriously and get some real
>equipment and a real gig doing that kind of work.

exhibit A why i attend less and less concert these days (aside from getting older).

some asshole 20-something a couple seats away from me held up his ipad the ENTIRE fucking time when i saw jurassic 5 last year. yay, you're shooting video that you'll forgot a couple weeks from now anyway after all your friends have *liked* it.

13019844, Every day I wish I had the Purple Man's power or was telekinetic...
Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-11-16 02:52 PM
...then I thank the stars that I don't, because I seriously fucking abuse them. I'd wreak havoc on anyone why slightly pissed me off. I'd be an absolute menace.
13020020, ^^^ co sign all of this.
Posted by Cold Truth, Wed May-11-16 05:59 PM
I’m well past the point of wanting to use such a power for anything altruistic. I’d be a billionaire and anyone fucking with me and mine would be absolutely terrified of showers, baths, clean clothes, and would eat nothing but funyuns.

Or an overwhelming urge to punch themselves in the crotch whenever someone tries to shake their hand.
13020019, Also a little surprised at how many people here fight the urge...
Posted by mrhood75, Wed May-11-16 05:56 PM
...to tell people to pull their damn pants up.

The graying of OKP.
13020049, grabbing the cell phone from someone talking loudly on it...
Posted by Flash80, Wed May-11-16 07:47 PM
on public transit, and throwing it against the wall.
13020071, my job is above a Jimmy John's. There are at least a dozen
Posted by veritas, Wed May-11-16 08:51 PM
Overripe avocados sitting by the dumpster.

I want to take them up to the office and throw them out the window so badly.
13020357, Do it fam. What floor are you on?
Posted by dustin, Thu May-12-16 11:43 AM
Throwing old avocados out a window sounds like a lot of fun for some reason
13020103, rubbing on girls' big foreheads
Posted by -DJ R-Tistic-, Wed May-11-16 11:15 PM
It's some weird shit I always get the urge to do. It ain't sexua at all, I just like rubbing big ass smith foreheads. I'll only do it if it's my girl and she's cool with it, though
13020121, Pushing random people down an escalator. No idea why.
Posted by kwez, Thu May-12-16 05:27 AM
13020133, Drive my sedan off road.
Posted by Lardlad95, Thu May-12-16 07:23 AM
Especially on the highway, I want to just be like, "Fuck it" and start driving off into a field or something.

I also really want to thrown shit out of windows. Phones, food, people. I just want to chuck it and keep moving.

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players:
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts..." -The Bard
13020430, people who don't pull out into the intersection when making a left
Posted by ambient1, Thu May-12-16 12:37 PM
hand turn on a green light.....

I visualize myself getting out the car and runnin up on em and laying these mighty paws pon dem
13021213, ugh, hate that along with people in a turn only lane that also has a turn
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-13-16 01:01 PM
signal, but has a regular green light that stop at the corner instead of moving up. They wind up preventing multiple cars from turning.

except for when i'm not in the turn lane yet, i usually just slide up in front of them lol
13020464, Petting someone's dog or puppy.
Posted by Kira, Thu May-12-16 12:57 PM
You ever see someone's dog or puppy and just want to pet them for a few minutes? I ran up on a police dog in another country and started petting him until the cops came up to me after the dog started growling.

Fuck cats tho with their lazy asses.


Does anyone else have to resist the urge to call 911 after seeing a suspicious white male in the vicinity that looks like they're up to no good? I call 911 anytime I see a white male with carrying a gun open carry or not. They might be en route to commit some terrorism and I'll be damned if I get caught in the crossfire.
13020518, murdering random white people
Posted by exactopposite, Thu May-12-16 01:45 PM
I mean they been offing my people for centuries what's a couple of them gone in the scheme of things? It's frowned upon but I bet it would fee great.
13020526, .
Posted by exactopposite, Thu May-12-16 01:47 PM
13020789, Horsecollar tackling slow walkers/screen zombies like Im Roy Williams
Posted by J_Stew, Thu May-12-16 09:51 PM
the OU and Cowboys Safety, not the basketball coach.
13020794, driving into cars poking far into the street from parking centers etc
Posted by rdhull, Thu May-12-16 10:48 PM
13021214, Completely totaling cars that intentionally double park
Posted by Paps_Smear, Fri May-13-16 01:01 PM
I get it, you have a nice ass car.

I would also like to have a parking spot, but I can't, because you fuckin double parked thinking you'll keep cars away from yours so they don't mess you up. Well, here's to you Mr. Assface.

*throws stick of dynamite in car*
13021231, double park or hog?
Posted by Cenario, Fri May-13-16 01:17 PM
13021544, shoot the tires out of people who cut me off on the road
Posted by wluv, Sat May-14-16 07:41 AM
been thinking about this one for years
13021575, Sucking a few if my coworker's toes on the job
Posted by Garhart Poppwell, Sat May-14-16 12:57 PM
At least the ones that are down with it, that is. When they cone in with the sheer stockings and open toed heels, I have to remind myself that I'm on the job.
13021593, pushing-over wobbly toddlers
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat May-14-16 02:58 PM
13021594, ice grilling waspy yt folks in line @ retail stores
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat May-14-16 03:01 PM
13021595, letting my inner n-word out @ the job
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat May-14-16 03:02 PM
13021596, d-bo'ing the WHOLE peppermint bowl on my way out of restaurants
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat May-14-16 03:04 PM
13021598, yt guy was walking his pitbull (unleashed) + it started jogging toward me
Posted by 2.tears.in.a.bucket, Sat May-14-16 03:13 PM
@ that moment i WISHED i had my blade so i could STAB IT THROUGH ITS BRAIN

god knows